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@CatPlusPlus Because the design lacked focus.
> if I had a dollar for every pixel in this video, I'd have 75 cents
you guys what do
I'd return them to the photoshop.
They sold you fakes
@Ell marry her
Oh heh Jenkins package already sets up the server
For those who were asking, yes, the terse version of range-based for loops seems to have been voted down, at least for now. open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n4252.pdf:
Straw poll, CWG Motion 15, Move to apply to the C++ working paper the proposed
wording from N3994, "Range-Based For-Loops, The Next Generation (Revision 1)"
CWG Motion 13 straw poll results were:
In favor: 8 Opposed: 43 abstain: 18
Motion not carried.
The motion was removed from the formal motions page.
thank God for that
@Ell how 'bout
template <typename T>
struct Foo {
    std::unique_ptr<T> qux;
    Foo() : qux(make_unique<T>(...)) {
@TonyTheLion sweet
@Ell yeah ok
@Ell natch
@sehe it's okay, it was only for typing speed
suppose I'd best call it a night
@LightnessRacesinOrbit night bro
and when I say call it a night I mean binge on TV until it's hours too late and then don't sleep long enough
@Ell editors are for optimizing that phase
> Straw poll, CWG Motion 13, Move to apply to the C++ working paper the proposed wording from N4295, "Folding expressions"
@sehe true :)
yeah because lack of sleep deprivation might render you a reasonable human being inadvertently
thank god that got in
it's a really nice feature
what is it?
expanding variadic packs with something other than ,
> Straw poll, LWG Motion 24, Move we apply to the Working Paper for the Library
Fundamentals 2 TS the Proposed Wording from N4282, The World’s Dumbest Smart
LWG Motion 24 straw poll results were:
In favor: 35 Opposed: 11 Abstain: 21
US PL22.16 members:
In favor: 16 Opposed: 3 Abstain: 4 US approves.
Sutter declared consensus, motion approved.
That, on the other hand...
oh well
@Xeo meh, it can't cause any harm really
famous last words
I actually like it
@sehe That's so terrible.
mmm. I thought it was pretty funny. But I admit I lack the context (I stay away from YT, reddit, 4chan, 9gag, /b/ and what have we)
Perhaps an owner could remove this image for me in case it's indeed over the edge
@sehe I wouldn't say it's over the edge
@sehe The implication in the picture is terrible.
The girl's shirt says "cherry girl"
I hear you. I take it you can read my responses
@caps lol what has this to do with anything?
@sehe I have not plonked you, if that's what you're implying.
It is not funny to me.
No I was wondering why you were reiterating what you just said, and I clearly had pondered
Rape, and particularly child rape, are very very unfunny topics to me.
I'm sorry. I've plinked all the owners I could think of
@caps And to most people. This picture does not depict or suggest rape
Well, ...
@Ell Sure, if "most people" don't know anything about 4chan.
I'd yield here. It is more than suggestive enough if you're sensitive to it. Trigger warnings exist
@sehe Oh. A habit of overstatement.
@caps mmm. Apparently, I really don't
@caps Ok carry on :)
@sehe maybe it is wise to ask for removal (as you have) just for cautions sake :)
@sehe Well, I think trigger warnings are at least slightly obnoxious in most cases.
Ah. The coffin saves
And the image was not triggering to me in any way.
I just thought it was disgusting.
Not sure it's really necessary, but we now return you to your scheduled flaming.
It's good that it shall be triggering critters dwelling in the bins now
@JerryCoffin :)
4 hours ago, by StackedCrooked
@TonyTheLion children are welcome to discuss child porn
Let's set a new topic ^
Cool Jenkins GH plugin has organisation-based authz
It reminded me of an instance I saw of a man holding a little girl up to dunk a basketball, then, when she couldn't do it, he held her up to the basketball pole so she had to wrap her legs around it and then said "Well, this is the only thing she's good for now." Right in front of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc.
Then he was like "A firewoman! I'm talking about a firewoman!"
If this is really about "speed", then it sounds like premature optimization. I highly doubt there will have so many buttons that it matters. And if it did, I'm not sure how you'd render a hundred million buttons on the screen... — Mysticial 49 secs ago
^^ Is it possible to even render 100 million buttons on a single screen?
I'm okay with joking about death and genocide, but complete sexual objectification of women, and particularly of kids, really bothers me.
@Mysticial If you have 100 million pixels and one button per pixel, maybe.
On 1080p, you have ~2 million pixels. That's more buttons than pixels.
@Mysticial Maybe they're stacked and the code somehow has ways of sending different buttons to the top.
What a ridiculous idea.
@caps this I don't understand
Can you imagine debugging that?
@Xeo Are they really going to call it an exempt_ptr?
To me rape, sexual objectification etc is not as bad as death
@Ell Death happens to everyone eventually.
@Ell Wait, I thought you were talking about 5 buttons per pixel on a 2mil pixel screen.
@caps I'm really not sure about that image. I thought it was cool that that kid was having fun with so many "cool dudes" - assuming they're just dad's band members, or motor club posse.
I'm not much of a judgemental guy. But I do agree that putting such a picture on the web is ... kinda asking for it to get torn widely out of context. Which of course was somewhat of the point. And the meme caption makes it safely ironic - to put 9gag down.
However, yeah, if there's any truth in it. Well, not so funny then.
@sehe The picture without the caption, or some number of other, unrelated captions probably would have been fine.
@sehe I almost googled "4chan rape jokes" to find some and show you but then decided that I didn't want that sort of thing in my search history, browser history, brain history, etc.
@caps 50 rather than 5.
@caps So it's more about the reference to 9gag than the image itself, perhaps
@JerryCoffin Oh right. 100mil, not 10mil
@sehe it is true that 4chan has held child pornography momentarily before
As any image hosting service will unless they review each image before upload
@Ell ...and possibly even then. Exactly what constitutes child pornography is a somewhat malleable concept. I recall discussion of a law prohibiting porn in which an adult actress was dressed/made up to look like a child.
Lol 4chan ... site for mediocre trolls. Post there would probably bring me down from the elite trolling rank.
still deluded
@sehe It is sad to see somebody with delusions of mediocrity.
If a site hardly bans a troll then it's easier for average trolls
But I like hard overnight bushwalks, just like I prefer stricter sites. Challenges are good for shaping elite minds </troll troll troll>
the last minute and a half of this song
@JerryCoffin or like here in the UK loli is illegal
Loli is hentai with children in it
Hentai is pornographic anime
Just in case you weren't familiar
I don't see why it should be banned personally but there you go
@Ell The TL;DR of it is twoføld: 1/ somewhere up the supply chain, an actual child was exploited in some way in the production of material. 2/ what is the risk that a fan of the material (ostensibly harmless if just viewing material) will act out with a real child.
It's point 2 that gives credence to the idea of banning even Loli.
I don't think pedophiles are inherently worse people than not
Child molesters obviously are
not sure the difference in your definitions?
Pedophiles are attracted to children
Child molesters rape children
Its gays to gay rapists
ok - if they act out, a child is likely to be harmed. The insidious nature of grooming, where they delude themselves and the child that it's consentual, is a consequence of a pedo acting out.
Yes I agree a child can't consent
But its not wrong just to be a pedophile imho
And I think denying them pleasure via loli or whatever is only going to make them find pleasure elsewhere
The concept "informed consent" demands that a person is old enough to know and be capable of giving consent. Hence, BDSM between adults? Have at it if that's your fancy. Children? Not possible to get true consent. Handicapped? problematic but people are working on it because of their civil rights.
and so on
Of course you can claim that loli makes them want to do it on a real child as you have
I'm not sure what the real answer is
Both your points are valid hypotheses but need validating. I have no idea what actual research exists showing one way or the other
But I tend to lean towards faith in humanity, ie most people aren't rapists
I agree that real child porn should be illegal
and yet most people can get very animalistic depending on circumstances.
But loli, no
I can't commit, except to comment that if I knew someone who liked the loli, I wouldn't let them have alone time with my kiddies. The signs are just too clear that something might happen. I couldn't know that it won't. Of course, that evidence would probably be obtained accidentally. I'd guess most fans probably keep it hidden...
as for any porn's ability to dampen down actions through occupying someone to their own satisfaction, I can only guess. It's a point that's been made in the argument to legalize, along with the rights of consenting adults to watch other consenting adults in most types of porn
Hmmm - just thought of a point 3: Normalising behaviour. As an example, standard porn has probably contributed to the normalisation of oral [praise the lord!], which historically has been seen as disgusting, immoral or downright criminal depending on local culture. What's the cost of seeing loli as normal?
I'm not sure.
Do you believe violent video games encourage violence?
Or, make it seem to be normal?
I think there have been studies showing otherwise
shut up I play loads of violent video games and i'm not fucking violent so suggest that again and i'll fucking cut you you hear me I'LL END YOU
Back from the binge?
yeah first two episodes of Perception. it's not bad. shall be continuing it for the three seasons it lasted
and now, as predicted, it's silly o'clock and i'm shutting down
time to enjoy this hotel mattress
y'know, violence and sexuality operate on two different systems, although they can intersect. Isn't it peculiar that the righteous are willing to encourage guns and allow hollywood violence, but kissing in front of a child? Scandalous!
So equating violence and sexual preferences is probably not that relevant.
I'm not sur
I don't think there has been conclusive research into this area anyway
All we can do is speculate :)
violence is habitual, and can be learned and unlearned. sexuality seems to be pretty much locked and loaded for life. I can't say I've ever seen anyone claiming that a sex offender can actually be rehabilitated. Nor that sexual preferences can fundamentally be changed, which is part of the argument for normalising homosexuality and other things traditionally called perversions. "I just can't change, Vicar"
But I mean isn't that a reason to allow loli? Denying someone pleasure for their whole life because of the way they were born just sounds cruel to me
If they can get pleasure without hurting anyone I think they should be allowed
I wonder ... If there are rapists, would there be women who want to be raped ...
I guess it's more of a catch 22 kind of question
noun: oxymoron; plural noun: oxymorons

a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
What would Hegel do?
Lemme rephrase - 'taken by force without permission'
Like ... 50 shades of grey ( not did I read the novel)
From experience women tend to be guarded. On the flip side, many men mgiht not object :-/
@Ell if that can be shown to be the end of it, I'd probably agree with you
@chmod711telkitty a rape fantasy is remarkably common in women; it's seriously controversial to discuss, and it's seriously wrong to take it seriously! It can also be played out consentually, but you'd have to be damned careful in anything less than a strongly committed relationship I'd guess.
There's a good book but I can't think of the name offhand. Something like 'the secret garden'
@Borgleader I love hans zimmer's soundtracks.
They're great.
Hmm. It's 5am.
Too many people paid for my drinks tonight.
is it me or robor is becoming an alcoholic?
Is it possible to write to file in Coliru and then download the file?
@chmod711telkitty That's just fuel. Doesn't affect his processing.
@chmod711telkitty Is he? Does he drink every day?
@VáclavZeman only days ending in Y
@GuruAdrian :)
Wait, he's spanish living in germany? Does that still apply..... googles!
@GuruAdrian A few years ago a pastor of a large church in Colorado Springs (New Life Church) was caught with a male prostitute (with some illegal drugs involved too, if memory serves). He was "cured" after a few weeks of intensive prayer. Given that both he and they were men of God, us mere mortals dare not question their conclusion...right? :-}
you can figure it out from there :)
Ah, here's one of the news stories: denverpost.com/ci_5164921
> We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY
That was a bad assumption.
@JerryCoffin I'm sure the science was right behind them
@StackedCrooked "2048 Meg should be enough for anybody."
- - - - - bound and gagged and buried in a pile of bibles.
@chmod711telkitty Why does Sydney have to storm at this time of year around 5pm just as it's home time ;-(
@GuruAdrian Because otherwise it wouldn't annoy you nearly enough?
Wow! I am learning assembly and I can say that C++ is much more complex than assembly. I thought that assembly would be this gigantic piece of complication that only the immortal would understand
It is not bad at all
stop baiting please
How am I baiting
Someone here recommended I learn ASM about a week ago and wanted to give some feedback
I see.
But I don't see how ASM would be sane to use for anything non-trivial or at least complex enough to require a large team
same principles hold
but probably requires more documentation due to lack of self-documenting indentifiers
How do most people format their asm
@StackedCrooked Thanks, but apparently if I have this script that writes to an output.txt file, then I can't find it here.
Probably some security thing going on, I get it.
@Jefffrey it only saves main.cpp, cmd.sh and output (from stdout/stderr).
right, I could use output
Not sure if it will work though.
problem is that the haskell platform you have installed misses System.Random :c
Yeah, I know. It's not officially supported.
@Jefffrey via stdout then (don't try to write to output with fstream, that won't work)
@StackedCrooked Where is that from?
@VáclavZeman Google the string :)
Don't remember where it's from myself :)
Let's say I have an Haskell script and I'd like to deploy it on windows, linux and mac. Is there some program that allows me to do it quickly?
Something like sending the file online and getting a .rar with all executables?
oh boi, Learn You an Agda is out
@rightføld ^
/cc @Mysticial good work over at google head quarters:
Don't use a signed integer to store a counter. You never know when you'll need that extra bit. https://plus.google.com/+youtube/posts/BUXfdWqu86Q ht @xor
Our style guide actually says the opposite.
They pretty much say, "Do it the Java way. Fuck unsigned and always use signed. Unless you're actually doing bit manipulation in which you need to use unsigned to avoid IB and UB."
Of course I don't agree with it. But I'm not doing C++ at work...
Whatcha write at work?
You like it?
I hate Android more than Java.
Quite the politician
That said, I'm not someone who likes to do UI stuff. And Android is literally built for UI stuff. So it's not like I can name a better alternative.
@Mysticial I kinda see that point. Although warnings as errors goes a long way to eliminating the problem. The thing is, though, that they managed to bork things with an overflowing view count :)
@Jefffrey looks neat
There was an internal thread a few months back that was sent to all YouTube engineers about Gangnam Style approaching 2^31. The guy basically wanted all the teams to make sure their product won't fuck up.
After about 5 emails, it started getting very off-topic and was already onto discussing what kind of easter egg we should do when it does spill over 2^31.
That email thread is about 100 long now. I've lost track.
@Jefffrey that was never a feature coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/a49c9df87eff2401
@MoonOwlPrince perhaps you should make an effort to make sure said person reads that then?
@Mysticial no ---cookie---- easter egg for you!
@sehe So, the file exists but it doesn't exist?
@MoonOwlPrince asm is extremely simple. It's not easy to code in, but it is very, very simple. It has to be simple enough that even a CPU can understand it.
@Jefffrey it's not difficult at all. The files are created. And then destroyed. Keeping random data was never a feature :0
@jalf asm is like lisp to some extent
I have found yet another issue with the Google's Android calendar app. It does not show newly added events immediately after being added in the 5 day view. WTF?!
@jalf Well, the instructions do anyway. The macros...not so much.
@GuruAdrian I'm not Spanish.
Something I wonder
@VáclavZeman Alcohol? No. Not even every week.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Spain's coastal province... :-)
Why did Youtube not use an 80 bit unsigned integer
@JerryCoffin I'm not a province either :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes okay...maybe just a provincial.
OK, I am open to good Google Calendar replacement apps. Any ideas?
@MoonOwlPrince Asm can be a lot like Lisp (especially on a Lisp machine).
@VáclavZeman Damn! I can't even recommend Outlook Express Lookout Distress any more.
The two languages are actually families of dialects for one. They are both extremely simple. They are both like chess: the rules can be learnt in a relative short time period but take much more to actually start doing something real
@JerryCoffin :)
I think my first asm project should be a bootloader. I want to experiment with a number of things in VirtualBox
@Jefffrey I am not interested.
@MoonOwlPrince God I wish I had a dollar for every useless bootloader I've seen written. Bill Gates would be envious.
What makes a bootloader useful?
@rightføld Oh. For some reasons I thought you were going to learn agda.
@Ell it certainly works that way for some. a few is enough to create a problem even if, in general, people tend to keep a social compass
@Ell they measure averages, maybe. anyways, there are many factors at play. Thing is: what are we willing to control as a precaution?
@MoonOwlPrince About the only thing that can make it useful is other things (OSes, mostly) using it to boot, or you learning something useful from it. Problem is that existing boot loaders work quite well, so unless you really have an idea for some great new feature that can't be built into them, it'll be useless in that direction. The things you do in a boot loader are mostly enough different from most other code that nothing you learn from writing one is useful for anything else.
@rightføld You should
@VáclavZeman may I ask why?
@rightføld it's nice.
Oh, so I should learn everything that is nice.
rightfold is on his period
Then I'll have to disappoint you.
@JerryCoffin I am learning something from the process. I am sure the experience is a good one.
@rightføld not for me :) it's not our fault that we got this impression
Nov 27 at 13:42, by rightføld
I should learn Ada.
Nov 19 at 9:31, by rightføld
I always wanted to learn Pascal.
Just the fact of knowing I wrote a bootloader on my own is something that would make me happy
Nov 17 at 22:53, by rightføld
I should learn all about sed. I only know substitution command.
Oh it was Ada, not agda.
Nov 13 at 8:55, by rightføld
aaaahh I want to learn Eiffel.
Nov 3 at 8:21, by rightføld
I should learn how to use abaci.
Nov 2 at 20:26, by rightføld
Is Romanian difficult to learn?
lol, all November.
Ada, Pascal, sed, Eiffel and abaci, yes.
Oct 22 at 17:38, by rightføld
Let's learn linear algebra.
But not Agda.
Jun 2 at 19:17, by rightfold
I should learn Prolog.
DUPLICATE (damn chat throttling)
Oct 4 at 0:50, by rightfold
Rust is on my to learn list.
Sep 16 at 18:50, by rightfold
Learn You a Bartek for Great Sex!
Last one then
@sehe wooo thanks for reminding me.
@MoonOwlPrince A little like learning to translate from Aramaic to Swahili using a Chinese Input Method Editor. You'll learn one skill that may be useful in the long term: how to swear in three disparate languages.
From my review on the play site:

> The new UI version is much worse and less usable than the previous one. I am especially missing reasonable month view. Also, scaling of the view is missing. Yet another issue is that the 5 days view does not update with newly added event immediately. Please revert to the older UI.
Seriously guys: he's excited about learning. Regardless of how little he follows through, that's not a bad thing. And yes, I'm serious.
@VáclavZeman oh. I don't use the site. I use it with thunderbird and "Business Calendar" on android
How do you make the embedded quote formatting work?
OH: "according to the stats your website is online"
@JerryCoffin Me too. I was just surprised that he was so "shrug" dismissive of the suggestion that Agda could be nice
@VáclavZeman Eye of newt, toe of frog, third full moon of the month...all the usual stuff.
@VáclavZeman From my review on the play site:
> The new UI version is much worse and less usable than the previous one. I am especially missing reasonable month view. Also, scaling of the view is missing. Yet another issue is that the 5 days view does not update with newly added event immediately. Please revert to the older UI.
Simple trick, really. If if (message.startswith('>')) etc
@sehe Ah, well, I thought I can do multiline post and embed the quote formatting there.
@JerryCoffin Or you'll just swear in whatever your default swearing language is.
@VáclavZeman nope
Peter Pan is your friend?
@R.MartinhoFernandes third looks most plausible
@rightføld no, books are his friend. The book "Getting Abducted" was, incidentally, written by an author publishing under the pseudonym of "Peter Pan"
% psql -d ... < kassa.sql | sed -n '7p'
 Total runtime: 5252.357 ms
I still haven't read "An Oversized Lollipop". I dunno. It looks daunting from the weight of the book
@R.MartinhoFernandes Swearing should be an equal opportunity occupation.
Anyway, It's late--I think I probably need to sleep. Later.
@rightføld so... maybe, sell less? Or federate the POS!
Hmm, I like awk 'NR == 7' better.
> To make a variable local to a function, simply declare the variable as an argument after the actual function arguments
That's like how x in try { throw undefined; } catch (x) { ... } is local to the { ... } block in JS.
@sehe: The Business Calendar thing looks decent.
It is
Ah, nice.
@Borgleader Dude, you're late. Me and Lightness spent the last one or two weeks back-and-forthing about that soundtrack.
I removed LOAD 'auto_explain'; SET auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0; SET auto_explain.log_analyze = true; and now the query is 1674 ms.
I forgot I left those statements in there. :D
Are you mans posting under a sock puppet account...? @user3684240 — sehe 9 mins ago
@rightføld magic variables and magic numbers. Yesh. Much better
Yeah, magic numbers are so bad in once-used shell commands.
@rightføld Luckily you don't need quality control :)
What is quality control?
Google Street View Availability in Europe http://bit.ly/1pIqLJc http://t.co/wNAI7E0AoX
This is really interesting.
> Quality control, or QC for short, is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production.
:D thanks for googling that
No doubt it was some silly UX designer who thought of redesigning the existing Google Calendar Android app.
Gangham Style's chorus is not bad after all. It actually is fun in a weird way
@VáclavZeman Oh, there's a google app for that too? o.O
@MoonOwlPrince gosh. learn to type. and, wow. big surprise
@R.MartinhoFernandes what's with Germany?
@sehe what do you mean
Over 2 billion viewers already establish this rather unimportant fact. And you comically get the identifying information wrong :)
@Abyx The home of robots
@Abyx Not sure.
I thought privacy laws at first, but the main cities are covered, so that doesn't make much sense.
Maybe they did the large cities first and then some privacy laws got accepted.
@sehe Oh bad spelling. I used to dislike the song until I heard it today when nobody is talking about it on TV
> The image and quote credited to Palin closely resembled spurious prior claims she demanded President Obama invade Ebola or send immigrants on a boat across the "Mexican Ocean." smooth
@MoonOwlPrince my point is, you liking or disliking is really not that relevant to this song's reception
I used to dislike this song. And I continue to do so. Even as I appreciate it's strengths
@sehe it is. Because now my grandchildren are going to listen to it because it is noteworthy web history
what is noteworthy web history? there's so many things...
@MoonOwlPrince HAHAHA. So, if you continued to dislike it, they wouldn't :)
Yes they would listen to Lady Gaga before they can decide what they like
@FlorianMargaine the fact that a video on the web had more views than a signed 32 bit integer could hold telling them one of the reasons why when they have a 128 bit machine they should use 128 bit integers throughout
And also that it did not take something pretentious like Celine Dion to to get more than two billion views
@sehe This app is what I am complaining about: play.google.com/store/apps/…
I am certain there is a community that does not publish apps with UI and let the user write their own preferred UI
@MoonOwlPrince touché on more than one level :)
it's called Linux
dat star :S
From me to you
@Puppy I use Ubuntu and don't see how that could be true
@MoonOwlPrince you lack imagination. how can you surprised to learn that Gangnam style has something to it, and not know that Linux has a plethora of desktop environments, even more window managers, and then, almost indepent of that, at least 12 flavours MUAs, Browsers, instant messaging apps (including the ones to connect to MSN and Skype!) etc. etc.?
Yes I am very unimaginative and uncreative because I have been imprisoned by own self-imposed perception of reality
@MoonOwlPrince That's fairly typical here.
Scarlett Johansson secretly got married? Well, there's just point in anything any more really is there
Ladies, jellyspoons, everything in between and and the complement of the set I have to go do my groceries so later
@MoonOwlPrince I believe you
@MoonOwlPrince It didn't overflow. They pretended it did as an easter egg.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Was it?
@VáclavZeman Yes
Don't have a link to hand right now but yes

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