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@ChrisCM Put a throw (or even a return) in there and suddenly your array leaks. But hey, micro-optimization, baby! — Etienne de Martel 1 min ago
@TonyTheLion Probably N3572 discussion
When I compile with the -o3 optimization the weaknesses of vector disappear, and I get similar results for both. -o2 and -o1 have the same poor performance for vector. Being forced to use -o3 isn't exactly a raging review for vectors however. — ChrisCM 13 hours ago
Oh god what an idiot
I say we send @jalf on his ass.
> This entire argument is ignoring the slowness of the dynamic elements of vectors, which is their biggest weakness and can make other containers like linked lists, or in various circumstances, programming your own custom containers a necessity to avoid massive performance blows.
Did he just really honestly unironically said std::list might be better for performance
@CatPlusPlus I think so.
The whole thing is weird.
She should just fly away! Oh wait.
As far as writing parsers goes - how difficult would writing a parser for GLSL be? (ex for c++ is very because context sensitive, brainfuck very easy)
> Being forced to use -o3 isn't exactly a raging review for vectors however.
This is awesome.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm telling, we should bring him here.
Deploying downvote.
@EtiennedeMartel Well spoken
> For example, UTF-8 cane be converted to char, char16_t or char32_t
@DeadMG I'm leaving it.
The nonsense is too strong.
@Ell To the best of my recollection, not terribly difficult. IIRC, Mesa supports shaders, so it must have a GLSL parser you could look at if you wanted to.
i am going to ask question
@Ell full parser? quite complex.
Apple did it for LLVM
they were able to compile new shaders into CPU code before the features were available
that was quite a long time ago tho
how's everyone doing?
@EtiennedeMartel settatree :lol:
The benchmark runs in 1.401s for straight array and 1.404s for the vector, compiled with g++-4.7 -std=c++11 -O1 -g. I don't think there is any reason to shun the vector — sehe 5 secs ago
@BartekBanachewicz that's pretty cool
Words, words, words... Just show me. — Taranov Insidecpp 4 hours ago
^ lol that one is crazy cool too. It's troll day today (Note the date on the OP :/)
@sehe lol wow
> concrete programming questions
@Rakkun We ask for concrete questions. What we get (all too often) are questions from people with concrete between their ears.
@BartekBanachewicz You used OpenGL for rendering Minicraft and SFML as a window toolkit?
@Tuntuni yes.
@JerryCoffin Let me split that for you: ((concrete programming) questions)
@LuchianGrigore Sup.
@LuchianGrigore Pretty fair. Been a while -- how've you been?
-o3 isn't "highest optimization level, it's different type of optimization, it minimizes memory footprint over cpu instructions. @Etienne: 3.4 vs 9.4 is micro optimization? — ChrisCM 2 mins ago
haha, he's funny. Keep squeezing.
@BartekBanachewicz I see. Which window toolkit do you prefer the most? Is it SFML or something else?
been on vacation and it's freakin awesome
@Tuntuni The question with windowing toolkits is never "which do you like the mos?" but "which do you hate the least?"
been 10 minutes online tops
@JerryCoffin I hate XAML the least.
@JerryCoffin Haha, why is that? None of them are good?
@LuchianGrigore Sounds nice.
+I think there was a power outage at work, so I can't vpn to check my email cause my PC shut down
@Tuntuni Have you used a windowing toolkit recently?
@ShotgunNinja Yes
@Tuntuni Exactly -- the variation is from really bad to a whole lot worse.
@ShotgunNinja I tried GLUT a long time ago, GLFW 2 days ago, SFML 2 months ago and Qt 5 days ago. :)
@JerryCoffin Ah, so which one do you hate the least? :-)
@BartekBanachewicz So which one do you hate the least?
@Tuntuni SFML, I guess.
I don't use the stock one, though. I have my own fork inside my engine.
@BartekBanachewicz Improvements?
@Tuntuni sRGB context creation.
but I don't think I commited in on GH for various reasons.
@sehe Shame on you for giving more recognition to the silly benchmark, btw.
I will make a proper pull request one day.
Dismissal is the proper response, IYAM.
"Look ma, I have two programs that take different times to execute"
@BartekBanachewicz What do you think of Qt?
@Tuntuni QT creator was a nice suprise; I haven't really used the library enough to have an opinion on it, but the fact it's not using standard library as much as I would like it to makes me a bit biased.
Also it's a tad big if all you need is a window with OGL context
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, I've heard people talking about that.
SFML is not a windowing toolkit
@CatPlusPlus has-a vs is-a?
@Tuntuni The trick is to not listen
@CatPlusPlus What should I do instead? :p
Try it out for myself?
Though Qt has input system tailored for GUI apps and that's more painful than its size
If we're talking games
Q: What are the advantages and limitations of using Qt for game development?

GagegeI know there is already a thread asking for example 3d games written using Qt. What I'd like to have a discussion about is whether or not Qt is a good framework for game development. In my experience Qt is a joy to work with and thanks to QML and QML/3d it's looking like it could be a viable fra...

I guess you wouldn't write Starcraft in Qt though.
You don't write in Qt
you don't know me
You are right in that I can shorten the example. The machine where i can reproduce the error is not the same machine where i can go online and post but I'll be more careful at typing. — jorgetown 2 mins ago
@CatPlusPlus I saw that comming.
he doesn't seem to quite get it, eh? /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
@BartekBanachewicz I saw it cumming.
@StackedCrooked I see what you did there.
@StackedCrooked dude, ew.
> In my case, the development hosts are not connected to the Internet
right in the socket.
@Xeo Maybe "If you cannot reproduce the error, fuck off" would get the idea across.
@StackedCrooked Cosh once said:"I could ejaculate a better solution." Quite a nice pun, isn't it?
aahaha bus is at 18:58
cool, I won't have to wait for the next one
or should I check if build passed everywhere? :/
"My code is top secret; find out what the problem is from this different and totally irrelevant code, and fix it"
@Tuntuni That probably was one of his typos.
ubuntu 13.04 out :)
Link him :frogout:
@BartekBanachewicz Check the build :D fuck tha bus
@StackedCrooked No lol
I switched to my workstation and second thing I see after 13.04 is powerline :3
@BartekBanachewicz Did they remove the sucky part
what the hell is a bounded type in C++?
@CatPlusPlus I don't know which sucky part you are referring to, but in general ubuntu is a pleasant OS for a linux newbie like me.
@BartekBanachewicz Ubuntu
all built. Fuck this shit, I am going home
@CatPlusPlus :*
Ubuntu is basically Windows for Linux-wannabees.
@TonyTheLion A type that has upper and/or lower bound
A: How far to go with a strongly typed language?

Jerry CoffinYes, the idea is worthwhile, but (IMO) writing a complete, separate class for each range of integers is kind of pointless. I've run into enough situations that call for limited range integers that I've written a template for the purpose: template <class T, T lower, T upper> class bounded { ...

Integers are bounded on [limits<T>::min(), limits<T>::max()]
Just one possibilty though.
Why would boost::variant care about those specifically?
Some context?
It's probably "bounded number of types".
> It supports construction from any type convertible to one of its bounded types or from a source variant whose bounded types are each convertible to one of the destination variant's bounded types.
source, second sentence in description paragraph
That's Engrish
They have BoundedType concept
@Xeo and that's good IMHO
@CatPlusPlus Gosh waht terrible naming
Yeah it's an awful name
seems like, because I can't make sense of how its name relates to what its supposed to do
Feel free to yell at maintainers
I call mine the value types :v
I suppose its the type that is bound to the variant itself
variant<int, double>, the template parameters here are the bounded types
4 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
It's probably "bounded number of types".
I still think it stems from that.
bad names are bad
> bounded discriminated union value type
oh gawd
Well the variant itself sorta has bounds
yea it can only have the types you specify
and none other
I was trying to figure out how the static_vistor worked
I suppose it overloads by result_type
looking at boost source, it ain't that simple :/
what did I expect, to understand what was going on?!! :|
Boost is really bad because of all of the compatibility hacks
not necessarily because the logic is at it's core that complex (although it might well be)
and it uses boost::mpl under the hood
I have no chance
Variant's pretty nasty though
its fugly
goddamn humans are weird. Caw.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't recognize his silly benchmark. I just falsified his own reported timings as well as his claim that somehow only at -O3 the performance gap would close. Then, I proceeded to state that there is no reason to shun vector. Those were unrelated statements.
(I didn't say the benchmark "meant" anything; I just said his timings were inaccurate even for that silly benchmark.). I should have said that Carthago should be destroyed, perhaps?
@TonyTheLion Write your own :P
implementing lambdas as an AST-level transformation is surprisingly difficult
oh, I could just use an ExpressionExpression
Damn. I can't respond to his stupidity anymore:
^ What on earth made him think I changed his "values"?!?!? I didn't, obviously
I'mma try Xamarin.
@CatPlusPlus a simple version of it, perhaps
the magic they do, is way above my head
I suppose static_visitor is based on the Visitor Pattern?
How can I measure how much RAM gcc uses to compile a certain file.
@rightfold It's costly.
There's a free version.
@StackedCrooked Process monitor?
The problem is that the process is short-lived so I need to be quick.
ps -ux?
@StackedCrooked Uhhhhhhh
Q: Understanding GCC's output of `-fmem-report`

TorbjoernHow should I interpret the output given by GCC's -fmem-report flag? What information can I retrieve from the table and subsequent statistics? I've tried retrieving the peak memory consumption during compilation and thought intuitively, that the last line of the table (Total) gives me the value....

auto fun := stuff; is not valid Wide.
Press 1 for fun
@DeadMG Is Wide a programming language? Never heard of it, and the term is confusing my Google-fu.
@CatPlusPlus 1
@ShotgunNinja It's DeadMG's magnum opus
@CatPlusPlus Oh, he's designing a custom language?
That's pretty C⨁⨁L
You don't write a language.
You design a language.
I always write my languages
I sometimes even read them
@rightfold Not always. PHP for an obvious counter-example.
Also, I was referring to writing a reference implementation.
Some people just don't give up.
Q: Vector vs Array Performance

ChrisCMIn another thread I started a discussion about Vectors and Arrays, in which I was largely playing devil's advocate, to push buttons. However, during the course of this, I stumbled onto a test case that has me a little perplexed, and I would like to have a real discussion about it, over the "abus...

> In another thread I started a discussion about Vectors and Arrays, in which I was largely playing devil's advocate, to push buttons.
"I don't know what I'm talking about and I was called out on my bullshit so I'm gonna pretend I did that on purpose"
By the way, that kind of behavior often ruins actual trolls.
-o3 should be -O3, you're not optimising. — Daniel Fischer 1 min ago
Point in case
@Morwenn What?
damn, I'm a fool
Coliru will be down for a while now.
@CatPlusPlus I mean sometimes, you're being sarcastic, but people won't believe it since they are used to seing some guys trying to reptend they are actual trolls while they are only uneducated.
Interesting question, and so nice to see both source code, compiler flags and results, along with a detailed explanation. +1 for a well asked question. :) — jalf 1 min ago
introduce rule of zero (for constructors)... don't automatically generate move-constructors for lambdas.
@StackedCrooked NOOOOoooOOOoo
But seriously
That guy
@DeadMG thanks for telling us what we already knew :P
@TonyTheLion well, jalf is definitely right about that
@TonyTheLion No, @jalf, nooooooo!
@StackedCrooked awwww
@StackedCrooked how long is a while to you?
@TonyTheLion Depends on how many loops we're talking about here.
But I'm guessing, at worst, O(N).
posted on May 08, 2013 by Garrett Serack, MSFT

Howdy! My name is Garrett Serack, I'm not actually part of the Visual C++ team--I actually work as a Senior Software Development Engineer in Microsoft's Open Source Technology Center, which is part of Windows Server. I have a distinctly different job than most here at Microsoft-I work to get Open Source software running better on Windows and Azure. A little over a week ago, I releas

@TonyTheLion just a while
I don't even know what's broken with unique_ptr, but ._.
I should really simply fix the analyzer so that f := expr(); does not always invoke a move or copy.
So, anyone actually used NuGet for C++ yet?
@melak47 WHAT.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fuck it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It probably means CTP.
this bug, apparently
Does that mean they still have the stupid "nanananananana, pay for your bug fixes"
> the fix will be available in the next release of our C++ Standard Library implementation.
@yngum: I'm not a windows guy, what compiler does VC++ use? I assume it's MS propietary over like MinGW. — ChrisCM 4 mins ago
The guy's got the knowledge.
does this mean the updated one with more C++11, or Visual Studio 2020?
@melak47 That is CTP.
A: Vector vs Array Performance

Mike SeymourA simpler explanation: you're building with optimisations disabled. You want -O3, not -o3. I don't have clang available to exactly reproduce your tests, but my results are as follows: //Array run # 1 $ g++ -std=c++11 -O3 test.cpp -o b.out && time ./b.out real 0m25.323s user 0m25.162s sys...

@DeadMG you sure? that other guy explicitly says it won't be in one of the updates for VS2012 :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bam bam.
@melak47 The next "release" will likely be VS2012 SP1.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hahahaah
@DeadMG ah, alright..
but I can guarantee that the next iteration of the MSVC stdlib will be the CTP-enabled one
Vectors are slower I tested it
@DeadMG I'll hold you to that! :p
@CatPlusPlus emot-tinfoil.gif lolwat
is it just me, or is someone begging for a dick joke to be inserted?
The Haskell code I started on is a port of the original Wolf 3D. My notes from four years ago on the iOS port: http://www.idsoftware.com/iphone-games/wolfenstein-3d-classic-platinum/wolfdevelopment.htm
@DeadMG ... inserted...
That's what she said
@R.MartinhoFernandes did you ever doubt that?
@jalf Yes. What a schmuck I was.
so when do we get the ctp enabled stdlib already. it's been months ._.
@melak47 With MS? Best to assume next major release.. VS2014, perhaps?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ahahahaha
its MS, it will be 2020 and they will just have finished C++11 implementation
I wonder why he didn't link to the other question / my comment, though. :)
@jalf >_>
@melak47 Yeah, that's probably too optimistic, I know
Oh. Because he deleted his answer. ahahaha
@R.MartinhoFernandes eh, the question is fair. So he accidentally supplied the wrong compiler flag, but at least the question was formulated well enough that people could tell that's the problem.
I don't see how it deserves to be mocked
We mock whoever we want, and especially ourselves.
@Xeo I know that
@jalf It's a silly mistake.
at least it's not complete rubbish like this :)

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