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ffs what does everyone have against Putin
the West should take the stick out of its arse
party's over - Russia is coming back. get over it
yeahhhh that reminds me I need to move out of Slovakia
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What about being a racist homophobic asshole?
@ScarletAmaranth haha
@R.MartinhoFernandes there is no evidence whatsoever of any of that
and don't give me that "Sochi gay rules" bullshit. politics is so much more complicated than that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You asked what people have against him. Truth is only barely relevant here.
people love to ascribe extremes to political figures based on circumstantial "evidence" without considering any of the nuances
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good point - in that case I accept your response
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Party's over? Communism is a party!
I am thinking Sweden...
or perhaps Norway / Finland
Meh, they have silly drinking laws.
@rightfold it's ONE party, to be precise ;-)
how do you do gray tags?!
Like that.
meta-tag: or how?
Kingdom for gray tags!
Gay tags.
Gay fags. (cheerful cigarette fags; in case we have a flaggot around)
waiting for the evening is worst on fridays...
not if you're a uni student
you have Fridays off, usually
@ScarletAmaranth I'm talking of the real world stuff here :P
@ArneMertz it's worse when there's no point in waiting for the evening on Fridays... because you've got to work weekends too
Whe I was a student I did nt have fridays off - in the first years at least
later I had fridays and wednesdays and thursdays off....
in the current semester, my "biggest of worries" is just my thesis
I only have 4 courses; all of them trivial and boring
durr durr functional programming; "arrows? we won't go that far"
@AlexM. I don't know where you live, but here in Germany there are enough tech jobs that you can chose one where that is not necessary...
it's necessary because I need to make up for lost time unfortunately
I don't want my pay cut for the month
@AlexM. they do that? yuck!
@ScarletAmaranth Move to Portugal!
@R.MartinhoFernandes why would I do that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, move to Germany!
Because some of the best functional programming classes.
We need to annex more Lounge members
ich hasse diese verdamte Sprache...
I had German for 8 years and I can't speak it (for shit)
Hey hey. This has some lineage:
A lot of people for whom English is a second language seem to think that "doubt" == "question" but that's not actually the case. It doesn't make sense for anyone but the doubter to explain why they doubt. We can certainly answer a question for you, though! — Joel Mueller Apr 2 '09 at 17:01
Robot didn't know any German when he moved to Berlin, IIRC
@ScarletAmaranth One of my teachers was (probably still is) a developer on GHC.
@ScarletAmaranth verdammte, dachte ich so
if it's written I can manage, if it's spoken I am fucked
@sehe That doesn't make too much sense
@sehe schlag mich doch
@Xeo Verdammen?
@ScarletAmaranth gerne bien volontiers
Oh wait, 'verdammte' was the correction to his phrase
@sehe I meant the 'dachte ich so'
the 'so' is weird
Ah. A dutchism
SO is weird, yeah, these people, man
Yeah. It's getting worse everyday
@ScarletAmaranth "I had the measles"
I think my major problem with speaking German is that I encounter it... nowhere
(not that I am actively attempting to, I do admit that)
5 mins ago, by Xeo
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, move to Germany!
you're like Putin, but he annexes territories instead
The pirate, Martin and Andy are just gonna get confined somewhere in Berlin, so that's three more.
@GuyL actually, making it self-contained beats grappling with line numbers. People can just reproduce it by copying/compiling :) — sehe 9 secs ago
@Xeo They announced Berlin as "the new Sillicon Valley of Europe" on the radio the other day
Hmm, there are no std::complex distributions :S
So annoying when the standard library triggers #10: If your library does not play nice with the standard library, I will hate you.
You need random complex numbers?
> ps.addBitch("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHICKS=1"); // Spot the error?
why don't you just generate 2 random numbers for the complex pair?
Not the point.
Jumping through hoops is the annoying part.
what's a good complex distribution?
seems everyone except Mathematica basically tells you to do 2 random numbers from a distribution of your choice
> Greetings Readers.Next up is an game of chess implemented in C++.It is a 2 player game which make use of the graphics library in C++.The game also accepts Keyboard Inputs for movement.
what's #include <graphics.h> again?
> Just curious. You set a lot of class variables as private. Any reason why you do that? LOLWAT
> ^Orogonally they were publoc, I thought I should make them private just to see if that was the cause of this bug. Im still very much a beginner when it comes to O-O programming.
@Rapptz Nothing C++. It's a super old DOS header I think.
yeah he also includes #include <dos.h> whatever that is
I found it on reddit
well, it's the Windows.h of DOS.
Q: Alternatives to graphics.h

nikhilWe have an introductory course to Computer Graphics this semester in college. There is no recommended way on how to go about the Lab exercises. Most of the students are resorting to Turbo C and the inbuilt graphics.h header file. I'm a little apprehensive about this, Turbo C is a thing of the 70...

@DeadMG I know (I was joking)
Is it Borland specific?
don't believe so
lol is it bad that I'm not surprised it's Turbo C++ and by an Indian? :s
> Note:All above code has been tested in Turbo C++ Compiler in Windows Xp Service Pack-3.
C++Builder is a rapid application development (RAD) environment, originally developed by Borland and owned by Embarcadero Technologies, for writing programs in the C++ programming language targeting Windows and OS X. C++Builder combines the Visual Component Library and IDE written in Delphi with a C++ compiler. Most components developed in Delphi can be used in C++Builder with no or little modification, although the reverse is not true. C++Builder includes tools that allow drag-and-drop visual development, making programming easier by incorporating a WYSIWYG graphical user interfac...
The current version is from September 11th last year...
@FredOverflow DON'T TOUCH! It's the worst piece of crap I ever had to work with. Granted, I have to use the 2010 version, but the 32bit compiler has not changed much in the newer versions.
Maybe you need to be exposed to more representative crap?
Use Emacs noob.
@FredOverflow the current versions are not "Turbo C++"...
No Low Level Programming is better ?, Please explain this then ? Sometimes I wonder why beginners worry about stuff like that before they can even write the simplest stuff...
embarcadero or simething
@sehe yes
hilarious really, he clearly doesn't even know what low-level is.
@FredOverflow Why do you browse gamedev.net?
@Rapptz Sometimes I search for stackoverflow questions on Google, and some results are on gamedev.net and then I lose control and start browsing :(
@Rapptz Gooood point
uhm speaking of it.... Debugger so great: double click a pointer to see the value it points to...
@FredOverflow lol @ the guy's username: "the incredible smoker"
@ArneMertz Kommt der Fehler erst beim Doppelklick auf einen Zeiger?
Don't ever click on pointers!
@FredOverflow this is a very good answer to that
> If it takes ten times as much code as it would to program in Haskell, that is all right, because the IDE will generate half of it for you, and you are still being paid to write the other half. So you turn the crank, draw your paycheck, and you don't have to worry about the fact that it takes at least twice as long and the design is awful.
> You can't solve any really hard design problems, but there is a book you can use to solve some of the medium-hard ones, and solving those involves cranking out a lot more Java code, for which you will also be paid. You are a coder, your job is to write code, and you write a lot of code, so you are doing your job and everyone is happy.
Sooo looking forward to becoming a Java programmer someday :D
I don't feel good when the code I write doesn't look nice.
Walter Bright, is that you?
"I get paid for it anyway" is not why I am doing it.
@FredOverflow IT WANTS TO FLY.
@rightfold So what's the analogy in programming? Beautiful code looks like it wants to be compiled? ;)
@FredOverflow yes
error: ambiguous conversion for static_cast from '...' (aka '...') to 'std::__1::complex<double>'
/usr/include/c++/v1/complex|382 col 29| note: candidate is the implicit copy constructor
/usr/include/c++/v1/complex|382 col 29| note: candidate is the implicit move constructor
If the code I just wrote doesn't want to fly, I will rewrite it so that it does.
Seems like a bug to me.
And if the language doesn't allow that, I will not be productive.
@FredOverflow the debugger does not seem to know the definition of the pointee's class - which is new.
Or can you think up a way the copy and move ctors would be candidates in an ambiguous conversion?
High-quality tools or gtfo.
GCC accepts the code just fine. Working on a SSCCE now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what is ...?
Same issue with clang+libstdc++ too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Const rvalue reference?
Move ctor is not a candidate for that because const.
suppoe so
@rightfold that... sounds about like how it is done...
bah, think our router is broken
@DeadMG vOv it's gettin you on chat
> I don't believe a game counsel actually used hardware interface since the early to mid 90's ...
Nonsense overflow.
Thanks @Fred.
hard to convince a CPU to execute a program without an interface to said CPU.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol. "Counsel"s rarely do have hardware interfaces.
gamedev.net seems such a pit of horrible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What is a game counsel?
@rightfold we're std::istream_iterator<std::out_cast>
@FredOverflow It's what you need when you are a bad loser
@rightfold You and I require pride and fulfilment in our work
Some programmers are cunts who do not
These people predominantly work at Microsoft and Facebook.
^ those are facts
The L-law Le Linked List Law laws low: lazy learners loath linked list, le learners lap lore like limp lamprey
ಠ_ಠ my god that took too much time. All praise the alliteration!
I love you. 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 — Lightness Races in Orbit 22 secs ago
good guy indian
@thecoshman meh
@R.MartinhoFernandes @Xeo any idea?
komlenic.com/244/8-reasons-why-mysqls-enum-data-type-is-evil <-- some good points here but misses the big downsides of all his suggestions
I forgave a friend ... I guess if I didn't, I would soon have no friend ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes where's the SSCCE? ;-)
@telkitty.exe What did the friend do?
It's silly ... we were supposed to visit another friend who was in the hospital together. But the friend in the hospital said she's not ready to receive visitors until Monday. She went to visit that friend on Sunday with someone else anyways ...
apparently she was dragged in very last minute
@ArneMertz Seems to require a lot of stuff.
@telkitty.exe and it took you until friday to forgive that litte something?
@telkitty.exe uh yeah, it happened to me
not the forgiving bit, the soon have no friend for not forgiving bit
@R.MartinhoFernandes holy god man that thing you linked is incredibly well written /cc @Xeo
> SE/SO is where highly intelligent programmers go to get back at all the kids who bullied them in school.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hey scumbag! you deleted your comment!
she didn't ask to meet up for dinner until today so I can't forgive someone who did not ask for forgiveness ...
a good night's sleep would be nice
@telkitty.exe in that regard, that particular friend never said he was sorry, even after getting back together
@thecoshman eh?
oh for fuck's sake you bag of shit moderators
but I guess that's his way of doing stuff no idea
I put it back.
Q: How can I best maintain integrity between two columns in a table?

Lightness Races in OrbitHypothetically, I have an ENUM column named Category, and an ENUM column named Subcategory. I will sometimes want to SELECT on Category alone, which is why they are split out. CREATE TABLE `Bonza` ( `EventId` UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Category` ENUM("a", "b", "c") NOT N...

@thecoshman "fly" doesn't mean "run" :)
flying is running in the air
@AlexM. I guess in both case, it was implicit - if I ask to catch up with you and you 'are busy', then you did not forgive me?
Friendship takes effort to maintain
But I guess if I know someone for like ... ever, then I would take some kind of effort to maintain it ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes ouch...
@telkitty.exe yeah I was actually surprised to see how easy ours was broken after being friends for so long
Somewhere in this video.
I have no audio and YouTube is too primitive to support searching within spoken text.
after not knowing about each other for a whole year eventually he found someone else to waste time with, and there was no need for me anymore
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, copy/move has nothing to do with it.
it's just listing all the constructors that could possibly be used.
so me going back to see how he was doing was really pointless
and the compiler is right, I believe.
@DeadMG Hmm, yeah, this is not a repro, after all.
GCC rejects it too.
all of the candidates listed could compile for some U.
with mine it is a lot more complicated because friends are friends with other friends
there are people I don't bother be friend with, some I make some effort - especially the ones I know for 5 or more years
I don't like make too much effort because that friendship is just not worth it
sounds like you've still got some friends going on about there, even if you take out the one you talked about
Figured it out.
I am a female which means I have mostly female friends. My friends care about friendship a lot more than me. They think I am the same - I am not. If I was, I wouldn't here
Gonna make it a puzzle.
I added the managed and managed-c++ tags, and could not help but chuckle at the tag wiki for the latter: "Managed C++ is a now deprecated Microsoft set of deviations from C++..." — DevSolar 18 secs ago
My friends openly told me that they want to be loved
> Does JAVA is that bad for game programing as everyone says it is ? For example - C++ vs JAVA it's like comparing Lamborghini vs Lada or it's more like Lamborghini vs Ferrari ? The main argument to defend JAVA is minecraft, a game that has no textures or physics ? LOL
@telkitty.exe Who doesn't?
Good question here:
Q: Declaring a function as defaulted after its first declaration

goodbyeeraIn 8.4.2 Explicitly-defaulted functions [dcl.fct.def.default] of the standard, Explicitly-defaulted functions and implicitly-declared functions are collectively called defaulted functions, and the implementation shall provide implicit definitions for them (12.1 12.4, 12.8), which might ...

> First of all I would like to introduce myself, my name is Vytautas, I'm 2nd semester computer science student, currently living in Denmark. I'm straight forward person so in that case I'll ask you one question: I want to dive into game programming and overall development, how do I do that ?
Oh, my.
@FredOverflow lol
@FredOverflow I don't care about it as much?
@rightfold He cannot even spell "Java" and "programming" correctly :)
@telkitty.exe You don't want to be loved?
OP accepted my answer while another one was vastly superior. :(
Does Minecraft really have no textures?
It has textures.
It also has physics.
@rightfold Okay so what car is JAVA? ;)
@FredOverflow read 'don't care as much' ... not 'don't want'
I like to be loved. From afar.
C++ is Toyota.
@telkitty.exe I'm a only-one-friend kind of guy
having too many of them would be exhausting for me lol
@FredOverflow It is like "I don't care about having beef noodle soup for lunch much" is different from "I don't want beef noodle soup"
Haskell doesn't exist as a car yet, since cars mutate their positions rather than cloning themselves with slightly changed positions and then deleting the originals.
Love Letter is a nice game for lunch break
Haskell is a hovercraft
@rightfold You mean clone the world with slightly different origin
@AlexM. you are a guy, it is okay for guys to be loners :p
I don't think that is necessarily the cause
they'll sue anyone for anything
a toy yoda, that's funny
@telkitty.exe the other guy is fine with having a full circle of friends now
a full circle of friends within a year ... amazing
what I wanted to say is, I care about friendship enough to actually be aware that if I lose my only friend I won't have anyone else to go to
it ususally takes me about 3 years before I call someone my friend ... can be faster if I see the person everyday outside work settings ...
@telkitty.exe yeah when I saw that, including him getting a girlfriend, I thought I was the one holding him back all these years
@telkitty.exe How long before you call someone your boyfriend?
no comment
Room topic changed to: Lounge<Therapy> For all your psychoemotional needs
Telkitty calls someone her boyfriend ten minutes before meeting them.
I don't remember I called anyone my boyfriend on this chat ever, I used the word 'date' ... even though I could have dated the same person for a couple of months ...
@Xeo :P
Most efficient.
my neck
I cracked it.
> I haven't learnt much on classes because i realised the '~' key exists periodically on the computer i'm using. ROTFL
> if i'm writing a program, after a certain time, the symbols and their keys change and only then does ~ work.
Or similar
I think it used to be alt-shift?
I think it is Ctrl+Alt
@DeadMG Don't forget to fart
Now we have all combinations :)
@FredOverflow .. wow
@Xeo I laughed so hard my belly aches :)
Speaking of ~.
I still have to configure my computer to recognize the key next to shift as ~.
And swap alt and super.
I don't suppose we have a resident MSI expert here?
There's no such thing. Reach for your inner expert.
A: Visual Studio keyboard generates wrong characters

Charles AndersonI had a similar problem (on Windows XP), where my keyboard settings would change without me knowing. @ would swap with “, # with /, etc. It turned out that there’s a built-in Windows keyboard shortcut to swap between keyboard layouts, and it’s ALT + Shift! I must have been accidentally pressing t...

@sehe Turns out you were right.
> When i started programming, i knew one thing, i had to learn almost everything there is to learn because i have very dreamy goals and i don't mind spending a time because i know that it is useful. If i didn't want to spend time, i won't have continued with c++ after seeing loops.
This guy is killing me.
The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) http://youtu.be/BKorP55Aqvg #painfully #true My motto "The Expert is invariably the one with the most patience".
@FredOverflow lol is that from gamedev.net too?
Well, I've already had to swallow my pride and become our kerberos expert. I really do not want to also be a windows installer expert :(
@FredOverflow That used to really piss me off
I'd want to get some sleep.
Q: Returning to C++

pbsThe last time I used C++ was before it could be managed. Recently, though, I've returned from Java to see that C++ can now be managed ! It didn't take me long to realise what gcnew and ^ were used for. However, I'm getting a little stuck with containers. How can I create a container whose eleme...

> The last time I used C++ was before it could be managed. Recently, though, I've returned from Java to see that C++ can now be managed !
@jalf lol that would suck
@jalf I'm becoming our Java expert :S I guess I already was, but it's not really what I came here to do
@Xeo I played Love Letter at Ben's place once. Mascarade is still my favourite in that genre.
@sehe Nice.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I should bring Mascarade to work
shit, I can hardly hold my damn head up.
Aaaaaand morning.
@DeadMG use your neck
it appears to be lacking the required energy
@Xeo Have you seen the rules for 3 players?
The other day there were three of us waiting for the rest to play BSG so I brought out Mascarade and we played three. Each person gets two characters and when you activate one you need to tell which of the two cards you think it is. It's a complete fuck up, in a good way.
The C++ UG is inviting people to do 5-minute lightning talks for the next meeting. I'm thinking of doing something.
Talk about how auto sucks and everybody should use tab indentation
@R.MartinhoFernandes wide so awesum
I have discovered that there is a bar with consoles and board games
twould be awesumer if I could hold my head up.
And they have good whiskey
Depending on how much code you can afford to write Asio is enough. In fact, no libraries at all could be enough. There's Casablanca for windows and some linux support — sehe 6 secs ago
Also, more BSG this weekend. I love that game.
Pulled another one of my crazy toaster stunts last week.
Correction: You love fucking everybody up as a Cylon
> what i need is multithreaded server with asynchronous I/O for fast and lightweight server
"How many buzzwords you can fit in one sentence"
Everyone started suspecting me, so when my turn comes up, I go "Here, XO on Gaius so he can use the Cylon detector on me".
Big ass gambit.
I am indeed a Cylon. Gaius looks at my cards, and gives them back saying "he was telling the truth".
@R.MartinhoFernandes sry I was off for lunch - Did you solve your prob?
BAM! The two Cylons now know each other.
That is evil
That is awesome
For the human players
@CatPlusPlus Who are you and what did you do to Cat?
We ran every single resource down to 1.
And had all the available Cylon raider miniatures on the board simultaneously.
Just keep rolling bad over and over.
I'm gonna try and squeeze in a nap.
good idea
@Xeo Hey, I also always win when I am a human!
@ArneMertz Yeah.
Compiler error message is misleading.
the disney evil queens are getting more and more loveable ...
now there is even a movie about one of them ...

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