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cryptic metaphor.
Still don't know how to solve my issue.
13 mins ago, by Pubby
rows, columns, and resize?
What's wrong with these?
I'm used to resize taking a single argument
So it feels out of place.
void resize(dimension)?
I think boost does something silly involving operator[] and temporaries. Like resize(boost::multiarray::stuff[1][3]). Don't do that.
resize( rows, colums )
There's no way for resize in this case to take a single argument. It doesn't make sense in the context of the data structure.
resize(rows, to, columns)
Please no :(
Resize takes too much thought to get right. Make immutable 2d arrays!
resize( rows, by, colums );
Hey, the to idiom isn't so bad. <3
I put too much effort on little things no one cares about except myself.
I gave you an upvote.
Robot needs an upvote?
Where? :O
Since it had 0 score and I read it.
A: How well is unicode supported in C++11?

R. Martinho Fernandes How well does the C++ standard library support unicode? Terribly. A quick scan for through the library facilities that might provide Unicode support gives me this list: Strings library Localization library Input/output library Regular expressions library I think all but the first one pr...

The one he wanted to proof read earlier.
@Rapptz We're gonna have to upvote that.
Let's Lounge it up.
Dammit, there's a typo visible in the onebox.
Stray "for".
I'm afraid of editing because that answer already had a lot of edits, though.
Dang human brain.
You're still a good 5 edits from wiki. But I wouldn't make such a small edit anyways.
How'd I miss that the first time.
> The usual suspects: ICU and Boost.Locale.
Hopefully, one day, there'll be "Ogonek" at the end of that list.
@Mysticial Yeah, I'll take the opportunity if I decide to make a substantial one, or if I find more mistakes.
I have no idea.
I didn't even know that was possible.
> They are incredibly bitter.
He cooked it and everything.
Oh whoa.
If you are in the comments don't click on that video.
I don't usually wince at these things but :S
Aren't ladybugs incredibly small?
Not sure anyone would be able to taste them with a mouthful of food
@Rapptz I did, but YouTube asked me to login to see it, so fuck it.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Larger than a pea
You can usually just do that to bypass log ins. :P
@Rapptz the intro has butterfly special effects. How appropriate.
But if it's gross for me I assume it's gross for everyone else.
omg y u posting such a disgusting thing :'(
Q: how increase incrementally number from 60% to 100%?

Alex ZGood day. Code: <div> <span id="span1" style="width: 60%"></span> </div> <strong>60%</strong> Please tell me how increase incrementally number from 60% to 100%, for example 60%​​, 61%, 62%, 63%, 64%, ... , 98%, 99%,100% ?

I was going to say "You should drop that and try jQuery" until I saw the tag. :-P
"Good day. Code:" lolwut
Q: How to store and compute variables in cpp

soksangI'm studying c++ and really bad at it. So please help me. Here is the question •A long line of asterisks as an eye catcher •The purpose of the function •Parameters, other input, and initial conditions •Return values, other results, and final conditions provided Problem: In the main function, ...

@R.MartinhoFernandes I think he's greeting and then going straight to business.
haha, "and really bad at it"
I'm surprised that question hasn't been closed yet. The regulars all out drinking or what?
lol @ the answer from H2CO3
He has a lot more issues than that..
I voted to close as Too Localised.
That close reason is going away soon and they're too stuck up to add it back :(
It is?
Really? That's news to me. There a meta post somewhere?
What's the nonsense reasoning?
Q: Closing changes: [on hold], unclear, too broad, opinion-based, off-topic reasons, bye-bye to Too Localized

JaydlesAfter a ton of discussion, work and input from the community, we're rolling out the remainder of major closing changes that you've helped us design, as discussed in these prior posts. They're live on Meta today, and will likely roll out to the rest of the network sometime next week. The clos...

There are a lot of comments under my answer..
@shog9 how can you have "too broad" without a corresponding "too narrow"? Under these rules couldn't you ask a programming question that can't possibly help anyone but you, like Joel's mythical "there's a car parked outside my house" except "there's a recursive function parked outside my house"? — Jeff Atwood 2 days ago
> You should never trust anything you read on the internet! If you need reliable advice, please print my answers first and then read them on paper.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's what my teachers used to say
Manual documentation sucks. I guess I don't mind it too much though. A little bit fun. I might be becoming a masochist.
yeah it sucks alright
I find it is a good way helping think through your design though
@TonyTheLion server is down :( maybe it just changed ip?
@BartekBanachewicz I wouldn't think so, I would assume tony keeps his router on
I would laugh he did actually just turn it off without thinking :P
That would be kinda fail
I cant connect at all so its either server down or ip change
@tony why you know dyn' DNS?
Maybe the box itself is dead
Maybe Tony was attacked by ferocious candies
these are all posabilities
are you sure you didn't just screw it over your self?
also, I suggest you try to get tony to install your OS natively, rather then using a VM
VM was my idea
And yeah i am pretty sure, because that's exactly what vm gives me. Even if it crashed, windows should still be up
ah true
but what if windows crashes :P
not that windows would ever crash
man, going form logging on/off to logging levels is more work then I thought... should have sorted this out a lot earlier me thinks
oh great, and now setting the wrong log level breaks shit ¬_¬
What'cha witing?
my build script thing :P
some how got it stuck in a loop printing out folder listings...
Imma in ur loop
yeah... some how setting a loglevel stops it from not looking into folders such as '..'
which obviously isn't the smartest of plans :P
odd bug indeed
if you are at a log level where you do not want this type of logging, the log function will return zero, as the if(log level mean I should log) will return false, and as that is the last line, that is the return value
which means my log and next if meta folder will not do the next if the log level is too low
any way, time to sort out business in town
@thecoshman it just went to sleep :D
@BartekBanachewicz luckily I wasn't attacked by candies
the box went into sleep mode
@thecoshman I know Dyn DNS
gotta read what cat posted me about apache subdomain configs
@TonyTheLion lol
@TonyTheLion do you have one of those IPs that are technically dynamic, but you tend to keep the same one forever
@thecoshman my ip isn't dynamic
I've spent like 2 hours trying to set up boost in Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 and I'm not done yet.
what are you doing?
it takes 5 mins
!!! my blog post here might illustrate my troubles eraserboxtips.blogspot.com/2013/06/…
I'm a beginner so I had to learn all the things like adding directories
> Lp planted : 852538
Seeing there is more stars than there is room owners on that poll question and seeing that I have not seen any room owner object, I decided to do this.
@Raindrop um wat
but does it work at least?
lol! it's still not working
@Raindrop symptoms?
you can just copy it you know :D
A: Boost linker error

GrafikRobotTo post-answer the question fully.. The error is from the auto-linking Boost implements and it's telling you that it picked to auto-link a version of the serialization lib that you don't have compiled. You could try compiling the different version by following the instructions in building from s...

did you build boost?
with .\b2?
I'm sorry, but I'm a beginner I have no idea what .\b2 is
some libraries aren't header-only i.e. need to build
What should I read?
reading is overrated
go to boost folder
open shell there and do:
i'm so sorry but I don't know how to operate shell.. you're referring to cygwin right
no, to windows shell
Press and hold shift, right click on the white space in open folder, and "Open Terminal Here"
then type bootstrap, press enter, wait for it to finish, then type b2 and press enter again
Xbox will be such an epic failure
@TonyTheLion amazing
but it's not april 1st .nevermind
so do they want to put wiMax transmitters on them?
with solar pannels?
@TonyTheLion Isn't steam like that? (I don't have steam so wouldn't know)
I haven't a clue
there's another video
@Raindrop have you started the build?
um. They would be at 20km
hm "Specialized antennas"
So it prolly isn't WiMax
and yes solar panels
just as I said
Q: Doublebyte encodings on MSVC (std::codecvt)

OberonI want to convert a string encoded in a doublebyte code page into an UTF-16 string using std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, std::mbstate_t>::in() on the Microsoft standard library implementation (MSVC11). For example, consider the following program: #include <iostream> #include <locale> int main() { ...

@BartekBanachewicz no I haven't. I'm resting from the trauma of failing at boost.
@Raindrop but it really takes just a few minutes of configuration
I think this maybe something @R.MartinhoFernandes could answer?
@TonyTheLion hey @Tony look! :D
apparently what @Cat sent me was a bit outdated.
@BartekBanachewicz Woah, that's awesome :D
Virtual Servers are a normal part of Apache2 right now
now you can teach me how did that?
it's actually quite simple
Windows a PITA?
since there's no more httpd.conf, each "app" or "server" has its own configuration. By default it's /etc/apache2/sites-available/default. So you just have to copy it to /etc/apache2/sites-available/yoursitename, edit so it has proper ServerName and ServerAlias set up, register using sudo a2ensite mynewsite and restart Apache
@BartekBanachewicz I didn't do bootstrap because bjam.exe already exists. Should I go ahead and do bootstrap anyways?
@BartekBanachewicz ah I see
@Raindrop it won't break if you do it twice
by the way, I used a not well known software BlueGo to download boost
@TonyTheLion of course your DNS have to have appropriate A records
@Raindrop why didn't you download from boost.org?
@BartekBanachewicz right yes
it was supposed to be easier using BlueGo
lol that's the joke
its never easier
that ^
@Raindrop if you are not sure if the package is ok redownload from boost.org
we don't use tools like this
@BartekBanachewicz you accidentally an 'u'?
@not-sehe how are you?
Dresden is awesome!!
I have created bjam.exe. Now, my tutorial video tells me to use `bjam toolset-msvc-10.0 variant=debug,release threading=multi link=static`

However, I am using Visual studio express 2012 (and not MSCS 10.0). So instead of msvc-10.0, what should I write?
why are you watching tutorial videos
I told you to just type in two simple commands
can you just use b2?
but from main directory
thank you so much, you're right
well after it builds it should be allrighty, if you set up VS to point to stage/lib
I spent like three hours just because I missed two obvious lines of text
it's in official boost documentation
if you just downloaded it from boost.org and followed their tutorial you would've done it in 5 minutes + build time
Depending on your machine this can take 15-45 minutes
I tried to do it faster and ended up doing it 35 times slower
meh, don't worry, we all do this kind of stuff
@TonyTheLion What. That's fucking retarded.
@rightfold no shit
Using an Xbox One is basically just a risk of losing all your money.
basically yes
@Rakkun congrats on passing that year btw
Xbox One is PS4's best ad.
it ain't even a lie
so who's still collecting candies?
I might will start again, using firefox and it's actually stable for me
@TonyTheLion i am
meanwhile I've installed luarocks
I think I will write my CMS in Lua
you're writing a CMS in Lua o_0
All PHP CMS systems are bad, at least for my needs
yes Robot has a library called wheels
PHP is bad
I want something simple and customizable
> simple
PHP may be bad, but if you are using a CMS, you shouldn't care that it is written in PHP
@thecoshman Using, but you may have to extend it.
yeah, all CMS I have tried so far have not quite been perfect for me
Webstack is terrible
CMS in Haskell <3
@rightfold I wouldn't bother though, I hate web dev far too much
also luarocks rocks
@BartekBanachewicz nice project name :P
@thecoshman the CMS system is called Sputnik
I have to do the dishes :|
@TonyTheLion "ergh, just get a dishwasher"
@TonyTheLion There is Gitit but that's a wiki system.
There's also a CMS written in Erlang called Zotonic but I haven't tried it.
@thecoshman I ain't got a place to put it
how can I switch to MDd?
@rightfold oh nice
like what do i tyoe
@TonyTheLion I was making a joke, any time I mention I have to wash dishes, I get an onslaught of such comments.
@Raindrop its in the settings of your project
@thecoshman oh lol
I need to rework my build scripts to make a lin and then demo projects... but effort
I feel the same
its Saturday
@Raindrop Project settings
fuck :effort:
I wanted to go to the beach today but clouds
but it's not gonna rain so I guess we'll go anyway
what's with the candy thing
oh nice beach
@kbok it's a great game
@kbok it is awesome
¬_¬ I'm hoping it starts raining some more, so that I don't have to cut that hedge... it's getting to the point where we can't get out the gate
@BartekBanachewicz whaaat is that
failed installing dependency
1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@kbok it's a great game
it's raining here :(
I seem to have a combo of other loungers' issues today. Raining, I cannot find out what is causing/corrupting my app to generate that 'o.oreo' exception message and, oh yes, I have not done the dishes yet either:(
Also, I suppose I should give in and get that candy game.
nooooo I lost all my canides
@Ell You lost your dogs?
@BartekBanachewicz I forgot to save xD
@BartekBanachewicz should I delete these files? :
You lost all your virtual Internet candies.
i dont have lib folder in my boost dir
$ brew install boost
brew is mac manager?
what is the frog's fourth question's answer?
hmm... I tend to not use boost as system lib... I should probably change that
Q: How to read in time using Boost DateTime Library?

RaindropI have no idea how to cin >> ptime;. My goal is to just read in a time (such as 5pm) without the date. I have gone through the documentation but I still have no idea how to read in time. Here is some example code from the Boost website: date d(2002,Feb,1); //an arbitrary date //construct a tim...

> Number of saves which finished the game : 103908
@kbok Well, what is the question?
apparently there's an end
@kbok you have to guess it obviously
@rightfold if you could be whatever you want, what would you be?
> a frog
lol you suck zoidberg
spoiling so much
@BartekBanachewicz why
kbok asked it.
Or 'The frog'
@rightfold What? That makes no sense
@kbok Why not?
I don't want to be a frog
everyone wants to be a frog
Well, it's the answer no matter what you want.
@kbok who's asking
@thecoshman The frog
@kbok exactly
> You have 1 chocolate bar
lol, again
@BartekBanachewicz I have boost_1_53_0\libs , but I don't have any lib folder. Is this a problem?
:S I think I need to move a source and include folder structure rather then just all in source... this will take effort
well... do I...
ergh... too much thinking required
4 hours of boost. lol it's still not working for me
what's the problem now?
How can you fail installing Boost. :|
@Raindrop Ohhhkay?
so, has dom said he is gone for good or what? I heard he deleted his acount
thanks a bunch Bartek
The reason I didn't use the Boost documentation in the first place was because it looked too complicated, but I was mistaken because the documentation turns out to be very beginner-friendly. Also, the tutorial videos (and 'helper' software) did totally unnecessary things, so next time I should give strong precedence to reading documentation.
@TonyTheLion I'm ok :) Still spending too much time online I guess. So let me keep this short.
However, didn't I hear it through the grapevines that you wanted to take a break yourself?
@not-sehe he tried, and failed after one day :(
woohoo. A day is not a bad start :/
well, I don't see anything wrong with coming here, but it does seem to become a bit of a dependency for some
not sure why... there is nothing nice here
php is special in a way it's kinda inside of html file
is there a way to use other language similarly?
sure there is
in theory
php is an extension to the server that parses files before they are sent to client
no reason why you can't have Lua used in the way, or anything else
same as with asp
what the fuck room owner went pinning every little thing
calm down
@thecoshman apparently these things are called "template engines"
@BartekBanachewicz I see, you thinking of making one then :P
@thecoshman not really. jinja.pocoo.org/docs
i can't web
What about a more CGI style page generation?
I think CGI is what I mean :P
lol, when you know what you are doing, you get up to 100lp/s in a very short amount of time
@not-sehe hehe.
@DeadMG bad day?
Jinja2 is nice.
But Haml is best.
@TonyTheLion More like bad night, I tried to sleep but had to get up again, that's always so annoying
@thecoshman CGI is like pipe stdout to HTTP client.
@DeadMG oh yea

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