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@Griwes i ... just... what?
that's a gift that keeps on giving. The background image is top-notch too.
There's a CBS documentary about groundwater right now.
Californians are apparently going to die from dehydration...
Hang on, isn't California on the west coast?
They have the Pacific Ocean!
salt water can be a little dehydrating too
Certainly they can purify it.
@mje So, I've cobbled up that thing using Boost Multi Index: Live On Coliru. It uses a hashed_non_unique index for the color-side of the map. I'm not sure how this would be more efficient (I'd say ordered might be faster, but you can easily switch and profile it now). (PS. Do I get a cookie?. I learned how to create my very own Boost Property Map adaptor to model a ReadWritePropertyMap, yay!)sehe 4 mins ago
@Nooble Purify your mom!
@sehe Ha-ha! You got me again! Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha. Continues robotic laugh
It had been entirely too long since anyone made a gratuitous mom joke
G̶r̶a̶t̶u̶i̶t̶o̶u̶s̶ Long like your mom!
@sehe hasn't been that long since someone gratuitously made his mom!
Sorry. I take it back then.
@Borgleader I saw this approaching.
@Nooble interesting choice of words
I am back from MK8
Mortal Kombat 8?
On another note, ever since my german teacher taught my class how to say what we do in our free time, everyone has been saying: "Ich habe ihr mutter in meine frezeit". I don't know if it translates perfectly, but I'm sure everyone can understand it perfectly fine.
implying everyone speaks german
*Everyone in my school.
I'm having my mother in my free time?
or is it your mother
I have no clue.
your mother
Bad question of the day:
Q: What king of programming language is this?

daryl coronadoINQUIRY Schedule(R) D{route} {R} Cs{route} (R) H{route} (R) H{class} (R) R{route} (R) A{route} (R) A{class} (R) 12 Dep{route} (R) Mtype (R) Meters (R) Billint (R) Meterint (R) Vatjuice (R) Names (R,W) Gslcredt (R) Meccredt (R) 7 Reyops{station} (R,W) Srhist{station} (R,W) Temp (R,W) 5

or 'her mother'
@rightføld What is it and where can I get it?
@Mysticial downvoted, VTCed
@AlexM. Although this is equally as funny.
Poutine, Canada. LET'S DO THIS.
/cc @EtiennedeMartel
Why do I feel like I knew AC: Unity was going to be a screw up from the start? I remember about a month ago I was ranting about its system requirements. And now, this.
this was the best article wrt Ubisoft that I've read lately forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2014/11/14/…
I used to think they just exaggerated the sysreqs on purpose
I didn't expect the game to be such a mess
They're apparently pushing 50,000 draw calls per second.
Whilst DX12 can only handle 7,000
I wouldn't want to work at ubisoft
judging by how AC turned out it's either
1) impossible deadlines
2) a landmass of horrible programmers who are clueless about their job
what if you were management? you can be as incompetent as you like
3) a combination of those two
4) retarded management/team leaders who keep insisting on undeliverables
1 min ago, by Alex M.
1) impossible deadlines
it's included there
According to an article, they're being limited by the AI. They could run 100 FPS they say, but the AI limits them to 30 due to the CPU not being able to keep up. Console gamers don't care, however, since they're still getting their cinematic 30fps console-grade experience
actually they don't
in most somewhat crowded areas, the PS4 drops below 20fps
that's less than anime!
so cinematic
The XBOX One performs better, better CPU I think.
this circlejerk again
Cinematic 3fps console-grade e̶x̶p̶e̶r̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ slideshow
this math book is terrible. I don't get how strong induction works with proving all numbers in a sequence are divisible by something
bored and tired but no will to go to bed
@corvid have you considered asking your teacher
wat do
your teacher is not there to sit around and waste time
maybe I should watch some boring video
meh, her office hours are booked all the time and I don't want to sound like an idiot to the person deciding the grade
@Jefffrey Binge-watch-YouTube-videos?
That always gets me sleepy.
@corvid I don't know how to answer to that
but it's wrong on many levels
is that pride?
you have a lot of pride for someone lacking basic knowledge and obviously needing tutoring
no, if she thinks I don't know it it will probably count against, no?
@AlexM. OUCH
I have never heard of a teacher giving you a bad grade for asking a question about the lesson
I found a great website for making notes with markdown.
if anything, she'll appreciate the fact that you're interested in finding out more
> The connection was interrupted
and don't want to get out with a passing grade/10
eh, every time I ask her a question she always seems annoyed by it more than anything
@Borgleader Works fine for me... Anyone else?
@corvid it's her job, and if you think you got a bad grade on a test because of her, ask for a review from another prof
nah, got a bad grade because I have no clue what I am doing and can't math
you're in high school right?
vendettas are rare there
don't get profs angry at you in college though
weird shit can happen there
from a prof passing you after solving a random hard problem in front of everyone
to a prof not wanting to pass you no matter what
and nobody can do shit
@Nooble yeah like when you piss off a prof
I am in college... I would think staying under the radar would be the best
and you end up being his target
@corvid ask classmates then
or better yet, just do what it takes to pass
it's not like it matters
70% of the class dropped :\
nobody will say "I'm sorry, I can't give you this job. You passed with 5/10 in maths, I only accept people who passed with 6/10 at least."
is discrete math supposed to be really easy?
I don't know
I study a night before the exam and pass w/ 5/10
So I hated this one teacher (my english teacher) because she had the worst attitude. Ugh. Good thing I ended up getting transferred out of her class because she had too many students.
then forget everything days after
Everyone hates her with a passion.
5/10 is passing? Here it's 7/10 to pass
Here it's 8/10.
7/10 never made sense to me
@AlexM. They can say "I only accept people that got 90+/100 in the final grade" though
Let's see what your answers are.
5/10 makes sense because it's half of 10/10
7/10 seems so random
@Jefffrey haven't seen a workplace like that
@Rapptz 1/2 ?
where do they do that? NASA? Google?
@Rapptz 66%
Anyone else? :p
@Rapptz do you have the answer?
everywhere I apply requests a 3.0+ GPA, which is around an 8/10 on everything. They request transcripts to prove it too
Of course.
The answer is immediately obvious
it's the classic goat vs car in the boxes problem
oh wait
@Rapptz I suck at this kind of shit. 66%
I didn't read the question
on the face of it, 50%
it's pretty famous
IF you see gold, you don't see the silver-silver.
it's still 1/2 :p
@corvid wth
It's 66%
The Monty Hall problem is a brain teaser, in the form of a probability puzzle (Gruber, Krauss and others), loosely based on the American television game show Let's Make a Deal and named after its original host, Monty Hall. The problem was originally posed in a letter by Steve Selvin to the American Statistician in 1975 (Selvin 1975a), (Selvin 1975b). It became famous as a question from a reader's letter quoted in Marilyn vos Savant's "Ask Marilyn" column in Parade magazine in 1990 (vos Savant 1990a): Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is...
@Jefffrey are you referring to the car/goat/goat and the chance to change? that's different
@Jefffrey No this isn't Monty Hall.
Similar, but not it.
It's Bertrand's box paradox.
Bertrand's box paradox is a classic paradox of elementary probability theory. It was first posed by Joseph Bertrand in his Calcul des probabilités, published in 1889. There are three boxes: a box containing two gold coins, a box containing two silver coins, a box containing one gold coin and one silver coin. After choosing a box at random and withdrawing one coin at random, if that happens to be a gold coin, it may seem that the probability that the remaining coin is gold is 1⁄2; in fact, the probability is actually 2⁄3. Two problems that are very similar are the Monty Hall problem and the Three...
@Rapptz What the hell?
@Rapptz whaat
yeah w/e
I'll explain.
You have 3 boxes.
it's the same concept
Combinations are GG, GG, SG, GS, SS, and SS.
If your first one is G then you have GG, GG, and GS left.
You have 2/3rd chance of getting GG.
@AlexM. Are you from somewhere in Europe?
you should move here
you can even get a job without a degree!
get that.
buh? What bizarre land is this?
@Rapptz What are those things called again, when its like "if i have 20% chance of X happening, and 30% chance of Y happening if X happens, then what are the odds of <insert predicate here>" ?
probability problems?
> The Monty Hall problem is mathematically closely related to the earlier Three Prisoners problem and to the much older Bertrand's box paradox.
@Rapptz isnt there a specific name for those? for some reason I'm thinking Bernouilli something or other?
non-independent events?
Bernouilli did the stuff about sucking.
The only probability related thing named after him is Bernoullli distribution.
I think anyway
In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's principle states that for an inviscid flow of a nonconducting fluid, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy. The principle is named after Daniel Bernoulli who published it in his book Hydrodynamica in 1738. Bernoulli's principle can be applied to various types of fluid flow, resulting in what is loosely denoted as Bernoulli's equation. In fact, there are different forms of the Bernoulli equation for different types of flow. The simple form of Bernoulli's principle is valid...
Bernoulli process?
there are so many bernoulli things
which is why a hole in the bottom of a boat can suck water out. AS LONG AS THE BOAT IS MOVING
Bernoulli is a common mathematician name.
How about the unexpected hanging paradox?
@Rapptz yeah, a few of my teachers were called that.
I think I overdid the alcohol tonight
not feeling well
@Rapptz Well I got the B part right, I was thinking of:
In statistics, Bayesian inference is a method of inference in which Bayes' rule is used to update the probability estimate for a hypothesis as additional evidence is acquired. Bayesian updating is an important technique throughout statistics, and especially in mathematical statistics. For some cases, exhibiting a Bayesian derivation for a statistical method automatically ensures that the method works as well as any competing method. Bayesian updating is especially important in the dynamic analysis of a sequence of data. Bayesian inference has found application in a range of fields including science...
fuck it's almost 4AM too
I'm terrible at those, I find them completely counter intuitive for some reason
@AlexM. Isn't this your desired effect?
Oh this.
Probability is not that fun
@Nooble nah
@AlexM. Ahh so you're 8 hours advanced from me!
If anyone's got a really good tutorial, intuitive explanation of those, I'll take it.
@Nooble only 8 hours ?-)
I'll try to sleep
before I get sick that is
@aclarke Well, it's 8PM DST here.
@AlexM. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Mental age-wise
I was thinkin' more like several years
s'funny yes?
I'll be selling CD's in the lobby.
Every thought of monetizing your comedic potential?
I guess so.
Typed that before reading your comment.
Night lounge
not sure being laughed AT is true comedy.
@Ell Night!
@aclarke Still could be monetized.
worked for the 3 stooges. Also Brittney Spears.
Well, I'm off to go do some Global History homework, night.
homework is Fun!
tut-tut, doing your homework sunday night?
The best time to do it, ofcourse.
while you're fresh.
That was easy.
global history
jesus christ
it sounds boring as fuck
how old are you @Nooble?
Actually one of the more interesting subjects.
Global history is cool
I've always hated history.
The fuck are you doing in the lounge at 14 yo?
why? It's such a cool subject
@Jefffrey Procrastinating.
Isn't it too soon to grow cynical?
Never too soon.
The lounge is toxic. Get out of here, while you still can.
Toxic is good!
Very good!
Tactical remove.
it feeds on your time
unless you're like me and just come here to ask inept and contextless questions ;)
learn to be like the worst member of this chat room - corvid!
I would seriously ban nooble for like 6 years if I had the power to do this
Tough love!
live your life man
don't get used to waste time in a chatroom all day
I do live my life, but instead of facebook, lounge.
I'm only here in the morning on my commute, at the night when sleepy, and on my weekends when programming/playing KSP.
How old are you @Jefffrey?
@Nooble "I can give up any time"
@every-lounger: 'I can give up any time"
@Nooble 22
@Jefffrey live your life man. don't get used to waste time in a chatroom all day.
we should run odds on who's the oldest here. I'd guess Jerry.
Anyways, my school got cut from the free lunch list, because the DOE thought that school is too rich.
no need for odds, you can just search the history
im pretty sure its been mentioned before
@Borgleader oh yeah that will be easy.
@Puppy is oldest, dog years.
dog years are not a linear function.
@aclarke How old are you @aclarke?
<<== Guru Adrian: I'm a 322 year old 7 year old boy
I live in a cave in Beecroft with a pig.
@aclarke Fine, youngest, most dogs only live up to 15 years, and Puppy is still alive.
Dec 11 '12 at 0:10, by Etienne de Martel
I think the three oldest dudes around are @sbi, @sehe and @JerryCoffin.
No, dogs are adult at about 1, corresponding you a rate of about 1:15 .. 1:20
then they plateau, and so on
@Borgleader he thinks but is it proven???
come to think of it, is it proven that he thinks?
eerie music
Can we prove that it is proven that he thinks?
So I'm stuck buying 50 cent cup noodles for lunch because I am not going to blow $5.00 on lunch every day. Really wish free school lunch can be brought back.
Right hand or left?
I wouldn't be touching either hand if I saw that on a wrist.
Im back from the dead
Or was this an undercover operation @Ell?
Just a failed attempt at sleeping
call it polyphasic then
@Ell Or a succesful attempt at caffeine-deprivation?
A: List to tuple in Haskell

prpl.mnky.dshwshrHere is one way to do it, with the help of a helper function that lets you drop every second element from your target list, and then just use zip. This may not have your desired behavior when the list is of odd length since that's not yet defined in the question. -- This is just from ghci let m...

I don't even
How do you get to complicate stuff like that.
A: List to tuple in Haskell

Johannes KuhnFor a simple method (that fails for a odd number of elements) you can use combine :: [a] -> [(a, a)] combine (x1:x2:xs) = (x1,x2):combine xs combine (_:_) = error "Odd number of elements" combine [] = [] Live demo Or you could use some complex method like in an other answer that I don't reall...

^ this answer needs moar upboats
I also feel pretty meh. This method is more efficient (using cons, not zipping with [1..]) -- I guess that's enough to think it's better. I don't think the pattern matching or saving 2 or 3 lines matters at all though. If it's just the extra rep from the accepted answer, @dcarou please unaccept mine and accept this one -- I totes don't care about the rep part of this. — prpl.mnky.dshwshr 40 secs ago
> I totes don't care about the rep part of this.
> I totes don't care about the rep part of this.
Now I feel bad for laughing at that guy.
Why did I attack him.
He didn't deserve it.
Never too late to say sorry! Give him flowers while you're at it.
I feel... Dizzy. Gonna go ingest some dihydrogen monoxide.
A: Quantifiable metrics (benchmarks) on the usage of header-only c++ libraries

Realz SlawSummary (notable points): Two packages benchmarked (one with 78 compilation units, one with 301 compilation units) Traditional Compiling (Multi Unit Compilation) resulted in a 7% faster application (in the 78 unit package); no change in application runtime in the 301 unit package. Both Traditio...

this needs more upvotes than that silly haskell answer
but then again, the guy got +900 over it
I would love +900
Good morning.
good night maybe
I wonder if write-cache flushing would have any effect on SSDs.
@Jefffrey um, good night to you (?)
@Mysticial update on VC's switching of movdqa to the unaligned version, it appears to be an emit issue. One related to the question I linked earlier. It appears that the compiler is hard wired to never emit movdqa and replace any instance of it with the unaligned version.
@Mgetz All major compilers targeting Sandy Bridge and above will never emit aligned moves.
This impacts the compiler's own intrinsic functions too, quite negatively as it prevents them from doing what they are supposed to do
@Mysticial Why so?
well the issue is that VC's memcpy and a few other of it's intrinsics do instruction tests
and those tests are thwarted by the compiler
@Borgleader Because the hardware has no performance difference between aligned and unaligned moves when the address is aligned.
So an unaligned move is never worse than an aligned move.
And this was not true before Sandy Bridge?
@Borgleader nahalem IIRC
Personally, I'd rather it crash on a misaligned address because I consider that a bug that should be fixed.
Correct, since Nehalem. But the compilers can't blindly issue misaligned SSE moves since it will fuck up performance on Core 2 and before.
as the performance hit can be rather nasty, as I found out earlier today
as it turns out VC's intrinsic memcpy is fucked, horribly by this behavior
which explains why STL uses memmove everywhere
So they only force on all unaligned moves when compiling for AVX with VEX-encoded instructions.
@Mysticial that doesn't seem to be the case for VS2013, it was doing it for an intrinsic memcpy
and it was doing it with unaligned data
@Mgetz memcpy is different. I'm talking about the compiler issuing unaligned moves even when you use aligned load/store intrinsics.
And the compiler using unaligned moves to spill to the stack. (though they do still align the stack)
@Mysticial ah ok, still I would have thought they would have fixed their memcpy intrinsic
> As of SDL_image 1.2.5, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and WEBP image loading libraries are dynamically loaded, so if you don't need to load those formats, you don't need to include those shared libraries. libpng depends on libz, and libtiff depends on both libz and libjpeg.
What a thrill.
I just noticed that the screenshot here has a filter for asker rep and question score.
Q: Feedback requested: New "recommended" homepage, phase 4 - filters

Jarrod DixonWe've implemented the unpolished filters mockup from this question in an equally unpolished manner. Currently, this is only on the "recommended" tab, found here: http://stackoverflow.com/?tab=recommended A few notes: each option has a tooltip with more information (available on mouse o...

I can't believe they actually are implementing the rep filter.
Guess I'll set it to 5 rep and see what happens.
@Mysticial I thought they made a joke/reference to N-phase filters in circuits.
I'll try > 5 rep and score > -1.
Though I'll miss all the hilariously bad stuff.
gold badge #250!
Exactly @250?
that's why I've been at a rush lately
I wanted a nice number
Oh, you were timing it.
@Rapptz Wow. Congrats!
@Rapptz I'm going for 256!
250 huh, still a smallish number of gold badgers.
255 is nicer
shoot for that
Here's your award
They're all nice!
Is that a raccoon?
Looks awfully like a bear ...
same family.
Wow... my homepage changed from yellow to white.
All I did was filter by (rep > 5) and (score > -1).
Since there are so few questions that don't get filtered out, it started filling up my homepage with other tags that I don't follow. (hence white)
lemme try
same here
if I add tag filters it works sanely though
Same filters?
I figured it isn't too hard to ask for (rep > 5) and (score > -1). The user only needs 1 upvote.
But clearly I was wrong.
the front page + filter automatically updates right?
I still prefer going through manual tag search + sort by newest
@Rapptz Not on SO.
I put an auto-refresher on this: stackoverflow.com/…
I worry when a recipe says "toss well to coat" taste.com.au/recipes/8048/nuts+and+bolts
Haven't heard about this stuff since middle school lol
1 hour later…
@aclarke lol
> The highest rated single television broadcast in US history is the 150-minute long final episode of M*A*S*H* [..], transmitted on primetime by CBS on February 28, 1983, viewed at a peak conclusion by 125 million American viewers (or 60.2% of American households, at least 77% of the total US television viewers, and more than half of U.S. 1983 population of 234 million people).

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