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@DeadMG I bet that guy has incredibly crappy code and wants to patch around it.
I can tell that
So, what happened to the guy with the virgin problem?
There's a virgin with a problem?
@Xeo I'm here )
@Xeo virgin problem is still actual
Right, double accounts are not allowed, are they?
Q: use of undeclared identifier 'isinf' error

RawMeanMy iOS project includes both C and C++ code (because I have integrated openCV). Everything works fine as long as I don't include Mapkit.h. As soon as I include Mapkit.h I get the the following compile error: Use of undeclared identifier 'isinf' This error occurs in MKGeometry.h. I Google'ed a...

@EtiennedeMartel no, there is not a virgin with problem, there a problem with vergin
@Xeo It wasn't doubled
There's a problem with vermin?
@Xeo it has been deleted by admins and renewed )
@Xeo so, it's rebirth of old one )
@Xeo recursion is still pretty )
@Xeo that's why, I named SO-admins silly, cause with deleting my account , they also deleted my violations )
Oh, it's been deleted.
Well, that was short!
@user1131997 That sentence doesn't make sense
You were deleted because of the violations
@Xeo and violations were erased ) yeah, it so unsensible :)
unsensible to death
and ignored (again)
My ass is a platypus. I have no idea what we're talking about here.
I made Sponsorship proposal in adv of SO
@Xeo Let's flag for mod and find out!
@CatPlusPlus I think, that with such proposal:
I shall be free from vioaltions-rewarding by admins
You don't make sense. I don't like things that don't make sense. Bye.
@Xeo I shall make sence sooner :) I'll be back
What the fuuuuuck.
You know what, I'm now immensely curious what that problem is all about.
Is this userXyz guy the one who trashtalked earlier here xD ?
No idea. I personally think he says unfunny jokes.
You know, I think we should add a "you must be a funny person" rule to this chatroom.
Some people are terribly bored so it would seem.
@ScarletAmaranth yes, I'm ;)
@EtiennedeMartel joke is the template term, identifing with RTTI, for some it's funny for someone not
oh man, doing plaster casting with out any one to guide you is like learning some sort of lost art. Mix it to box is just a solid paste, but how much more water do I add!?
@EtiennedeMartel I could... but then I'd have to ban you.
@DeadMG Touché.
@thecoshman this mess is for me?
People, what wrong with you? Why don't you like to talk about sex ?
@Tony likes talking about sex.
@EtiennedeMartel No, really? I'd never guess.
Yeah, I know it's hard to see.
I demand statistical proof
@user1131997 erm? potatoes?
What do I need to do to download VS 2012?
I don't have an msdn account or something..
just find the link- if it's still up
@Nils Is completely uninteresting.
has the author never heard of std::function and std::bind?
he's reinvented them, but worse.
heh see the comments
right now I'm in the same situation
Never the less I hope I find time to study the c++11 stl, guess it will be useful in the future
he's reinvented a new interface because he couldn't download an implementation.
he's still Doing It Wrong™.
his Delegate class can't accept lambdas or the result of bind or any old function object matching the signature, for example.
but even so, you could just re-implement boost::function yourself
I've used boost a bit
My impression so far has been: the documentation sucks
@DeadMG true implementing boost::function yourself would be an option
Boost has better documentation than most libraries
a generic callback class which cannot take lambdas is worthless
@Pubby Yeah, but it's a lot more complex than most libraries at this point
@TehShrike And a whole chunk more useful.
For gods sake
A new account? Surely a mod should know about that?
@KianMayne wat?
Hey, can anyone help me with an idea for an app design?
@ThePlan You couldn't possible be more vague.
Well I haven't described my problem yet, I'm expecting a yes/no :)
@ThePlan Try regular SO first ?
I'll do that, thanks.
^ GTK+ message boxes, in C++-as-a-better-C
@EtiennedeMartel oh
Good morning, Tony.
@CheersandhthAlf if( title == nullptr ) —> if(!title) FTFY
@classdaknok_t Style question
@classdaknok_t I don't think it's better with the !. it used to be idiomatic in old C code, where terseness was Really Appreciated (I think it's not completely a coincidence that there is yearly Obfuscated C contest). but wrt. readability it's awkward: (!p) => "if not p is different from 0" or "if not p is not nullpointer" instead of (p == nullptr) => "if p is nullpointer"
of course, since i have changed my opinion on this at least once, there is some possibility that i will change it again in some years, for whatever reason...
I usually use if( !isDerp() ) and if ( nullptr == title ) just because it reads nicely.
The latter does not read nicely and I will fight you to the death about it.
It does, it's clear that you're literally checking whether it's not a nullptr
Why are the words "whether" (if) and nullptr at opposite ends of your English explanation, but next to each other in your code?
@DeadMG That is absolutely horrific. This one, however, is even worse.
@TimPost Nothing is over the top in this room. Well, except for moderators, prolly. They are quite often.
Oh, and good evening, guys.
Because == represents the whole binding between them ?
Whereas in English you need to be more verbose ?
@ScarletAmaranth Wrong, it's checking of nullptr is equal to something else. We read left to right.
@sbi Hellu.
I have this bad habit of putting constants on the left side, because Const = x is illegal (= vs ==).
Right, and there's value in writing it that way. "reads nicely" is not part of the value, however.
My reads nicely wasn't referring to that tho.
@sbi Everything is horrific if you listen to it for 10 hours in a row.
@ScarletAmaranth Don't let yourself be talked into believing this is a bad habit. The only "argument" pro that is that some find it harder to read. But, c'mon!, we're talking C++, here.
@EtiennedeMartel Exactly my point.
@sbi Yeah don't get me wrong, i'll never stop using it, i have Garfunkled myself much too many times with single equals ...
@ScarletAmaranth Turn your compiler's warning level up.
I don't think it's harder to read, but it's simply.. weirder.
What's so weird on it ? if ( Width > currentWidth ) vs if ( currentWidth < Width ) ...
Anyway, a decent compiler would warn you with a = an a if statement.
Protip: If you're making puff pastry, don't be a retard and use margerine instead of butter. The pastry, instead of coming out nice and flaky, ends up soft and weird.
I'd rather deploy a style convention rather than relying on compiler holding my hand, thanks :)
@Xeo Some people argue that code is harder to read when identifiers are fully qualified. And 15 years ago we thought algo(cont.begin(), cont.end()) is horrific.
I think that's odd
@sbi I still think it is. I want ranges.
@Xeo Agreed.
@Xeo Of course, everyone thinking about it straightly wants them. But if you think you consider them weird, you have no idea how repelling this looked to us when we saw it for the first time back then, when learning about it after years of C++.
I make an effort in written math when I solve equations to end up with
x = 547684.....blah
Heh, same
You're doing some real math there with 547684 ever being a result ^^
Meh, pretty easy to come up with that number if you use napiers bones
Favourite long multiplication method
After I have been digging trenches through my garden since the beginning of the months in order to replace the broken water pipe, last Sunday I finally got to the point where everything was working again — only to discover that another pipe was broken in the garden house, flooding the bathroom. :( Well, I replaced that one, too, today — only to be greeted by yet another fountain flooding the room from the kitchen sink. :(
Like (4×269)×509 [Thank you Wolfram|Alpha]
I am kind of pissed off now. Well, pissed on actually.
Here's a question. I've got a selection of items and I want each player to have only some of them available and some of them not. What's the best way to represent the set of items that a particular player owns ? A simple array of bools ?
You know how they say you should buy tequila, when life hands you lemons? According to that, by now I should probably stop replacing broken pipes, and build an ark instead.
And don't you dare laughing at that!
You got incredibly good plumbing in your house. Consider moving.
try purchasing a yacht instead
I feel sorry for you man
they're cheaper and easier to come by than arks
1 message moved to bin
@EtiennedeMartel I have one of them water heaters under the sink, which I hadn't used in years. (All water wasted in the house goes into a tank, which I need to get emptied by a company I pay for, while the water used outside just waters the plants around the faucet.) Well, apparently there still must have been water in it, which now, after what's probably the fourth winter since it was last used, burst the damn thing.
There wasn't much water in it to be noticeable, but when I turned on the water, this changed quickly...
I think the solution is to get drunk.
@EtiennedeMartel If you think that's bad, wait until I tell you more.
On our way home, with two small children on their bikes accompanying me, my bike trailer hit a stone at a construction site, and turned upside down. That broke a bottle of banana juice (a favorite of my kids for a weekend breakfast), and spilled the damn juice over just about everything. I tried to salvage at least the spare clothes I carried in that trailer — to very little avail.
That doesn't tell me why you shouldn't get drunk.
So I had to put the whole mash back into the trailer, take the kids home, put them to bed ("no story tonight?!"), and since then I had been busy cleaning up the mess.
You can clean while getting drunk. Can't you dual wield?
@EtiennedeMartel Oh, that's taken care of already. I am deep into my second beer, and just discovered there's some Cachaca left, plus a few lemons.That gave me ideas for the evening.
You could also deploy the almighty straw approach.
@ScarletAmaranth What's that?
Reminds me that I'm out of beer. And it's 16:09 here. That is, I'm late.
@sbi That's drinking trough straw. Not only does it solve your full-hands problem but it also gets you drunk faster.
Erm, I never really enjoyed straws.
@ScarletAmaranth That's a myth we, too, believed when we were teens. Some of my friends busted it later, though.
@sbi That's a myth that i saw confirmed.
@sbi Tho I can't tell you from experience, i never drink to an extent where i could be called drunk.
Well, whatever, I am far past the age where you want to get as drunk as possible as fast as possible. Now I want to actually enjoy getting drunk, drawing out the experience.
@sbi Meh, I've never enjoyed drinking. I also don't enjoy company of drunk people.
@sbi I'm always the guy who caters to people who can barely stand.
I guess vodka shooters are out of the question.
Oh lord, vodka tastes like shit.
@ScarletAmaranth I always enjoyed slowly getting drunk on good red wine with my second wife. We had a lot of fun doing that. Smug look.
@ScarletAmaranth Protip: put it in the freezer. When really cold, it tastes a little less like shit.
@EtiennedeMartel I can drink vodka with juices, but that's pretty much all the vodka i drink.
@sbi The infamous "get her drunk" move ^^ ?
@EtiennedeMartel I never enjoyed drinking hard stuff.
Well, once, I did. While in Kiev, some Ukrainian fed me baked bacon and vodka. Damn, I was drunk in no time. We still had a great night, and I never ever again understood and spoke Russian as well as that night. But the next day was terrible. Especially when my gf looked at me.
Bacon and vodka? My god.
Apparently I am past the stage where I can type. Sigh.
Why has there always to be a downside to drinking?
That's because you don't drink enough.
@sbi We're gonna learn some interesting stuff about you should this chat continue long enough ;) (Tell me when you're drunk enough! :))
@EtiennedeMartel It's said that fat makes that you can stand more of the stuff.
(When I say "bacon" here, I am referring to that fat, white stuff, with barely some red in it. Shudder.)
I'm rather frightened at how well I can hold my liquor, recently. I mean, I'm a student, so getting drunk once in a while is expected, but I get the feeling that I might be going a bit too far.
@ScarletAmaranth Actually, no. I have to admit that, before we had children, she could drink as much as me. Or more, sometimes.
@sbi Maybe it was her who deployed the aforementioned tactic :)
@ScarletAmaranth It's one of the advantages of being old: There's a lot you have seen. Unfortunately, it's also one of the disadvantages.
@ScarletAmaranth No need to. :)
@sbi ^^ oh women
@sbi On another topic, your son's felling ok yet ? No weird feelings walking the street alone ?
@EtiennedeMartel In my life, I've had times where I drank a lot. I have always been able to stop that, though. Nowadays, I believe that there are people who are susceptible to drugs, and people who aren't. I seem to fall into the latter category. (My second wife is firmly in the first, BTW. For her, it was iron resolve to not to become an addict. For me, it was sheer luck.)
@ScarletAmaranth Yesterday he asked me to walk him home after hist orchestra rehearsal. And he asked if it would be Ok if he gave up the task of taking care of the bottles. So he is still affected, but it doesn't seem to be too bad. Yesterday, the police showed him security cam footage, and pictures of guys, but he didn't recognize anyone.
I think it depends on why you drink. When I want to get wasted, I do it with friends.
@sbi What happened?
@sbi That's unfortunate ...
@EtiennedeMartel For some deposit bottles he meant to return, some guys drew a knife on him on Wednesday. (I've posted about it extensively that night, here, around 11pm GMT, if you're curious about the details.)
@sbi Actions should be followed by consequences, life's not fair one tiny bit.
@ScarletAmaranth I suspected as much. Actions have been taken, though. There's a youth leisure house close to where that happened, and I am sure the guys who did it somehow relate to that. (Indirectly, maybe, but I think there's some connection.) And the police where there, asking about the fact. I am sure this news will spread around, making the guys aware that the cops are on their heals. That's as much as I hoped for, actually.
Damn damn damn.
@EtiennedeMartel I think those guys just meant to joke with my boy, but he is only 12, and was alone. He almost shat his pants, of course. That's no joke anymore.
You don't draw a knife on someone, especially a 12 year old kid.
@sbi Well, at least police is doing their jawb, so thumbs up.
@EtiennedeMartel And not for a couple of bottles, worth about €5, all in all.
Oh in reference to the wednesday conversation about music while programming
I'd recommend Music For Programming
It's like noisy, ambient kind of thing
Someone posted noise yesterday, it's pretty pewpew.
Also for some inexplicable reason, Moondance by Van Morrison works for me :)
@ScarletAmaranth Yeah, they are doing their job rather well, me thinks. On Thursday three more policemen visited me (that would be seven, now). They were from some Youth Criminal Investigation department. They started looking into this the very morning after it happened. They were quite likable guys, and I'm sure my boy had no problem talking to them. (His mother was with him then.) And they had thought of things (like the sec cam) I hadn't even thought of.
@ScarletAmaranth The only kind of sound that works for me when programming: simplynoise.com.
@sbi Here in Slovakia, police does, unfortunately, nothing :)
It's not like my experience with the police has been all that nice in the last decades. I'm a a long-haired, badly dressed left/green/alternative protester, and have been to my share of demonstrations and marches. But my experience with them regarding this incident has been very well.
How long is your hair ;) ? Mine's ... let's see ... basically stretches to my ass.
@ScarletAmaranth Mine doesn't reach that far anymore. :(
@sbi It's funny cuz noone agrees with me on that and i continue not giving a flying green jolly :)
(Noone -> my friends / family, that-> having long hair)
@sbi Since you're a gorilla, I sure hope you protect the rainforests.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, that, too.
Is it going to be a big hassle to port c++11 code with extensive usage of standard library to Android ?
@ScarletAmaranth With or without the NDK?
@EtiennedeMartel With, god, with :D
So, what, there's communists in here now?
Hold on!
You can use C++ for Android development?!
Shift actually
Yeah, with the NDK. Where I used to work, they ported their C++ game engine to Android with that.
Calm down.
Dude, I thought I was going to have to learn Java when I got my phone
@KianMayne One can actually use an Android phone without having to know Java. I know that.
@sbi I know, just I'd want to develop for it
Tony The Shark.
I HATE linking stuff in c++.
Now now, it's not that bad.
I always ruin the order of headers and also their placement (hpp / cpp)
just ridiculous ...
Sure, it's like putting your balls in a grinder, but there are worse things in life.
linker takes a bit of getting used to
I despise it.
but then it's fairly ok
@TonyTheLion I can't help it, but every time I read "hai" here, my spinal marrow shoots a "SHARK!" at me.
albeit annoying
I've been doing cpp for quite some time and i'm still having this ridiculous urge to stab myself in an eye with a fork while linking.
@sbi hahah
@ScarletAmaranth lol
@TonyTheLion You laugh, but this really used to give me the willies. It got better over time, but now I'm afraid I'll just gloss over anybody yelling "SHARK!" at me. Thankfully, there are very few sharks in Berlin.
@ScarletAmaranth use an IDE that sets it all up for you.
@sbi Especially outside of water.
I blame C ... stupid preprocessor.
Spreading like a plague into cpp.
@sbi unless you go diving in some shark ridden waters, you don't have to worry much do you
@ScarletAmaranth I used to work in a project which would link between 5 and 10mins. Much more time to stab than you have eyes to show for.
10 minutes is nothing.
@sbi Whenever i see "performing full link" i know i'm basically fucked ^^
@TonyTheLion Yeah, that's the one thing I absolutely have to avoid now. Thanks to you.
Real fun begins when linking takes half an hour and exhausts all available RAM.
Java ftw! No linking!
Not to mention the fact that forward declares don't work as they're supposed to. (Or i just suck at using them.)
@CatPlusPlus Except when you're sitting in front of a computer tapping the desk with your fingers. Than 10mins take forever.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, it's half the length of a typical Mass Effect 3 online match.
@sbi should I feel bad now ? :P
@sbi just enter a sword fight with a coworker in the meantime.
This behavior is adventageous in work since you have a legit excuse as to why you're not working.
@CatPlusPlus Those are war stories from the early 90s. Have you seen any project lately doing this? (I am not talking of GCC here, BTW. GCC often died with out of memory on that project. We're talking VC taking 10mins for incremental linking.)
@classdaknok_t In the beginning, we had a table tennis at that company, which I liked a lot. Later, it was replaced by a pool table. That one really got me.
The only thing i like about Android development with java is that i get the "imports" automatically and compilations generally don't fail on stupid things.
@TonyTheLion It's always advisable to feel bad when encountering a grumpy gorilla.
@ScarletAmaranth Actually, forward declarations worked as they were supposed to on every platform I used them.
@sbi Then it leaves the option of my being unable to use them properly ^^
@sbi Chromium, I think.
@ScarletAmaranth I considered pointing this out, but then thought it'd be much better pedagogically if you would come to this conclusion yourself.
@sbi pooling is fun!
@sbi Yeah i just #include classes randomly until the whole thing starts working. It's getting funnier and funnier as my projects are getting bigger and bigger :)
@CatPlusPlus Oh. Really? Half an hour linking on a decent machine?
Well, at least it needs a lot of RAM.
Sorry if I'm responding a bit late, the mobile chat sucks.
And it's WebKit, so I wouldn't be surprised if LTO took that long.
Linking is overrated, let's all just copy and paste all the dependancies we need into one big file ^^
@ScarletAmaranth sure, if you want your template code to take centuries to compile.
You have to recompile everything each time you make a change.
my finger itches
Templates are overrated too, let's use void* instead!
@ScarletAmaranth That's not C++.
Next up: *C++ is overrated, let's use C!*
Damn, I'm getting closer and closer to C ^^
Yeah :)
@ScarletAmaranth See, that attitude is the reason that damn project took 45mins to compile from scratch — before the 5–10mins of linking kicked in. I hated my cow-workers for this. I usually only worked in a small test project of mine, which covered many of the parts I was responsible for. I only fired up the whole damn thing to test what I had done before checking it in. However, this failed badly when I was doing template-heavy stuff in headers included everywhere. IncrediBuild saved me back then.
@classdaknok_t Template code already takes centuries to compile.
@DeadMG You got a gun in your hand?
@sbi That's what I said, but this time you need to compile it again every time, even when it's not actually needed.
Hey, @the, re-plastered your face?
@sbi No, it's a mild excema thing.
@DeadMG i think youll make do with 19 fingers, feel encouraged to cut the problematic one off.
@ScarletAmaranth do you play WoW?
actually, my eyes are the worst
@classdaknokt Nope, why ?
@ScarletAmaranth 19 fingers? What do you smoke?
the rest of my skin only triggers on occassion, but eyes is practically every time I touch them they go crazy
@ScarletAmaranth oh, your name reminded me of the Scarlet Monastery.
@ScarletAmaranth Is that a seagull flying? Do you smoke seagulls then?
@sbi Yes, you guessed correctly, i smoke 2 to 3 seagulls a day. (5 on weekends)
@classdaknokt Scarlet is just a color.
@ScarletAmaranth That explains a lot, you know.
@ScarletAmaranth really? I didn't know. :P
My English vocabulary is small.
Yeah, and amaranth is just a type of grain. So?
@classdaknokt As long as it's just your English vocabulary, you're fine.
@sbi Grain o_O ? Amaranth is a flower afaik.
It's any plant of the genus Amaranthus.
@ScarletAmaranth Oops. There's a type of South American grain that's called "Amarant" here. I might have fallen for a false friend there.
@classdaknok_t Arent flowers plants?
Amaranthus, collectively known as amaranth, is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs. Approximately 60 species are recognized, with inflorescences and foliage ranging from purple and red to gold. Members of this genus share many characteristics and uses with members of the closely related genus Celosia. Although several species are often considered weeds, people around the world value amaranths as leaf vegetables, cereals, and ornamentals. The ultimate root of "amaranth" is the Greek (amarantos), "unfading," with the Greek word for "flower," ἄνθος (anthos), factoring into the word's developme...
@sbi yeah, but not vice versa.
Inheritance in action, and they say we don't talk about c++ in this lounge.
No, we talk about Java.
@sbi actually, about 6 months of working here and there finely coming to fruition
As long as we don't talk about virgins it's fine, I guess?
The only java i like :
Java coffee is a coffee produced on the island of Java. In the United States the term "Java" by itself is, in general, slang for coffee. The Indonesian phrase Kopi Jawa refers not only to the origin of the coffee, but is used to distinguish the strong, black, very sweet coffee, with powdered grains in the drink, from other forms of the drink. The Dutch began cultivation of coffee trees on Java (part of the Dutch East Indies) in the 17th century and it has been exported globally since. The coffee agricultural systems found on Java have changed considerably over time. A rust plague in the l...
I'm utterly fond of this convertor thingie that takes my link to wiki and replaces it with the actual article.
> Many parts of the plants, including the leaves and seeds, are edible, and are frequently used as a source of food in India and South America — where it is the most important Andean species of Amaranthus, known as kiwicha. (see also Andean ancient plants) — Amaranthus caudatus /cc @Scarlet
@ScarletAmaranth it's called 'one boxing'
@sbi o_O, i said a while ago, i suck at making nicknames up, and now I'm told I'm actually EDIBLE, fudge, my life is a lie.
@ScarletAmaranth if you find you can't come up with a decent nickname, you haven't seen mine yet.
Woooha, project is compiling, magical header reconfiguration has worked once again!
@sbi well, flowers are part of the plant. That's sort of like saying aren't mouths animals
I usually go by ZeSmith, online. Except here, where I use my real name, because I'm that awesome.
@classdaknokt Yeah I think i'll go for something from Final Fantasy saga.
> because the Lounge is awesome.
Changes nickname into "the Lounge"
dangerous link (SFW) (high levels of cat)
My parents taught me not to talk to strangers and not to click on dangerous links. (I may be making up one of those.)
more dangerous link (NSFW) (high levels of high people)
@ScarletAmaranth Yeah, my parents only taught me not to click on dangerous links
@classdaknok_t I see what you did there.
god damn time limit on edits :(
@ScarletAmaranth My parents told me not to click on strangers and not to talk to dangerous links.
@EtiennedeMartel Any chance you're from Columbia or possibly Netherlands ?
The Netherlands are awesome.
@ScarletAmaranth Nope.
That doesn't explain the drugs then :(
Though I'm drunk so might not recall correctly.
C++ looks funnyt.
erm, any chance some one could tell me when's a good age to neuter a cat?
C++ is funny. It's a joke.
Kk here's a thing. Do you guys use IDEs / text editors with black / dark background and light / white letters ?
@CatPlusPlus No, you pretty much nailed it. Except I'm a separatist, so I hope one day it won't be Canada anymore.
I switched to using dark BG / light text a while ago and i find it much easier to stare at for prolonged periods of time.
@ScarletAmaranth I use an IDE (Xcode, sometimes Netbeans) with colored letters and a white background.
@ScarletAmaranth I generally use white background + black text in Xcode, then flip everything around with Mac OS X's high contrast settings (cmd + alt + ctrl + 8).
@CatPlusPlus If C++ looks funny to you, you must be sober.
Yeah i usually write stuff in Visual Studio, it's default setting is white background and black letters (with syntax highlights of many colors ofc)
Damn, my 5yo just wet her bed for the fifth time this week.
What do you call that state when you're past being past caring? I am past that, actually.
@sbi employed
@sbi Fifth or first?
@EtiennedeMartel Five in six days. And that other day was just me pulling her out of bed when she started to rummage through it in her sleep, and dragging her to the loo. Sigh.
@sbi Stop soaking her hand in warm water then ... :)
I'm hungry, I'm getting some food.
I dunno what you're talking about class deknok_t :P
@thecoshman Well, then I am either unemployed or retired now, because that's what follows emplyoment, right?

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