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I was more referring to how the append implementation works
yea, but append is the operation of adding to a list of some kind
how it works, ok
but from what I get, this is merely a statement of "this has been appended to that"
the base case is that append( [], L, L ) is known to be true
for any list L
I got that far
yes, makes sense
so if you query the Prolog interpreter
?- append( [], [ha, ha], X )
it will use that base case to bind [] to [], and [ha, ha] to L, and X to L
and since L is bound to [ha, ha]
and since X is bound to L
this binds X to [ha, ha]
and you get the result that X = [ha, ha]
binding still sounds exactly like assignment to me
it turtles all the way down
well it only involved the base case
this like recursion, with base case
so more general query involves the recursive case
working its way down to the base case
which results in variables becoming bound
but I'm still not seeing how append( [], [ha, ha], X ) is fundamentally different to X = append( [], [ha, ha] )
I guess it's just how it works is different, but it produces the same result
for one thing, with other predicates you can get a sequence of different bindings that all satisfy the predicate
perhaps it's better to start at that level
you can add facts to the Prolog database
@AlfPSteinbach seems like transitivity is a keyword here?
likes( john, mary )
likes( john, agnetha )
likes( mary, dolly )
yeah, I can grok that
then you can ask a simple question, and Prolog will answer "yes" or "no":
@AlfPSteinbach are you referring to the sheep dolly ?
?- likes( john, elisabeth )
so presumably here Prolog says "no", that's not a known fact
and you can ask more generally, with a variable (uppercase),
and who decides what the implementation of likes is?
?- likes( john, X )
likes doesn't have an implementation
and then Prolog will list all bindings of X that matches the known facts
it's a fact
like X = mary and like X = agnetha
oh I see
and this is also what happens when you "call" append
it tries to list all bindings of the variables that matches the known facts about append
no, I get that part
I get that PROLOG proves that the appended list is the only viable "return value"
I don't get how the append implementation actually causes that to happen
no you can even use append in "reverse"
like, you can query
?- append( [bah], X, [one, two, bah] )
and in this case Prolog will, I think, produce the binding "X = [one, two]"
that's kind of interesting
uh uh
still only "kind of"
well, that's better then "not at all" :)
I'm impressed that it's more flexible than I had previously seen - my lecturer failed to mention that fact
it's a general binding, not a computation of a single function result
and it's not even a computation of a single set of bindings
it's a computation of the sequence of all sets of bindings that satisfy the facts
then if u want we can see how that "reverse" call is computed
but i think you maybe got it?
no, I'm still completely in the dark as to how append actually accomplishes anything beyond the base case
the definition of append has only two facts, or assertions, whatever one may call them
append( [], L, L )
which is the base case, and
append( [X|L1], L2, [X,L3] ) :- append( L1, L2, L3 )
hm windows update wants to restart i think i got it to wait
now you write query
?- append( [bah], X, [one, two, bah] )
first Prolog tries to match that with the base case definition
it does not match, because argument [bah] does not match [] in the definition
but computer says no, so it checks the next
then I think argument [bah] matches the definition's [X|L1], with X=bah and L1=[]
I have to write weasel words "I think" because it's 25 years ago so I'm not entirely sure about lists
assuming that match, then
it's ok, I can grab an interpreter
argument variable X is bound to formal L2
and argument [one, two, bah] is matched with formal [X,L3]
@AlfPSteinbach No excuse needed. I guess you, me, and @Jerry are the only ones here who even have a chance to remember anything 25 years ago. @DeadMG likely didn't even exist back then. :)
I most assuredly did not exist
I can see how L3 ends up with everything in L1
but not how it ends up with anything in L2
well it seems that I have veered off into error land
in that first matching
i think that to teach Prolog I would have to install a Prolog interpreter and try this out
he he
but anyway, you can read the ":-" in the definition as an IF
so if you can prove the right hand side, append( L1, L2, L3 ), for some binding of the variables, then you have proved the left hand side
and then this binding is one of the "answers" to the query
hm i can see you getting ulcers if you have no prolog interpreter
that's because you got the append definition wrong :P
append([X|Y],Z,[X|W]) :- append(Y,Z,W).
yes, i missed the periods
it has a | in the third argument of the non-base case
you put a ,
append([X | L1], L2, [X | L3]) :- append(L1, L2, L3)
as opposed to
yes, sorry
hm. i'm not sufficiently remembering prolog to teach it. but i recommend clocksing & mellish book, if u can get it
oh, it's cool, I got it
seeing the (proper) definition again jogged my memory
it's still ridiculously roundabout
my lecturer set me coursework about four cubes, each side with one of four colours
I should print the cube arrangements so that each side of a stack of the cubes shows each colour just once
a successful solution is where each side shows each colour just once
is it possible to define "structure" equivalents in PROLOG?
possibly as lists
instead of taking some cubes and computing the result of the stack, I should just generate all the stacks, and then pick the ones made of the cubes I've got
as it were
let me guess: prolog lists don't exactly support list[i] style indexing
probably not
but with lisp the language ended up supporting many imperative constructs, for convenience and efficiency
so maybe the same has happened with prolog
Answering PHP questions: "For a fistful of reputation".
see, I was just going to represent a cube as a list of colours
answering MySQL question: "For a little reputation more."
but how am I going to access the individual faces?
this kind of basic thing is why I dislike PROLOG
@DeadMG From this perspective, Prolog is pretty similar to Lisp: you pretty much treat any list as the head and the tail (car/cdr), and the only individual item you work with is the head.
so how am I going to do something like "The fifth element is x"?
@DeadMG IIRC, it's basically similar to append -- you append 4 items together, then your new item, then the rest of the list.
i think you can maybe do simple facts to simulate structs
facecolor( cube1, 0, red )
facecolor( cube1, 1, blue )
gotta take the cubes in from input
I think
you can add facts dynamically to the DB
why did nobody mention that before?

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