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@CatPlusPlus I agree.
47 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have no idea how you can post on std-p and not tear everyone to shreds.
Now you know.
@Rapptz The bestest part? Claiming that using snake_case is fine, but Object would just completely totally wreak havoc :laffo:
Gah so many moths
But I am totally not biased towards my shitty codebase no
Welp, time to head to bed. G'night.
You mean reading std-pffhfhfhaha have fun, g'night.
Ahh I eed a bigger bag for school
Wow this is some ugly positional arguments syntax.
  cout << putf("The answer:%2$*1$d\n", 5, 42);  // same effect
It's what printf does.
Yeah POSIX apparently.
Why would you want to emulate exactly what printf does is beyond me.
@Rapptz This was a good laugh.
I found it here
Is the fact c++ grammar is undecidable a problem?
I seem to recall a if ( is_true() == true ) )
C++ grammar is not undecideable.
It's context-sensitive.
> String with precision (truncation, only for C-style strings)
@Ell Only Perl is undecidable.
"Hey guys I have an idea, let's take crappy printf and make it... exactly the same! Yeah! And also rename it."
@DeadMG Implementation defined. If you please.
The future of C++ ecosystem, ladies and gentlemen.
@CatPlusPlus This one takes the cake for me:
> I re-read your text above several times but it is too vauge, and also inconsistent in that you say that you write is_const<MyType>() instead of is_const<MyType>()
@catplusplus but if templates are Turing complete, how is it decidable? Maybe I'm not thinking of the grammar, something else. I was reading in a question earlier
@Ell Templates being Turing-complete or not has no relation to the language grammar.
It means that you can't tell if evaluating template expression will terminate.
So, don't ever write X instead of X, because that'd be inconsistent /cc @R.Martinho
Not that you can't parse it.
I can just feel the pain. If anything, the appreciation for the standardization committee must go up
Right okay
C++ is deterministically parseable, it's only really fucking hard, because the grammar is a complicated piece of context-sensitive crap.
Does that make it more succinct?
not at all.
obviously not inherently
@sehe "I also possess no reading comprehension skills! At all!"
@CatPlusPlus Anyways, it seems to me that it'd be trivial to cater for this. Especially with the rename (because, you know, C printf does do namespace pollution
Perfectly qualified!
@sehe putf is such a great name, too.
@CatPlusPlus The part "you write is_const<MyType>() instead of is_const<MyType>()" does my head in. It made me recheck for any difference missed at least 10 times now
Essentially what he's saying is "let's disregard already-proven solutions that don't do stupid shit like including type specifiers in format string, and reuse shitty libc solution! YEAH!"
Ok, goodnight guys. I have the actual Java lecture early in the morning. Wish me luck it will be as well received.
Perfect proposal 10/10
@sehe There's a 0-width whitespace character in there!
The thing that baffles me is that they make these proposals with straight face.
@MohammadAliBaydoun I believe you
@MohammadAliBaydoun Maybe an LTR override?
Can spirit parse at runtime or does it just generate a parser at runtime?
It's either coordinated effort to troll the committee or just idiots coming like moths to a light.
I honestly can't tell.
@CatPlusPlus Dunning-K
@Ell It's a combinatorial parser, not a parser generator.
@Ell see metamonad and metaparse: abel.web.elte.hu/mpllibs/metaparse they can parse at compiletime
@CatPlusPlus well, it can generate statical lexer tables :) Yet, that's "mostly" tokenizing (mostly because semantic actions can trigger context-sensitive lexer state changes)
Well, I never really delved into Spirit.
Mostly because it's surrounded by a 1000-metre-tall wall guarded by dragons.
@CatPlusPlus The latter
A: How to parse text for a DSL at compile time?

cv_and_heDisclaimer: I know nothing about metaparse, and very little about proto. The following code is my attempt (mostly via trial and error) to modify this example to do something similar to what you want. The code can be easily divided in several parts: 1. The grammar 1.1 Token definitions type...

^ coolness. The guy even posted a compiletime brainfuck interpreter in the comments.
@CatPlusPlus It isn't. Quite the opposite. It's rather a bit tinkery to get started with. But it's easy to get started without "getting the mechanics" fully. Then once you start seeing past the covers, it's surprisingly ... straightforward?
It's just one of these libraries that have been done by real TMP gurus. Everytime I read this type of code, I can only begin to see the many pitfalls they avoided by being very very very consistent in their TMP styles.
Ahh thanks
@Rapptz She's higher than a fucking kite.
I'm afraid that may not necessarily be the case
Don't do PCP kids.
Oh gawd
> Des fois c'est vraiment à se coincer les parties dans une porte.
Hmm let me have a go at French
@EtiennedeMartel ? coincer - drawing a blank.
The ... Is very ... In a door
@sehe Get stuck, in this case.
@Ell s/very/really/
Oh yeah
my first day at school tomorrow
I can't wait to see my disappointed teachers :P
TIL when setting up a firewall over ssh, don't set all policies to drop before you allow ssh traffic
I start in 2 weeks
Either way, I should sleep now, night all :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes if you only append rules, you probably won't do that
@Ell All the disappointed students.
People citing that question's existence to justify similar questions is exactly why plenty of people disagree with it staying undeleted. — Wooble 1 min ago
@Ell hmmm?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ouch. I've had that happen. Once or twice. Okay, maybe three times. But: in different circumstances (1x because the NAT-ted target address had been reassigned - oops; 1x because I had no idea AIX was so different from other UNICES; the other time(s) because I didn't pay attention and could just hook up a keyboard to the server...)
Need to request a goddamn hardware reset now
On the first day of your new job?
Not job related.
Oh. I don't "file request" unless job related/ It's your 'ET phone home' connection?
> I'm of course fully aware of the basics of disambiguiation and why it is needed. The problem is that I find that at least VS2012 requires it even when it knows full well that it is a type.
^ bwahahaha. It could hardly be more backwards
It's a remote server to which I have no access.
Perhaps if you want to get it into a wiki, you could submit it to Wikipedia. — paddy 1 min ago
Fuck this shit, time to put some Céline Dion in my ears.
Oh crap is that from the asylum?
Oh cool they have monitors in place and rebootif it stops ponging.
Now to do this right.
@sehe link?
posted on September 03, 2013 by Eric Battalio

Hello. My name is Gabriel Ha and I am a program manager on the Visual C++ team. Do you have 10-20 minutes to take a survey on C++ developer activities? We want to get a better idea of what C++ developers frequently spend their time doing when they develop their C++ code. We will use your feedback to make improvements to Visual Studio to aide you in the tasks you find yourself doing all the ti

@Feeds Beer, food, sex, answering mind-bogglingly-stupid questions on blogs.
@DeadMG It's in (I think) the last response to robot: groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/d/msg/std-proposals/S1mmwzcvblA/…
@EtiennedeMartel What? You have no ice-pick available?
@MartinJames finished it even though I rarely use VS
just took it as an opportunity to let them know I think they suck
@DeadMG Also, the paragraph that directly follows it ("You claim that...") is a ginormous strawman. Robot didn't claim that: in fact, robot was pointing out that typename was required for exactly the same reasons. It was Bengt who was conveniently omitting that part from his unholy type_traits<T>::add_const idea
@DeadMG did you see my picture the last time we were conversing?
In other news: MSVC turned up UB in my code sample even during compilation (?) and proceded to correctly trap at a runtime assertion. It doesn't happen every day that I am pleasantly surprised by MSVC's DEBUG iterator features:
@Krienie I just tested this with VS2010 and you're right. MSVC correctly flag invalid iterators. I'm mildly awed. I just verified with valgrind and indeed, it is the vector's iterators that cause the problem. All I can say, my solution only "appeared to work" because of UB. Whether or not this is a bug in Karma, I'm willing to forget for the moment. — sehe 3 mins ago

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