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what about the making time for people who you normally wouldn't?
let's try the friends thing...
Clang is just... so... bad.
I make time for my friends throughout the year. The people I cherish the most, I always make time for, whenever, wherever
yeah... me to...
though I really do need to be more proactive with them
@deadmg I remember you always praising clang o.o
I need to stop simply responding to them
@Ell you must be mistaken
@Ell I've never praised clang.
The puppy wouldn't praise saying things are shit
DeadMG and praising something in the same sentence. Are you out of your mind?
it has one of the worst interfaces I've ever seen
The puppy doesn't praise things, he breaks things down, and preferably to their very core
One hundred trillion Z$ to someone who'll go to the shop for me
shop online
or whatever
Yeah my bad :P
@CatPlusPlus You're one of those huh?
Forgot that nothing is good :P
@CatPlusPlus woth notihng more then the entertainment value
No I'm lazy and I don't like shopping
^ cattitude ^
It's worth 7$ now man
last I heard, Z$ where not treated as as a legitimate currency in any country since it became so worthless
@je4d You're bad and you didn't set up the profile properly or gave me wrong ID
@thecoshman It's collectible now
oh look another bad person :P
The currency itself is defunct
They just gave up the idea of national currency altogether.
@CatPlusPlus like I said, worth nothing more then entertainment value
Though, I wonder what would happen if they want to reintroduce it... I guess all the old money would have to considered gone, with an entire new range of notes and coins
I have about 400 billion third reserve Zimbabwe dollars at home
@thecoshman In case you are not aware, the rebooted the currency four or five times before giving up.
ho boy
Like "1000000000 of the old ones are now just 1 of the new ones".
it's a new low for Clang's API
The notes are probably worth more in material
not only do they have magic invisible variables, but you have to set them in a magical unspecified order you can't possibly determine except by reading the source code
and they don't create them for you even though the creation function takes no parameters.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, but they never fully dropped it between each 'reboot' did they
@thecoshman They just replaced all the old bills by new ones.
@R.MartinhoFernandes indeed. Fbut for the last decade (even longer I think) there has been no ZWD
perhaps yet another reboot could work... though I imagine the country needs a lot more work before it is even considered
What this picture by the PR dudes at Ubi Montreal is not showing, is the brown liquid slush on the ground.
@EtiennedeMartel ooh, the clever feckers
@EtiennedeMartel We have that too.
Mostly gone by now though.
It is annoying as fuck.
Fuck this weather.
@EtiennedeMartel this is where you work?
@TonyTheLion No. This is where I used to work.
hey guys. Anyone familiar with access?
oh so, silly question, did you enjoy working for Ubi?
@Crowz To your mom? yes.
@StackedCrooked D:
@TonyTheLion it was cool. But I was on a small team working on a prototype, so I did not experience the crunch, which I hear is the worst part of game development.
@EtiennedeMartel What brown liquid slush? You mean the driveway snow?
@Rapptz Yes.
@EtiennedeMartel The 'But' in your sentence is obsolete.
see y'all
I have blinds to be buying
@EtiennedeMartel That always makes me sad. Snow looks so pretty when it's white until you look at it in the road or in driveways.
@Crowz No one here cares about your databases.
Why don't you ask on Stack Overflow?
@ScottW All labradors say that.
That too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm banned from stackoverflow :(
I think I know why.
But just so you know, using chat to circumvent that ban is not something the mods like.
There's always experts exchange.
@EtiennedeMartel oh cool :)
I just want this stupid thing to stop complaining about referential integrity
@StackedCrooked FUCK them hard!! I hate that site!
You won't find pity for having a question ban here.
Quite the opposite.
@TonyTheLion Your sarcasm detector must not be working properly.
@Crowz I am, but I hate it. I'm willing to try help you, I make no guarantees though.
@StackedCrooked Expert Sexchange?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hatred and rage?
@Crowz lol @ u
If you want to help him, do it on some other room.
@EtiennedeMartel He might try to ask his question there..
@StackedCrooked It never works properly. I have stopped trying to make it work. I just assume you're all serious at all times :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes A room that he can access.
@TonyTheLion Your mom pays me for sex.
@StackedCrooked Well then, I shall have a chat with her later on :P
@Crowz saying what exactly?
We have to move to another room
oh a potential troll
I'll keep it in mind
We made the msitake of helping him once, and now he thinks he's entitled to our help for any subject.
I need to come up with a bunch of questions to ask this interviewer over the phone
"What is the copy constructor?" is usually enough to sort the clowns out.
presumably, he would ask me that, not the other way around
What do you mean?
Oh, I thought you were interviewing someone :)
Ask them if they have free drinks.
Ask him anyway ;)
Ask them how they rate their own code base?
I got stuff like, flexible hours, workstation specs, admin rights (thanks for pointing that out sbi)
if they say anything better than average, you know they're lying
ownership of unrelated creative output
oh is this for Oracle?
Is the workstation better than MooingDuck's?
a place here in the UK
@DeadMG Fun fact about this one: it's hard to get.
ah right
I heard he's at 2 GB RAM with Windows XP
@Rapptz What about his?
@EtiennedeMartel Maybe where you are.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe it's because I work in games.
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm. I don't think that they can own the stuff I'm already working on.
@R.MartinhoFernandes My home craptop is better than his workstation :|
Would be funny if Wide was a hit and the puppy got nothing because a former employer screwed him over.
@Rapptz Ow.
My IPE skills :)
@DeadMG I guess they can put anything they want in your contract, with the logic "if you're not happy you might as well not sign it and go work elsewhere".
@Rapptz I get the "Ja" and "Nein" parts.
And "Funktion", I suppose.
Original I hope..
@Rapptz "original must be changed", "function needs a local copy", "original is small/efficiently copyable".
I got the gist of that
It's easy when you know the subject matter.
Apart from subtype polymorphism and non-copyable objects, did I miss anything?
...and rvalue references :)
you neglected to mention what happens if X is a template parameter and you have NFI if it's cheaply copyable or not
no templates yet
That's why I wrote X instead of T :)
Isn't the committee looking into automating the choice between T and const T&?
@Rapptz: Translation
    Original should    --- YES -->   X&
       be changed
        N O
    The function needs --- YES -->   X
      a local copy
        N O
    The original is
    small or can be    --- YES -->   X
    copied efficently
        N O
         +----------------------->   const X&
Oh but.. he already.. Thanks.
The N, O and V look like a face :)
Yours looks aesthetically pleasing
The last arrow should turn to the right..
Oh no, I have put my ancestors to shame.
@FredOverflow I doubt it.
@FredOverflow Just noticed the face. Looks like a parrot with an eye patch :D
@DeadMG Pretty sure there was a proposal with a new syntax like T@ or something. Oh wait, it was | not @ :)
Q: what does >> do in c++

ragei'm going through google university section on c++ and i'm not sure what this piece of code does: if(!(cin >> input_var)){ cout << "you entered a non-numeric. Exiting... << endl; break; } What does the statement inside the if statement actually do here? thanks!

It's always interesting to see these questions get multiple answers
@Rapptz Standard issue rep whoring.
It's an easy question, so you see people rush to answer it in the hopes of getting some rep.
I just noticed.. Google University..?
The harder questions are only answered by either people who know what they're doing or by idiots who post crap which gets instantly deleted.
@Rapptz I prefer Stack Overflow University.
Look, even @LuchianGrigore is in there.
It's like throwing a bleeding cow into a sea with piranhas. It always gets messy.
@EtiennedeMartel For some reason that made me laugh, lol.
Well, he's the only repwhore I respect, because at he's not claiming he isn't one.
@EtiennedeMartel I never left.
Oh noes unresolved externals three minutes before I leave? Nope dee doo.
@Rapptz I'm a moron. I clicked on both links and kind of expected different results.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I guess you might as well leave three minutes earlier.
That's what I would do.
Look at me grabbing my coat.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, I"ll openly admit I was repwhoring for about a week (last week). Mostly curious if I could keep up if I tried (yes, I did pretty well) -- but I'm not ambitious enough to keep it up for long.
that guy was supposed to be phone interviewing me fifteen minutes ago
> What can Brown do for you?
I'm starting to think that this Winter is a marketing stunt by UPS.
I foresee that you are going to imply self-harm or something.
@DeadMG You mean alcohol? Nah.
Tea supply restocked
Ich bin wieder da.
@CatPlusPlus Success.
Now put rum in it.
@FredOverflow ew a pipe character. That's fugly as hell.
I don't have any rum
Q: Using structures larger than 2GB in C++ on 32bit linux machine allocated on the stack

crazy_pantsI was wondering if anyone knew what switches to use in a makefile, or if there are any, to allow creation of objects larger than 2GB on a 32bit linux system (running in pae mode) with plenty of ram available. I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried -mno-red-zone -mcmodel=medium -mcmodel=larg...

He obviously prefers wodka.
One has to wonder what exactly you need a 2 GB struct for.
For storing data.
Woah my Chrome just literally exploded
@Insilico he's nuts.
well, he is @crazy_pants ;) — AK4749 14 secs ago
@CatPlusPlus did smoke come out of it?
@ScottW You attacked that poor guy?
I thought you were a good boy.
Wait, that's a guy being arrested?
Oh. You're a good boy then.
Android toolchain is worse than C++ toolchain
Of course. It's Java.
I need to install this shit in a hermetically sealed VM or something
Your pic looks more like a model than a techy +1 — Jawad 1 min ago
@EtiennedeMartel You have balls posting that here :P
I see pillar with a few globes.
You should see your doctor.
@TonyTheLion Just to satisfy @sbi's attitudes about Americans: How I get home from work.
BTW, I did try the linked things, AK. no avail. And I'm putting it on the stack for speed purposes. — crazy_pants 3 mins ago
@EtiennedeMartel I seriously question the legality of that? I mean, really? How many people want their photo's just used anywhere and everywhere without explicit consent?! Fuck you FB! FUCK YOU!!!
@DeadMG The OP is certainly living up to their username.
@JerryCoffin hahah :)
@TonyTheLion It wouldn't be the first time Facebook wanted to do something completely stupid.
@DeadMG lolololol
@Insilico Seems like. The stupidest ideas first.
@TonyTheLion The more real question is, how many people will become aware of the change and care enough to stop using Instagram and delete their photos?
It's interesting that the same policy doesn't apply to photos posted directly to Facebook.
@TonyTheLion You can delete your account until January. To continue using the service you need to agree to the new terms.
and in how many jurisdictions is the change unlawful?
@DeadMG Wouldn't be in virtually all of them?
@Insilico I doubt it.
@DeadMG I don't have any photo's on Instragram, so I'm lucky there.
It would certainly set a precedent, should it go to court (which will happen if they follow through)
@DeadMG Yep. My guess is that they're betting most users won't care.
It seems that Facebook management have virtually no tact whatsoever in their day-to-day business.
And that only a small but vocal minority will oppose it.
@Insilico Why whould they have any? They're making enough money as it is.
@Insilico More accurately, they're simply very, very desperate to get back the $1bn they paid for Instagram.
@TonyTheLion If I recall correctly it's illegal in Germany. §§32... UrhG or something similar.
Being a douchebag is a very effective business model these days.
hmmm, wouldn't surprise me
@EtiennedeMartel I think you've summed it up there :)
@EtiennedeMartel Atilla the Hun tells me that's nothing new.
@EtiennedeMartel Sure, but Facebook's douchebaggery reaches quite a new level.
Imagine if Flickr did something like that? I mean WTF. They'd never get away with it.
@Insilico That's called innovation, right?
@TonyTheLion Well, only time will tell if they actually would.
douchebaggery == innovation??
@R.MartinhoFernandes Only if Apple does it.
@TonyTheLion I think the robot means that they have innovated in the douchebaggery department.
I wonder if Hanlon's razor can still be reasonably applied to this situation.

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