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Apparently :-) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , ,
@chris Actually, the newest Apple toy was discovered to be faulty in mere hours, rather than years.
@sbi, I meant the warp drive.
@chris You didn't even refer to a specific message, let alone a, erm, gadget.
@sbi, Eh, it was right above the apple stuff, but I guess interpretations of what's new and cool differ too.
So the Amish guys who raided their fellow-Amish and raped shaved them (it's supposed to be almost the same to them) were found guilty of a religious hate crime. Interesting that people would grow up to haters in the middle of the pacifist Amish. Goes to show what a two-edged thing a religion is.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf oldie but goldie
@FredOverflow Oh yes. I must have read this 15 years ago. It was great back then. However, it's almost twenty years old, and predates exceptions and other stuff, so it leaves some important parts of C++ undiscussed. /cc @Stacked
@sbi It predates the standard, so I guess most of the layout stuff is not guaranteed by the standard at all?
@FredOverflow AFAIR, the books keeps pointing out that nothing at all is guaranteed. He's talking about compiler's implementation details, after all.
@sbi strange how the call it a 'religious' hate crime, or was it a catholic vs protestant sort of thing?
@thecoshman From what I had read about the case a while ago, it was just such a thing. They wanted to humiliate others (in some cases their own parents) because in their eyes they weren't truly following the one true believe. (As hard to believe as this might seem about any Amish.)
@sbi I think that memory layout would be pretty stable.
I just learned about std::round. I didn't know it existed. Arg..
Perhaps I should keep things like this private.
Hey, it's Friday!
@sbi ¬_¬ care for a correction? or is to early in the morning for it? speaking of which... it's half nine for you isn't it... strange time zone / day light saving crap :P
@StackedCrooked The books talks about how virtual functions are implemented, how base classes work (which becomes quite interesting when they are virtual) and things like this. It would be interesting to know how try blocks are set up, and whether (and, if so, why) virtual exception base classes are so expensive that std::exception is derived from non-virtually.
@thecoshman You mean because you wrote "how the call it a...", rather than "how they call it a..."? Oh well, I read some news now, and had time to come down a bit.
@thecoshman The applause at the end is silly.
@sbi actually didn't notice that one, "following the one true believe", should be belief as you using it as a noun, rather then a verb
@thecoshman Was that posted by you? Because in the description it speaks of "liquid nitogen".
@StackedCrooked doesn't make it any less fun
now you're picking on each other? :P
@sbi :P didn't read description
@thecoshman Oh that. Didn't I just say the other day that I keep doing this wrong? Well, obviously I was right.
@sbi you may have, but I didn't see it. Still, if you keep getting it wrong, means you need to keep getting corrected. Eventually, you will learn. I assume that is why people keep correcting me, in a vein attempt at helping me get better
@thecoshman Yeah, there is hope for me. :)
Hey, what is better the iPhone 5 or C++ ?
@sbi :(
@ereOn None of these
@ereOn stupid question, C++
@sehe don't make me rant at you boy!
@ereOn Strawberry Pie.
@ereOn This?
@thecoshman Go riiiiiight ahead
@StackedCrooked You clearly mean Raspberry Pi, don't you?
@sbi: I actually just watched this video before coming here ;)
Sitting firmly on my hands lest they type the joke. RT @newsycombinator Pandora doesn't hash their passwords http://j.mp/OHMiz6
did dead show up again after his 'scolding' at by Jalf?
^ lol @sbi
Has there ever been a study on the relation between the favorite programming langage and the mobile phone OS preference ?
oh, like a ninja
@thecoshman to so up: show up on Stack Overflow
@sehe I had to type that with my tongue, you know.
@sbi Don't apes have opposable thumbs on their feet?
@sehe well... not so much a rant, but, just pointing out you have to be an idiot when if given such a question that is a sensible answer, I hope you where just trying to be funny
Anyways, enough limbity/dexternous there
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I'm an APE, you monkey!
@thecoshman What else, mate?
@sehe I hope you are right there with me
@sehe Have you ever tried typing with the opposable thumb, whether on feet or not?
@sbi front tail?
@sbi Plenty of times. Actually, I can type quite decently with a single hand on a normal layout keyboard. And I use the thumb for many keys then. Just hover the hand, no leaning (except on the keys through the fingertips).
Might have to do with piano playing
@sbi but don't primates have rather dexterous feet?
@thecoshman Sometimes you get hung up about the dumbest things, really. I don't get that. The question doesn't make sense. Who expects an answer that makes sense?
@thecoshman I am not a tapir! (NSFW!)
@sbi ¬_¬ damn you...
@ScottW where
@sbi and I take it from the bold and italics, I shouldn't even give it a go. The link it self makes me even more dubious :O
on a some what related note, spider monkeys... good lord they have long clitorous!
(le browser knows not how to correct me)
@thecoshman Oh, clicking on the link just gets you on a google page, which is likely fine to look at even in the office, as long as nobody looks at the page's title.
I'm not clicking it
@sbi huh... well, that certainly is a sight
@TonyTheLion the link itself is not that bad, I just would avoid watching the vids, even at home
oh ok
@sehe here's another Boost Spirit question that's gone unanswered:
Q: pass attribute to child rule in boost spirit

SmittiiI have two rules with the same attribute. Is it possible to pass the attribute of the matrix_ rule to the matrixBlock_ child rule? I want to keep the repeat directive from creating an attribute of the form vector< >. Instead it should just keep writing into the attribute of matrix_ (numBlocks...

@thecoshman hahah
@sbi But 8GB was only 40€, so...
@thecoshman If you're into that, look into spotted hyenas. ("The [female] pseudo-penis can be distinguished from the males' genitalia by its greater thickness and more rounded glans.")
@sbi they actually fuck with it don't they (yeah that's right, I got all science on this)
Since we are at that : what about renaming the channel to Lounge<Penis> ?
don't be willy
@thecoshman The way those balls jump in the slow motion reminded me of this video. (I once worked with the guys who did that. They had a prototype in their room that was one line of balls.)
@ereOn Erm. You got that wrong. We were talking about pseudo penises of female spotted hyenas.
@sbi ooooh
Oh my bad.
@sbi would you prefer Lounge<FemalePseudoPenis>
FPP? Sounds like FP in CPP.
@FredOverflow Function Pointer Pointer?
2 mins ago, by thecoshman
@sbi would you prefer Lounge<FemalePseudoPenis>
Perhaps PenisFactory.getInstance().CreatePenis(Penis.PseudoPenis).setGender(PenisGender‌​.FemalePseudoPenisGender); instead ?
@sbi never mind
@ereOn needs a gender factory, some more singletons, some sort mediator and of course you have to give it some template wankery, it just plays right into your hand
@ScottW Remember childhood? Every time you stayed up watching TV late, you saw things you weren't supposed to see. Well, guess what? It's the same here! This is a time when you ought to be fast asleep. You shouldn't be here now. Us Europeans are exchanging grown-up things at this time.
@thecoshman: I think it also lacks some Beans and Proxies
@sbi indeed, now have we commented on the spiralling cone shape of the walrus penis?
What if you suddenly need a ProxyFactoryGenerator to instantiate a new Bean ?
@ereOn oh how silly of me
@ereOn you realise you are developing suffering Java?
Stop spilling the beans, guys.
@thecoshman: There is no such thing as "developing" Java.
Yeah, now that's better !
@ScottW You're a dog after all.
@thecoshman No, we haven't! Is that true? I hadn't known. Got a linky?
@sbi I am fairly sure it is...
@ScottW Shrug. Of course! What did you think I was talking about? (You wouldn't think I'd consider links to animal penises noteworthy?)
oh noes, cocks, run away before you catch the gay!
@jalf morning
@jalf seems you gave the pup a good scolding
eh, I just wanted you both to shut up
@thecoshman All I can find is that walruses have a baculum. Nothing about any special shape.
@sbi Yep, it's Friday.
@jalf it's hard at times to not get drawn in byhim
@sbi baculum?
I'm hardly in a position to scold anyone.
@thecoshman A penis bone.
@StackedCrooked What do you mean, Friday?
It's always Sunday in the Lounge!
@thecoshman and please don't pretend that it is all about "him". You just disagreed, he disliked something you liked, and you both pretended not to understand the other side
@sbi oh right. Yeah... not sure why I got the idea that they have a cock as I described...
@sbi Except for Saturday, then it's rather quiet.
@StackedCrooked On some days we have a quiet Sunday, that is all.
@jalf yeah, I see where he was coming from, I just dislike the "I don't like it so it is a utter shit and not worth existing" argument
I look forward to sunday
I look forward to tomorrow
@thecoshman Are you pulling my leg? If so, you should be aware that there's 300lb of grumpy gorilla attached to it.
tomorrow as well
@jalf I'm not pretending it is, but I know what he is like, and I know I shouldn't react to it
Puppy hasn't come back since you gave him a rant, @jalf
@jalf Maybe you should delete the starred message. It's kind of harsh that it's in the starboard.
oh joy, trying to recover from having to reboot computer
I think he rage quit over that :P (I hope not, though)
@sbi not at all, I honestly thought they had a rather cone shaped cock with a distinct spiralling to it, sort of like those long shells some snails have
@thecoshman My kids say something like this, too, sometimes. I tend to just ignore it. It's not worth the hassle.
so many applications and processes and virtual machines and things I need to get up and running again
@TonyTheLion I didn't think so
@StackedCrooked I can't do anyhing about it
I'm not a room owner, remember? :)
I'm not sure if void slamin( const VectorSet& s ); is a good name of initializing one set with another
@jalf Oh right. I forgot.
@StackedCrooked I think it's something he could do with dealing with
@StackedCrooked Look, it's not only @jalf. 8 users of the lounge considered it star-worthy.
@thecoshman well have you seen him here since?
@TonyTheLion wouldn't put it past him, but I am sure he will be back
I'm sure too.
@sbi I know I know, but sometimes you can't help it
He can't really do without us, now can he? :P
anyway, either he'll be back, or he won't. If he doesn't come back, it's probably because he's happier out in the real world. So I wouldn't fret too much over it.
There's been a fight in the lounge?
Hey, it's my first day on the job. I can't help you get around, or search for things, or tell you where you are, but look how pretty!
@jalf or the harsh realisation pushed him to... maybe this is too grim to be worth joking about...
@ManofOneWay No, just a quick bashing of ears, followed by a prolonged silence of the scalded one.
19 hours ago, by jalf
ok, just shut up. Everyone here should know by now that @DeadMG still is at the mental age where it's cool to protest and object and tear everything down. There is absolutely no goddamn point in spending the next hours going "what" and "are you kidding" and pretending that you somehow don't understand the other party
@thecoshman ... masturbate savagely in front of his parents?
@StackedCrooked that would be a rather odd way of dealing with it
user image
damn. liveworkspace.org is broken ("cannot create temporary directory")
> On the one hand, it's morning and overcast. On the other hand, it's Friday and the air is crisp. Let's call it a no-score draw. — Örjan Westin
I sometimes play this mental game where I bet my life on whether or not my code is gonna compile.
I've died a few times.
> Cool that iOS 6 maps commemorate the Million Broccoli March that happened in Portland this year. #ios6apocalypse #ios twitter.com/shanselman/status/249055432910450689/photo/1/largeScott Hanselman
@StackedCrooked hahah
@sbi We're back to using paper maps? We're in the stone age now?
@Neil They didn't have paper in the stone age. (It's called stone age for a reason, you know.)
@sbi Now you're being pedantic
@Neil No, you're being silly.
I suppose you could have a map made of stone. Would be a pain in the ass to make though
And not to mention it would be a pain to keep in your glove compartment
@Neil: If you have a big stone glove compartment, should be doable.
@sbi Meh, I still prefer google maps
@ereOn I guess in order to have a glove compartment that big, the gloves too would have to be made of stone
@Neil While they might have had gloves in the stone age (mittens, likely), I am pretty sure they had nothing to put a glove compartment into.
@sbi In fact they probably called it "compartment" and didn't know why they installed it in cars yet
@TonyTheLion Oh hey, here goes:
A: pass attribute to child rule in boost spirit

seheYes, you can use Spirit's customization points to treat your user-defined type as a container. The documentation entry I'd suggest for this is here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/spirit/advanced/customize/is_container.html Here is a simple example showing how to us...

Cool :)
A: Java core API anti-Patterns. What is wrong?

Peter LawreyHere is a little list I have put together Java Convention Failure One of my favourite is the rather long class name com.sun.java.swing.plaf.nimbus.InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonWindowNotFocusedState A non-haiku I wrote in its honour ;) Internal frame in...

For the non-clickers:
Internal frame
internal frame,
title pane
internal frame.

title pane
maximize button,
window not focused state
> InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonWindowNot‌​FocusedState
one class name

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