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play 2.0 is just plain awesome and super fast
its just like django
but for java
buttfuck java
@ThePhD I wonder if theres a way to install that for win7. yes
@Borgleader But this framework is worth a look.
play is a web framework right?
how can I find the number of bits in a byte at compile-time?
that standard?
@ThePhD What about the copy file dialog?
@LuchianGrigore Perfectly.
so.. I'm being made fun of because I'm using sizeof(something) * CHAR_BIT instead of sizeof(something) * 8 :(
@LuchianGrigore Nothing wrong with more portable code, especially when the difference is a few characters.
You might consider the 8 a magic number anyway, and rather than making your own constant, it's already there.
C requires CHAR_BIT>=8 and allows much larger values for DSPs which only have a single type size, often 32bit. POSIX requires CHAR_BIT==8. In general, you can assume any multi-user/multitasking server-oriented or interactive-use-oriented architecture with any chance of being connected to the internet or interchanging textual data with the outside world has CHAR_BIT==8. — R.. Jul 8 '10 at 6:24
@GamesBrainiac why would you want to write in Java if you can write in Python?
Also Java lacks some Python power to really do what Django does, IMHO
@BartekBanachewicz: Its 10 times faster than django
And its ULTRA easy to configure
no gunicorn
@GamesBrainiac I didn't mean speed, silly
no uswgi
@LuchianGrigore Instead of sizeof(something) * CHAR_BIT, you're supposed to use: std::numeric_limits<decltype(something)>::digits.
@GamesBrainiac I meant language capabilities.
the main problem i had with java
is that you had to wait for it to reload and recompile
with this, you don't
that's a PITA
also, how are decorators made in Java?
@BartekBanachewicz: Take a look at this: playframework.com
@BartekBanachewicz Poorly (like everything else). But if you really insist on knowing, read through their containers stuff -- they use decorators for thread safety.
@GamesBrainiac I am not going to read the whole fucking documentation. I asked you one simple thing
I know you like Scala
@BartekBanachewicz: It works with Scala
@BartekBanachewicz: Watch the video
@GamesBrainiac well then it might be usable. Because Java is a poor man's language
no one is asking you to read the docs
@BartekBanachewicz Well play makes it usable.
@GamesBrainiac Hint: I don't give a fuck about web dev in general, I do it when I have to.
@BartekBanachewicz No -- real men don't use Java.
@GamesBrainiac No library can make poor language usable. Opposite, maybe.
@JerryCoffin Oh hell no I don't insist :)
@BartekBanachewicz: Well, frankly, I used it to make a basic blog, and I found that the workflow was faster than django.
And thats saying a lot.
@GamesBrainiac good for django that one isolated simple example proves nothing
> If you can't do it in Fortran, do it in assembly language. If you can't do it in assembly language, it isn't worth doing.
@BartekBanachewicz Actually, they got that one wrong. It should be: "If you can't do it in assembly language, you're not a real programmer."
@BartekBanachewicz: Hey, if you hate java, just do it in Scala.
2 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@GamesBrainiac Hint: I don't give a fuck about web dev in general, I do it when I have to.
@BartekBanachewicz: I thought you wanted to learn Scala.
@GamesBrainiac I've realized it's pretty pointless. There are many better languages out there that are not on JVM
Ouch my map bounds colliders are so off.
@JerryCoffin that C++11?
@JerryCoffin tru.
@LuchianGrigore decltype is. The rest is in `03.
@BartekBanachewicz: Well, if you compare it to Python, then everything feels shit. But here's the thing, Java can outperform Python, which aggravates me ofcourse. Thats why I was looking into Play. Not to mention LinkedIn totally transferred their whole infrastucture to Play. -> youtube.com/watch?v=8z3h4Uv9YbE
> A truly outstanding programmer can find bugs buried in a 6 megabyte core dump without using a hex calculator. (I have actually seen this done.)
@GamesBrainiac LinkedIn started crashing lately. Go figure.
@JerryCoffin well then... :P
@BartekBanachewicz when is it crashing? It works just fine for me.
@GamesBrainiac and works usually absolutely terrible for me
@Jerry this article is amazing
@BartekBanachewicz: Well then you have issues, with the internet I mean...
@GamesBrainiac no, "error has occured" rendered from the webpage is not the internet connection
Or maybe you meant not "connection", but "internet itself", and then yes, I have issues with it.
@BartekBanachewicz Actually, I've seen that done too (though in that case, the "hex" didn't really apply, since Control Data did their core dumps in octal).
@BartekBanachewicz There's no arguing you man. If you hate it, then you hate it. Nothing can be done about it.
@GamesBrainiac No, I am just saying that the website written in your glorified framework works badly.
You were the one that brought Linkedin up.
@BartekBanachewicz Well, I dunno, works fine for me. They seem to have been up for some good time downrightnow.com/linkedin
@GamesBrainiac Are you now saying you don't understand the difference between an error and a server crash?
@JerryCoffin I don't even...
@GamesBrainiac Listen, as I said, I don't like web development. Don't expect me to like this piece of software. Maybe it's good, I don't know, I still hope I will never have to use it.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes -- fortunately, Control Data also had an excellent Post-mortem debugger, so mere mortals like me could sort things out as well.
@KonradRudolph oh wow you took the time to make a pretty [ascii graph ](stackoverflow.com/a/17682075/583833)
Well yeah
and I’m not happy, since the sizes don’t correspond to the sizes in memory (= not to scale)
@JerryCoffin I am now going to type the bitmap into code by hand using hex sequences
@BartekBanachewicz A real programmer would be writing it remotely by whistling into the modem. :-)
@StackedCrooked dat memcpy
Defined behavior iirc.
although, not sure
object with vtable should normally not be memcopied.
    std::vector<unsigned char> data {
        0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
        0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
        0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00,
> // print until segfault :D
@StackedCrooked It's not Standard, but most vtable implementations would be fine with it (assuming that the other members of the class are memcpyable as well).
@StackedCrooked Exactly, they should be std::copyed
Q: Writing numbers in reverse c++

user2588276Hi everyone i tried to write numbers in reverse and actually i found a way without converting them in string but my code works only for below 10000000000. I dont know why i even changed int to long long but still dosent work. Help me with it please #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using...

He included <iostream>, did using namespace std; but still used scanf and printf
Placebo sings about his computer:
It's not even bad.
> the applications are too blame for all my sorrows and my pain
@KonradRudolph nice conjugation of std::copy.
> Welcome to UB land! 4 0x4012f0 0x5c3b031b01 ./cmd.sh: line 1: 14565 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./a.out
@StackedCrooked I love you. Let's have children together. <3
Are you an attractive female?
What answer will have you on top of me?
Just asking, won't affect my decision.
Oh, then no. :D
Ah. No.
My hopes and dreams, CRUSHED.
There's plenty of fish in the sea.
But who wants fish?
Fish can't program sexy undefined behavior.
holy shit dude just go fuck STL already ^^
If UB land really existed then it would be a scary place. For starters, once you enter you can't ever leave.
He probably won't look my way again until I either A) go visit his office or B) finish writing my Reflection proposal.
@ThePhD again?
He looked your way before?
I sent him a message, and we had a small conversation when I was first beginning my reflection work.
But he's a busy guy. =[
You should start by reading the reports of the working group on reflection and see how far they got.
@ThePhD he took time out of his busy schedule to personally write a comment on my VS 2013 bug report, informing me that it has been fixed :D
@melak47 Hmm....
Maybe I should start filing lots of bug reports.
It's almost as if.. he's doing his job.
@StackedCrooked Nowhere.
The Reflection-Asylum at isocpp.org is empty.
@Rapptz shhh
The posts where people argued are as old or older than 1 year.
SG7 seems to have 1 person,
and they're looking at compile-time introspection.
I have to go shopping, but meh
E.g. better template support.
I did 2 phone interviews today
I considered they both went fairly well.
@TonyTheLion How did it go? :D
@TonyTheLion Awwwwww yissss you da champ! :3
@Borgleader <3
Where is @ScottW?
He's mine, and I'll never give him to you!
He's mine.
@ScottW Who do you like more? That other weird lion-person Tony, or me?!
oh you're making him choose
@ThePhD y u no share
Don't break my heart @ScottW <3
@Borgleader Sharing is not caring.
@TonyTheLion cool, for which companies?
@ThePhD Are you the easily jealous type?
My laptop is so slow compared to my desktop it's not even funny.
@bamboon I don't really want to post that on the Internet
@StackedCrooked Yeah -- might as well be filled with tumbleweeds
@CatPlusPlus We're not laughing
If it's supposed to be funny then it's a rather bland joke.
4GB RAM is so not enough.
I couldn't live with 4GB, hell, 8GB is barely enough
That's why I'm getting myself a laptop with 12GB.
Got new laptop from work with 16GB.
O wat
What's the maximum you've ever seen?
My next laptop is going to have 32GB RAM
@StackedCrooked dafaq
@TonyTheLion Lies!
Actually, you didn't say when.
@Borgleader It's a replacement for my old desktop.
So I guess you could be telling the truth.
Idk though, suspicious. :s
lulz, you don't trust a random internet stranger to tell you the truth?
Well I never
the internet never lies.
i never
didn't trust a stranger!
aw snap
The internet is full of truth.
@TonyTheLion My laptop with 8 GB of RAM from BestBuy is finally coming today /cc @Borgleader <3
Oh cool
500 GB HDD 8 GB RAM and I think Intel i7. Not sure if Haswell, though.
Which one did you get again? Asus?
laptops are terrible in general
@ThePhD oh nice
I'm getting an Asus too.
excluding MacBooks, of course.
I should get rid of all the OEM crap from my laptop.
@BartekBanachewicz youre terrible in general
I've had an i7 Quad core, 8GB RAM laptop for two years now I think
@CatPlusPlus Fresh Windows 7 install, every time. <3
@Borgleader no laptop ever compares to my desktop.
@ThePhD Awwwww yisssssssssss. Muh man
@TonyTheLion then it's old and you don't need it anymore, right? :D
@melak47 Y, you looking for a laptop?
@ThePhD if the model name starts with 4 it's Haswell
@TonyTheLion He just wants stuff an autograph from you. Signed of course. :)
@TonyTheLion not really, but more is always better!
@Tuntuni ohhhh :) I'm flattered
in other news, I just installed AMD software
@BartekBanachewicz bestbuy.com/site/15.6%22+Laptop+-+8GB+Memory+-+500GB+Hard+Drive/… /cc @Borgleader @TonyTheLion <--- this one
I feel dirty
@BartekBanachewicz uh oh
@BartekBanachewicz Are you still interning at Intel?
@ThePhD yes, why shouldn't I?
Thankfully I can buy another 4GB chip.
Because internships are not eternal.
@ThePhD "Intel® 3rd Generation Coreâ„¢ i7" wow, don't be too specific!
@BartekBanachewicz You betrayed the law!!
it Looks much better than old gDebugger
@melak47 3630qm
@ThePhD 8.3 pounds :<
That new AMD gDebugger didn't work for me.
@Aboutblank Man up.
Like, at all.
@CatPlusPlus woohoo.
Did they fix it?
10 - 15 pound laptops only
18 inch screens if you can.
Jesus man.
$1.2k for a laptop?
I have to hide thephd because he's flooding the screen
so it started the app allright.
Paused it allright
@Rapptz I got it 1.1K on it because of the sale. For the internal specs, that's a pretty good price.
@Rapptz I paid that for mine. No regrets
new steam sales are up
@CatPlusPlus OK, this thing is officially epicly amazing
Mark of the Ninja is fun. -75%, almost free.
Also Sleeping Dogs, again.
@CatPlusPlus I could get it.
they really improved on gDEBugger and it works allright
It's also been a long time since I've played a good 2D game.
it feels a bit slower though
@ThePhD its pretty worth it.
@CatPlusPlus There are going to be more and more re-bargains from here on out :(
also System shock 2
@TonyTheLion Image Not Found.
@TonyTheLion Not found?!
Also Skyrim + DLCs in flash sales for -40%.
click on it
My new desktop background. :3
@CatPlusPlus bleh, 24€
I'm not really feeling like buying Skyrim at all.
I have Skyrim and I've played it once
@CatPlusPlus ok the plugin (for vs2012) crashes, but standalone works fine
@TonyTheLion Are those fish?
@CatPlusPlus if it was free, I might :p
@BartekBanachewicz There's standalone?
@Tuntuni yea
oh boy. vote for AoE HD for community choice
@CatPlusPlus Don't do it. Not worth it.
Last time I tried there was only VS-integrated thing.
@TonyTheLion hnnngggg
@CatPlusPlus quite some time ago they allowed standalone back
and it's really good.
@Tuntuni more like they're hugs
@TonyTheLion auw qt
@BartekBanachewicz beautiful abstraction of those OS keypress events <3
@BartekBanachewicz Ugly because OpenGL.
@BartekBanachewicz I like the default cause.
@BartekBanachewicz at first i thought you had an icon of your face in your ide
@BartekBanachewicz The code blue itself
printf :cripes:
Also #define NL "\n"
What's the macro for?
What is the abstraction for the OS Keypress events?
Best code review: Post code in Lounge -> Have it nuked -> ??? -> Profit.
@CatPlusPlus where's printf?
default case
@CatPlusPlus that's better than typing \n
@BartekBanachewicz default case
@BartekBanachewicz No, it's not.
@CatPlusPlus it's just for testing anyway
@BartekBanachewicz Intel intern using AMD branded software, hue hue hue hue hue
@Borgleader gasp
@BartekBanachewicz lol
dunno what that printf is doing there
@EtiennedeMartel not going to get trolled
CodeXL is AMd software?
@melak47 thanks :)
@melak47 Hammertime
Everyone, quick!, send Intel an e-mail with this picture. :D
@BartekBanachewicz You're making very good progress
is that their debugging IDE or something?
@KonradRudolph what?
@BartekBanachewicz that VK_ESCAPE is not sticking out like a sore thumb at all :3
@EtiennedeMartel I am trying.
@ThePhD I think the AMD logo is from their profiler.
@melak47 it's not like this window is a toy or something
Oh never mind, CodeXL is from AMD.
@BartekBanachewicz I have aesthetic objections to the syntax highlighting. ;-) And I worded it as an Arrested Development reference
@KonradRudolph Oh that I agree. I'd love to see the actual VS plugin working
@ThePhD lambdas.
@ThePhD debugging environment alright.
You know all right and alright are two different words right? And allright is neither of them.
Also either I am dumb or they really hid "recompile shader"
@BartekBanachewicz maybe it automagically recompiles now :)
@melak47 no :(
at least saving the file does nothing
@Borgleader buhahaha
seriously, it looks like it doesn't have it
> OpenGL shader source exporting
Well that's a major downside
gDEBugger can do it.
Why not just write your own file-watcher?
Q: Visual C++: How large is a DWORD with 32- and 64-bit code?

Haim BenderIn Visual C++ a DWORD is just an unsigned long that is machine, platform, and SDK dependent. However, since DWORD is a double word (that is 2 * 16), is a DWORD still 32-bit on 64-bit architectures?

@melak47 Does VS2013 seem faster to you?
@ThePhD because I don't like wasting time?
@Tuntuni couldn't say honeslty. I did install it on my SSD this time, though
@BartekBanachewicz I can give you mine. It's not very complex and there's a version for both always-on admin (webserver) and user-based (non-admin) one.
@Tuntuni "go to definition" is much faster
Windows, right?
@BartekBanachewicz I'm sure he'd share his FileWatcher with you, if you asked real nice? :D
Unless, you need this to be super cross-compat.
@ThePhD yeah.
@BartekBanachewicz I feel like the whole IDE is faster. I get much faster loading times. Really neat.
@ThePhD wait it's not portable?
I haven't tried POSIX or Mac yet, so I can't make something portable (I don't have the dev machine for it =[)
@BartekBanachewicz it's portable...if you implement the other platforms :3
So right now I only have one for Windows.
why didn't you use boost?
@ThePhD cygwin
@ThePhD Are you talking about the filewatcher?
he is
Boost.Filesystem :3
Oh, so boost has one?
I didn't even realize.
Boost is just amazing
@ThePhD I can't find one
Except: "you need file_monitor asio extention, developed by Boris Schaeling:"
@ThePhD I don't get how you rather spend pointless hours coding than do a proper research.
@BartekBanachewicz boost doesn't have one
but it has file information details allright
It seemed to be proposed as part of boost.asio
This was back in... 2008?
@Borgleader Hahah, Linus is always bashing someone
implementing your own function that reads modification date of a file shouldn't be that hard
> Linus Torvalds will never get a job in HR.
@ThePhD You can give me the sources anyway, I can look at it.
or just dunno, publicize it on your BB so I can fork it
Could you also hash the file and then compare the hashes?
that's a bad approach
Big files?
either way. touch exists for a reason you know.
@Borgleader Few days ago I read some quotes from one of his speeches about how C++ sucks more than C and C is the perfect elitist language. I hate him since then.
@BartekBanachewicz i guess
I downloaded CodeXL because gDebugger didn't show my texture
it doesn't show it either
@Jeffrey He likes bashing C++, yeah. Once he said that if the only purpose of C was to keep C++ programmers away, he'd still prefer C over C++, lol.
@Tuntuni that's sad, not funny
his ignorance is funny
ignorance about what?
^ this

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