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With all the panic over privacy today I wonder how the phone book ever managed to exist.
then for gold -> 100 10+ answers
@JohannesSchaublitb Ever since they instituted the rep cap, I've said the cap should apply per-answer, not per day.
@Xaade What? And how do you solve it in an honest way then?
@StackedCrooked People panicked when they got calls while being on the national do not call list.
by what year will someone hit 1 mil rep?
@MartinhoFernandes That's the question..... define honest?
All it said was compute at compile time.
answer - 1 + 1 is computed at compile time.
Go ahead and post that answer.
@Xaade Every time my phone rings I experience a miniature nervous breakdown.
See how many upvotes you get.
That's my definition of an "honest answer".
A: Why didn't they like this code?

Martinho FernandesYou're doing manual memory management. That's not a good idea. In fact, that's something that you don't need to do at all in modern C++. You either use automatic objects, or use use smart pointers to dynamically allocated objects. In your case, there's no need to do dynamic allocation at all. In...

@MartinhoFernandes No, that's your definition of popularity.
I use automatic memory management. I let the OS deal with it after my application exits.
Seems like I'm in trolling mode..
Read the comment by the interviewer himself in my answer.
The world is small.
@StackedCrooked I never leave trolling mode.
> I don't always troll.. -- the most interesting man in the world
I work at work, I see no point in being serious here.
@MartinhoFernandes The interviewer, or an interviewer?
@CatPlusPlus The.
At least that's what he says.
> Having been the interviewer (...)
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding something.
Yeah, but I'm still not sure he meant that.
isn't that a template picture
for lolcat people
Businesses still can't find an algorithm for interviewing....
It's possible.
Happens a lot.
Apparently managers can't learn social skills.
@JohannesSchaublitb, but I like this one
@Xaade actually the word is dominator skills
I'm so happy I didn't have to go through any interviewing.
he's not a drinker, because he still has his hairs
I don't see the correlation.
@JohannesSchaublitb drinking causes hair loss?
I believe that stress causes hair loss, and alcohol reduces stress...
If you intimidate the people you're interviewing purposefully, it shows that you'll never be able to make them better.
Living causes hair loss. Stop living!
Intimidating Management is a cover for poor leadership skills.
My interview was 50% about network technology and 50% about programming. I couldn't answer any of the questions about the network technology. In fact I wanted to work there to fill this gap.
being man causes hair loss
i wonder why nature made it that way. it makes men look ugly
my shower floor agrees
@JohannesSchaublitb some women lose their hair also
My wife insists staring at a screen causes hair loss.
we should do like the romans: shave it and use wigs
@CatPlusPlus Only if you're not bald.
@StackedCrooked To fight lice?
@Xaade so we never need to worry about hair loss
only about wig loss
which is probably more embarrasing
That can be easily fixed.
sewn into the skin
Wigs are a good OO design. They can be repurposed to solve all kinds of hair loss....
@StackedCrooked at that point you should keep your hair
@CatPlusPlus By the way, I'm re-installing Cygwin, and which packages was it I needed again?
@StackedCrooked Actually. They've sewn snaps into a guys skin so he could snap his wig on.
@DeadMG gcc, make, tar, autoconf, automake, binutils.
@DeadMG I point the package directory to my external harddisk, so that i can quickly set it up again after a reinstall
You reinstall it frequently?
@CatPlusPlus wow you know them? I always end up installing perl-dev or something to pull it all
@Martinho yeah
Ugh, Perl.
@StackedCrooked Why?
Is it unstable?
@StackedCrooked Sure, why wouldn't I?
actually, it's been a while since my last reinstall now
I've never reinstalled Cygwin.
I still think this whole thing is bullshit
no reason Bison can't be platform-independent
@MartinhoFernandes often because my system is slow and my HD is rattling for way long much after starting up
It's a workaround.
@StackedCrooked slow system, reinstall?
Is it faster to reinstall than to launch.
I have used disk images to quickly restore to a fresh install.
@DeadMG Sure, but GNU software tends to do that. autotools and POSIX vomited all over the codebase and not a hint of portability.
@StackedCrooked But reinstall????? What problem are you solving?
I've never reinstalled an NT system, either.
Are you losing disk space to disk corruption.
@Xaade solving slowity
@CatPlusPlus They don't want people to switch to Windows.
I don't know what you people do to them to make it slow.
How does reinstalling speed it up?
@Xaade a fresh install is faster, isn't that common knowledge?
Coz Windoze iz eval1
@Xaade yes
No, it's not common knowledge?
Windows slowing down due to age was a problem of Windows 98, mostly.
well, I've got nothing against software being non-portable if it actually needs OS-specific functionality
even the dev saying "I can't be fucked to write the OS-specific parts twice"
It never happened to me with a NT one.
Seems there is a problem with the program getting corrupted if it slows down with use.
but software that could be completely written in Standard C++
@Xaade and when deleting all user files and uninstalling all applications from windows it mysteriously still uses more disk space than a fresh install.
GNU is all over C and syscalls, apparently.
@Xaade I highly suspect VirtualBox
oh, and what was that make thing?
And you've got HDD what? 500GB?
config; make; make install; or something?
@JohannesSchaublitb I like your first answer with all the ...s better so far :)
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-rpath --disable-nls; make; make install
@Stacked Which windows are you using
@DeadMG ./configure; make; sudo make install
It's Cygwin, there is no sudo here.
oh I know there's no sudo
I've been using OSX for almost a year now.
@CatPlusPlus ok, just drop the sudo
@Stacked you said uninstalling all apps from windows....
Not mac.
I'd rather use && instead of ;.
@Xaade yes, i said that
If shit hits the fan, it stops there.
@Xaade before using OSX I used windows
I'm confused..... is your mac slowing down?
@MartinhoFernandes I usually issue them separately, anyway.
@Xaade not really, perhaps a little
Yeah, I don't have that problem in Vista
Vista slows down if you run apps too long.
You had me at "Vista".
Not a memory issue, not a processing issue (both are low), it just slows down.
Again, I've never had that problem with any NT. Well, I've never used Vista.
I also have Windows 7 on bootcamp, and it's pretty good
Close stuff and it returns to normal
Vista isn't that bad....
Firefox can slow down considerably after a while, but not OS.
It isn't that good either.
It's a load of myths, or you people are doing something weird to your computers.
I don't know. Had a vista machine for a long time now, I don't seem to have the problems everyone has.
Of course I have a 3gig quad core, and a ATI 5850.
Yes, I'm sure GPU is relevant.
It is if you're running heavy graphics.
I never had any issues with Vista or XP or Windows 7 slowing down
Vista starts to slow down after runing 2gig processes for about 3 days.
Doesnt the newer versions of firefox also use your gpu?
But I think I restart once a month.
@Collecter Yes, they use GPU-accelerated graphics.
Never restarting probably has something to do with Vista slowing down.
@Xaade You don't mind Windows Update nagging you to restart?
I never had problems with not restarting.
@MartinhoFernandes It still nags you? I shut that off a long time ago, I manually check it.
Where can I buy some problems? I feel left out. :(
You can buy my problems.
@CatPlusPlus You can take them off me.
Get the HOA out of my hair.
@Xaade Oh, I can't shut if off :( It's a domain policy at work.
Don't use their domain.
And what? Don't work?
Sounds like a plan.
I read ladt night quite a bit about rvalue references (&&) ... is this for real or I'm just having a bad digestion nightmare?
See how long you go before they notice....
Does anyone know an online free service that I can use to implement a highscore server?
HAHAHAHAH.... rvalue references...
Someone else that doesn't get the joke.
Wait a minute.
@6502 It's a sweet dream.
They put that in there for fun. It's not real.
I don't know how you people lived before those.
Well, it's not that useful.
@xaade: yep... that would be nice... however with the implictly fined move constructors you cannot just ignore them
@6502 Yes, you can.
Um, that's kinda the point.... you can ignore them.
If you have an rvalue and you ignore it, you're not going to use it anyway.
You don't pay for what you don't use (generally)
@martinho: you mean you can just ignore correctness ad live happy with segfaults?
@6502 What segfaults?
segfault.... wtf....
What segfaults?
@6502 Are you actually getting segfaults right now?
We're developing a hivemind here.
You only get those if you mess with stuff and do it wrong.
@6502 You should never have that problem, if you're not writing a resource-managing class then your member variables will move themselves just fine without your intervention
Because if you're not, then how the hell are the rvalue references going to help you?
ZOMG.... if you manage to accidently "move" something, your program won't magically deconstruct it.
if you are writing a resource-managing class, then yes, you need to define a move constructor, just like a copy constructor
and if you already have a resource-managing class which defined an explicit copy constructor, there will be no implicit move constructor
i.e., if you adhered to the existing C++03 rules about how to not massively cock it up, then you won't get bitten at all
It's good to know that there's a man behind the curtain, but it doesn't change much, Dorothy still uses her shoes to get home.
Wait, what?
suppose I've a vector and an integer that is pointing inside it with a specific meaning... the implicitly defined move constructor will move away my vector data, but the integer will still keep its value, becoming out of bounds.
Meaning, it's good to know about move mechanics, but if you don't use them, everything still acts the same way.
@6502 "Move away"?
@6502 You point with pointers, not integers.
@6502 If the vector gets moved away, your class will never be accessed anymore, that's kind of the point of rvalues
@MartinhoFernandes Unless he means an index.
@6502 Yeah, Scotty Meyers noticed that, too. Seems to be a boundary case.
so you don't have to worry about the integer being out of bounds
If you have an addressable object, then it's not subject to a move without your explicit permission.
@EtiennedeMartel In that case, it's still a valid index.
deadmg:it will be destroyed
and accessing the vector in the destructor was probably a dumb idea anyway
Can you post some code?
Let's just say, NOTHING gets implicitly moved that you can explicitly access later on.
what if you did something perfectly legal and swapped it with an rvalue in C++03?
I really don't see the problem.
C style just to piss you off!
@6502 Yeah, show us some of this code that ignores r-value references and segfaults.
So no, implicit moves will never affect you.
Backward compatibility implies that if it worked in C++03, it will keep working in C++0x.
For most cases, that is.
@xaade: what you mean? Class::~Class can surely access it
Yeah. Damn you, narrowing conversions!
Yeah, but I mean, when your code sucks, you can always blame the compiler.
Code or it didn't happen.
@6502 Why are you referencing an indexed item in the array's deconstructor?
If you want to demonstrate something, post the code.
Code please.
Then we'll have a base for discussion.
Or no discussion at all.
Right now it's some imagined problem about nothing.
@CatPlusPlus Isn't that 90% of this rooms talk?
the other 10% is sex!
You know, you can give a pointer to a base class to the delegate contained class, but don't access the base in the delegate's constructor....
@hexa I think Tony would disagree with those proportions.
@Etienne: that's the point... it's well possible that perfectly valid an idiomatic c++ will break in c++0x... and this just for adding an implictly defined OPTIMIZATION
@6502 I doubt it.
Well, we can either discuss a problem, or throw around random remarks with no meaning.
@6502 Now stop whining and show us the code.
@6502 No.... by definition it CANNOT.
code is not your penis. don't be shy, show us
@6502 Firstly, that's a massively niche case, and secondly, rvalue references are vastly more than a little optimization
perfect forwarding and move semantics are essential for the correct semantics of many classes
just look at how broken C++03's std::auto_ptr is
Come on, scientific method, the burden of the proof is on you.
I didn't say little...
and thirdly, rvalue references can be a MASSIVE optimization
I'm still waiting for code.
several orders of magnitude, in some code
Um, no, it's more than optimization because perfect forwarding keeps rvalue references as rvalue references, instead of autofuckingly turning into lvalue.
Woah, not a temp anymore.... crap
it's like the C++ language defect of having DEFAULT dispatch being static (wrong) ... just on a gigantic scale
Code! Code! Code! Code! Code! Code! Code! Code! Code! Code! Code! Code!
@6502 Now you're just silly.
and move-only classes like unique_ptr are very important
@6502 Now that's just very wrong. Static dispatch is absolutely the right thing to do by default.
Yep, even C# does it.
@6502 Performance.
Because C++ tries to follow "you don't pay for what you don't use" philosophy.
Dynamic dispatch has a runtime cost.
Not just that. Design too.
Most of the time, you don't need dynamic dispatch.
Designing polymorphic classes is not simple.
So you can have dynamic dispatch, but don't have to pay the potential price when you don't need it.
classes should be designed to be subclassed, or not subclassed at all
@6502 Because meaningful subtyping has to be designed from the start. You cannot just inherit from everything and expect it to be meaningful, anyway.
Java did it wrong.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, Java did nearly everything wrong. :P
This is a case of random person trolling C++ sucks because it breaks all the time, without having any actual proof that it does, and most importantly, without being funny.
@CatPlusPlus Java 1.5's enums are cool.
I think that this guy just hates C++ , and now he's looking for reasons to hate it even more.
Just sugar. That compiles to crappy bytecode.
@EtiennedeMartel Wow, you said what I did in shorter. I think we invented flame golf.
I win.
most importantly the impression that i got is that c++0x increased complexity by a LOT... probably the last thing that C++ was in need of
@Xaade Well, it's not really trolling, Scott Meyers noticed the problem, too.
I win.
@Xaade There must have been like 5 seconds between our posts.
how many do you hear that say that C++ is SLOW?
I win.
@6502 Not many.
Most of them are C programmers.
And C++ still rapes the shit out of many languages.
@6502 Well, C++ must be the slowest compiling language that I have ever encountered...
If C++ is slow, damn, then very few things are fast...
C++ desperately needs to redesign its compilation model.
@CatPlusPlus Yep, we need modules.
@EtiennedeMartel Which is particularly funny, given that C is the one language C++ is guaranteed to at least tie, and usually beat, in terms of speed.
@JerryCoffin But new features are BLOAT and BLOAT is SLOW AMIRITE.
@CatPlusPlus Definitely.
And the old features suck.
Bloat is so slow, look at Python!
@FredOverflow Hmmm.... I don't think I agree with that much.
(This does not make any sense, I know)
instead i keep fixing c++ code from people that didn't really understood implications of iterator invalidation, or that don't get the logic used during construction or destruction (for example about virtual functions)
I cringe every time I hear "bloat", because it's mostly used by people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
If something is temporary, and implicitly moved, then you need to account for class data, or don't move it.
@6502 Yes, C++ is not easy.
I still haven't seen the code.
Yeah, we know C++ has the worst programmers in the world.
Moving is implicit, but operations that move are explicit.
That doesn't make it a bad language.
@CatPlusPlus You're wrong on both counts. New features are not necessarily bloat (otherwise we'd all still be using non-macro assemblers), and features don't necessarily mean slower either.
People write crappy code in all languages.
C++ was already a mined field with a huge quantity of subtle traps... and now rvalue references just increase those traps by a lot
@JerryCoffin Your sarcasm detector was off?
In what case do you have something that implicitly moves that you magically have some reference to and want to use later.
"Bloat" would be a cool name for an esoteric programming language where defining a function requires at least 8 XML schemas.
more difficult to write crappy code with haskell
@JerryCoffin You're far too serious for this room. :.
@6502 Example?
"They see me trollin', they hatin'"
@StackedCrooked Java?
@MartinhoFernandes close :)
@EtiennedeMartel yes -- I disabled it last night. I'm testing out my new "closed captioning for the humor impaired", but it apparently isn't working at the moment.
@MartinhoFernandes WSDL.
@EtiennedeMartel Spot on!
WSDL. shudder
@MartinhoFernandes the Eclipse framework is horrible at those things
@EtiennedeMartel If I hear you saying things like that any more, you're going to have to wash your mouth out with soap!
@JerryCoffin How can you hear something I wrote?
The Java Framework Standard requires every framework to use at least 10MB of XML.
No, I don't get it..... you don't move something if you still have a valuable reference to it. Moved objects are left in zombie state which makes them useless.... How can you say that moving out of an object I don't need makes its data invalid. I thought such would be non-issue and be common sense... mostly.
@EtiennedeMartel You don't hear the things we say here?
@EtiennedeMartel it would indicate he's really near to you and hear you abuse your keyboard
@EtiennedeMartel You've never heard of a screen reader? Chat is one of the few things I've heard they work reasonably well for.
@JohannesSchaublitb Well, he's not, unless... oh my god.
If you have shared data, you need to handle that in your class..... if it didn't move and copied instead, the data would still be invalid.
@Xaade Move along, this guy is a troll.
there is software that an prevent screenreaders from reading things off your screen iirc
He's not worth your time.
@Xaade Is there any formal definition of "zombie state"?
@FredOverflow Me on mondays
@FredOverflow A place where there's lots of zombies?
fredoverflow: not
@FredOverflow I have a formal definition of zombie state..... Using zombie object is UB.
using a moved from object is UB.
Undefined Zombehavior
Moved from objects should have valid state after the move.
I thought you were talking about Wisconsin (disclaimer: I'm Canadian)
@Xaade Then what happens when the destructor has its way with a zombie object?
@JohannesSchaublitb Maybe I should talk to the people who handle the software intended to protect children from the horrors of the Internet, and see if I can't get them to block "WSDL" and such -- probably more valuable than what they try to do now...
Does this chat have an API? It would be great to have client that reads incoming messages aloud.
Because they'll be destroyed, and dtor shouldn't have to deal with some undefined state.
@FredOverflow I'm not saying the data cannot be deconstructed. I'm saying the data is not valid. State is valid, data is not.
the destructor is C++ code... during destruction an object can be used for millions executed instructions (imagine a window object with gui widgets)
during this time may be it's a zombied window
@StackedCrooked With the number of streams there are? If you didn't have MPD, you'd get it pretty quickly...
Post the damn code, really.
Can I use caps?
@6502 my destructors always have for (volatile int i = 0; i < 10e6; i++) { }
Combo breaker :(
@MartinhoFernandes Fail.
@MartinhoFernandes CDOE?
Stupid chat rate limiting.
@6502 Destructor should be used for destructing..... If you're using the destructor as an opportunity to evaluate on the object, you're doing it wrong.
When a destructor is called, data is no longer valid.
Do not use data during deconstructor.
that's how you guys imagine me when I do one of those troll questions
@JohannesSchaublitb That's how I imagine any troll doing any thing.
they forgot to remove one of those blank teeth
when is the move constructor implictly defined?
This is absurd.... worrying about a human decided guarantee still being accurate in a moved from object. I thought that was common sense by default....
how useful is template metaprog on a scale from 1 to 11?
-1 or 12 depending on who's coding.
Over 9000.
Most of the uses I've seen were done to show off something.
Overflow or underflow is UB

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