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Women also tied their legs together so they would maintain an elegant pose after death.
There's Jigaki which usually didn't have a kaishakunin but that's just female-only.
@Columbo Same thing.
@Rapptz Consider the context. Harakiri is another name for the same thing, that's precisely why I mentioned it.
He's describing a name for a different ritual.
@Rapptz Ahh
Okay, nvm
Seppuku is just the on'yomi reading while Harakiri is the kun'yomi reading.
Harakiri and seppuku is the same thing, AFAIK, the two kanji characters are just switched in position.
How should I tell my mom and her friends to not smoke around my baby cousin who is coming over for a week or so?
It's common sense to me but yeah.
@Rapptz "Do not smoke inside house or around my baby cousin, please?"
@VáclavZeman Yeah. A straightforward approach is best.
If they refuse and you see them, use "Get the FUCK OUT!"
Optionally kick some ass.
I'd ask her a loaded question
"You're not going to smoke around the baby are you?"
Hm. That sounds like something I'd do.
Prepare for resistance. Smokers are idiots when it comes to defence of their habit.
@Rapptz Start by demanding that they quit smoking completely, forever. Then, as a special concession, agree they can continue smoking as long as they never do it within 100 (yards | meters) of anybody less than 10 years old.
@VáclavZeman I've already told my mom to stop smoking before and she did so for like 2 days and then resumed.
It's irritating.
2 days might be giving her too much credit.
I don't dislike my mom or anything, but this particular habit of her irritates the crap out of me.
@Rapptz Just leave the room with the baby when they start smoking.
And if they ask why tell them why.
Pretty much all smokers I know would not do that or if they did it would be unconscious and they'd stop if asked to.
Or steal their cigarettes and flush them.
@rightføld I think this is a good idea too
Just take the baby away when she lights up
She'll soon learn
Don't steal their cigarettes. That only makes it worse.
If you steal all their cigarettes they can't smoke anymore, problem solved!
I mentioned before they're not cigarettes lol (well, not now but in previous discussions)
I'll just tell her to stop when she starts making the sheesha.
I find it ever so odd
I really can't imagine just lighting up a sheesha for just yourself habitualy
or alternatively
"When Jesus does a magic trick, we turn science into heresy and start a whole bunch of wars for thousands of years".
IYAM bein gburned at the stake would be preferable
they did kill him though
> Shit! The website is fucked up. Try again later.
@Puppy Not sure how burning at the stake got so famous--from what I've read, most "witches" were killed by "pressing" --placing them between mill-stones, and crushing them. Not exactly a huge improvement or anything, but still quite a different thing.
@Griwes a little bit
@Ell he got better, though
unfortunately for all mankind
@JerryCoffin it was probably a famous person who was burned at the stake
Took my midterms, glad to be back on the internet.
@StackedCrooked Fun fact: there's only like 4 people in the history of forever that actually managed to do Seppuku to completion.
And it turns like most of them only did it because they were absolutely masochists.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ^ I got lossy encodings to be compile-time errors.
@Rapptz someone I know - close - stopped smoking 20 years ago. She is now getting diagnosed with lung cancer... :|
@Puppy Offhand, I don't know of any examples. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, but at least if I recall correctly she was accused of heresy, not witchcraft.
@rightføld slight cinch: you can't return because the smoke sticks around
@Ell When she lights up the baby, call da police
To complete Seppuku, don't you need a guy to chop off your head? I don't know many people who are willing to do assist someone in this, which explains its completion being rare.
@ThePhD that looks like awesome diags
So, @R.MartinhoFernandes , two questions... 1) can you add me to the Steam group atm? 2) how useable is ogonek right now?
Snaku snaku{}; wut
and what's with all those spaces inside parens?
text or Text?
Capitalised function name, really?
Spaces look classy. /s
and how about some alignment on those three similar lines
otherwise looks awesome
Spaces are nice, inconsistent casing is not
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, if Snaku is an aggregate...
Spaces inbetween function parentheses thingy look weird.
@Nooble function argument operator? What's that?
@caps not production ready
It says on the wiki
@Ell Yes, but... side-hobby-project-that-might-someday-be-in-the-app-store ready?
huh, almost midnight
it's 7 PM
you are in a strange timezone
nope, it's 2 AM
6 PM guys, get it right
glorious EST
I'm doing this thing for fun, but it will potentially be handling languages other than English.
Which means Unicode rather than ANSI, right?
@caps What's the ANSI character set?
@Rapptz lol
@Columbo std::set<char> its_this{'A','N','S','I'};
Hmm... The US space program to the moon took about a decade right? Why is Orion taking 20 years to a scheduled launch?
@caps What's your steam ID?
PS @AlexM. stop sockpuppeting thx
@Nooble Dude it was only delayed one day not 20 years chill out
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wow.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hey, that's the guy whose question on conditionally disabling the copy ctor I answered
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wut
I deny everything
oh dear look at the time
I gotta feed my goat
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hm, this place has no Private Messaging.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit omg, you mocked us
Wait, no
No, you didn't

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