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chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/master/components/… - at first glance such table-driven tests look fine, but when an expectation fails - you have no idea which table entry caused it =(
95% RAM
Merry Christmas everybody!
@chmod711telkitty and then be sued into the ground by honeywell for infringing their patents
Patents: killing tomorrows tomorrow
Is it ok to edit someone else's question just to make it clear ?
Even though it involves a significant refactoring
as long as it definitely reflects the same question
entertain me inferior beings
@Puppy Read the DRM cat litter story ... Posted earlier by @CatPlusPlus
read it
Ok, holy fuck, this is a first
received an email titled "reminder"
body of the email:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27636202/how-to-get-output-resullts-to-a-text-files

> please answer this question
@orlp You are stalked by help vampires ?
well that's a supremely shitty question
Is it me or it's like "Hey I am trying to make a rainbow table attack on a site, plz help" ?
@Rerito apparently
also that
didn't even notice
the worst part is "reminder" as if the only reason I didn't answer his stupid question is because I forgot about it
I never even talked to this person
if he emailed you, you should have his address
he just randomly found my email in my profile or something
sign him up for a bunch of porn magazines
@orlp It feels like it's not the first mail you got maybe you should check your spams :p
@Puppy That is indeed a good idea
preferably ones with really nasty fetishes
oh sorry guys
I forgot
he said "please"
so it's k
ah I see
so only sign him up to 10 BSDM magazines
instead of 50
The appropriate response is "no, fuck you"
> CLear Version
why did you even put your email in your profile
that's just asking for shit like this
for potential employers
or genuinely interested people
and yes, I've gotten emails from both
it's worth taking the 2 seconds needed to delete this stupid email
and since I'm using gmail I really don't have any problems with spam
gmails spam filter is incredible
my monitor arrived in time
it's under the xmas tree now
3 hours to go until I go there and act surprised
@AlexM. did you see this?
nope, let's see
It was posted by Alexandrescu on Facebook.
gah, the laptop's speakers aren't capable of playing any sort of highs
they just go silent
dolby shit my ass
and I don't have headphones
@StackedCrooked never actually considered the start-up scene in Romania
was always more preoccupied with companies opening HQs here
I love AWK.
I wouldn't want to work in a start-up (again)
@Puppy BDSM magazines
oh wait you meant that
> marked as duplicate by Deduplicator
why Romanian policemen are less fat than US policemen ebancuri.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/varzaa.jpg
@AlexM. But you bought it four yourself.
Why the need to act surprised.
because it's a gift for me by me
Well, have fun with 100+ Hz
right now I'm especially interested in the blue light and motion blur reduction stuff, I want to see what difference that makes for my 7+ hours gaming sessions in weekends
I still expect a huge difference because of the 144hz and 1ms resp time
really curious
gotta wait a week and a half more tho
left my desktop at home
@AlexM. You will need your eyes upgraded, (also optic nerve network and visual cortex).
just don't go there
not particularly interested in THE HUMAN EYE CAN ONLY SEE 30FPS argument right now
@AlexM. Sorry. I didn't know there was a war on:)
@AlexM. Only 7 hours...
@MartinJames Syria
Huehuehuehue. I usually do 12+ when on vacation
@Nooble ..until he finds it's power supply is DOA.
@MartinJames people argue over it a lot, and it goes nowhere, like most arguments like it
@AlexM. Oh - like audio cables and the like.
we had a discussion wrt 30 vs 60 fps here and for example puppy was not able to see the difference between the two, so at the end of the day, the only conclusion is YMMV
@AlexM. Your Mileage May Vary?
dunno what else to call it
@AlexM. Canine eyesight:(
this is the creepiest gif I've seen in a while stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/4800344/pizza-burn-o.gif
not even the pizza manages to save it
Bailey cannot see a stationary rabbit 3m away, but if it tries to run, it's dead before I understand what's going on.
like the t-rex in jurassic park
@AlexM. He may have trouble with a T-Rex.
I dunno
Luckily the rabbits round here are normal-size.
I meant the t-rex was able to see only moving things :P
I'm not sure if T-Rexes were fast movers
@AlexM. lol
@Borgleader yeah
A rabbit can easily outrun Bailey if it has a head start, or survive by hunching down and not moving if close.
@Borgleader lol
god has no concept of privacy
lol god is the nsa
I wonder if god really exists and sees everything
does he enjoy seeing you take a shit
@AlexM. Not after curry nights.
I imagine that after seeing billions of previous humans take a shit, he doesn't care about seeing you take a shit
Hmm.. thinking about shit and it's precursor, I should eat something now 'cos party later.
'How come "a1" == "a1"; returns true?' :)
@MartinJames why wouldnt it?
string literal pooling not guaranteed
fuck me, this vm reduced my machine to a crawl
I hate hdds
@AlexM. Lel
@Borgleader haha
how does he get in?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No clue
Hello ladies
I miss you all so much
Well, not that much, but still
so I just woke up
it's 4pm
i'm hungover to fuck
Fuck me
Wait. So you are telling me that I've been away for more than 24 hours from the lounge and everything is still working here? How does that even...
I wonder if this crap started swapping
the original settings for the VM that I used on my desktop had 4GB RAM set to it
and I only have 4GB on my laptop
chrome probably takes 1GB or more
I doubt that
Prolly 350MB or less
depends on the tabs you have open
if I scroll on Facebook enough, I get the Facebook tab to take more than 300MB on its own
it's not eager to clean resources
and I like that
vs Firefox unloading and reloading images
it's like my PC is lagging when seeing big pics in Firefox
that's the Facebook tab scrolled down in the timeline to see yesterday's posts
Hahahaha xD One of the best episodes
That reminds me, I still have a half of a season of Atlantis to watch...
I gotta admit
that episode took a very sudden turn for the better when Daniel's like, "You can do whatever you want regardless of the consequences because you know in advance everything will always go back to the way it was"
trying to buy nice bedding and all you can get is floral shit
what's wrong with just a red duvet cover. just red. that's it. red.
Get a pattern at least
fuck no
the patterns are fuck ugly.
I prefer just plain X colour.
@Jerry you know a bit about photography so maybe you can help me. Do you know why a Canon- or Nikon-branded ring flash costs more than 10x as much as pretty much any other brand?
Not even Apple marks up their shit that much.
Do you know why a pair of Nike trainers cost more than 10x as much as pretty much any other brand? Or a Ralph Lauren t-shirt? How about a.... bah.
@AlexM. That's Chrome mate
Not 10x, really.
I.e. I meant 10x literally, not as some random huge number.
100% Egyptian Cotton
Well there may be some integration with the ring, but otherwise I would say I've noticed that extreme markup from the leading brands is not unusual in photography
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering.
With lenses you expect that to go with a certain increase in quality but I'm not sure how that would come into play with a flash
This would be a very good question for Photography I guess
Yeah, I'd probably try that if on my desktop.
Logging in here is a lot of work.
Oh wait, I am logged in on the app.
Great. There's a question there about it. The accepted answer is someone that never owned a cheap one openly guessing at possible reasons.
libstdc++ 5.0 will have std::string
@Fanael ???
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol, lot of bad cases in the Lounge this morning. I, on the other hand, had one can last night, was totally sober and not hung over today at all, (yes, I know, it's a disgrace to my family name. We will do our utmost to fix it tonight).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Largely because they can get away with doing so. Their flash units work perfectly well, but they don't do much to justify the difference in price between them and other brands. A lot of pros shoot other brands--here in the US, a lot of pros still use the Vivitar 283. Oh, FWIW, Metz flashes are close to the prices of Nikon and Canon.
@chmod711telkitty lol
@nsij22 Never done such a thing.
I have no Wordpress experience whatsoever.
Except maybe watching some Wordpress code and seeing things I cannot unsee. Like the_title().
If I were going to buy a flash right now, I'd probably go with a Yongnuo though. Cheap, reasonably powerful, and seem to be fairly dependable (and considering the difference in price, you can buy two or three for the price of one from Nikon or Canon).
I got a big hedgehog and a raspberry pi for xmas
now, to see why the Pi + Micro SD card package comes with an SD card instead
could have sworn that I had an SD -> micro SD adapter here
welp, can't find it
can't use it until I get home anyway
@AlexM. \o/ bet you asked for a Raspberry-Pizza
@AlexM. I'll take the hedgehog.
@Jerry thanks. Two or three? More like six.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, maybe--looking more carefully, that's an older one that you probably don't want. The current one is a little more expensive (but still a lot less than a Canon/Nikon).
@Borgleader lol :P
I get what happened here
the package is for the raspberry pi b+ w/ the noobs micro sd card
but they sold the simple pi in the package and the SD card was ordered separately
at least the adapter is the only thing that I need now
i use my cellphone charger for that
the package contained the wifi modem and a thing to get power via
w/e it's called
you got wifi? neat, i only got the pi itslf, so i didnt have an sd card or wifi thing
@Borgleader yeah the wipi thing above
time to visit the grandparents :\
The WiFi adapter for my RasPi is a lot smaller than thay.
When plugged in the USB port, there are only some four millimetres out.
lol, this game uses WAS for movement.
D doesn't work and you have to use the arrow key instead.
Oh, it was Vimium.
I'm going to delete this question, but I'm getting frustrated with the fact that it's not possible to ask questions on SO anymore unless you are an expert in what you are asking. I did not know that this is pure speculation, or the other stuff mentioned here. Those are actually quite good answers to my question... Sad... — Arash Saidi 24 secs ago
@rightføld It got closed while I was entering: 'You were downvoted because anyone who really needed to know such micro-optimization results would have done their own profiling/timing. Instead of that, or even trying to do that, you managed to avoid doing any work and conned someone else into doing it for you. No, I didn't downvote you, (originally, now I'm seriously thinking about it).'
Anyway, that's enough SO questions for today. My downCloseVote finger is tired.
Best get going for home soon
Who is in for a riddle?
Here's a riddle:
dat language barrier
@Borgleader There are more question marks than valid text. It's a 'Please explain computers' question:(
..or maybe 'please explain compilers, linkers, OS loaders, kernels and memory-management' question.
I really must get away from this box and go shower. I seriously need to get drunk now.
Hello, guys!
Looking to learn C++, could you suggest some books to read?
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

A: Can I cancel the accepted answer in Stack Overflow?

Lego StormtrooprYes you can, and you can prove it by unselecting the current answer and selecting this far superior answer.

@Meraj99 No problem. But at least try searching next time >.<
Alright... sowwy :3
I want to make a video game.
I wish css has previous sibling or parent selectors
oh nice they killed 400 ISIS members
@Ell CSS4 will have those.
You can put a bang after the subselector to indicate the target, e.g. li! > a:hover will target the list item when you hover over the anchor.
For now you have to use JavaScript.
@rightføld Well, obviousy that class had to many methods and too much data.
@rightføld that's cool
I wonder if/how it will impact purrformance
mum still managed to surprise me with a gift despite that I was the one telling her to get me the Pi
she gave me her completed Carrefour sticker album thingy and money to get a set of kitchen knives for $30 vs. $300
dunno what to call the album
you get a sticker for every $X spent
and if you have N stickers you get those discounts for those products
hey merry holidays
what are some good c++11 and c++14 online resources?
i'm struggling to find
uh... CppCon? idk
@BenjaminGruenbaum Now North Korea will block YouT… oh wait.
@Ell not at all.
North Career
Ok wat mission to play?
I bet they hack things using COBOL
or Fortran
even though
Kim Jong-Un is part of the C++ committee
and already has a C++ 25 compiler
I can choose from these missions:
Ground Zeroes
Eliminate the Renegade Threat
Intel Operative Rescue
Classified Intel Acquisition
Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements
Déjà Vu
Jamais Vu
choose the french named missions
Déjà Vu is pretty funny.
Let's troll the guards.
@AlexM. wut
Déjà Vu
Jamais Vu
ok, deja vu is a more widely used expression
but meh
> worst morning commute ever
that's an understatement
@Borgleader Well, there was plenty of room in front of the red car. The driver could have spun his wheels for sec or two and soaked the cyclist's back as well.
Anyway, I'm off to the boozer. Merry Christmas everyone, in case I don't make it back before midnight and my Fiesta turns back into a pumpkin.
wtf, eclipse took 2 full minutes to load
@AlexM. From a spinner, or SSD?
yeah a crappy laptop hdd
inside a VM
5400rpm I think
@AlexM. lol, all is revealed!
with an SSD this laptop would be a great workstation for me, the only thing it can't do is proper gaming
wrt how things behave once loaded, the difference between this laptop with a pseudo quad core (i5 480m) and my i5 2400 quad that I have at home is pretty minimal
the VM runs just as fast
eclipse is just as sluggish as it is on the desktop
feels like home
I wonder what the most efficient way to deploy to the raspberry pi would be
do a remote thingy with putty from my vm
and just send things
maybe write something that receives the new things, closes the existing process, replaces and restart
A: how to define an array without a defined length of it

user4392503try to use omer.isKing(:""); it worked for me

Merry Xmas guys
@AlexM. When seeing this I always read "in french", and then, with a british accent. That makes me chuckle
@AlexM. you suck at Python
I never claimed they weren't
you suck at reading
OP asks how to go about using an array without specifying an initial size
It's the same concept.
answer guy says "Other languages such as Python dont require you to declare the amount of space used. There are ways of getting around this in Java like using the arraylist."
then I say "Python's not an array, it's a list, which is a different concept."
then I proceed to say how ArrayList is a different concept from an array
Lists in Python definitely are arrays.
ArrayList<T>s in Java definitely are arrays.
then why are they called lists?
Because Guido is silly?
they're lists backed by an array
they're lists providing list functionality while storing elements in a dynamically sized array
Ruby and JavaScript call what you are talking about arrays (because they are) and they are dynamically sized.
it's xmas !
Show some looooove
a dynamically sized array is also something else
look, if Java had a list based on a binary search tree
Arrays are any collections wherein values are associated with keys.
would you also give it as an example to someone looking to use a binary search tree in a weird way?
@Rerito Oh right, because it happens to be around the end of December we suddenly have to change manners.
(hint: fuck Christmas)
@rightføld Precisely
"there's this list that uses a binary search tree as backing structure, use it for your binary search tree assignment"
@Rerito Can I stop giving looooove when Christmas is over?
Why not give looooove every day?
@rightføld Some people do that
I am heavily offended by you celebrating things that come from religions that aren't my religion (which is the one and only and the truth).
I am not celebrating anything
I am just drinking beer
I am offended; alcohol is sin.
A Corsendonk to be precise
I'm incapable of consuming alcohol
which is fine because in my current situation at home I'd consume a thousand litres of vodka per second trying to cope
@Puppy That reminds me that I'm out of cheese
You read that @rightføld, out of cheese!
holy shitnibbles
get cracking on that right away
And I have to wait for tomorrow to destroy the foie gras I bought

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