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@sbi I suspect it's not worth a whole damn lot :p When people asked why that useful little bar in explorer that let you sort items however you like with at most 2 clicks has been removed from everything but the "details" view, MS said "we are sorry we were unable to fix this in this version of windows". And well, every other windows version after that.
@DeadMG Some of us aren't paid for by their parents, and need to work. And when you share your room with two others, there's no way you can join a voice chat. Also, I can read written English much better than I understand spoken English. Especially so British English.
I can attest to the fact that written English is easier for me than spoken. I still had a good time.
I can see me lurking on mumble evenings. It's not like I'd constantly need to be talking.
@DomagojPandža Oh, don't get me wrong, I find it bad that the free compiler doesn't allow you to write a simple "Hello, world!" console app anymore. Very bad, indeed. I just wanted to prevent false rumors to spread. Also, my emphasize was on the storm already having raged at them for weeks.
More like, a less time consuming way to monitor the ongoings in the Lounge by 'listening' to the ambiance
@melak47 Yeah, and they might say just that about writing console apps with VC Express.
Also, daknok's dubstep party.
And DeadMG got a whole lot more likeable. You just can't hate a smooth accent like that.
I like it when people elsewhere in the world talk about us: guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jun/01/…
@EtiennedeMartel at which uni are you actually studying?
@bamboon I am no longer a student. But I still support the cause.
Not to mention that, in the chat the Robot is talkative, but in the Animal Farm we have a veritable Oracle, a fountain of wisdom and dispenser ultimate rulings.
That looks to be a lifesaver
@EtiennedeMartel .. and you studied where?
@sehe I need to shout to be heard on mumble!
@RMartinhoFernandes Don't worry. I can shut up for a while. I'll try
@sehe No, I mean it's not very practically.
My normal voice level is quite low.
I'll have to use either PTT, or to set the threshold to a point where you can hear my mouse chopping wood.
@EtiennedeMartel There's been quite some coverage here in Germany on the student protests in Quebec and that stupid law your government shoot themselves into their collective foot with.
I understood that too. I don't think the medium works for detailed discussion. But it certainly helps for keeping in touch without (conscious) effort
@sehe I find it much easier to read to catch up, especially since I can just stop reading and do something else without missing anything
See, if I get on a mumble server, I'm going to have WoW flashbacks. I'll start yelling about getting out of fire and to stop turning the Lich King that way.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'll be using PTT as well, if only out of family/privacy considerations
@melak47 True dat. Usually I don't mind missing the chatter, though
Push To Talk
@sehe What's that mean? Ah, you need to push a button to talk, like in CB?
You press a button, and the software transmits while you hold it.
It means that you transmit walkie-talkie style
@sbi CB? - i guess that would be 'walkie-talkie style'.
Ah, Ok.
@sbi Yeah, it isn't going very well for them.
@sehe Might be a German acronym. Lemme check.
Robot, you should probably just talk using TTS. I don't know how much mumble supports it, but it would be more honest than synthesizing a false voice. Besides, we'll all recognize microsoft sam.
Common Broadcasting?
Citizens' Band radio (also known as CB radio) is, in many countries, a system of short-distance radio communications between individuals on a selection of 40 channels within the 27-MHz (11 m) band. Citizens' Band is distinct from the FRS, GMRS, MURS and amateur ("ham") radio. In many countries CB operation does not require a license, and (unlike amateur radio) it may be used for business or personal communications. Like many other two-way radio services, Citizens' Band channels are shared by many users. Only one station may transmit at a time; other stations must listen and wait for the s...
@RMartinhoFernandes You might need to check your mic.
As always, the robot - thx. That is not a 'going' abbreviation in the Netherlands
Yeah, I come here with the link and it's already posted.
well, I'm german and I've never heard of it :P
Oh, another German here. Well, now that a third of the room's population is German, and another third understands it, we can just as well switch to German, no?
@SamDeHaan A robot does need to synthesize a voice, actually
@RMartinhoFernandes What about your nose?
@sbi I'd prefer if we didn't :p
@sehe Hmm. I guess that's true.
@sbi It's the plural of "no". Be thankful I didn't link to the "Big NO!".
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, and I am also thankful you didn't plant a social link. Oh, wait...
Oh, yeah, I ended up with B+. Not too shabby.
And why is your nose the plural of nose? Is it constantly wobbling left to right and back?
@EtiennedeMartel Well, if I set the transmit threshold lower, it works nicely, but I can't click my mouse without upsetting anyone.
@RMartinhoFernandes Maybe you should use PTT.
@EtiennedeMartel The other days I saw a very funny map, said to be a planned protester route though the city, in the form of an hand with an extended middle finger. Probably not true, but very funny.
@RMartinhoFernandes my mouse also clicks rather loudly
@RMartinhoFernandes What do you need a mouse for anyway, robot? Don't you have an USB interface?
@sbi I saw that on Facebook, yes. I don't think there was an actual protest that used that route.
Oh, I don't think I have ever had more than three reactions to any of my tweets. Now twitter notifications start to pile up in my inbox.
What did you tweet?
Did you share a TVTropes link through Twitter?
@RMartinhoFernandes Are you fucking kidding me?
My stream was flooded by @scalzi posting links about pie...
Oh shit.
2 hours ago, by sbi
> If you think resource management in C++ is complicated, try to implement C#'s IDisposable interface. It's a major #PITA http://stackoverflow.com/a/898867/140719 — sbi
@RMartinhoFernandes How is that an excuse? You can look into my time line, can't you?
@RMartinhoFernandes ....am I missing something here?
@sbi But @scalzi is worth it!
@sbi I'm not very proficient in using Twitter.
@melak47 Reasonability?
(IOW, I am awesome)
@RMartinhoFernandes Nobody is worth this.
@RMartinhoFernandes What, you cannot click on a tweeter's avatar and look at their timeline?
So, you look like this?
@EtiennedeMartel Oh, that's a long nose. Now I know why he mentioned it.
"@RMartinhoFernandes, the Vacuuming Robot: He sucks."
@Etienne vacuum robot? R2D2?
But I felt lazy. My screen was full of pie.
Why would things that come in pairs always be wobbling up/down, left/right?
Hmm. Let me consult Freud
@RMartinhoFernandes I wish my moth was full of pie.
Oh @Cicada, what have you done!
More Victim Thinking
Seriously, how long do car alarms usually scream when fired?
There's this car on the street nearby that's been on it for two hours!
I'm going crazy.
well, if no one cares about it, you might as well...
@RMartinhoFernandes Here, I'd call the police after 60mins. During daytime.
¡Aaaaaaahhhhh coño!
That's a good way to make it stop.
@RMartinhoFernandes Someone programmed you to be able to go crazy? What did they think they are doing? Were they nuts?
@SamDeHaan Yep?
@sbi Meta craziness.
@sbi Cicada do something else, or is that just delayed reaction?
7 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
@RMartinhoFernandes I wish my moth was full of pie.
Buuuut Cicada's aren't moths.
I dislike moths. Annoying bugs.
@sbi Oh well, it stopped now.
I hope it ran out of battery.
Serves the bastard of the owner right.
Hope you don't read in the paper that the 'bastard owner' got mugged and couldn't reach his car or something of that ilk
May 24 at 19:13, by sbi
@Cicada You might want to wash your moth now.
@sbi just link to the damn search results page.
Hmm. I may be sensing a trend.
Woah, my screen.
@EtiennedeMartel I got the point across, so no need for keeping those messages in the room anymore.
@sehe Oh. That's a good point. I guess I should avoid reading the paper, then.
@RadekdaknokSlupik +1
@RMartinhoFernandes Just make a law against publishing saddening stories of people
Did you just vaporize @Cicada?
Atomize with a particle gun
@sehe Once you're at it, do not forget that law against rising sea levels. (You are living below sea level, I suppose?)
@sehe I could link to a trope...
@EtiennedeMartel No, I just binned bunch of messages quoting her.
+1 for atomize any question — Oded May 14 at 9:39
@sbi That law has already been passed. And yeah, you got the reference
@sehe From what I read, it was still discussed yesterday.
@sbi And the other reference too !
@sehe ??
The atomize reference was indeed to that particular comment.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, but instead you will remember your upbringing the nice laboratory you come from and behave nicely.
lol google wants to buy the .lol TLD.
Let's outbid them!
@sbi how?
With money. Duh.
I hate it if you do that, @sehe.
Unless lolcats have become currency, google has a siiiiignificant amount more disposable money than this chat channel.
they also want a .google tld? are they going to found their own nation to avoid taxes now?
@SamDeHaan Shoot them?
@sehe My comment had a 1984 reference.
@melak47 they do want .youtube and .docs.
@SamDeHaan I don' think the lolcats part was necessary.
@RMartinhoFernandes shoot the moneys?
I read monkeys.
@SamDeHaan No, just shoot them Google peoples.
@SamDeHaan I never heard of a company called "lol google", so how much can they be worth...
@RadekdaknokSlupik as long as they don't make you type in youtube.youtube.com.youtube, I guess... but .docs?
You type URLs?
@melak47 I guess they'll do things like daknok.youtube. A subdomain for each user.
for free? :p
@sbi Still more than us, I'd bet.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah. We're not robots. We use a keyboard, not an USB interface.
@RadekdaknokSlupik They can already do daknok.youtube.com...
@RMartinhoFernandes exterminate?
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, but that's just a subdomain
@SamDeHaan No, just shoot them. We are "in [a conundrum] that could easily be solved by finding the right person and shooting them."
@RMartinhoFernandes Ohhh, I see. So we're in a [website redacted] entry.
@melak47 And daknok.youtube is so much different why?
@RMartinhoFernandes less keystrokes.
@RMartinhoFernandes DNS magics! Burn the witch!
4 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
You type URLs?
@RMartinhoFernandes sometimes, yes
4 mins ago, by sbi
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah. We're not robots. We use a keyboard, not an USB interface.
Is that deja vu?
I triggered a rep recalc and nothing changed. How boring.
Nothing ever changes now.
Is USB the successor to USA?
@FredOverflow Erm. That has been instantaneous for months now.
@sbi A combination of my browser's history capabilities and a search engine allow me to very very rarely type URLs.
@RMartinhoFernandes Same here.
So, less keystrokes is a silly "advantage".
@RMartinhoFernandes I usually find typing the rest of the url to be quicker than selecting the appropriate result from the list the brwoser presents
@melak47 That's because you haven't yet memorized the order the browser presents them!
@RMartinhoFernandes I will not be a slave to my browser!!
> My favorite screen of the latest #win8 install (Ambrose Little):
That was on TDWTF.
An actual screenshot, not a screen photograph.
I am so sorry for bringing up something that has been brought up somewhere on the Internet before.
@sbi I was just about to post the one I found on TDWTF, so it's not old.
@sbi heh. at least they give you a choice!
If there's only one option, are they really giving you a choice?
That sounds philosophical.
you can also stop the install
Too much philosophy killed the chat room.
I had a text about robots on the exam.
what kind of exam
There's only one kind of exam, and that's "fucking stupid".
My brain is malfunctioning.
Robots that can pass the Turing Test (sometimes) like @RMartinhoFernandes?
It was "fill the blanks" text.
I misunderstood.
hmm, my computer is crawling while I attempt to code, but CPU usage and memory usage are low. Does Windows provide a way for me to figure out what process is the problem? Also, at roughly what values does PFDelta become suspect?
If memory usage is low then it's always swap. :v
Also look at your HDD activity.
@MooingDuck The built-in Resource Monitor can show process disk activity.
I think it doesn't exist on XP.
@RMartinhoFernandes chrome is hovering at 100-450, seeps suspect I guess.
@RMartinhoFernandes bummer
@RMartinhoFernandes hundreds?
sidebar.exe's pfdelta is in the region of 1000-2000. should I be worried
Obviously, it depends on the amount of RAM you have.
I only have 6GB and I currently have all processes with 0.
I want 16GB. :<
I don't run the sidebar thingy though.
I want to get rid of the swap forever.
exitting the sidebar, highest PF delta is firefox with a handful every now and then...explorer with 1, rest 0
RAM is cheap as dirt these days
Two "you should use smart pointers" in 10 minutes.
Why do you have swap with 16GB, anyway?
@CatPlusPlus Beat me on both.
@melak47 Well, sidebar.exe somehow goes crazy.
yup. when I started it, PF delta spiked to 22K
Gosh, what does that thing do?
Page faults without swap? I'd be worried.
@CatPlusPlus you can get 16GB DDR3 for 75€, less if you get 4x4GB individually
Hey hotties!
First I have to have a desktop, and it'll be a lot more than 75€ in total.
heh, yeah I suppose so
I'll get to that after I find a new flat and move to it.
@sbi @CatPlusPlus @RMartinhoFernandes What's up?
PF Deltas
I don't even deign.
@sbi What do you mean?
All I have left now in school is my master thesis! It feels really good. No more exams or bad group projects
@ManofOneWay do you know what the thesis is gonna be on yet?
@melak47 Yes!
I will implement a linear scan register allocation in the HotSpot server compiler
that sounds...like I don't know what you're talking about. but have fun anyways :)
Thanks :)
Ha, that was fast: "Prevent Visual Studio 2012's ALL CAPS Menus: richard-banks.org/2012/06/… #vs2012" — Richard Banks
@sbi What are you doing? Working?
Doh, what a mess.
@ManofOneWay No, I am procrastinating inna chatroom.
@sbi Are you angry today? =)
@ManofOneWay No, I am grumpy.
@sbi How come?
@ManofOneWay I dunno, but maybe it has something to do with me being a grumpy old man?
Ooops, there's that stupid semicolon again.
@RMartinhoFernandes What are you up to ?
One-clickifying that VS2012 fix.
Stupid chat broke my link.
@RMartinhoFernandes What are you doing tonight? Party?
@MooingDuck @Tony sorry about the noise on mumble
@sehe reverb!
Feedback loop. I forgot my phone was still logged on. And besides, my PC was still on 'autotransmit'. It is on PTT now
@sbi Help me decide
sehe, according to my log you have connected and disconnected 7 times in the last 1.2 hours.
the phone isn't reliable I guess
The phone is. But the network at my work is lousy and the app might not be so stable (or preserve battery on idle)
I'm going to redesign my website; it sucks.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Wait finish the UI first? And the parser?
My website doesn't need a parser.
Well I assumed that
If a website is badly designed, the site's users might need a parser to grasp what it tries to tell them.
What would my website need a parser for?
@CatPlusPlus have a drink :)
Oh well, maybe they need a C++ parser to view it. xD
I don't have anything.
Oh that explains you being way too sober
A novelty website, nobody has done that before.
@RadekdaknokSlupik To make sense of it
@CatPlusPlus Not even JWZ
Also there's a bug in description.
It should return "I'm daknok, and I'm a mighty robot vacuum cleaner from the future.".
I'm going to use GitHub pages now. Much easier to work with.
@CatPlusPlus Oh I thought it should be a const member
I'm testing my PTT button. You guys can hear my daughter
ptt button?
Ok peeps. I'll leave my mumble running. I'll hear it when you guys start cracking jokes or discussing pubic hair pieces
I don't hear anything.
@melak47 Lemme search that for you
Now I hear something.
now you can
Cat Plus Plus, y u no meow?
So, the idea of PTT is that it stops when I'm it's not depressed
2 hours ago, by sehe
Push To Talk
You were very much around at that time
Push To Touch
@Tony so you can tell what game they played
Ok. Coffee time, putting the children to bed.
Question, do they actually agree to go to bed?
Or is it a fullscale war?
@DomagojPandža It's only ever a war if you're doing something wrong.
I allow my kids to stay up as late as they want once in a while, like on weekends and other occasions. (The smaller ones, that is, as the bigger ones can do this all the time anyway.) They use that privilege extensively (once in bed they fall asleep before their cheek has hit the pillow), but I will require them to do the whole program (washing, brushing teeth etc.) before they can go to sleep, so the learn to yearn for sleeping.
I haven't had discussions longer than two sentences about going to bed in a decade.
huh, why does an input_iterator have less strict requirements on operator* than iterator? That's counterintuitive, and seems like a error.
Because Jerry Lewis says it's special
Are you guys excited for Euro 2012?
@ChetSimpson I'm going to go with error. I think it's wrong that an input_iterator is not an iterator.
I don't get this.
Q: When is default constructor generated in C++

user1431221As per "Inside C++ Object Model" copy constructor is generated(if not declared by programmer) by compiler only when at-least any one of below four conditions are true: 1>When the class contains a member object of a class for which a copy constructor exists (either explicitly declared by the clas...

"I deleted copy constructor, why can't I copy?"
@ManofOneWay yeah, but I think there aren't that many soccer fans in here
@mooingDuck Error is good. I can go with that.
@ManofOneWay No. It's happening in my city and it's annoying and dammit I want it to be over already.
@CatPlusPlus Have you heard about the BBC documentary regarding racism in Poland and Ukraine?
@bamboon It's gonna be great :)
@CatPlusPlus Oh okey, well the football supporters seem to be quite racist over there.
@ManofOneWay I also heard about homophobia in Ukraine. Those guys are nuts.
Football sucks. All sports do. Glorified shit. If you're doing it for your health, awesome. Otherwise, gtfo.
@ManofOneWay Stupid people be stupid. Though it's more nationalism than racism, at least here.
Either way it's just a fancy name for an idiot.
@DomagojPandža That's just a stupid comment
Phew I'm done.
Organisers don't care about what sport it is, as long as it generates money.
It's actually precise. But call it what you'd like. It's says a lot about this planet when people are more acquainted with the "deeds" of Messi than with the work of Feynman, Sagan, Hawking etc. (the more "recent" scientists)
Precisely, it's all about whoring money around.
What is it with this wave of sweeping generalizations?
Sponsors get publicity, and a bunch of people get money.
It's not about money, I didn't play soccer as a kid because of money
That kind of sport is okay.
But we're talking about Euro 2012 and "professional" sport.
Money from tourism, money from things that have logo on them.
If they were really doing it for the "sport" part of it, their dress wouldn't have a bazillion logos over it.
Of course there is money involved in professional sports. Come on, that doesn't make it less fun to watch
Sport is participating. Watching is getting fat.
I never got what's so great about watching sports.
@CatPlusPlus This.
@CatPlusPlus see it as art
I don't like sports, because I prefer to not move, but watching other people doing that? Double boring.

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