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Man I got so much to learn
I've only been coding for like over a week lol
ah almost 2 weeks
I'm a chef, I can cook lol
bout it, chef lifestyle is garbage
long hours barely enough pay no holiday
Stupid hours
I'd like to develop software
or make games
Oh man.
I'm unemployed rofl
I got a freaking interview for a pizza place tomorrow ><
So desperate for money
but I'm also not rushing to go back to a kitchen line.
That sums up how I feel haha
You don't watch TV?
I have one but it's for gaming
I watch all my stuff online
I'm bored.
$8 for netflix $7 for hulu and $7 for cruncyroll = way cheaper than cable.
Ah the old lady likes the netflix
Having a hard time with this script...
I could live without it
I only have cruncyroll for Attack on Titan
and hulu for all the fox cartoons
oh god
8 minute rape scene guy?
I woke up to my fiance watching that
haha I used to love shocking fucked up stuff
Have you ever seen Begotten?
Thats a weird fucking movie
My art school friend showed it to me
I figured it sounded like something you'd like
Oh yeah the movie is silent though
I recommend drugs
I honestly don't watch many movies though
I'm just around a lot of people who do haha.
Not by choice haha
My favorite movie is Back to the Future II
Such a good movie really opened my eyes to sci fi at a young age
How old is he?
Eh, you know, nostalgia glasses and all.
29 in july :P
Yeah! The script works!
I need to re-watch that, I was so young when I first saw it
Hi failures!
@ScottW Ahahaha! I've set it to 10 seconds. It works! Ahahaha!
haha I don't need to feel any more alone.
Awww, but we feel less alone together <3
Yeah shes all I have. I don't have any friends or family.
You have our love <3
5 years together next week
haha I do like you guys.
lol. My script actually goes into a loop. It waits for post events from users and waits for the specified time until it blurts out. It turns out that when the post it makes would again trigger the handler and then it loops for infinity.
I'm reading this binary search stuff and I don't get it.
@user2442335 <3
It searches by splitting in two
and then going down either half of the tree
@ScottW Awww <3
Wow, the bearded-lambda question has a score of 150 by now.
how old is everyone here?
Everyone doesn't have an age
I, however, am 26
I got a birthday coming up
me too
we should party together
Mines July 5th
23rd of this month
I'll be 29
I'll be 27
Mine's coming up in 2 months
I'll be 22. :D
Heh last year I spent my birthday playing LoL and I bought my fiance a gift instead of myself XD
@ScottW I still love you <3
Birthdays are overrated anyways.
I'm going to see some friends
and I'm going to have some fun
I love fun.
I usually do hard drugs on my birthday
Thats why you probably don't want to party with me haha
don't do drugs
that shit is bad for you
I don't really
used to
no don't
but also don't do programming
ITT I sound like Cat
Who me?
also, I have to go to work
maybe I'll log back in at work?
I kept it this name so I can be semi anonymous
So I can ask a lot of dumb questions
@TonyTheLion If you don't care much 'bout your rep anymore.
and not be labeled as "that guy"
@user2442335 there is other names that will keep you anon
@MarkGarcia hmmm, blerhg rep
well lemme see here
Make it fapfapfap
@user2442335 Hmm. Want to use some word in my dialect?
Whats your dialect?
@user2442335 It's called "Bisaya" or "Visayan" whatever. Just give a word and I'll give you the translation.
No one will know.
I might do 猫肉
They'll think it's some kind of an alien word or enchantment.
Which is japanese for cat meat
how do I change all this stuff
@user2442335 stackoverflow.com/users/edit/2442335
it keeps putting me in here as user#
Takes a while to propagate.
morning all
@user2442335 you said you where just starting programming right. You have probably already been told this by chaps here, but C++ is not a good language to start with. unless you really know C++ is the language you want to use
Why const Head& h and not Head&&?
Why should Head&& be preferred?
Mine is uh..
template<typename T, typename U>
constexpr auto min(T&& t, U&& u) -> CommonType<T,U> {
    return t < u ? std::forward<T>(t) : std::forward<U>(u);

template<typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
constexpr auto min(T&& t, U&& u, Args&&... args) -> CommonType<T,U,Args...> {
    return min(min(std::forward<T>(t),std::forward<U>(u)), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
@StackedCrooked No, that's the wrong question. The one that needs justification is not-Head&&.
@thecoshman I wanted to pick the hardest language
isn't T&& more generic
@user2442335 then c++ is still probably not that good a choice :P
but I take your point
and frankly, it is stupid
@user2442335 Some people seem to have a hell of lot of trouble getting Haskell, but they do somewhat fine with C++.
@StackedCrooked You should treat Head the same as args.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Perfect forwarding and move is not needed, so const& seemed logical to me.
you should try an easier language to to start with, so you can your head into the right mind set for programming, you don't have to master that language, but the programming mindset, then move onto C++ if you want to
@StackedCrooked It breaks things: now min(1, x) is a reference.
you will also almost always find it easier to learn to program if you give your self a task, try to achieve something and you can focus your learning, it will work a lot better
I have a book
Everything was going fine till I got to this stupid number game
Now I'm using stuff they don't even talk about till chapter 20 something and I'm on chapter 4
@StackedCrooked Oh wait, it isn't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see. What about the non-variadic overload then? Should I use && there?
@StackedCrooked That one is broken.
auto&& x = min(1); makes a dangling ref.
@user2442335 what book btw?
So it should be T min(T&& t) then?
Yeah, that's better.
Seems like I might as well use T min(T) then..
Or use std::remove_reference, I think.
I don't know if there's anything wrong with mine.. I haven't encountered any issues w/ it.
@StackedCrooked That makes moves/copies that are not needed.
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
@Rapptz Doesn't work for one argument!
Ah yeah.. that's rather obvious :P
Seems not likely to have to use min with one argument, but still...
lol, not sure if single-arg overload is good or bad.
@MarkGarcia min(args...)
There you go.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah.
It's easy to add though.
T min(T&& t) { return t; } // should I use forward here?

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