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and again, I am afraid of it
a pity I never finished that proposal for overriding type deduction.
that would be a really big step
you didn't...?
anyway, we are targetting C++11 not C++14 :P
computers should use chemical signalling, that'd be cool
and who are you again?
no it wouldn't
I'm crowz .-.
@BartekBanachewicz Who are you?
@DeadMG why are you using it against me it's not fair.
It's the less possibly intrusive weapon against newbs in my arsenal.
it's totally fair
i am making the proxy, and I wonder if it should have operator Variant()
@BartekBanachewicz: what are you doing again?
@Fanael Wrapping Lua C API in C++11
Methinks your code is destined to suck, then.
Now go read it and tell me what sucks so I can fix it
@BartekBanachewicz sorry, but I don't have access to your HDD. And if I had, I'd mkfs it over.
@Fanael it's on Github silly
and no you can't "mkfs over it", before you ask
@Crowz It's been done. So far, results have been unimpressive, to say the least (unless you count organic computers like...people).
i am totally computing shit.
and I haven't been rebooted since start
@DeadMG does it make sense to define both operator variant and operator=(variant)? Won't it bite me in the ass sometime in future?
doubt it
doubt first or second part?
Nice. Proxy might be easier than I thought.
Look at those cute bunnies
Wtf, my keyboard doesn't have a backtick?
@Tuntuni under tilde
Not an english keyboard
Lol, humiliating. :(
@JerryCoffin yeah with the leech brains? It could do basic arithmatic
Such a silly blind mistake.
@BartekBanachewicz HA! FOUND IT
@Tuntuni prove it ```
@BartekBanachewicz ``````
:D, miracles happen after all.
oh wait you posted code block
my fail.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, I thought you noticed. :D
But you still don't know if I actually copy-pasted it. :D
I am focused on my code now.
If I say int&& rr = 5;, is the temporary's lifetime prolonged as it is with const int& r = 5;?
you can't say int& r = 5; iirc
now write it again or edit because it's totally unclear
now still, what does "lifetime prolonged" mean?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Happy birthday, StarCraft! Oh, also, happy Easter, I guess. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
nailed it ^
@BartekBanachewicz It means that the temporary will stay alive as long as the reference itself is alive.
@Tuntuni um, yes.
@BartekBanachewicz Soo... what about int&&? Same thing I suppose?
@Tuntuni I think so.
@Tuntuni here
I'm bored
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah I've done it myself but want to be sure it's not UB or something ..
fappy heaster
@TonyTheLion do something constructive
@TonyTheLion fappy hmmm -> fap
that was the joke yes
even though it was a bad joke
he got the joke, success
okay, my turn
Q: Is there any mechanism in (the future version of) C++ which can make those things realistic?

summerenoSuppose I have some template class called friendly_point, and a user-defined class called foo, and foo has some constructors with different arg number and types, eg, foo(),foo(int),and foo(int, char *). I want to know if there is any method to implement friendly_point template so that I can writ...

is everybody hunting chocolate eggs in the garden or something?
Private inheritence and public inheriting ctor, anyone?
no, apparently @Xeo is question hunting on SO :P
@StackedCrooked How did the unbinding happen in the first place? :P
@Borgleader lol
@Xeo When I fixed the Ctrl-L binding I messed up.
@Borgleader Nice.
instantiation of "void boost::variant<T0_, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19>
@BartekBanachewicz Why is there a void?
@Xeo Inheriting a constructor leaves the access control as-is.
@StackedCrooked I have no idea
@LucDanton Oh, so they'd be private because of private inheritence?
@BartekBanachewicz C++03-style variadics, yay :D
Oh sorry, no. You get the access control of the base, so that would be what you want in that case.
Ah, ok
"yay" my ass
it's not working
I wanted a private base with protected constructors that I publicly brought into the derived class but that won't work.
No idea if the access control region of the using declaration matters either.
> Thank you for sharing this approach with me. This is actually more practical for my work since my team only use gcc 4.1.2, and my colleagues just don't care what is C++11.
Sucks to be him.
mhm, read that already
poor fella
GM is odd... I have the doc up for the function, you see, which has a question mark icon. But it makes it look like I have two instances of the question mark programming, so every time I switch windows, I am thinking... where is GM? Sigh.
don't use that crap problem solved
Given an individual who has not finished pong...
Perhaps this is good, for a bit.
you gave up
no, it's not good.
you are inferior and weak earthling who gave up.
I did finish Simon though.
Simon? Cowell?
so go and write goddamn pong
and write it in simpler language if you can't use C++
Simon is an electronic game of memory skill invented by Ralph H. Baer and Howard J. Morrison, with software programming by Lenny Cope, and manufactured and distributed by Milton Bradley. Simon was launched in 1978 at Studio 54 in New York City and was an immediate success, becoming a pop culture symbol of the 1980s. History Ralph H. Baer and Howard J. Morrison Baer said of the product, “Nice gameplay. Terrible execution. Visually boring. Miserable, rasping sounds.” The original prototype, built by Baer, included the Texas Instruments TMS 1000 microprocessor chip, which was low cost and ...
damn fuck boost error messages are so helpful
In OpenGL, gluLookAt(matrix, 0, eye_x, eye_y, eye_z, target_x, target_y, target_z, up_x, up_y, up_z), if eye[] is {0, -1f, 0}, and target[] is {0, 0, 0}, does it mean that the camera vector is {0, 1, 0}?
I did learn something making simon though.
all boost errors are turing complete
Forms applications are not good for games.
@tom_mai78101 wait wait
@BartekBanachewicz I'm waiting.
@tom_mai78101 what the fuck is glLookAt(matrix...
it's not your code.
From OpenGL.
@BartekBanachewicz Funny thing, actually. Using C++ seemed easier than using Java or C#.
@tom_mai78101 it has no matrix as a first argument opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/gluLookAt.xml
@tom_mai78101 that's not how this functon looks
you should have checked before you posted here
The same question applies though.
The function is wrong, I admit.
But I didn't get the camera stuff.
I think abstraction is my problem, though, in terms of objects.
You're all wrong.
Considering I made Pong work using global variables, one file, etc, I can do the collisions.
@Pawnguy7 That and you cant seem to use libraries without weeks of pain.
Funniest comment ever. (But you need to read the OP text and two parent comments in order to get it.)
A: What technical reasons are there to have low maximum password lengths?

Tom LeekTake five chimpanzees. Put them in a big cage. Suspend some bananas from the roof of the cage. Provide the chimpanzees with a stepladder. BUT also add a proximity detector to the bananas, so that when a chimp goes near the banana, water hoses are triggered and the whole cage is thoroughly soaked....

@tom_mai78101 you are wrong in existence. RTFM and then ask here
Java is always easier. They don't even need a million monkeys to randomly do useful things. It's just monkeys really love java.
@Borgleader Only with VS. The same library works fine with GCC and C::B so who knows.
@Mysticial oh my god pwned so much
@Pawnguy7 it's entirely your fault
@BartekBanachewicz Man, I should've said that I'm using GLES20.glsetLookAtM(float[] result, int offset, float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ) static method.
I thought we agreed to never speak of it again :D
@Mysticial Yeah, that story is very good.
@tom_mai78101 oho, that's much better
float[] result is a 4x4 matrix array. :/
@BartekBanachewicz I'm sorry, please forgive me. <_>
@tom_mai78101 answer to your question is yes.
Thank you! :D
or, it's -1, depending on how you define your "camera vector"
TIL Nick Cave has a song called "Higgs Boson Blues"
point is, if you set eye in -1, and target in 0, it looks "from minus towards plus"
Thus, camera vector = {0, 1f, 0}?
"from minus to plus" sounds like that the vector is travelling in reverse, from negative to positive.
there is no such thing as camera vector
or do you mean camera normal?
oh yeah, it's an abstracted view matrix.
the normal vector is indeed (0,1,0) then
I am reminded why I didn't learn openGL.
it's simple as fuck
camera_norm = normalize(Target-Eye)
Lies, all lies.
Thanks again, Bartek.
Well, using openGL. Never touched GLU myself.
openGL isn't that hard.
itself, I mean.
I think it is a new way of thinking.
It's damn hard when you start learning GLSL...
@BartekBanachewicz Dude 3 dimensions is hard....
it's 3D graphics and algebra
OpenGL is merely an API
Thank God we're not going 4D.
A distinction without a difference, in terms of learning it.
openGL is in C, right ?
anyway, don't say OpenGL is hard if the real reason is you suck at maths
OpenGL is in any language.
@KhaledAKhunaifer or C++ if you use my wrappers
@tom_mai78101 Actually you are... there are 4D matrices in OpenGL/DirectX
@tom_mai78101 Spec is for C
I agreed, if you new 3D graphics, it would help a lot, but... how many do?
@Borgleader they are completely irrelevant to 4D calculations
@Borgleader I meant 4-dimensions. Like Time, Space, etc.
@Borgleader They aren't 4D, they are 3D matrices, which require 4 columns.
Pedanticism :P
no, being correct
uh, no
the difference between 3D, but with 4 columns in a matrix, and 4D, is massive.
you require n+1 matrix for n-dimensional space if you want to represent translation
I don't think you can say somebody who has trouble comprehending matrices the first time sucks at math. If that is true, most people do.
if you have mat4, you can represent rotation and scaling in 4D
@StackedCrooked Worthy of a slight chuckle at best.
@Pawnguy7 that totally wasn't my point
tbh, matrices, I'm not really seeing how useful they are
I can translate and scale without needing a matrix and you really need quaternions for rotations anyhow.
@Mysticial First answer is a really good one.
you need quaternions for skeleton animations
@DeadMG model matrix * view matrix * projection matrix = your world from 3D to 2D, in your screen.
2 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
anyway, don't say OpenGL is hard if the real reason is you suck at maths
@BartekBanachewicz You need quaternions for basically all 3D rotations.
What did this mean?
you can't really get away with Euler angles.
@StackedCrooked It's brilliant. Best part about it is that it's not that obvious how it applies. So it actually makes you think a bit about it before you realize how witty it is.
@DeadMG tell me more :P
@BartekBanachewicz I had to do openGL when I had graphics class .. I created a library over openGL that graph polynomial functions in 2D
@Pawnguy7 Dunno, I always stay silent whenever someone asks me if I'm good at math.
@Pawnguy7 that if you suck at maths, you suck at maths and opengl has noting at all to do with it
@tom_mai78101 Are you good at maths?
... solves that problem.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ...
@tom_mai78101 Why didn't you stay silent? :(
he silently wrote three dots
@Mysticial That's a famous analogy btw
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh hey, here's a nice Pepsi I got from a friend of mine.
It tastes good.
now seriously
@BartekBanachewicz Yes. But, given somebody new to 3D graphics programming, who does not use an engine, there are really two options. You go to GL, or you go to D3D. Either way, you need to learn the maths. This is not directly the same as the API, but it is not a nonfactor. I guess for precision you could say "learning 3D graphic programming with openGL"
this variant is weird. Y it no compile
@Pawnguy7 no, you go to goddamn linear algebra maths handbook
@Rapptz Oh it's not original?
how have I never heard of it
I could have sworn it had a wiki article lol
wait a minute, those monkey stories are well known
ever heard about the fairness test ?
it's very very funny
TIL about Security Stack Exchange. Here's an insightful post on it.
Um, has anyone ever used the new Stack Overflow "chat with an expert" feature?
Variant get() const { return Variant(5); } // compiles
operator Variant () const { return Variant(5); } // doesn't compile
Or is this some kind of novel advertising?
@tom_mai78101 WHAT
@tom_mai78101 What is that?
someone asked a question 2 days ago, I had a thought that might helps .. but now I forgot what was the question, but not the idea which is stuck in my mind
I don't know how to explain. Whenever I go to a stack overflow question, I get this black border with the white text, "chat with an expert"
It gives two options: "Not Now", and "Never"
do they mean lounge guys? :D
I suggest not pressing any part of that block
@KhaledAKhunaifer lol
@StackedCrooked the thought is: (void)(struct Void { } ( ... ));
Hm... Clicking on "Never" seemed to work.
Nevermind, guys.
@tom_mai78101 Screenshot?
I just clicked away the "ad", so no screenshot. :(
@tom_mai78101 80% of internet Ads will redirect you to something irrelevant, sometimes phishing websites, sometimes boogy assistance
also do you know that there are choice Ads, which are basically using a local desire with photos randomly fetched from irrelative real people's photos on social networks using tags
97% of Internet people will make up statistics on the spot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm the 1%.
recently I use 80\20 instead of most\least
@R.MartinhoFernandes The average made up number is 83%
@R.MartinhoFernandes 100% of Loungers are batshit insane.
@StackedCrooked I like how he hides the "TL;DR" in the middle of a long post
@KhaledAKhunaifer those backslashes broke my brain
@EtiennedeMartel I'm the 0% :D
vm["a"] = 4;
auto p = vm["a"];
lua::Variant pv (p.get());
std::cout << "OMG " << pv << endl;
@DeadMG ^
operator Variant just doesn't want to work.
of course it's not gonna work when you use auto.
isn't that the point of auto?
Also lua::Variant pv(p); doesn't work
the point of auto is to give you the type. The type of vm["e"] is VariantProxy.
then I've tried to create a Variant from said Proxy
and it doesn't want to.
operator Variant() would only function if lua::Variant is copyable
it is.
Variant a(5); Variant b(a); compiles
Can be a move construction or whatever that magical category that does its fucking magic.
well you might want to define "doesn't work" a little better here, I'm not fucking psychic
.. I think I saw that error somewhere before
the variant has a template constructor
so the conversion operator is not being called

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