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@Zoidberg Those are kernel objects.
fundamentally, blocking without busylooping must involve a kernel call.
That's not a problem.
that's fine then
Thanks /cc @Ell.
I'mma go implement comments and shit in Wide.
@Zoidberg No probs :)
At some point I need to learn how to make a parser and shit...
@LucDanton I don't think so -- AFAIK, the only other presentation Sean Parent has done at BoostCon was for the first BostCon (2007).
Quick question.
@ThePhD Not that hard, the only problem is having something to parse that's actually useful to the world (or yourself). :D
If I have a vector of 50 items, and I have an iterator to the first element,
@ThePhD no
whaaaaat haaapppeeennnns
iiiiffff I doooo
a kickboxing banana move on it?
vector::iterator myyyyyyiiiiit = veeectooor.begiiin() + 100; // Ooooohhhh myyyyy gooooodd????!!?!?!?!
out-of-bounds iterator
It throws up.
@JerryCoffin I thought at the time that it was an unusually good presentation. I suppose it was foreshadowing to the BoostCon becoming less about Boost and more about C++, i.e. becoming C++Now.
So it throws?
also it throws
That's really dumb.
it's 100x myit++;
@DeadMG Not so -- if you're doing green threads, you can switch to another thread (in user mode). Pretty much what a kernel wait would do..
@ThePhD no, you are dumb for adding 100 to iterator
@ThePhD UB.
Oh well.
Ranges suck.
hahah L2Range
@JerryCoffin No
the beauty of puppy's answer is that it takes template Range
so pretty much anything
And that is what I was missing for the whole time
I guess that in a programmer's life everything sucks, except your girlfriend. And that sucks in and of itself.
@LucDanton Probably -- though even in '07 (which I attended in person) I thought it was somewhat mis-named.
Therefore, she sucks?
Wait what?
I have a birthday party which I have to attend later this evening.
And I have no idea what to buy to the old sod.
I'll just give him money?
I loved money presents as a child.
@DomagojPandža give him gift card if anything
That sucks, at least in my circles.
give the gift of PHP
@DomagojPandža I'm guessing a girlfriend who sucks is one he wouldn't turn down (unless his wife found out).
@melak47 beware of geeks bearing gifts..
@BartekBanachewicz IMO, Gift cards are the worst idea ever. If you're basically giving money anyway, just give money. A gift card charges you a percentage to give money, and usually restricts how they spend it as well. Despite people's silly prejudices, the only beneficiary here are the people selling the cards.
@MartinJames Beware of Geeks bearing .gifs.
@JerryCoffin A percentage? what? That's unheard of, really.
Well, with money, you can buy something that you like. We just skip the bullshit where you say you don't want anything, but do want something and me not knowing what the fuck is that which you want and say you don't want.
problem with money is "how much"
If that makes any goddamn sense. xd
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah. Existing C++ stdlib practice would have "range" be a pair of iterators.
@JerryCoffin Cetainly agree on that one! Gift cards = overpriced, restricted and tends to time out. Oh - and you can't get change.
but it really doesn't matter what the fuck it is.
I give a tenner :P
@BartekBanachewicz That depends. A gift card to a specific store doesn't. A general-purpose Visa card (or whatever name they use in Europe, etc.) normally does charge something.
@DomagojPandža get one hundred one dollar bills and put them in a form of a packet, like in movies :)
£10 is ample for a 17 yo :P
@Ell Zimbabwean dollars?
This is gonna be shitty. :3c
From my perspective, a money gift is a bit worrying for me, because I don't want to come off as a rich asshole move. And there's still not meeting the lower bound limit.
I hate social stuff.
How about a bottle of wine?
Bottles of wine are always good.
Get one with a lot of fancy names on it.
@JerryCoffin I meant specific store. Or restaurant. Imagine there's a very nice restaurant, which is a bit too costly for you to go normally. Now I give you $100 gift card, which is like saying "I know you would probably spend it differently, but I really want you to go there and enjoy yourself"
'Oh, sorry, but I only drink white wine' :((
That's easy, combine red and white wine into one bottle. Call it a special brew.
Step two, hope nobody dies.
If we only had some of that toe nail stuff we were preparing to brew here.
@DomagojPandža I recommend Chateau Picard
@BartekBanachewicz Not nearly as bad an idea as some gift cards, but they still (in most cases) won't give change, so he'll typically have to spend a little more than you give to ensure against losing some of it.
@DeadMG regarding that range though, can you give me last hint? Obviously Load should be templated, but what operations should I expect? Should I use some static asserts to verify that the type meets the criteria? And how does Boost.Range fit into this?
@BartekBanachewicz It doesn't, necessarily. The Range can be whatever you want it to be, multiple parameters, whatever the fuck you want.
@JerryCoffin The point is not to worry about cash -.- I want someone to go, eat, enjoy, and don't even think about money
@DomagojPandža Sorry, but most rose' sucks.
@DeadMG Multiple parameters?
It's a single template parameter.
@DomagojPandža rose wines are terrible
@ThePhD Then make more of them.
Unless you make it variadic, it's going to be a one-to-one type dealie?
Hahah, people actually do what I proposed?
the simple fact is that the details of Range are irrelevant to the example, and you can insert whatever you want in it's place
I don't drink, at all. Only Bailey's Irish Cream when I'm in the mood.
@DomagojPandža Real wine drinkers will laugh the rose wine off.
ideally, you'd be talking about a pair of iterators, or a Boost.Range range, or something like that, for maximum abstraction.
but it can be anything that your T::Load function can accept.
and doesn't have to be uniform.
but how should it operate?
It has to take some type T
@DomagojPandža I'm fairly sure that Baileys is considered 'drinking' :)
@BartekBanachewicz You can make it take nothing if you want and cut the other non-creating accessor and call T::Load(), but I don't know what use that would be.
but that T means nothing. T.begin() and T.end()?
Q: C== crashes evertime when using class methods to assign members values

Spencer Killenso basicly what i have so far is a code that accesses a classes methods through an object then assigns new values but it keeps crashing everytime i try running can someone please tell me what im doing wrong #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namesp...

@DeadMG Now I didn't understand that at all.
@MartinJames Around these parts, drinking usually involves being unable to walk and screaming out your ex's name. Everything else doesn't qualify. :D
@BartekBanachewicz OK. Let me make this super-simple.
@BoltClock C==, same old same old C?
@BartekBanachewicz I'm doing a lot of agreeing today. Rose is disgusting.
@DomagojPandža Rose' isn't exactly what you've proposed, but sort of close. You make red wine by leaving the skins in the juice while it ferments. You make white wine by removing the skins first. For rose', you start the fermentation with the skins in the juice, but remove them before it finishes.
the Range object/template param are just illustrative, the details are irrelevant and probably completely specific to your engine, all that matters is that you pass the necessary parameters to T::Load.
@JerryCoffin You know your wines, Jerry. :D
Is your shift key broken? — Etienne de Martel 6 secs ago
which itself can take.. whatever you want it to take. Preferably some kind of template-based abstraction like a pair of iterators.
@DeadMG so I should assume that for T, T.first and T.second exist? And/or static_assert it?
@BartekBanachewicz ... Or just have Get take two extra parameters instead of one.
Yes, and these specifics usually are heuristics you've defined that are acceptable. Even templates have their limits. For example, you can make an aircraft out of various metals, but someone passing "Blueberries" as the material should be rejected.
@DomagojPandža Given the amount I've consumed, you'd hope so anyway. :-)
no! RANGES <3<3<3
@DeadMG Now, quick question. For the loader you wrote up, how would you get different kinds of deleters?
As of now, it always will be using the default delete.
@ThePhD Use std::unique_ptr<base, std::function<void(Base*)>>.
Hm. Okay.
just assume that T::Load already returns a unique_ptr with the appropriate deleter.
instead of a T.
then use std::function to wrap that.
Can't it just unload on destruction?
And only T.
@BartekBanachewicz :3c
Loading requires data.
@BartekBanachewicz But then who's going to delete it?
Who changed the lounge topic, and how drunk were they?
I mean, Unload calls the unique_ptr's deleter, so if the deleter called Unload, that would be infinite recursion.
@MartinJames coshman's spelling fail from yesterday became a thing. :D
But look!
 template<typename T> struct derived {
        T resource;
destruction of derived<T> will call ~T
@DomagojPandža Right. I missed the thing 'cos ISP incompetence/madness.
which will unload the internals.
is exactly what is supposed to happen.
Just make sure you've got your RAII covered and everything will work out.
As far as why rose's mostly suck (obviously my opinion here): For red wine, you normally do what's called malolactic fermentation, which converts mallic acid to lactic acid. For most white wines, you do it with either none (e.g., Sauvignon Blanc, such as a white Bordeaux), or a fairly small percentage (say ~10-15% in a White Burgundy/Chardonnay). With a rose', there's almost no percentage that gives a really balanced wine.
So you don't need what @ThePhD proposed -.-
Also, can I just remove that base class safely?
I'm considering a scenario where the default ~T isn't enough.
@ThePhD use case or YAGNI
@JerryCoffin so grape juice is fermented and becomes milk? whoa, the things I learn here...
@BartekBanachewicz No.
@BartekBanachewicz No, that's not for that. That's for e.g. custom memory allocators.
@DeadMG so derived should actually inherit it?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
struct Undeletable {

     ~Undeletable(); // Every FBX structure in exsitence
@melak47 Not milk, but does produce lactic acid, which is what gives a Chardonnay its "creaminess".
@BartekBanachewicz ^
@DeadMG okey. now that makes sense
not inheriting it was a typo, it completely won't work if you don't inherit it.
@ThePhD wat.
yea, you can't turn your computer off
All FBX structures are undeletable by their regular ~T.
otherwise UB
They must be destroyed VIA Destroy.
@ThePhD why do you keep FBX structures around? :/
@melak47 He asked for a use case, I gave him one.
@melak47 Also, meshes and real-time skeleton deformation.
@ThePhD puppy's one made a lot more sense
@ThePhD yes, but surely you have a mesh, you don't just keep the FBX thing? :S
@melak47 Also, collision meshes.
@melak47 And scene graph~
@ThePhD ?!?!?
Technically, we could dispose of it. Or we could just keep the whole thing and use it, because why not.
all those things should not be built on FBX things?
They don't have to be.
But they can be.
but whyyyyy
let's now laugh at ThePhD for a while on how he bases his whole engine on one library
I've been considering it more and more seriously lately because just using fBX means I could dodge the whole "make the whole level from scratch" thing.
If you're doing it for learning, I'd advise reinventing the wheel as much as possible where game engine development is concerned.
which has a shitty API, as we already saw
FBX is basically XML. You want to keep your scenegraph around in XML? :E
@melak47 Efficient Binary not-a-piece-of-shit XML.
@melak47 Well, a scene graph is a tree. A XML document is a tree.
@ThePhD nu-uh
@melak47 it can be both
Still trying to figure out my level format.
you can save FBX files as ASCII :3
whatcha gonna do then?
I don't support loading ASCII files.
Literally, I don't even throw an exception on ASCII FBX.
I immediately abort().
what is FBX?
Now I have to drive around for 60 km. Yay.
3d storage format
if it ever happens, I will kung-fu dragon-kick my artists.
Ugh, I answered a Java question.
how is animation stored in FBX files anyway?
Why da fuck can't you destruct it?
Robot has been tainted.
Are you expected to new and never delete?
I will not allow more people to gain rep in the Java tag.
@ThePhD @BartekBanachewicz stacked-crooked.com/…
@melak47 A series of Deformers, I think.
@DeadMG With the addition of a template <typename TId> ResourceCache, I think that's drop-in repleacable for the one I have.
@ThePhD Showed up in and C++ familiarity with ICU is transferrable to Java, because the damn library is the same :(
@melak47 It is intertwined with the scene graph, but the usual keyframe data. Supports both quaternion and classic transform approaches.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well... it is unicode... but.. Java... hnnnnggghh.
@ThePhD TId?
@DeadMG id_type.
@ThePhD I did not write code anyway.
you mean, "std::type_info but suck"?
No, I mean
std::string, ogonek::text8 or MySpecialResourceIdEnum
@ThePhD That makes no sense to me whatsoever.
@EtiennedeMartel Java the easiest programming language ever
@ThePhD I guess having a silver Java badge means I'm downright polluted.
=[[[[[[[ Jerry how could you. ;~;
@ThePhD What is this for?
apparently he identifies resource type by string. o_O
@DeadMG Well, in some cases you'd want cache["Meow"], and get the item for Meow. In other cases, you'd want to do cache[ ResourceIdentifier.Arfbarf ] and get the resource by associated with the enum-id ArfBarf.
I would like to load one "Ice cream, vanilla, double scoop" resource, plz
It's just a different key_type for the std::unordered_map
It's just a type tag
@ThePhD Oh, the key type.
Why would you use unicode text for a resource type >.< surely good 'ol std::string does the job?
@Ell If it's a filename, they may well be Unicode.
@ThePhD Largely things like this: stackoverflow.com/a/3538518/179910
Yeah didn't realise it was a filename at that point
I thought it was the type of the resource
If it's a filename, use a type that represents a filename.
@DeadMG Filenames are opaque identifiers, though, so unless you are getting them from the user or displaying them, you can use any good ole byte blob.
@Zoidberg ...a string?
Also, speaking of upboats in Java, I'll repwhore a bit stackoverflow.com/a/15277828/46642
@Ell String can be empty! Boom!
@Zoidberg File might not exist, boom ;)
@DeadMG you forgot to inherit from base again :P
@Zoidberg string can be nonsense!
String can contain characters illegal in filenames! Boom!
@ThePhD Why won't string work?
String can be longer than max filename length! Boom!
@R.MartinhoFernandes As in, std::string might bork up the Unicode.
@Zoidberg umm, ugh, aghh. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh runs away
@Ell Code defensively. You never know all the usage scenarios before hand.
@ThePhD Filenames are opaque identifiers: you don't have to interpret them unless you put them in contact with a human.
Why do we have int at all? We can just represent them using strings instead!
@ThePhD That is pretty cool music :P
@DomagojPandža meh. I want to get it rolling instead of spending hours debating whether string can be used to store a path
@Ell I know. :D
I can't find where it came from or its Origin.
Design by guessing is the best~
But there's a whole crapload of it, plus some silly JPop that came with it.
I can't even find the JPop on Youtube, not even the Japanese Youtube. =[
J-pop is great.
by the way @ThePhD Visual Studio has built-in header dependency graph generator
I know.
That's why I said one day I'll generate one for my UNity Build shit.
It's gonna be the biggest, fattest thing ever. :3c
why not today?
@ThePhD wtf is a unity build?
@ThePhD ...short of yo momma.
@ThePhD yeah. In the meantime I will make something actually usable, I hope.
@JerryCoffin Had to do it, huh? :D
@melak47 One .cpp, everything gets included in that.
why o.O
@DomagojPandža I have very low resistance to openings that obvious.
@melak47 he can't do it properly
Oct 26 '12 at 13:59, by R. Martinho Fernandes
NTFS filenames are null-terminated strings of 16-bit "bytes".
Oct 26 '12 at 13:58, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I also learned that NTFS will happily accept lone surrogates.
There is no "Unicode" in NTFS.
It's just bytes.
16-bit bytes are awesome.
Like unicorns.
yay I am booting ubuntu
#include <ALLtheFiles> // D:
Hm. Right now i have StringApi typedef'd to StringBase<Text::Encoding::UTF16>. Maybe I should make a separate FileSysterm struct that sublcasses StringBase<Text::Encoding::UTF16> instead.
@melak47 Pretty much! :D
@ThePhD @Zoidberg should learn from you
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think there's a little -- IIRC, it does (at least sort of attempt to) follow Unicode rules for case conversion when doing its case insensitive name comparison (provided you don't use FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS).
@BartekBanachewicz: I sent you <3 request on SC2
@Borgleader lemme login
Also, is it love request, lol?
Apparently this is all coming from an Anime.
It sounds it :P
This one be one slap-happy Anime.
> This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored.
Number of pull requests: 3.
hey, you know what, this ubuntu really looks nicer than when I first installed it 7 years ago
World y u full of morons.
To amuse you
Dinner time!
@Zoidberg where?
I had dinner already.
@BartekBanachewicz lul, 7 years ago
@BartekBanachewicz GitHub
@JerryCoffin Ah right, there's case-insensitivity on the Windows namespace.
@Zoidberg what project duh
@BartekBanachewicz Do you like Unity?
@BartekBanachewicz github.com/git/git
apparently he does
@melak47 yea, it was 6.04
@ThePhD this crashes my vlc plugin xD
@Ell what is Unity?
2 much Kanji.
@BartekBanachewicz the side dock: unity.ubuntu.com
@Ell To be honest, I don't give a fuck about it.
The only things I care for on linux are, in order, shell, vim and C++ compiler
@BartekBanachewicz Heh okay. I was just wondering because a lot of people don't like it. But I do
@BartekBanachewicz nah just regular friend request
@Borgleader so you don't love me? :<
What can I say, I'm a cold heartless bastard :P
0 friend requests
@BartekBanachewicz We all love you dearly -- almost as much as we love kittens and cockroaches Bambi.
@BartekBanachewicz What o.o You're on my list. Bajtek #751 right?
something is bad
@Borgleader righty
I see you online
gimme your details then
Borgleader #535
Ooooh, secret codes.
lol wat, 0 points in everything
sizeof (T) == sizeof(OtherT) <--- valid in static-cast?
he is like
sitting in a small dark room
sometimes head pops out "Can I bubleblega my rablinnator?"
Someone says "yes", and he dissapears back
I spent about 30 minutes trying to find out why the expected result for this test was nonsensical, and now I realised that was not the expected result, but the result my code produces...
and you can hear loud noises
> Casual Campaign Ace
"It's something"

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