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you have to mention the name twice
I like both Java and C++
Java is simple!
@milleniumbug lol
and it works!
No it's not
C++ has auto and C# has var
@milleniumbug Eh, C++ had the same problem until C++11
@Chan Want a suggestion? Don't even try to discuss about Java in this room.
@Rapptz Thanks, I'll try to retrieve them
I know, I'm in a wrong place ;)
@Rapptz it's not my fault that it's overcomplicated.
@Xeo Not for stack variables. Java has no stack class variables
If you don't want your dream of "Java is so good" destroyed.
@Chan for weird definitions of "works". Software using 10x more memory than it should doesn't really "work" for me
@Bartek: *for me ;)
@Chan ask anyone playing minecraft how much they like java
For some application, memory is not an issue
or anyone forced to use any java program, really.
@Chan yeah, like, clock...
@BartekBanachewicz DEFINE_TRAIT_SUPPORTS_EXPR(_1 < _2), done!
Or something similar
Just hide it behind a macro
ew macros.
2 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Rapptz it's not my fault that it's overcomplicated.
@Xeo nice.
Anyone has super cool C++ trick?
@Chan or value converter perhaps
@Rapptz Prejudice much?
@Xeo Yes.
@Xeo macros are not namespaced :/
Or was that a sarcastic "ew"?
@milleniumbug Wait what?
@Xeo It's an "Macros are ugly" ew.
@BartekBanachewicz BANANA_DEFINE_TRAIT_SUPPORTS_EXPR, whatever
@Xeo that's not a namespace
No shit, Sherlock.
@Chan yeah, it's called a destructor
@Jeffrey Surprised? You can't create stack object in Java like this MyClass Object(params)
@Xeo (To be fair though I didn't say the macro itself was bad)
@milleniumbug So it's all dynamically allocated?
@BartekBanachewicz: Just picking up C++11 lately, I feel so rusty :(
@Chan protip: destructors are as old as C++ itself
and they're one thing that java will never have :F
@Jeffrey If the Just-In-Time optimiser can't figure out it doesn't have to be dynamically allocated, yes.
@Jeffrey yep.
It all depends on quality optimizer.
Didn't know that.
@Jeffrey He has multiple answers.
@Rapptz I can't find any other relevant answer on programmers :(
doesn't java have finalize ?
it isn't the same.
I was thinking about learning a little bit of Java. Just to know what I'm talking about.
I know it's time badly spent (just like PHP that Bartek loves so much :P)
Finalizers run when Sunday falls on the 17th and Saturn, Jupiter and Earth from a line.
well not exactly , but the garbage collector calls it so it could do the cleaning up at the end of an object's life
i think its bad form though
@A.H. Destructors are always called, finalizers not.
More importantly, destructors are deterministic
DD sounds like a good alliteration.
Damnit I can't find a quote for my answer... I was sure I read it in Effective C++
@A.H. yes java has
I am having a hard time convincing myself that
    (1) optimizers can consistently and without heroic efforts implement []f without runtime overhead
Thanks Bjarne, for not actually reading my paper :|
Anyways, sleepy time
Q: Maximum flexibility with minimum keystrokes

user2564923I’ve been programming for MANY years. I’ve programmed most things containing and “AND/OR”. :)) Most of my work was at a fairly low level such as programming a Mac at machine level to support a non-standard bi-sync protocol. The latter part of my career has been in executive management: Pres....

^^ wth is that?
@Xeo That is your doing?
can't deduce template arguments.
Ah good :)
A: Why can template instances not be deduced in `std::reference_wrapper`s?

XeoEdit: Moved my guesswork to the bottom, here comes the normative text why this won't work. TL;DR version: No conversions allowed if the function parameter contains a deduced template parameter. §14.8.3 [temp.over] p1 [...] When a call to that name is written (explicitly, or implicitly...

Short form: Yes, correct.
simple experiment: what if MyClass could be implicitly converted to both string and wstring?
Shit would hit the fan
But note that standard conversions are allowed (cv adjustment, derived-to-base)
Just not user-defined conversions
Cool, thanks :)
I added a quote from Effective C++ and linked your answer in mine
I think your proposal is pretty cool.
in PHP, 4 mins ago, by Ash Ketchum
Does anyone by any chance happen to know what the "Bootloader" is in Facebook? I have seen it in its source code, but I thought boot loaders only apply to operating systems?!
@AshKetchum Crossposting, aren't we?
Haha yeah, not the first time, yeah.
But, since boot loaders deal with operating systems and both OSs and bootloaders are generally written in a low level language similar to C++, I thought posting here might give some help.
I guess that is a bit better than "more people = more help" :D
user image
old but gold
Scary stuff.
@Jeffrey link to Q?
That looks epic.
@Mysticial Don't have it sorry
damn :(
Only mods can search for deleted posts.
Damn... I don't see a link anywhere near that.
Are there any cool privileges at 4k rep?
Damn :(
So 5k is the next milestone to look forward to?
1k more to go
For me, <1.5k :v
Ugh... if all the planets align that would take 4 days, but it'll probably take more like 6-7
I'm only on a question search in sporadic intervals
So I never find anything nice. Just questions with really, reall long code, too much text, bleh >.<
I like it more when people post minimal, working, self-contained blocks of code rather than whole blocks of their own
@Borgleader it takes 4 days for all the planets to align? :D
@melak47 Depends on how aligned they need to be. It usually takes less than 4 days for all the planets to align to within 360 degrees.
Is dead or is the last question 10 minutes old?
> modified 11 secs ago
> asked 7 mins ago
My tag scores haven't updated in a while. :(
I shouldn't be awake
and I thought my awesome gif would get my question answered: stackoverflow.com/questions/17643785/…
build your own customized tree object
I did with some Json
you can use the selection to refresh the next view
@Ell here have a +1 for that gif
(and because you are a lounge bro :) )
Cool gif.
@Ell Questions should have those kinds of visualizations, if applicable. Nicely done.
I should really be looking for bugs... but I am to lazy :\
@Pawnguy7 Then let the bugs show themselves. :)
Hah woah, 5 upvotes just now, thanks guys :D
I +1d because gif
And you did great timing posting the link.
I was hesitant to post it, nobody likes link dumping in here :P
As long as you don't one-box it, it's less likely to be binned.
@MarkGarcia Nah we hate link dumps that are not one boxed too
The thing is, it wasn't really a link dump from Ell cuz hes here most of the time anyway
@Jeffrey haha yes, it's quarter to 3 in the morning here. thanks :)
@MarkGarcia Either they are hiding well, or I am looking poorly. Or both, probably.
Jun 15 at 17:42, by Etienne de Martel
> Well, we are a small community after all, and now it seems you have to earn your "right to ask" in the Lounge by becoming part of that community. If you don't have time for that, or don't care for that, then go on Stack Overflow instead.
@Ell that's no excuse. It's quarter to 4 in here. Still awake like an owl
@Borgleader Anyway it's a good question with a nice GIF. :)
Like I said, Ell is here often enough that I think he has the right to ask once in a while :)
Yay :)
thanks guys :)
A great sign that you're a good lounger. :)
@Jeffrey AM, correct?
@Pawnguy7 yup
I would like to tell you I found that bug, but I was to scared to look for it again haha.
@Jeffrey hmm. I have school in about 5 hours :P
So I'm gonna say goodnight. Talk tomorrow fellas :)
Tomorrow, I promised myself. Hopefully I actually do that.
@Ell school the 15th of July?
@Jeffrey yes indeedy :)
@Ell No one would have binned or downvoted it
I finish on wednesday
What country is this?
@Ell that sucks :(
I have school in about 60 days
@Pawnguy7 lol, don't take a look at that
I can't imagine we will be very productive though, so it's okay XD
@Jeffrey hm?
@Rapptz well, I never know if I've written a good question or not :S
But anyway, I best be off. Night folks :)
@Pawnguy7 I'm kidding. Just let me know once you find out. I'm still very curious.
@Ell Night.
@Jeffrey So am I, so am I. I am just hesitant to end my policy of leaving bugs in. I am up to 4 now :\
@Pawnguy7 without counting the ones you don't know about yet
@Jeffrey As I said, I am scared :D
@Pawnguy7 I'll probably be here tomorrow so if you need help (lol, like the last time) just ping me
4 eyes are better than 2... most of the time
Oh. I will try to remember that, if I don't find it (assuming I muster up the courage to try again). Although... I don't know if I have ever seen you at a time before this. Haven't looked though.
Having seen its function.
I had plans to make what I call smooth scrolling.
Q: C++ for loop diamond only negative numbers

user2581944I'm trying to print a diamond the size of an amount passed as a parameter in the calling routine and if that number is even changed it to the next highest odd number starting at zero. The function has default parameters if no amount or character type is passed. I can print a diamond that outputs ...

This is the kind of shit I'm talking about
Basically, starts out slow, gains speeds, then slows down later.
No one likes really huge walls of text and even longer code D:<
@Pawnguy7 that's nice and relatively easy to implement
Well... in theory yes. Right now just asking if you think it would be good, with an end-user viewpoint.
@Magtheridon96 I wish I could just reject his whole code and create something new.
@Magtheridon96 I saw the same function being called a bajillion times with cout << endl; in between each and I went "fuck this im not even reading it"
@Pawnguy7 smooth things are always good
I'm impressed you know what a loop is yet you decided against using it in your main function. — Rapptz 4 secs ago
Apply water to burned area xD
@Borgleader Apply directly to the forehead.
What would you call something that holds resources and can delete them? :(
Yes that's what it is.
@Rapptz I hate to say this... manager.
But I need a name for the class.
that doesn't have Manager in it.
@Rapptz Hehe.
XContainer with X being what is holds
googles manager synonyms OH I know! ResourceBoss !
If it's only holding, then it's a container. If it does something else, well then, tell what it does.
ResourceAdmin if it is any comfort
ResourceHolder xD
@milleniumbug It's just std::vector<std::unique_ptr<resource>> with an interface.
For example you can have class that caches some commonly used resources.
So maybe ResourceCacher
ResourceCache FTFY
Might as well.
@Jeffrey yes. Before the blending, it was my plan because it was way to jarring otherwise. The blending mostly negates it, but I think it would be a nice touch.
Anything but ResourceManager.
I said ResourceCache!
Cmon it's a good name. D:
@ThePhD Yeah yeah.
Where'd you come from anyway?!
It stores in cache, that is, caches, so it's a cacher
Good advice.
No the Cacher is what puts it in the cache, and that is the client of the Cache, the Cache is just a friggin Cache
Haha. I saw that joke before.
@Rapptz Your plight drew me to you. <3
If youve been on the internet long enough you probably have
@Borgleader That makes sense.
Gotta sleep for few hours. Cya tomorrow.
How old is Puppy exactly?
I'd say so, wasn't too sure
It is sad to me how Facebook "viruses" actually are effective.
I have a general networking question.
Do tell.
Assuming a server has a maximum upload speed of 0.4Mbps and a download speed of 2Mbps, how many users can it handle at one time (in magnitude terms) if all that needs to be done is transfer 1-10KB files quickly?
1-10, 10-100?
Um... no idea. Could you get statistics via some sort of load test, or is this all theoretical?
If I could test anything, I would.
I just don't know if it's worth it to invest in a dedicated server in some 1st world country with fast internet
Yeah, I'm more likely to get a solution there.
All I know is I know nothing.
When I think about it, assuming it would upload on average at 0.2Mbps, it would take 0.4 seconds for a 10KB file to be transferred, and if we take into account latency, which would usually be around 160ms for me, we get 0.56 seconds per user download upon receiving a packet with a download request. I'll crank that up to 0.7 seconds just to be on the safe side.
For the latency, do you have a certain location you expect visitors from?
No location in particular
Worst case, latency is many seconds :v
Did you find this as part of a host's options/packages?
Actually, I don't even know if I should be taking into account latency here. I should probably study how networks function a bit more.
I was thinking the same thing :D
I still have a lot to learn and a lot of mistakes to make :p
So apparently, with a threadpool of 8 threads, I can easily manage about 12 users downloading at a time
Ermygod just finished watching falling skies o:
Oh. I would think there would be a thread per visitor.
Magtheridon how would you run your downloads than?
Oh, didn't take that into account. Scratch that. 6-7 users at a time with 6 listeners.
Doesn't scale well.
I should probably buy a book about this :V
the bow in Tomb Raider is stupidly OP
(Way To go Firefox!)
Hey Mark. Do you have Qt Creator?
@Rapptz Yeah. Been using it most of the time.
Can you confirm a bug for me?
Yeah, sure.
I'm using 2.8.0
Can you see if template<class Key, class T, class Hash = std::hash<Key>> breaks your auto-indent too?
2.7.2. Wait. I've updated this to the latest...
@Rapptz I'll try.
It makes me indent 56 spaces instead of 4.
if I delete std::hash<Key> it works fine though. i.e. template<class Key, class T>
@Rapptz lol! Confirmed. Also in mine.
@Crowz Right? haha
How does that even happen..
Tomb raider was really fun though
Where do I file bugs... Hm.
@Rapptz Ah. The >> in the template. Try putting space between them. Still in the C++03 era Qt Creator?
Sigh. I really don't want to go to college and waste two years learning things that don't have to do with my major :/
Oh man that is awful T_T
Get fucked. :P
That doesn't happen with using or functions though. Only classes. Interesting.
@Rapptz Maybe it's because of the operator alignment feature on multiple lines. Like having multiple >> or << in cin and cout.
@ThePhD I know right. T_T
template<template<typename...>> doesn't break my indent lol
A bug that fixes another bug. It just doesn't understand ....
I can't believe C++03 was shiped with >>
not taken into account
@JustinMeiners Compilers don't yet have the tech to have that feature implemented. :)
lol at the comments in the code
@Rapptz Page taking too long to load. They don't want others to know their bugs!
foo<foo<bar>> foo1; //Declaring a variable
void baz(foo<foo<bar>> foo2){
foo<foo<bar>> baz(){ //Implementing a function
              //Not OK
  //Expected position
              }//Not OK either
              //Even less OK
even less ok made me smile a bit.
Too bad there's no +1.
does it do the same thing for foo<foo<bar> >?
Cool about:about page in firefox.
@Magtheridon96 Nope.
@Mysticial Question should be tagged .
factory, building, most definitely java
Reversal badge. lol
His question is a getter /o/
@Mysticial you got reversal badge?
not me. I wasn't the one who answered.
Guys, I'm really tempted to tag it . Should I resist? (Please say no...)
@MarkGarcia It wreaks of Java, so yes
@Rapptz lol
Just one click of the edit button...
@Rapptz I don't get the flower pot part. :(
@MarkGarcia HTML is a markup language.
Or at least that's how I see it.
It's used for designing webpages, not actually coding.
So is LaTeX!
The markup language part. I don't get the flower pot one though.
But then why flower pot?
It's irrelevant.
i.e., you're given an essay to do, and you turn in a flower pot.
It's not relevant to the assignment or task at hand -- HTML is not a relevant programming language.
It's a joke. =l
^^ oh hey, we can actually vote undelete.
Scott <3
Would it be fair to say that this room is the most active one on SO (for wrong or right reasons, we will discuss that later, lol)?
That got deleted at 999? I would rage tbh.
Only one more vote needed to undelete.
It was deleted on the grounds of being "not an answer". This is one of those cases that I disagree - strongly.
I would but not a 10k.
You actually need 20k to (un)delete answers.
That makes me even more useless.
Hi Dog :D
This is why I need 20k rep. I actually did post an answer to something I otherwise wouldn't just now.
@chris I very rarely do this. :(
Does GCC support emplace for std::unordered_map?
What exactly does emplace do anyways?
constructs in place w/o copy.
@AshKetchum It's one of the most actives, yes.
This was the meta post about that +999 answer:
Q: Why was this +999 answer deleted?

JeffreyWhy was this answer to a very popular question about the --> operator in C++ deleted? It seems to me that it provides good sarcasm and references to solve the question. Here's the answer (for those < 10K): In the context, the two different parts refers to the -- operator and the > comparison ...

@Mysticial Pass arguments directly to constructor of the contained object. s/em/in-/ (becomes in-place :) )
@EtiennedeMartel I'd buy those but i have 197 games and I've played about 30 of them T_T
@MarkGarcia So it skips the move that would otherwise be necessary?
@Mysticial Or copy. Yes.
@MarkGarcia So what happens if the vector needs to resize and the object has no copy or move operators?
@Borgleader You should definitely try Spec Ops. It's one hell of an experience.
@Mysticial It doesn't compile. :) Object needs to be copyable.
@MarkGarcia Or movable. So emplace back is just an optimization to skip even a move.
But I think move-only objects also will do. Though I'm not sure about this. Haven't tried.
@Mysticial A great product of perfect forwarding.
Does anyone by any chance happen to know what the "Bootloader" is in Facebook? I have seen it in its source code, but I thought boot loaders only apply to operating systems?!
map.emplace(std::forward<Key>(key), detail::make_unique<T>(std::forward<T>(value))); // verbosity..
I am reposting an older message because I don't have an answer for it yet and I would really like to know
Q: What is a "Javascript Bootloader"?

AkayI have seen this mainly in the source of Facebook Bootloader.setResourceMap({"bMxb7":{"name":.... What is exactly a bootloader in javascript? What is its use and purpose?

@AshKetchum This kind of attitude usually gets you on peoples ignore list around here
@JerryCoffin Yeah I saw that before asking, but thanks for the suggestion! :)
@Borgleader I'm sorry. I guess I just got overly hyper.

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