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someone is failing
@FredOverflow The code seems to run, so I think yes.
@Telkitty I lol'd at "../SO-thingy/.." folder name
I lol's at vector<Node *>
this program is obviously lacking basic courtesy
@ereOn You'd think we know. However dealing with trolls as a she is beneficial to both the troll and the regulars
@sehe What do you mean?
@sehe I think the disadvantages have long outweighed the benefits, if there ever were any, in Telkitty's case
I just realized that Bjarne Stroustrup looks like a C++ angle bracket
@TonyTheLion of course , but there is little choice
I think I know what you mean
@sehe Little choice in what?
The trolls just come
Most of the trolls that come don't stay for very long. Telkitty is an exception.
@Mikhail I just realized the similarities between him and Les Grossman images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/29500000/…
all over your face
^ from here
Who is in that last picture, anyways?
> A bureau of mole men
Going for irregular, huh
@Mikhail That's not even that old. From the laptop I'd say ~1996 or later
Make it later, actually. The screen is clearly already LCD
@sehe There's a TFT at the bottom
I missed that part :)
96 is 20 years ago!!!!
So, more like ~2---
@Mikhail no it's not
@Mikhail Meh.
2 mins ago, by sehe
Who is in that last picture, anyways?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That innocent li'll girl?
@sehe ... no ...
Ah good
Whom then/
nobody. fuck the passage of almost 20 years since 1996
like, as in, "wow"
Ow. I've always assumed time did that, even before I knew it
For people without GIF inhibitions: i.imgur.com/z0GabHa.gif
@sehe: WTF is he doing there?
@wilx Riding in a car; what does it fucking look like!
Being ironically amused :)
I should buy an ebook reader. Or a tablet. Or a smartphone. Or something else that enables me to read while travelling.
A set of eyes!
Oh boy, the beard answer is Robot's 5th highest-voted answer now.
@Xeo Should we nuke it?
@Zeta How about a good ol'... book?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That would be handy. At least better than my current approach, I lick the pages and taste the ink. Actually Adam's books are not only well-written, but delicious.
@Xeo Well, I do that, but sometimes I just want to have a look at a reference or at a math book.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I notice you changed the bio texts again, ASCII expert :)
> I recently discovered that I have an unhealthy obsession with cultural diversity and the epic failures that result when we mix it with programming, in particular things related to text and timekeeping.
Now, in German
@Zeta you read a book by taste ?
@KhaledAKhunaifer Don't try it on Meyer's books.
The sarcasm is not strong with this one.
@KhaledAKhunaifer Did he say "sometimes I just want to have a lick at"...?
O, well, "fuck me running" -- he did :)
@sehe Why German?
Because French is clearly inferior. He was talking about cultural diversity, after all?
Is Pubby using Bjarne Stroustrup as his avatar or does he look awfully like him?
@kbok make it stop
Directx tutorials suck...
Quick non-constructive question: is there any good reason why compilers do not add references to the relevant standard paragraph when emitting a diagnostic? For instance "References must always be initialized -> (8.5.3p1)" etc.
Because it's not always unambiguous?
Also, I don't think you can expect the average user to have the standard handy...
@Xeo Well, OK, let's say whenever this can be done unambiguously. Maybe the average user won't have the standard handy, but it is a < 10 character string that is unlikely to pollute the output, and one could just add a compiler option to hide them (or show them)
@AndyProwl it could be on error help page
@Abyx OK, that's another option
reading the Standard takes balls of steel
@TonyTheLion Not every user is supposed to go and read the standard. I mean, the reference to the relevant paragraph should not replace the rest of the text, just complement it
@TonyTheLion Some sections are worse than others. Name lookup and template argument deduction rules are a fucking bitch. Much of the rest of it is fairly clear, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit C'mon, they're not that bad.
@AndyProwl Very often a single reference would be implausible. This alone makes the idea a bit of a non-starter.
@Xeo Yes, they are!
overload resolution
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't get it?
The ICSs in overload resolution might be considered bad, but I also don't think they're "a fucking bitch".
Anyway, I don't think it's a bad idea, and I don't think it's hard to implement.
@Xeo I'm not suggesting that they're more verbose than they need to be; rather, simply that they are a nightmare to pull concise quotes out of in order to make a point.
But maybe that's just me.
@TonyTheLion GSQ = Gratuitous Standard Quotes. It's a technique to attract upboats to your answers.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, when the compiler makes a decision, I guess it does it based on some Standard rule, so for instance logging it would not be too hard. I understand it may be impractical in some cases, but not always. And for advanced users it could help a lot figuring out what's going on
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D
@AndyProwl Most of the time it's not "some Standard rule"; it's "the combined effect of 50 pages of text".
Meanwhile I don't think a standard quote will ever be more useful than the diagnostic text already is; it's just "neh neh neh you did it wrong look at the standard I'm right you're wrong"
@Telkitty does it bother you?
@Telkitty Well, her choice of profession is an indicator, no?
@Abyx No, I like it :p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nobody said you should actually quote the standard.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yes I wish there will be more hot female computer science/engineering lecturers teaching sex offenders, preferrably at high schools
@Xeo Sorry, s/quote/reference/
Same difference at this layer of abstraction!
@Telkitty life style shapes humans, excellence is the fruit of custom
Hah. Valuable thoughts continuous integration:
> "Automate process processes", he said. Things like coding standards, static analysis, spaces vs. tabs, or detecting the use of Emacs should be done automatically lwn
@KhaledAKhunaifer imagine, back in year 11, you have this hot 24 yo female teacher teaching 'internet pornography'
@Telkitty will she still be hot after washing off her makeup ?
Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be a 'hot' teacher
Not my definition of hot, by a mile or seven
look up Pamela Rogers, Sheral Lee Smith or Debra Lafave
@TonyTheLion balls of rubber, perhaps. It takes no guts at all, just a lot of stamina. It's best if any sensitive organs be desensitized before embarking on the endeavor
@Telkitty she can't hear you
@Telkitty if her face is beautiful without makeup, I think the appropriate term is "cute"
@sehe right
Why don't you do your own internet search on those names, as I said, most of the people would consider them hot, and so do I
@KhaledAKhunaifer that's a new fetish to me then. Or are you saying you treat any one without makeup as underage?
@sehe ever heard of baby-face ?
In my book, use of makeup (beyond maybe a slight touch of eyeliner) is a giant turn off. Definitely don't do lip stick. Ever.
@KhaledAKhunaifer Mmm. I'm thinking that is "yes"
@sehe I know girls whose lips shine when you direct light at them, I think of road blocks when I see it
Lipstick is like waving a flag "I am/I want to be like my [aunt, grandma]" much in the way as a perm would be. My only association with it is sticky coffee cups and bad porn
Very bad
6 out of 32 MVPs of the year are VC++ MVP. So who could dare saying VC++ guys don't rock? http://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/story/Developer%20MVPs%20of%20the%20Year-20130221205159
^ that's asking for it, right /cc @LuchianGrigore
marius is so cool, working in Norway, he must be making hundreds of k a year. :D
A: What is this smiley-with-beard expression: "<:]{%>"?

R. Martinho FernandesThat's an empty lambda using a digraph disguise. Normal lambdas don't have beards.

WTF happened here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you got upboats
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ask on meta? I think it's a know glitch: people can accidentally upvote instead of downvote. People are aware of it, I believe it's or
> This photo of Jennifer Lopez and her body double, who's a guy
@TonyTheLion I don't want this to be one of my most upboated answers :(
As soon as it stops repcapping me, I'll delete it!
So, you don't want it to ruin your "rep" but you'll collect the "rep" first :)
@sehe I don't get it, there's one VC++ entry on that list :|
@jalf hahaha. I didn't even click through. MVPs mean nothing to me. I know a few and it's... marketing (often)
yeah, same. Plus I know there are quite a few former MVP's who declined the "award" because of how badly the MVP program is run
wtf, mvp awards for "Top Stackoverflow contributor"?
54 mins ago, by Xeo
Oh boy, the beard answer is Robot's 5th highest-voted answer now.
Also, if I accept it, you can't delete it. :3
It's also my second highest-voted question I noticed.
@Xeo That's harsh. I sense another meta episode on hands
> intrincacies
^ @R.MartinhoFernandes in your profile
@jalf That too. Starring right now
@sehe And also looks almost nothing like her.
@DeadMG Yeah. The point is likely he's good at doing things Jennifer isn't good at :)
@sehe Like having a penis?
also he looks similar enough that they can easily replace her face on his using CGI or whatever
How can MS pump up the hype about Directx 11, yet there are STILL no reliable books on just getting a basic DX window started?
@TonyTheLion Aw and her pet!
Am I the only who thinks that hybrid's body looks like a horse's
Common sense would at least say "Hey! I got a great new product! Lets start getting tutorials out there to maximize usage!"
in Lua C++ API project, 1 hour ago, by Sandeep Tiwari
how to validate email address on the basis of domain name using api ?
you gotta love SO chat
@LightnessRacesinOrbit smile and wave and move on
@BartekBanachewicz You have "C++" in the room name, there's your problem.
@Xeo ah right.
but how am I going to announce it's C++ API without spelling out C++
Although that guy probably came in because of the "API" part
"Lua C+=1 API"
Lua YouKnowWhat API
TO HELL WITH DIRECTX!!! I'm going back to OpenGL
@SpicyWeenie You know, it's actually really rather simple.
@Telkitty I don't care - I want one!
namely that the D3D11 API is basically identical to the D3D10 API in almost all respects.
so basically any D3D10 material will also do you for D3D11
and there's plenty around if you just look
@LightnessRacesinOrbit looks photoshopped
@MartinJames you wanna a photoshopped horsey? :D
also, Microsoft offer dozens of DX11 tutorials, all of which must create a window.
so do try to attempt not to suck
@Telkitty Maybe I should get a bigger house first.
@SpicyWeenie good, good. Let the anger flow through you.
@MartinJames when I moved into a house with 600 square meters backyard by myself for the 1st time, I was seriously considering getting a goat so I won't have to mow the lawn
launch time.
Then I figured it would just be easier if I did not mow the lawn
talking about lazy bums
@Telkitty Dreck! 'mow the lawn' :( Gotta do that soon. With snow etc, mowing not been done yet but grass has still managed to get going.
Q: What is std::promise?

Kerrek SBI'm fairly familiar with the new standard library's std::thread, std::async and std::future components (e.g. see this answer), which are straight-forward. However, I cannot quite grasp what std::promise is, what it does and in which situations it is best used. The standard document itself doesn'...

I'm seeing neither a question, nor code, nor anything that doesn't look like a wish list. So here's my wish list: include an actual question, show some effort. — Zeta 5 mins ago
User's reaction: "Can anyone help one this ?"
This is not a place to recruit "help" or "helpers". It's a Q&A. And, no, "can you help" does not count as an on-topic question; if we pretend for a moment that it does, then the answer is "no". — Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
I missed 3 important messages this week because of that crap.
You mean, because you didn't routinely check your spam filter?
Did your supply of blue pills run out?
SpamAssassin is near enough 100% effective for me nowadays. It's ace.
> I tried using the doc but it doesn't work.
I wonder if he tried reading it.
I've found a solution to spam: don't use email.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Why the heck would I want an automated spam filter if I have to check messages for spam manually?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, time to time
each and every spam filter has this disclaimer
@R.MartinhoFernandes false positives
@TonyTheLion lol nice
@TonyTheLion Fuck that. False negatives are less damaging.
you have too much faith in the machine
(And since I will have to rumage through all the crap anyway to filter the false positives, what does it matter the name of the folder for said crap?)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hey he explained it really nice
I think I'll make my networking and chunk loading based on futures
@LightnessRacesinOrbit i'm sure she good at it, but she lacks the opportunity
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Are you from 1992?
Behold the telltale signs of "THE TROLL":
Everybody knows to keep an eye on your spam filter. If you're expecting an infallible system, you are nonnongullible.
> nonnongullible
metametaenglish motherfucker. do you speak it?
@sehe is in every possible room spreading their venom
@sehe Trolling is a art. Telkitty is just writing dumb things.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I get false negatives. That's not annoying. But they happen in bursts. I suspect a weakness/defect in CRM114, really
There's nothing wrong with trolling.
@BartekBanachewicz Well, there's different levels to trolling. IMO
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No, I'm from 1987.
I'm from 1996. As well as 1987, among (many) other years
@sehe I didn't knew there exists a level -1 in the troll level system.
Hm, that makes me think: does Telkitty actually loose experience with every failed attempt?
is it a bad habit to use operator -->? for (auto n = ...; n --> 0; )
@Abyx uh, numeric loops are meh
@R.MartinhoFernandes why?
because its confusing
@R.MartinhoFernandes liar
@Abyx Because it doesn't gain you anything compared to doing it right?
@JamesMcNellis I'm not sure if I'm just misinterpreting your grammar there or if you just put your foot into your mouth up to your knee.
^ troll success!
but "n --> 0" looks way more readable than "n-- > 0" since it feels like a "single operator" instead of "two operators"
@Abyx but you're deceiving yourself
because it is two operators and not one
exactly the reason why it's less readable
@TonyTheLion I know
that's, I mean
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I expect a system that saves me time. Not one that merely pretends to.
that is trolling
for(auto n : range(..., 0))
'Nuff said.
@Zeta boost::irange
Why do you need to count?
I have a list and I want to process [first, last-1) elements
@BartekBanachewicz: There had to be a boost implementation :D. Wrote my own a month ago and witnessed the compiler optimizations. I'm still a little bit terrified by the might of the beast.
        auto it = list.begin();
        for (auto n = list.size() - 1; n --> 0; )
@Zeta I have the same. Every time I implement something like this, boost already has it. I had to construct my own istreambuf_range though
boost provides only istream_range
and the former is imo much more useful
n --> 0 reads to me as n goes to 0
@TonyTheLion Which is what ends up happening, effectively.
@TonyTheLion yep, it does go
still meh
@Abyx std::for_each(list.begin(), --list.end(), lambda);.
hm... I didn't think of --end(), thanks
@BartekBanachewicz typedef boost::iterator_range<std::istreambuf_iterator<char> > isb_range;
@Abyx that's a prime example of evil code with illegible intent
@Abyx depends: for (auto n=3ull; n-->0; n*=2) ...?
Q: VC++ optimisations break comparisons with NaN?

moonshadowIEEE754 requires NaNs to be unordered; less than, greater than, equal etc. should all return false when one or both operands are NaN. The sample below yields the correct F F F F F T as expected when compiled using g++ at all optimisation levels, and when compiled using VC++'s CL.exe (32-bit ver...

NaN's again
@Abyx then you have the list in the wrong order, it's not a list or it contains the wrong elements, or you need to remove the special case requirement of the last element etc. :)
@sehe I have it like this
template<class Elem> inline
boost::iterator_range<std::istreambuf_iterator<Elem> >
istreambuf_range(std::basic_istream<Elem>& in)
    return boost::iterator_range<std::istreambuf_iterator<Elem> >(

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