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@ScottW domain setup
@Rakkun Non.
I dont want Eclipse. It's way too much options i dont ever use
@EtiennedeMartel :(
@Dippo there are other IDEs than Eclipse and Code::Blocks FYI
@BartekBanachewicz Like Visual Studio!
lol, changing return std::is_copy_constructible<T>(); to return std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value; makes it compile.
@EtiennedeMartel well, yes.
Or, hopefully, eventually, AppCode.
@BartekBanachewicz There's Coliru...
@ScottW Do it.
@ScottW we already have Coliru
I'll shout encouragements from the sidelines.
let's add adb to Coliru
with watches and breakpoints and shit
I didnt find much info about IDE for C++.
@Dippo you were searching badly it seems
anyway is Coliru on GitHub?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That gives some insight into the implementation of requires.
ideone added {} completion AND I HATE IT SO MUCH
@MooingDuck it should be configurable
@LucDanton Hmm, it looks into the constexpr function to display diagnostics.
@ScottW autocomplete?
a.c++:15:6: note: template constraints not satisfied because
a.c++:15:6: note:     ‘std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value’ evaluated to ‘false’
I was expecting that to show Copyable<T>() instead.
@BartekBanachewicz It's on Google Code, I think.
No really. But, i really stick to CodeBlocks atm. It's pretty good, i only got one error.
@StackedCrooked and adb breakpoints and watches
@ScottW What, you can't finish yourself? :P
(Belgians, eh)
@StackedCrooked put it on GitHub
@Dippo What kind of error?
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you recall from the paper, it specifies that everything is expanded to disjunctive normal form.
I mean it's not only us
you'd get insta starfest on GH
Maybe I should enable to connect via ssh to the chroot.
it's this fucking frame
oh derp some polish shit
It's when i build my program, the input from the console, (if i type something and press enter), the program gives a error (windows). While, if i debug my app, everything works well. So only the compile and run, goes somehow wrong.
@Dippo Can you be more vague?
@BartekBanachewicz Are you Sir Banana Sandwich of banachewicz.pl? I'm a huge fan of your work ;_;
So basically:

**Github**: I have to use git to make all the changes
**GDrive**: I have to deal with shitty frame
**Server configuration**: I have to configure server
@Magtheridon96 I am thinking about getting all my shit together at last
i mean my blogging and stuff
so, in codeblock i get this error.
@Dippo and we don't care
I should get to that at one point
yeah well I bought this domain today
and I wanted to set it up
but this has proven to be harder than expected.
I mean it would be amazing if I had a static IP address server
Your provider doesn't give that?
I mean I can use no-ip no problem
@Telkitty猫咪咪 - 'PHP is a minor evil perpetrated and created by incompetent amateurs, whereas Perl is a great and insidious evil perpetrated by skilled but perverted professionals'
but still, I wanted to host on dropbox or google drive
Recommend good free basic WWW hosting ITT
oh, you mean a static ip server at home?
Someone recommended FileZilla
@Dippo I will set that up after summer holidays
I have 2 machines that I will plug in when I move
seems like shit though
yeah. If only you have enough capacity for upload
Stop with this incessant loling ;___;
error: expected primary-expression before ‘__is_valid_expr’
||      return __is_valid_expr(T(std::declval<T&&>));
@Dippo I have a couple of old hard drives
These servers are nothing much
256MB RAM and Pentium 2 IIRC
try true &&? I dunno lol!
just enough to run some stuff I need
@BartekBanachewicz But you can do nice things with it. You only have to worry are the hackers
@Dippo I am not going to put Windows on them :P
@LucDanton I thought "I'll grep the library for it and see", but then remembered the library has nothing.
(Contrary to what the paper and the website say)
@BartekBanachewicz Even then. if you don't update your software fast enough, then they are allready been in.
Oh they totally changed the syntax.
@BartekBanachewicz Are you also put a database into it?
No more std::declval!
@Dippo prolly
@R.MartinhoFernandes What of?
@LucDanton __is_valid_expr.
return requires(T t) { T(std::move(t)); };
@BartekBanachewicz cool
@R.MartinhoFernandes eh, D-ish.
{ a == b } -> bool for convertible.
Tripping removed from SSB Wii U
@R.MartinhoFernandes wot, are a and b types or exprs?
@LucDanton Expressions. See above: that form of requires takes a "parameter list".
Skyping with thecoshman :D
He can't pronounce "étienne"
You should see me pronouncing that!
@Rakkun Lie to him and get him to do it in the most obnoxious way possible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Very much D-ish but not in a good way :s
Why not?
You can always just fallback to declval, though.
I'm okay with an EDSL, but I'm not okay with an EDSL that look like valid expressions of the parent language but with not so similar semantics.
Oh wait is the -> bool part of the stuff?
@LucDanton There's no such valid expression.
@LucDanton Yes.
Haha okay I parsed your message wrong. I didn't think -> bool was part of the code.
Hmm, dunno how to force the type, instead of testing convertible.
The old syntax had T == { expr } for that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nothing obvious comes to mind.
I tried { expr } == T :D
But no dice.
Nothing else.
Hm, new token?
Oh wait no --> would be the === equivalent for ->.
> internal compiler error: unexpected expression ‘#‘syntax_expr’ not supported by dump_expr#’ of kind syntax_expr
@LucDanton Yah, tried that too.
So who'll be in Germany next week for a meetup!
@Rakkun Which days?
I'm out of Berlin from Monday to Wednesday.
I'll be in Dresden 15-28
Visiting around
@ScottW cheapflights.com/flights-to-berlin (random Google result)
Looks untrustworthy as fuck.
@Rakkun Didn't you just misspell something?
@Griwes Did you just mispell mispell?
Myspell. It's like Myspace, but for wizards.
so is your mom
/random phrase
At first I was going for missspell, but hell, this is not German.
@Griwes o but you live in wroclam little fucker
I don't live in any "wroclam" or something.
@Griwes yes you do, wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam wroclam
How did you even get that m in there...
@Griwes His keyboard is upside down.
@ScottW Yes.
He misspells Wrocław for some twisted reason.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hah.
@ScottW It's a striped bartek.
it's pronounced bArtek
you fuckers
Anyway, if you want to meet me in Berlin anytime after the 19th ping me or something. I'm going to sleep now.
Gotta keep ++loungers_met;
amazing how Microsoft managed to quite screw up their RichTextControl in WPF
lol RichText
Oh right, sleep.
it seems pretty sweet, until you want to actually work with the text involved
alright, gonna finish packing my stuff
a 20h long bus trip awaits ;;
since Microsoft decided to kindly expose the text as a plain old array of codeunits, but you can only interact with the textbox in terms of symbol offsets.
@ScottW When someone invents a vaccine against moronism
Why are they not using it then
cya :)
@Rakkun Oh gawd. Poor sod.
simple question, "const" means constrain?
@ScottW Your country is disgusting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes His country is kinda ok, it's people who are disgusting.
I cannot into formatting.
@MooingDuck You can fix it for Ideone by entering this in the JS console: ace.edit('file_div').setBehavioursEnabled(false);
Or just enter this in the URL bar: javascript:ace.edit('file_div').setBehavioursEnabled(false);
@StackedCrooked It's been around forever.. It's easier just to disable syntax highlighting
@Rapptz Or a tamper script.
Well disabling syntax highlighting is a checkbox.
I am going to ask a very dangerous question
so please don't hit me with a stick
or at least pick a small one
@Rapptz A disable syntax highlighting feature could be interesting for Coliru. It will probably fix the mobile view.
Assuming PHP is all I have, is there any sane way of setting anything there?
like LLVM IR -> PHP
@BartekBanachewicz like building your own webserver?
@Dippo do you understand "LLVM IR -> PHP" part?
@BartekBanachewicz nope
oh I found Lua for PHP
@Dippo check out Emscripten
@BartekBanachewicz oh cool, thats what i meant. :)
but it requires Lua on the server in question
and some devel libraries
man, PHP is really terrible
@BartekBanachewicz true
@BartekBanachewicz javascript is easier
@Dippo but also terrible
JS is terribler.
@BartekBanachewicz also true.
I mean, implicit ;? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea?
I don't care about that
@BartekBanachewicz Something a'la Emscriptem?
@Griwes I am not saying it's good either
@DeadMG Emhem
ok finally
I found a great polish hosting
it gives me a shitload of space and DNS are here
This is the ultimate one I think.
@BartekBanachewicz ?
@Griwes Hostinger.pl
maybe looks not as good, but the configuration panel is decent and extremely featured
@Griwes it even has cron jobs!

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