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@sbi you're more then welcome, though I can hardly take credit for it. It is shockingly small. I knew that those Saxons and Angles drove out the culture, but not to that extreme
I hope Apple hires some GIS experts sometime soon. Because iOS maps is embarassing.
Q: Storage of the "hidden array" behind initializer_list

ShaneIn the C++11 standard there is a note regarding the array backing the uniform initialisation that states: The implementation is free to allocate the array in read-only memory if an explicit array with the same initializer could be so allocated. Does GCC/Clang/VS take advantage of this? Or i...

lunch time :D
Close votes please, if you also think this is "too localized" as it basically asks for highly implementation-dependent stuff
Well, so what? It's tagged as such, isn't it?
@sbi Despite that near-insulting remark, I will manage to refrain from shouting. I am not trolling now, nor have I ever done so. This is going to be my last post on this thread - I have no wish to involve myself any further with an exchange that is going south re. civility and the normal pleasant tone of this group. — Martin James 21 mins ago
> I understand the standard does not require them to. The question is: does GCC, Clang or VS take advantage of this
@kbok Who is saying that, precisely?
@sbi I guess he didn't like your remark :P
@Xeo Erm, I don't follow that reasoning.
Why does anybody care if GCC, Clang, or VS take advantage of anything? If it's not standard then you can't rely on it working on different compilers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I personally think such stuff isn't a good fit for SO, since it may change at any moment and who would know about such stuff other than the compiler implementors?
I may agree with the first point, but being hard to answer is not a reason to close.
Okay, let me reformulate - who would benefit from knowing the answer to this? Is this a question to a practical problem?
@Xeo Actually I wanted to type shinanai (I don't believe it), but I ended up with shinjirarenai (unbelievable). The kanji means faith.
I'm not sure if you're being ironic, but just to clarify: I have worked in C++ environments where the use of boost was forbidden because of logistical reasons, such as the complications of integrating the boost build system with the application or environment limitations on anything "external" and "new". These same environments typically did support the C++03 standard library with the tr1 extensions, although it was often the case that no one was aware of them. — user4815162342 36 mins ago
Btw, who the heck stores gloves in the glove compartment.
Please someone respond because I have no strength to do that
Cat is dying.
@CatPlusPlus If you don't, wouldn't that be a good clou for everyone to just plonk?
Boost is a burden sometimes due to its size.
@StackedCrooked You can install only parts of it.
Meh, use bcp.
@StackedCrooked I see, thanks
And you don't need to integrate the boost build system for the header-only libraries.
Just bcp the hell out of them and drop them in your project tree.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The build system is just if you want to build the source files, no?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Except when those depend on the not-header-only libraries
@Insilico Exactly.
Like Asio :/
Q: char*-Array as Paramter

Dominic Franki want to put the following code in a function: (The code isnt complete, but i think it should be clear to you) char *parsedData[SEPERATOR]; for(int i=0; i<SEPERATOR; i++) { parsedData[i]=tmp; } The function should look like the following: int main() { char *parsedData[SEPERATOR];...

You don't have to integrate Boost.Build ever.
@Xeo Then they don't count as header-only libraries.
I'm sure there are already binaries for the most common compilers.
another use of char* foo[50]
@R.MartinhoFernandes The build system also provides the include paths to boost.
Though Asio is available without Boost and is completely header-only
@Xeo Asio is available stand-alone. Unless you mean like something that depends on Asio, but I don't know of one?
1 min ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Just bcp the hell out of them and drop them in your project tree.
Also I don't give a fuck about someone not being able to use Boost and how does that make it not C++03 whaaat.
I've used bcp in the past.
^ Just got this one. I skipped a beat, but 11 seemed to work
@sehe Lately I'm finding it difficult to read captions. Maybe I'm a robot.
@sehe I always wonder what the robot does when he encounters a captcha.
A: char*-Array as Paramter

Tony The Lionchar *parsedData[SEPERATOR]; Why? Why do you need to use a raw array of pointers to char in C++? Why don't you just use a std::vector<std::string> and spare yourself a whole load of misery and despair.

@TonyTheLion Oh well, the OP couldn't appreciate the answer much:
Thanks for the good explanation. I don't see how this solves my problem atm. I clarified the question a little. — Smittii 18 mins ago
my answer
@sehe Have you encountered CAPTCHAs that ask you to do something like "What is the answer to 2+2?"?
@sehe ugh
silly OP
@TonyTheLion I replied this gentle message:
Lacking definition of Matrix I'm unable to see what you are asking here. Could you just show a working example? See sscce.org (as an example, take the two SSCCE's from my existing example, perhaps) — sehe 2 mins ago
The worst is that bots are far more likely to actually identify an image than a human.
@sehe 11 was the "help digitize old books" one. penis would have worked too.
I wonder if that's also part of ReCaptcha - if the image is actually unidentifyable and the user does identify it first try, he's categorized as a robot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm quite fond of my penis. I'm not inserting it in shady places.
But you're right about the captcha. I knew that, though
Q: Application crash due to ntdll.dll

birubishtone of my C++ multi threaded Application crash due to ntdll.dll . my call stack looks as follows :- #0 77452AB1 ntdll!RtlCopySid() (C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll:??) #1 00000000 0x777b3e14 in ??() (??:??) #2 00000000 0x00310000 in ??() (??:??) #3 00000000 0x00000000 in ??() (??:??) cr...

@Insilico Simple, don't use ntdll.dll ...?
Seriously, the code! Show us the code!
That stack is totally not corrupted.
@sehe Of course. I'll also make sure I don't use csrss.exe and ntoskrnl.exe as well.
@Insilico kernel32, user32 and advapi are particularly bad for performance
@CatPlusPlus the sarcasm that drips off that statement is immense
@sehe lol
Oh, the puppy is still alive. But Y U NO IN LOUNGE? @DeadMG
@sehe I know, especially that gdiplus.dll.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that
@DeadMG Y U NO in Lounge??? — Tony The Lion 9 secs ago
He can see the ping, you don't have to comment.
I did anyways
Let's all super-spam him
As soon as you mention @DeadMG, @ManofOneWay enters the picture.
Q: Haskell Classes vs Instances

mezamorphicI am currently reading: http://www.haskell.org/tutorial/classes.html but if I am honest I am struggling to see what class Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool achieves, which instance Eq Integer where x == y = x `integerEq` y doesnt achieve. I und...

@Xeo Is that so?
@Xeo His way must be the DeadMG way.
@TonyTheLion Seems the OP is seriously confused, but I can't really see why.
@TonyTheLion wat
Oh hey, I got the class vs instance thing right.
@Xeo I bet there's a GHC extension that makes what you just said terribly wrong.
Typeclasses are not pure interface, but that's the gist.
Typeclasses are awesome.
Ugh, people keep walking past here talking about SSL certificates.... Some words should just be banned in the workplace... :/
What, you don't like SSL certificates?
Now somebody should close vote for exact duplicate and somebody else for off topic.
14 mins ago, by In silico
Q: Application crash due to ntdll.dll

birubishtone of my C++ multi threaded Application crash due to ntdll.dll . my call stack looks as follows :- #0 77452AB1 ntdll!RtlCopySid() (C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll:??) #1 00000000 0x777b3e14 in ??() (??:??) #2 00000000 0x00310000 in ??() (??:??) #3 00000000 0x00000000 in ??() (??:??) cr...

@CatPlusPlus Does anyone?
Certificates and encryption and security are the root of all evil
41 secs ago, by Fanael
Now somebody should close vote for exact duplicate and somebody else for off topic.
So the first is like an OO interface? Are the two related? Is it possible to use classes without instances and vice versa? — mezamorphic 4 mins ago
look, highly confused OP.
@Fanael Do you know of an exact duplicate? I would be more than happy to vote to close as a duplicate if there is one.
Read a book and leave me alone.
@Xeo OOP-tainted people shouldn't be let anywhere near Haskell.
@Fanael Why not? They are the ones that need to be exposed to it.
@StackedCrooked Untaint them first somehow. They're not gonna benefit from Haskell when still thinking in OOP.
Gah... what was the word for a reference / comparision to explain something?
I can't even remember the word in German
@Fanael The best way to undo a habit is to replace it with a different one.
@Xeo analogy?
OOP sucks.
Not to be confused with anal orgy.
@Xeo Ding.
@CatPlusPlus Ditch.
@Insilico Dutch.
@Fanael Batman.
@StackedCrooked Robin.
OOP ftw.
@StackedCrooked But the problem is they'll still write Java, only in Haskell now. And they'll think Haskell sucks, because it's hard to write Java in it.
Q: Why clear() used on vector of vectors doesn't clear the values of those vectors?

Lukas SalichI was so sure that vector calls the destructors of the contained objects that I just used the clear() on the main vector and then I was shocked when I reused the vector and the values of the vectors stored in it were not cleared...

The question is, how did he "reuse" the vector...
what's a Haskell btw? never heard of it. is something written in Haskell?
@Xeo v[0][1], I bet.
@Abyx Haskell is a functional programming language.
@Abyx Its only sane implementation is written in it.
@Xeo The question is, what's the question?
Robot, I think you're only confusing OP more. He seems to miss something basic.
@Abyx The most awesome language ever. Some things are written in it, including GHC, xmonad and my web app.
@jalf Did you hire the java guy btw? =) The one you interviewed
@Abyx The worst language ever. It doesn't even have (OOP) classes.
@Fanael That makes it awesome.
Algebraic data types and typeclasses ftw.
@Fanael That might be a feature depending on who's programming it.
@Insilico Sarcasm.
OOP is only good for solving a very small set of problems. And here C++ classes and RAII I call resource management, not OOP.
@daknøk OOP is only good for solving a very small set of problems, and even for these few problems, FP does a better job.
Hehe :P
@daknøk You said that yesterday
@sehe That could be possible.
I rarely change opinions.
IRL, FP does nothing. I don't see any program written in FP language running on my PC. Do you see one?
ah... a "hello world" you just wrote maybe...
@daknøk my point is more, like, the trending opinions tend to erupt in waves, it seems
@Abyx I heard that yesterday, too :)
@Abyx why not?
noone uses FP languages to solve real problems.
Facebook chat, for example, is written in Erlang.
Great, iOS crapp is SIGSEGVing
Who the fuck had the brilliant idea to use low-level language for this shit.
Use Haskell.
@Abyx Even if that's true, you certainly see big programs use functional programming concepts
@Abyx emacs?
I don't even know why it's crashing.
@Abyx That's just blindness.
Probably someone screwed up reference counting.
@Abyx I do.
What now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, it's Windowss
@Abyx noone isn't the only one
The fact that you were not exposed to them doesn't make them nonexistent.
@daknøk I think it's more because of its awesome actor model than the fact that it has a strict functional subset.
Basically, argument from ignorance.
@Abyx By showing you don't have any programs written in FP, you proved that you don't have any programs written in FP. Good job.
@Xeo The actor model is a functional programming concept, isn't it?
Erlang is scalable partially because it's functional.
@Insilico It's also a Hollywood concept.
@CatPlusPlus ...and partially because it's Erlang.
@CatPlusPlus but mainly because it was designed with the explicit goal of being scalable and robust
I have never seen an orka, so orkas don’t exist.
@daknøk Actually, that's true. Orkas don't exist.
> (from Erlang Wikipedia entry) multi-paradigm: concurrent, functional
So, "concurrent" is now a paradigm?
@daknøk I've seen your mother. More than once.
Orcas, OTOH, do.
^ erm... derp
@StackedCrooked Yeah but she’s hard to miss.
@Xeo Meh, buzzwords.
@Xeo I think it can be. If you build your entire language around it at the most fundamental level. In some languages, everything is concurrent, basically. I guess it makes sense to call say that in their case, "concurrent" is a paradigm
@Xeo Yes.
and Erlang is pretty damn concurrent
@Abyx I see programs written in FP languages running on my PC. Do you not see one?
Is "a"[0] a compile-time constant?
@Abyx yes, I see one on my computer. GHC.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hold the horses.
I'm going with 'no'.
@LucDanton Hmm, I can use it in constexpr stuffs.
Clever Hans (in German, der Kluge Hans) was an Orlov Trotter horse that was claimed to have been able to perform arithmetic and other intellectual tasks. After a formal investigation in 1907, psychologist Oskar Pfungst demonstrated that the horse was not actually performing these mental tasks, but was watching the reaction of his human observers. Pfungst discovered this artifact in the research methodology, wherein the horse was responding directly to involuntary cues in the body language of the human trainer, who had the faculties to solve each problem. The trainer was entirely unaware ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes but this doesn’t seem to work: ideone.com/xklEu.
Or maybe it’s just the compiler.
Ah yeah. :P
> STOP. Reader, please stop, don't pass by. You have seen the word "printf", I know. And you're sure that you will now be told a banal story that the function cannot check types of passed arguments. No! It's vulnerabilities themselves that the article deals with, not the things you have thought. Please come and read it (found here)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Something like constexpr auto char c = "hi"[0]; requires lvalue-to-rvalue conversion right?
Man. Blaze is the best HTML template engine I have ever used.
The other one was.... php?
Oooh, "a glvalue of integral or enumeration type that refers to a non-volatile const object with a preceding
initialization, initialized with a constant expression". Curiouser and curiouser.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good, so MS's "charizing operator" is now quite redundant.
@LucDanton Hmm, yes.
Why arent there events here, as far as I have seen?
You missed Talk Like a Pirate Day (it was only up for ~four minutes and was cancelled before it started, but well... it counts!).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Except for previous my previous quote, it requires constexpr somewhere, hence my skepticism.
Q: sizeof(array) error

Johnny PaulingI've got this simple "strstr" re-making as an exercise but there's an error I don't understand #include <iostream> #include "windows.h" using namespace std; int strstr2(char *arr, char *findme) { const int sizearr = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(char); const int sizefindme = sizeof(findme...

wtf brain
I can't words
@R.MartinhoFernandes That was ment for me?
"a glvalue of literal type that refers to a non-volatile object defined with constexpr, or that refers to a sub-object of such an object" takes care to mention subobjects, unlike the previous quote.
@MohamedAhmedNabil Yes.
On the other hand string literals are not required to have an initializer, morally speaking :|
So I'm still sticking to 'no'.
@R.MartinhoFernandes When was the last time there was an event that didnt get canceled?
@MohamedAhmedNabil Never? This room is a never-ending event, no need for subevents.
@Fanael C# room has events but here there isnt
@R.MartinhoFernandes What say you?
@LucDanton Sorry, can't be checking the standard right now. I'm busy debugging datagrams.
Today's TDWTF is cool.
> A few years from now after Jesse is gone, another developer will see his ticket system and, without knowledge of why it's so messed up, will re-submit it as a CodeSOD.
Also gods who starred that crap. Do you see a FORTRAN program running on your PC? No? NOBODY USES FORTRAN
Except, of course, the entire scientific community.
But who's counting
@TonyTheLion What?
hmm, the puppy is online... maybe he did get really pissed of
@thecoshman From what?
Also, we're talking about the puppy. It's impissible to get him out of here.
@Xeo "Someone designed a software robot that would fill out a registration form and, when confronted with an image processing test, would post it on a free porn site. Visitors to the porn site would be asked to complete the test before they could view more pornography, and the software robot would use their answer to complete the e-mail registration." oldnewthing
@TonyTheLion hehe:
@Xeo @jalf gave him a bit of a scolding last night
I've updated my answer addressing your 'new' question :) — sehe 13 secs ago
@CatPlusPlus right. nobody uses FP, except, of course, the entire FP-lovers community - geeks, etc
@sbi now we know who wrote it, or more correctly what
I don't even know what is behind that argument.
@thecoshman Oh, that game discussion thing?
So, nobody uses FP, except people who use FP, therefore...?
@Xeo indeed
wasn't really an argument
@Abyx Nobody programs, except, of course, the programmers - geeks, etc
Also, STL is semi-functional in design. Ranges are even more functional.
@thecoshman You seem to have a really hard time grasping this, but what I said was aimed AT BOTH OF YOU
The puppy failed to see how MC can be fun, I failed to see how the puppy failed to see how MC could be fun
And I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop bringing it up every goddamn hour as if I singled out @DeadMG as being a horrible human being who needed to be put in his place
> spammers are getting around these tests by harvesting a practically-free resource on the Internet: the desire to see pornography
^ internet porn is the new gravity. Soon we will have powerplants fueled by 'pinterest' - porn interest
And jalf got into way too serious mode.
@thecoshman MC? Master of ceremonies? Midnight Commander?
@CatPlusPlus What else is new
@jalf yeah, but I didn't get upset by it, nor did it explicitly name me, nor do I (think) have a reputation for refusing to admit defeat
@sehe minecraft
@thecoshman Thanks
@thecoshman no, but you do keep bringing up every single hour how I "scolded @DeadMG"
@jalf But if would have grasped that, he wouldn't be here either!
Oh, oh, @R.MartinhoFernandes, I have an idea why the OP may be so confused in that Haskell question. Maybe he just can't see "class" as a grouping of stuff instead of "a keyword that introduces a new type"
in other news, I have, for some reason, created a file named oops.txt, containing... the text oops
half a year ago
...anyway, 99.95% of software is written in non-FP languages, and, uhm, 0.00..?% - in FP languages. because FP languages just sucks (not FP-style, of course).
Why the heck did I do that?
Classes are not types. They're classes of types. Hence why they're called typeclasses.
@Abyx [citation needed]
I guess it's safe to delete, at least. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to remember what was in it if it turns out I need it
@jalf ok, you did not scold him. you said something that seems to have resulted in the puppy taking flight
@jalf missing a 'p'
@LucDanton I asked on SO proper: stackoverflow.com/questions/12530408/…
@jalf lol
@jalf Given the file's name and content, it likely was a brainfart.
@thecoshman maybe. Or maybe he's just busy with something else. Or something else. I don't know, but I trust that he can take care of himself, and that he'll speak up here when he wants to
@CatPlusPlus aka groups of types. I meant the keyword thing for other languages where it does introduce a new type
A thing in a language does something else than a thing in another language? Well I never.
@Fanael What's wrong with constexpr char x = 'a';?
I just said that that may be what the OP is so confused about
@sbi Generalizing stuff in templates.
@sbi The preprocessor's stringizing operator, that's what.
@Fanael Ah, Ok. That makes sense.
@jalf IOW you are treating the others here as if they were adults. Now that does seem strange to me, given what I regularly see in this room.
Q: sizeof - convert a pointer to an array

Johnny PaulingI have the following code int myfunc(char *arr) { const int sizearr = sizeof( arr ) / sizeof(char); } This yields the size of the pointer, not the size of the char array[17] I passed to the function. I know that I may use strlen and solve the problem, but is there any way to convert the char*...

I like how no answer mentions doing the right thing.
@jalf I am sure sooner or later he shall return in a blaze of glory
@jalf auditd FTW
... ┬──┬
oh hello mr table
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@thecoshman Raises eyebrows questioningly.
@sbi ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ) sorry
Oh no

┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
There Better
@thecoshman Puzzled look.
@sbi ┬──┬
Nothing is Stronger than the look of disapproval ಠ_ಠ
@sbi Kids these days..
Can haz close votes?
Q: Subscripting string literals in compile-time constants

FanaelIf I subscript a string literal, is the result a compile-time constant? In other words, is the following code valid? constexpr char x = "a"[0]; GCC 4.7 says it is, but what does the standard have to say on this matter? For the curious: I can't just write 'a', because the string literal is the...

@StackedCrooked The thing is I have no idea why he's throwing those table around in the first place, let alone why he's pointing it out to me.
@sbi the worst of it is, neither do I. I've just got so used to flipping tables. I can't afford any more glasses!
@Fanael You forgot the cute cat picture
@sbi oh I know I know! it's because of something or nothing about being grown up... I think
One more needed.
@Fanael best I can do is flag, and that's too much effort
close all teh questions...
@Abyx, @sbi, @Xeo: thanks
Flipping a table effectively removes all clutter from the table.
@jalf The post I linked to.
Haha someone bought me new avatar.
(Sorry to restart an old discussion, I had a delicious burger in the meantime.)
@CatPlusPlus when do we get to see it?
@thecoshman Soon.
@kbok I just saw a link to the headline on ycombinator. If I followed that link I got to a G+ post. Not sure if that's the one you were referring to
oh thanks fuck, just made it in
@jalf Yes, it is.
Never, because you're not on the Best Forums dot com.
@jalf The HN discussion was not directly relevant but interesting nonetheless, and the top-voted comment somehow resumed my position about this.
and he just said "Described as "everything that's wrong with Java in a single class":", which sounded like he was referring to what someone else had labelled "everything that's wrong with...."
@CatPlusPlus damn it, I need to let the tables respawn before I can flip them again
@jalf Yes. That's awkward, and makes this post even more useless.
And even if that was his position, and not just referring to someone else, I personally read it as "this class exemplifies all that is wrong with Java", which is very different from your interpretation, that "because this class exists, Java is broken"
Anyone can create a AbstractSingletonFactoryProxyBean class in C++ and claim that this is why C++ is broken.
@thecoshman :3.
(Disregard that, it doesn't make sense)
@CatPlusPlus that flashing crap stain of a gif?
but then maybe we just interpreted his post differently. I'm not sure what he actually meant, but my interpretation didn't really fit with what you criticized him for, which was what puzzled me
@thecoshman Mort with it.
@kbok I like.
@jalf Yeah, sorry I extrapolated a bit. The message is unclear in this post, and what really annoys me is the reaction of the commenters, and the fact that this post is popular even though there's nothing interesting in it.
seed germinating in eye you have been warned
@thecoshman I totally have trypophobia, so I'm not looking at that.. you can't make me
I refuse to click this.
I, however, am copying this link and sending it to some of my facebook friends.
@Neil oh god, why did I have to google that
What the fuck.
aren't you glad I didn't one box it :D
@thecoshman Muahahaha!
@thecoshman Yes, thank you. -_^
@kbok but there is something interesting in it. Yes, it's hyperbole to call it "everything that's wrong with Java", but it's popular because a lot of people can immediately see what he's getting at, and it is something that characterizes/plagues the Java community.
@Neil just take a look
@Neil though I don't think that seed thing is so bad
@StackedCrooked Java community is broken.
It's like zombie apocalypse, except with patterns and XML.
@thecoshman No! It makes me itchy to think about it. I don't trust any links posted here from now on.
Find out if you suffer from trypophobia by giving it an image search
The Statue of Liberty is only a shadow of its former self.

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