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but for that I need the new massive engines which are a top-tier tech
well I just don't know any other good competitive multiplayer games except FPS
well, it could be cooperative. Those are fun too
oo, how about left4dead? If we can get enough people together for both human and zombie teams, that'd be fun :D
but yes, I'd definitely be up for playing something
well l4d sounds good. except I've never played for with human zombies in it
a couple of us could get a civ5 game together too
@Abyx that is literally the best :D
@jalf +1
ah you really need to play L4D2
L4D was too easy for Survivors
though L4D2
just camp in corner with automatic shotgun = instant win.
anyone up for an xcom match or two btw? :D
We should play more nerdy games like Go :P
lots of possibilities
oh, actually I even have l4d2 installed
@CatPlusPlus the one they just dug out of the desert? :D
ET is only fun on fuel dump
on any other map rifle granades are OP beyond oblivion
also you need at least 8 people for ET
what's ET?
that being said, I'd play :3
@Abyx RTCW spinoff, Enemy Territory
oh, I was thinking of the other ET :p
It's not really a mod
oh right, it was a standalone game IIRC
| genre = Adventure | modes = Single player | platforms = Atari 2600 | media = 16Kb ROM cartridge | input = Atari joystick }} E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (also referred to simply as E.T.) is a 1982 adventure video game developed and published by Atari, Inc. for the Atari 2600 video game console. It is based on the film of the same name, and was designed by Howard Scott Warshaw. The objective of the game is to guide the eponymous character through various screens to collect three pieces of an interplanetary telephone that will allow him to contact his home planet. Warshaw intended the game...
@BartekBanachewicz You need to be good at aiming to hit people with rifle grenades, therefore the solution is to get everyone drunk
@CatPlusPlus ooh. never thought about it
there is that Quake Enemy Territory IIRC
Quake Wars
yeah, that was a different thing
also Risk of Rain!
who's up for that? :D
@jalf no one have heard of it I guess
people should hear of it. And then buy it and play it with me
because it's lovely
I don't really like it that much
well, you suck then :p
I think that either L4D2 or ET should be fine
they are popular and most of the people have them
I'm kinda bored with L4D2
so, personally I'd like to play CS:GO, but L4D2 is also ok
I'd play CS or ET
we don't have to settle on just one game though. We should just start using the group in general imo
yeah I nearly put myself into orbit by accident with the jetpack..
@DeadMG I got into orbit once. Then it ran out of fuel, making a rescue mission quite tricky :D
ET is also free
problem is
when he's bouncing along the ground at 100m/s
you can't use his jetpack to slow him down
had to send a rocket to minmus, intercept the orbiting kerbal, and then carefully bump into him and nudge him to get him within reach of the cabin hatch
@CatPlusPlus is it really worth playing?
then quickly switch to the verbal and grab onto it
@Abyx Yes
@Abyx ET is fucking awesome
didn't realize anybody still played it
It's still maintained even
wait, you are referring to the Wolfenstein version, right/
not the terrible QW
Wolfenstein ET was nice.
but still, 8 people is a reasonable minimum
I've never played QW
Phone home.
1. Me
2. Cat
3. Puppy
4. Jalf
5. Abyx
6. leftfold
wut? it's even opensource (not that it really matters)
2 more.
@Abyx it's sorta abandonware
I could maybe possibly get two more people from my place
Splash Damage opensourced it to keep it alive and lo
today 22:00 CEST? :D
eh, for ET?
I'll pass :p
@BartekBanachewicz For what?
@rightfold for ET
I’m not going to play a single damn video game.
@rightfold You're #6. You suck
that's the lounge for you
what, you thought it was realistic to get 8 people together just like that? ;)
@jalf last time I did it with the game jam :v
so, we also have l4d2 and cs which don't require 8 people
I don't play CS tho. Had enough in my life.
anyway I could host a VPN and a dedicated server for ET :P
I am not sure how fast/laggy would be playing over encrypted VPN, been waiting to try it out
I'll be setting up server on jeb anyway
For work :v
@BartekBanachewicz you can't have enough of CS %)
L4D2 you could play with 4 or 8 but no number in between I feel
hmm, lemme look over my steam games, see which ones would be fun
@jalf remember that we don't necessarily have all your hipster games
anyone up for XCOM (with or without EW)? That's 1v1, should be pretty easy to organize
OpenVPN works in a wrong layer to be fast
blade symphony is fun. if you like swords
@BartekBanachewicz don't worry, I'll just keep nagging you until you get them :D
hardly possible
borderlands 1/2?
I'd play but I don't have the original versions :F
they were always so expensive
what, of borderlands?
do they need to be the original versions? (I dunno, haven't tried without)
They're literally in every sale now
I'll buy them eventually
Civ 5?
btw for 3 people there's Trine 2
I could play it again I guess
ooh, I never got around to playing that
well it doesn't really require Trine 1 knowledge
I played Trine 1 about halfway through
and I have bought 2
well if we find one more we could play a couple levels of 2
on some hardcore shit mode
Trine looks kinda... 2d
it is 2d :D
it's an RPG platformer
Oh no nooooooooot 2D
company of heroes 2? (I've yet to play that as well)
My nemesis
Besides it's 3D only camera is fixed in one axis
also, if anyone has a guy in dark souls around lvl100, there might be an opportunity to help me kill Gwyn :p
@CatPlusPlus implementation details :P
I'm terrible at DS
I'm stuck at second boss in DS2
so would there be a third player for trine?
Meh, I never got into it
we'll probably talk through the whole evening instead of playing anyway :F
we could also play LoL I guess
I'm busy right now anyway
@BartekBanachewicz well, even so, it might be a starting point for getting games together on other days :)
I mean, anything that goes from "no one ever uses our steam group for anything", to "we at least acknowledge that it could be used to coordinate games" seems like a step in the right direction
well I'm supposed to be working on the goddamn game engine/editor
btw, Chivalry is free until weekend - is it a good game?
@Abyx ooh
it's nice
I didn't want to bring it up, but since you did
oh fuck I forgot I also needed docking port.
@jalf Personally, I really need to know in advance cause my net is way too shitty to download most games I own on demand.
watch it
this is the best review ever
I like this review a lot.
yeah it does look good
Wow what a crappy video
Seriously, not recording your desktop is not that hard
fuck that
worth for the commentary
who cares really
> I'm killing things! I'm doing well!
Very insightful commentary yes
I got a close vote on my question... ffs
apparently its unclear =/
it wasn't me
wtf is unclear about "IWebmLocator::ConnectServer" hangs in dll how do i fix it =/
it is clear. but we can't help you 'cuz we don't see the code nor can reproduce the issue
The code is in the first link
if i move it inside a dll it hangs
its that simple
otherwise I get the info
well you can step into ConnectServer. not sure if it can help though
Step into it?
it debugger.
or just pause and look where is it
ConnectServer is not my code, its a call to their dll
it just hangs there
on a server wait call iirc
you can debug assembly code, you know
i dont remember the exact name
Why am I eating oranges while I know they make everything itch.
but still, from that code I don't see how it can even detect that you call stuff from a DLL
it's not like you pass HINSTANCE or something like that
it should just work.
maybe you PC is broken
Which makes its a great question, because it should work
@Abyx ive tried it on multiple pcs, the behavior is consistent
try to move some code to .exe
e.g. CoInitializeEx and CoInitializeSecurity
this api is terribly retarded from C++
POSIX isn't much better
and it doesn't have anything similar to COM
welcome to loungec
fuck i commited to a wrong branch
damn it
quick, git rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
@presiuslitelsnoflek are you a monkey?
@presiuslitelsnoflek joke's on you, I'm on windows
@BartekBanachewicz OWNED
meh, not really
Better put your repository under version control.
It was the last commit to a feature branch anyway
and I've committed full feature change to master
git is actually great. rebase -i and push -f ftw
well why don't you move the commit to another branch then
if noone else has your history you're fine
because I'd move it to just merge it back to master
@Abyx I'm an ape, sir
ok so
@presiuslitelsnoflek can you prove it?
I downloaded W:ET and I gotta say
don't play that.
@Abyx yes I can't
@DeadMG why?
it's GPL!
@DeadMG based on what
practically every server runs a bunch of different versions of various mods
you can't filter for unmodded server
so every server is like, "Wait 10 mins to DL then you can maybe play".
we were going to set up our own server anyway
yes, because I was exclusively referring to playing with other Loungers.
also most servers runs on ETPro because it fixes mechanics and balance
I was not referring to ETPro.
also, it has that joyous shit where the game starts in like 640x480 so all your windows are changed location and size :(
playing CS:GO is a lot easier, you just launch the game, click play and you're practically in a game before VS could finish compiling ICEing a single TU
it has the downside of having to play CS instead tho
that game still exists?
they uploaded new textures
i mean, it's disappearing from tournaments
world nearly pissed its pants
Don’t play with Cicada.
don't care about tournaments
She’s Korean.
Don't play with Radek Sputnik.
cs1.6 still have great gameplay
or new textures, frankly.
@presiuslitelsnoflek lol
and gameplay > graphics
IMO if you're HL2 or better, you're fine.
Q3-graphics are starting to look pretty painful though
meh, Q3 will never get old
Q3 was old the day UT was released
so, is anyone up to play cs:go now? @DeadMG?
@rightfold 라이트펄드, 사랑해요~
Awww <3
A: Fastest way to delete one entry from the middle of Array()

Jesse RusakIf you don't care about the order of the items in the array (but just want it to get 1 shorter) you can move the last element of the array to the index to be deleted, then pop the last element off. array[index] = array[array.length-1]; array.pop(); I would guess this is faster, CPU-time-wise, ...

lol that's clever
Hey, that’s pretty neat.
Might use that for my array-based unordered map implementation.
woah my connection detachment works
one of the rare occasions when my js code works at first try
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ok ..Done!
@BartekBanachewicz s/works/seems to work/
@jalf well...
It's js. There are two states it can be in. Either "doesn't work", or "seems to work". :p
@BartekBanachewicz Today I wrote in TypeScript an observable array and some code that listened to it to update an HTML table and it all worked in one shot. :v
Also, why is this not part of the DOM API? :V
TypeScript <3
so, anyone up for a game that isn't CS?
What do you propose
Um, depends on what, if anything, anyone else is up for. :D
I listed a bunch an hour or so ago :D
well that was fun
owned Abyx and some random third guy
despite having a ping three times higher than both of theirs put together
you play CS too much
but yeah that was fun
would be great if we could gather more people next time
ping me next time :)
wonder who #3 was
do we have enough for a l4d team? :p
@DeadMG just some random guy. it was a public server
@StackedCrooked Mushishi is... weird. I've watched 6 episodes so far and I'm not sure what the hell it's about :).
@jalf I could play l4d2
Yessss Dota 2 Stanley Parable announcer pack!
@ScarletAmaranth it looks weird at start but it's still good IMO
@jalf if its l4d2 I can play too
@Abyx I don't understand what the point is... so far :D
@ScarletAmaranth well IIRC there is no point. just nice scenery and Japanese mythology
it doesn't feel as though any of the stories is particularly interesting
@ScarletAmaranth yeah... they aren't. and there is no ecchi as well
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that's a good close reason
@Abyx =)
wish my gold PHP badge made it binding
Did we just lounge a PHP question?
I mean, it's gotta be good for something, right?
@Mysticial woop woop
nice one guys
the original proposal for gold badge votes was that non-dupe votes would count as 3 votes instead of 1.
@Mysticial It's a shitty question, no matter what language.
@Abyx well, we need 4 or 8 imo
@ScarletAmaranth obviously it's about the mushishi :P
@jalf if 1 is ok, then 2 or 3 would do
@StackedCrooked well - I don't get it :D
@Abyx l4d1 you mean? Or is this some kind of inductive reasoning? :p
@Mysticial Oh, you're alive again!
@Mysticial shitty question, shitty language - why not?
@jalf well I mean l2d2 'cuz don't have l2d1 installed
somebody just make a joke about lynching people in #llvm and I immediately responded with a Mafia joke
Trying to convince colleagues to try C++ for embedded systems. I've got a list of reasons it's a good idea but was surprised not to have found the question already asked on SO. Did I overlook it?
@Xeo Yeah. NGNL killed me last night.
@Edward Terrible SO question.
12 hours ago, by Xeo
So, I think @Mysticial died from an overdose of awesome after watching NGNL.
@DeadMG meh IRC shows no log (or is it chatzilla?)
@DeadMG where would it be more appropriate? Electronics?
oftc.net #llvm
@Edward programmers, maybe
@Edward Probably nowhere. I dunno. Ask Meta, they care about categorizing stuff.
@DeadMG "Nowhere" doesn't give many good answers. :)
@Mysticial You really can't know wtf the author is gonna think of next.
getting good answers isn't my concern.
@DeadMG Thanks for your help.
any time.
@Edward well the s.exchange is for Q&A, not for polls or other lists
I'm known for my charming attitude and eager assistance.
that starbait is too obvious ^

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