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9:00 AM
@Jefffrey I guess so? Most of the nontrivial projects I make use Lens. Why?
Because I noticed the requirement in the cabal file. lens is fairly huge, being able to be independent from it would be cool I guess.
@Jefffrey lens is the Boost of haskell :P
Yeah, exactly.
Anyway, I'm just saying. I remember that I hated the fact that some web framework I tried was dependent on lens for no apparent reason.
@Jefffrey well to be fair handling any structured data without lenses is a royal pita
if there was at least syntax sugar for accessing nested data fields
Oh yeah, it's dependent‌​.
Yeah, nvm.
9:05 AM
@Jefffrey well that's not that bad yet
I mean I'm not sure if it's gonna really need it
Nah, don't worry. I simply thought you mistakenly added it to the requirements in your cabal file.
@Jefffrey makeLenses ''Mesh---Is that some sort of Template Haskell magic?
I believe so, yes.
@VáclavZeman yes.
> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ... #-}
9:07 AM
it generates lenses for the data structure (well, ain't that obvious, given the name :P)
cabal install --dependencies-only --force-reinstalls --enable-tests
well goodbye my PC for the next hour
I thought it was --only-dependencies :P
@Jefffrey hm, maybe both work; I most certainly use dependencies-only
shit, my speaker cables are borked
I need new speakers
they stop working out of nowhere because some idiot that shortened and then prolonged them forgot to solder them
and no it wasn't me, I was just too lazy to fix that
@BartekBanachewicz Oh yeah, they are synonyms.
Test suite Test: RUNNING...
Test suite Test: PASS
hm let's see if Glisha builds for me then
aha, it does.
I think I like glisha
9:21 AM
@Jefffrey yeah I was supposed to fix that months ago
or rather, implement actually
@Jefffrey it's conceptually quite similar to Love2D
I love love2d because it allows you to write your game code from the first moment
In OpenGL terms, does it make sense that an instance holds the pipeline or is it just convenient wrt draw?
@Jefffrey mesh doesn't hold a pipeline
data Instance = Instance {
    _mesh :: Mesh,
    _pipeline :: Pipeline,
    _position :: GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat
@Jefffrey oh in that case... yeah, I guess?
Yeah nvm
I mean it depends on what you want to do with the objects.
Oh, so glisha is 2D?
9:25 AM
I wanted to be able to load a mesh and draw it using different shaders, and that became my instance
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, it makes sense. Don't mind me. :)
@Jefffrey not strictly, no. I wrote the 3D part and then narrowed it a bit (i.e. made Position a 2-component vector). At least that's the idea, because it's still far from the finish
I think I'd like two separate APIs for 2D and 3D, with common stuff like window creation and input.
Well, technically a mesh is not binded to 2D or 3D right?
I'd just like the 2D api to be a bit easier and abstract stuff like shaders to i.e. only postprocessing
again, similar to how Love does it.
I don't know Love.
9:29 AM
function love.load()
    whale = love.graphics.newImage("whale.png")
function love.draw()
    love.graphics.draw(whale, 300, 200)
@Jefffrey now you do :P
Pretty neat
Assuming those are member functions.
@Jefffrey I think you can only have one love in your app.
so they're more like namespaced free functions
love isn't a library; it's a framework.
@BartekBanachewicz Stupid monogamy.
It's invading our industry too?
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, I remember there was something like that.
9:33 AM
well the idea is to make Glisha similarly straightforward
to give people an easy api to write haskell games without having to wonder "how do I even mutate state in this thing"
or, after two weeks of learning, how do I traverse my transformer stack to mutate state in this thing :P
Will you provide camera facilities too?
@Jefffrey will I provide, or would I like to provide? :P
Would you like. ;)
right now it provides a way to display a triangle.
@Jefffrey maybe. it's mostly pure maths.
I need a plan of development
anyway you can spam me with feature requests on GH
they can get lost in chat easily
If you tell me what you would like to do maybe I can help.
9:39 AM
@Jefffrey well I ended up on trying to get sample3 to work
the most important thing right now would be to merge develop-swap back into develop somehow
also arkanoid example nearly works, and I'd like to fix logic of it at some point
the more working examples it has the better
Fuck. I gotta go. BB in 1-2 hours. Ping me after this message so that I can go back and read this.
looks like Coliru is not responding /cc @StackedCrooked
10:01 AM
@BartekBanachewicz What is that program called? Your Mother?
@rightføld lol
I want HÄTE.
@rightføld hmpfh. Maybe I should rename Glisha to that :D //cc @Jefffrey here's your ping. Also I've merged into develop.
Reminds me of the tea brand
10:05 AM
Just like your library. Call it LØV.
10:19 AM
I just noticed this in my code
unsafeWith dat $ \ptr
dat ptr.
unsafe with dat ptr
@BartekBanachewicz it's a shingleton
@sehe how's that different from a singleton?
It isn't! (How's Löve different from Love?)
10:24 AM
Console looks like this:
well, in Lua it doesn't hurt nearly as bad
Not sure what's happening.
@StackedCrooked someone hacked coliru
Ah. Good.
10:25 AM
Not sure if I should wait or reboot.
Trying the soft reboot.
I should implement Hindley–Milner with core.logic.
@rightføld what's core.logic?
Kernel panic?
@BartekBanachewicz It is a logic programming library for Clojure.
10:29 AM
Man, doing PHP. I hate that stuff
@Mr.kbok why are you doing PHP?
Some photo posting site on a cheap server for my inlaws
I figured it was faster than learning a real technology, but man, the pain
@Mr.kbok it's not faster at all
also plenty of cheap/free hostings for other tech
It will be if I jump out the window right now
never PHP
it has no uses whatsoever
10:34 AM
@Mr.kbok Install existing software.
oooh, trying to talk about programming near the misses is hard work.
@thecoshman y?
@rightføld Did not find it
my GF knows all about programming
@BartekBanachewicz why talk about it, or why is it hard?
10:35 AM
> programming is mostly about:
> oh wow a triangle
> now let's move it a bit right
> oh it disappeared
> fuck
Also, if you have a PHP server then good luck trying to install open source software that doesnt suck balls
exact quote
@Mr.kbok what is a php server?
@thecoshman both
  943 root      20   0  238m 1532  576 S   36  0.2   0:56.43 nmhfbucnuv
nice command
Wtf is nmhfbucnuv?
10:35 AM
or botnet. something.
if it's a rootkit why allow itself to be shown there.
Well I said something stupid okay
mine has absolutely no interest.
@StackedCrooked What is the output of ls -al /proc/943/fd?
@Puppy the perfect disguise
10:38 AM
disguising itself as a less-serious malware?
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Nov 8 11:38 0 -> /dev/null
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Nov 8 11:38 1 -> /dev/null
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Nov 8 11:38 2 -> /dev/null
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Nov 8 11:38 3 -> socket:[9629]
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Nov 8 11:38 4 -> socket:[9718]
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Nov 8 11:38 5 -> socket:[10813]
@StackedCrooked ok, what is the output of netstat | grep '9629\|9718\|10813'?
rightfold is such a hacker
@rightføld nothing (exit code 1)
10:40 AM
Oh wait, wrong command.
you must've mistyped the regexp
Uh there was some way to find out what those socket files are connected to.
| egrep ".*(9629|9718|10813).*"?
@StackedCrooked cat /proc/net/tcp | grep '9629\|9718\|10813'
5: 3F39CBAD:AA76 328DF067:1F45 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000795 00000000     0        0 9629 2 ffff88003d2f0d00 36 4 14 3 -1
10:42 AM
dat output
It's connected to (328DF067 is the address in big-endian).
Q: question about C++

RAGHAVA procedure PROD(S,T) is given that inputs a set of integers S and a target integer T. The function outputs either a "yes" or a "no" according to whether there exists distinct elements x1,....,xn in S with x1*x2*x3*....xn= T. We would like to implement an enhanced version of PROD(S,T), called PRO...

Which is in China.
You are doomed.
Probably Chinese botnet or virus.
10:44 AM
ClearDDoS Technologies
top kek
killed the process and it's running under the name "jsgxigrbab"
@TonyTheLion seems legit
10:45 AM
@StackedCrooked Is there a process called .sshd (with the period)?
Or any other processes with names similar to usual processes?
Actually that chinese server might be the one being attacked
Nah, it's probably a master.
root       541  0.0  0.2  50036  2884 ?        Ss   11:37   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
root      1261  0.0  0.3  77700  3700 ?        Ss   11:37   0:00 sshd: root@pts/0
@rightføld nah
I had the same problem on one server once and it was a botnet. Though with different process names.
10:48 AM
Removing it was very difficult. Might as well reinstall operating system and re-evaluate Coliru's security (i.e. just run everything in Docker).
> However having both a library and executables in a package does not work very well; if the executables depend on the library, they must explicitly list all the modules they directly or indirectly import from that library. Fortunately, starting with Cabal, executables can also declare the package that they are in as a dependency, and Cabal will treat them as if they were in another package that dependended on the library.
@rightføld most recent change was providing access to /proc
lol Cabal
@StackedCrooked to all of it as root?
@rightføld lol, no
10:51 AM
I am not able to come up with a solution.Please help it is urgent — RAGHAV 7 mins ago
@StackedCrooked Ask on Information Security about the implication of providing such access.
So Coliru will be down for a while.
11:02 AM
I think tests suck
the approach is bad.
instead of writing random short programs that express more or less our expectations about our software, we should express those expectations in the code itself
in a formal way.
What do you mean?
Pre and postconditions like in D?
Or solving the halting problem?
Good Morning
@BartekBanachewicz lol
11:23 AM
@rightføld ok, how did you now this? Or did you use super ninja google skills to quickly figure that out?
The output says "328DF067"
Each pair of numbers represents a byte.
I figured that.
Convert them to decimal, then reverse the list of numbers (because it's little-endian) and you have your IP address.
Oh you mean how I know what that number means.
11:25 AM
how do you know the format is little endian?
Oh, because if I didn't reverse it I got a bogus IP.
@rightføld I could see that in the column header.
Not if you grep. :p
So no biggies there.
@rightføld well you obviously are above column headers
11:35 AM
Does anybody remember if the improvements shown in CTP Nov 2013 for MSVC will be released in some supported update soon?
> update soon
there have been a shitbunch of CTPs for vNext
@Columbo I agree with the eye contact part. Not sure about the acknowledging part.
11:47 AM
wat do
> Clojure provides easy access to the Java frameworks, with optional type hints and type inference, to ensure that calls to Java can avoid reflection.
I don't understand the reflection part of this.
(fn [x] (.toUpperCase x Locale/ENGLISH)) requires reflection at the call site, because the type of x is not known at compile-time so .toUpperCase could be one of many methods on different classes. (fn [^String x] (.toUpperCase x Locale/ENGLISH)) does not suffer that problem because the compiler knows x is a string.
@StackedCrooked I just had to post a demo for a code on Ideone :'(. When is Coliru on again?
@Columbo I'll try to fix it over the weekend.
@StackedCrooked Cheers.
11:53 AM
Coliru is offline? :'(
Yes, unfortunately. Some pillock had to hack it.
@StackedCrooked What was it, a DoS?
Idiots have to ruin everything..
Or a tricky command line
not sure. all I see is a mysterious process that is consuming 50% CPU and that has a TCP connection to an IP located in china.
@StackedCrooked LMAO :D
... so, what about killing it?
Restarting the server, or whatever?
11:55 AM
@Columbo it restarts under a different name
@StackedCrooked A weak username/password would probably do that. If I were you I'd shut off outside web access to the webserver and then investigate the process.
You could've easily been infected with a spam botnet.
@cybermonkey Well, cybermonkey, you seem to know a bit about this...
Yes stopping web access will certainly help against e.g. SSH access.
just powered off the server for now
thanks ........ — Arwa196 1 min ago
11:57 AM
I hate OP already.
@rightføld those dots represent points of inadequacy
@Columbo I got a VPS around a month ago, the second time I logged into it I got a message along the lines of '690 rejected login attempts', from a chinese IP. I simply had my webhost block the IP and allocate my VPS to a new IP (while null-routing the old one).
Webhosting seems funny.
Just install fail2ban
I'll get the IP and you might be able to match it (maybe).
12:04 PM
What is a good way to browse github?
@StackedCrooked Screenshot of what happened when I myself was being attacked: puu.sh/cI3Ct/bd71ef43e7.png. Your case sounds similar.
A: How to acquire a lock in C++?

GabrielIf you just need to lock variables to prevent concurrent access in a thread you can also use atomic header that will do the job for you. create a struct that contains both variable to be sure the lock applies to both variables struct MyStruct { int a; int b; }; atomic<MyStruct> myAtomicst...

dat example
12:07 PM
> Though your answer now is plain wrong.
> ok, but do you agree with the annswer?
This guy must really be drunk.
@rightføld An attempt to answer the question, that is wrong. Don't flag it as 'low quality' as the moderators will decline it on the basis that 'the community decides whether this answer is invalid'. Just downvote it and move on and the community will do the rest.
Uh, I know how Stack Overflow works. I'm just making fun of the guy.
I never said I would flag it as low quality, so I don't see why you tell me not to.
12:10 PM
@rightføld It doesn't answer the question, so any flags such as 'this doesn't answer the question' should do. However moderators will reject it on the basis that the community decides whether the answer is wrong.
I know how Stack Overflow works. Why are you telling me this?
Soon I'll have to make fun of you as well!
@rightføld ..because it does not answer the question, however moderators will decline the appropriate flag.
12:13 PM
1) I never planned on flagging anything.
2) I never said I planned on flagging anything.
3) I already said I know how Stack Overflow works.
I plan on setting up a blog on my VPS
Any advice?
@Mr.kbok don't get hacked
also, do backups regularly
12:19 PM
@BartoszKP lol
I mean, which blog engine? Should I write it myself?
Just install WordPress. Works fine.
If you don't have to do any custom theme or plugin development it won't be a pain. WordPress uses global loop counters lol.
I use WordPress. However, installing WordPress requires installing PHP
and I don't like that
@Mr.kbok Robot's blog looks nice
(not counting the font)
12:21 PM
Skinning Wordpress is about as pleasant as skinning yourself so no
@BartoszKP Yeah, but it's a github
You can run Jekyll without GitHub you fool.
@StackedCrooked As if people don't look like idiots without the game
12:26 PM
@Puppy maybe that guy in particular
> A triangular number or triangle number counts the objects that can form an equilateral triangle.
Nooo that's so wrong.
;o what
4 is the only triangular number, obviously.
12:32 PM
I think I'll take a bath, it's been a while ;0
@Puppy btw do you like horse meat?
@Jefffrey what? :D
Horse meat is good.
12:36 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Nevermind. SO.chat was broken for me because it didn't show the ping. When I went to SO it suddenly shown the ping as a notification.
I want to try alligator meat, deer meat, rabbit meat and human meat.
@Jefffrey I just had an hour long talk about monad stacks
and monad families
you should live with us and have such nice discussions
Also I wanted to ask you, sample 3 should show something right?
@Jefffrey technically. But I never got it to work
how's your opengl?
Oh, ok. Because it shows black.
@BartekBanachewicz 4.1 AFAIK
12:38 PM
@Jefffrey lol, no, how well do you feel with opengl :D
because it's prolly a texture format bug so I wanted to tell you that you might have actual problems with fixing that if you aren't confident you're doing stuff correctly
it's the classical black-screen-opengl-bug
The texture meant something?
12:39 PM
Sample 3 tries to load some image.
Is that important?
Because I saw it wasn't used in the draw call, so I just removed it.
The draw call is: draw $ Polygon [vec2 0 0, vec2 1 0, vec2 0 1]
I don't see sprite used there.
12:40 PM
Oh, since you are there you might want to add sample3 as an executable in the .cabal file.
Generators should remember their history.
Not being able to iterate them twice is a PITA.
If you can iterate them only once they should return iterator not enumerable.
executable sample2
main-is: sample3.hs
12:44 PM
Yeah, I noticed
12:57 PM
do you guys still frequent old-fashioned forums?
Neither do I. But I only realized now.
@StackedCrooked Yes.
I'm a moderator in one.
@StackedCrooked Me too.
1:01 PM
The weight of your mother in grams.
1:13 PM
jekyll up
1:31 PM
Good morning!
@BartekBanachewicz Speaking of this, do you know any way to debug GLSL? GLSLDevil is outdated, sadly.
@Nooble You just reminded me to check up on vogl
my left shoulder hurts so bad
I can't move my head properly
@Mr.kbok I never really got what's up with "organic tea"
all I know is that LOV is way too expensive for me to justify buying it
Tea Forte tea is expensive as fuck but still less expensive than LOV
my guess is that you can just slap "organic" on your food and sell it for a load of money
1:50 PM
@AlexM. I don't know either. I mean other teas are not made out of plastic
I bought them as presents but never tasted it actually :P
Okay guys jekyll is insanely awesome
I feel like I need to do something against this negative infinity motivation for doing anything but lying on my bed.
Well you're typing things on your computer, which is a thing
on my tablet, actually
while lying in my bed
I've just been feeling so increadibly bored and unmotivated lately

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