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Wow! That's impressive, @FredOverflow! :)
@MartinhoFernandes Yeah, #defines are evil!
I could just have hardcoded the calls to compute<T>::value.
hi guise
finally back to university
Wow! Now they do CGI Nipples on a real person! What's this world coming to??
@MartinhoFernandes @JohannesSchaublitb seems to have found an elegant way to create the array.
Yes, with variadic templates. I was trying to keep myself in C++03.
@FredOverflow yeah I cheated :)
Here is what the preprocessor spits out:
> This message is too long.
unsigned crc_table[] = { f<0>::value , f<0 + 1>::value , f<0 + 2>::value , f<0 + 2 + 1>::value , f<0 + 4>::value , f<0 + 4 + 1>::value , f<0 + 4 + 2>::value , f<0 + 4 + 2 + 1>::value , f<0 + 8>::value ,
...you get the idea
@JohannesSchaublitb Does every instantiation have its own array?
there is only one array
Hmm, the outer loop iterations are all independent.
of course if you change computek and it yields to different values, there may be more arrays
Ah, and the array only lives inside the 256 instantiation?
@MartinhoFernandes Indeed they are. Makes the problem a lot simpler.
@FredOverflow yes
Sometimes I forget that each instantiation can have totally different members :)
Anyway, +1 from me, very impressive solution.
Hey @Tony!
Hey @DeadMG!
Have you parsed yourself lately? Did any errors come up? :P
your include guards are broken
that's the only answer to your question
post the contents of the Mammal header
here or in the question?
both? does it matter?
Not here inline, of course.
goddamn it @TonyTheTiger seems you broke the include gaurds!
@Als ok posted the mammal.h contents
and all the compiler errors
#ifndef MAMMAL_H
#define MAMNAL_H
notice the diff!
lol you broke it
oh ffs :P
Have a wall nearby?
damn damn damn
Go bang your head.
i need rep now!
I want to kill myself, what embaressment
What's a mamnal?
epic fail on The Tiger's part!!!!! OMFG!!!!
we all tend to do that from time to time!
we are human eh
oh but you are a tiger!
@EtiennedeMartel mamnal is an anal mam
shhh...the boss @sbi is in the house!
@sbi Wow, I didn't knew I had three middle ear bones.
I love how in this picture with mammals of several different orders, they used a picture of Brezhnev and Nixon for primates.
@sbi: well, we have got a gang of primates in here too!
Hmm... If I wanted to take a shot at the "Necromancer" badge, would there be an easy way to list all unanswered questions that are at least 60 days old, and that are tagged "C++"?
click the C++ tag
order by newest, go to page 20 or so
@KerrekSB I got that one accidentally :)
@hexa I also want the "unanswered" feature, i.e. no upvoted answers. But I got it:
@MartinhoFernandes How did you come across the question?
@KerrekSB I know, but that "unanswered" is too restrictive for my linking, I don't know :P
@KerrekSB It was on the front page.
A: Funniest or Strangest Compiler Error?

Martinho FernandesI just found this old screenshot in my hard drive. I can't quite remember what had gone wrong... and I am afraid to know:

there is this "user" Community, he bumps random questions he finds interesting
I've been seeing a lot of that lately
From the early days where this kind of question was still common.
@hexa: Who??
@Als it's not a real user, its part of SO's code or something
It's Skynet-Mini.
@hexa: Interesting
@CatPlusPlus That's the same as VC++ 6.0. It remained the "current" compiler for much longer than it should have (from 1998 until VC++ 7.0 came out in late 2002, nearly 5 years). Worse, while its compiler was somewhat improved, its IDE was utter garbage so anybody who wasn't pushing the limits of the language (and had an IQ higher than room temperature) continued to use VC++6. VC++7.1 improved the compiler a lot more, but its IDE was still garbage, so quite a few people still used it...
Room temperature in Farhenheit or Celsius?
Assume I got the spelling of Farheneight right.
@MartinhoFernandes Celsius. I won't let traditional use of an outdated scale where I happen to live weaken my insults. :-)
@hexa Oh yes, that's true. The community bot :-)
okay..din din time..
@Als Enjoy.
yeah :) I saw today one question from 2010 in my "interesting" page
@JerryCoffin: Thanks Jerry
@Als Surely.
@hexa did you answer it?
See you guys laters...have fun & a good day & weekend just in case we don't catch up :)
Als is a girl named Shirley?
@MartinhoFernandes: Someone is spreading rumors :P
@MartinhoFernandes Ah Leslie Nielsen....
@Collecter no :P
There's a recent question titled "Why didn't they like this code?"
@FredOverflow haha added a constexpr one
@JohannesSchaublitb where do you work?
im working for a german employer
okey, what do you do?
@JerryCoffin I'm pretty sure VC6 isn't from 1988. :P
@FredOverflow dunno whether one can completely eliminate templates
You need them for the variadics.
@MartinhoFernandes hmm with delegated constructors it may work
hm wait, one needs the index. nvm
Vacation time!
How long are you going on vacation for?
Argh, I ate too much
This afternoon will be quite productive.
^ Paper-cut finder (imgur.com/gfJ91)
Nice one.
lol @StackedCrooked ! I love hand sanitizer in my cuts
I ran out of after shave, and now i just use purell
It makes you feel alive.
Q: What's the proper way to declare and initialize a (large) two dimensional object array in c++?

allenI need to create a large two dimensional array of objects. I've read some related questions on this site and others regarding multi_array, matrix, vector, etc, but haven't been able to put it together. If you recommend using one of those, please go ahead and translate the code below. Some consid...

Anyone here that reads Slashdot? Has quality of the user comments there always been this low, or do I remember the past differently?
@Collecter Two weeks.
@MartinhoFernandes Have fun.
I will try :)
@StackedCrooked I used to read it, but have not visited in a year. Let me look
@StackedCrooked You remember the past differently.
can someone pelase help me with this question....I am trying to edit the navigation menu to add another option to the menu
Q: how do i find html of struts?

Jeff HodgeI am really new and not familiar with this...I am trying to edit this folder with a ton of files in it including .xml....I need to find the html part but it is using "struts" and I don't know much about it other than it being a Java MVC framework... How can I find the html part? the URL is http:...


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
I'm finding it unbearable actually. reddit.com/r/programming is like heaven in comparison.
This may seem odd, but I suggest asking Java questions in the Lounge<C++> chat. There is always someone there it seems, and I've had more Java ques. by poik
ya redditors can be pretty advanced when commenting
@StackedCrooked It seems to have declined a bit. /r/programming is good.
@StackedCrooked I've heard rumors that there were intelligent comments there for the first 14 days after the site launched
of course, few things are as bad as your typical youtube comment
It's like -x^2 with x > 0
@jalf I really want someone to make that youtube virus that XKCD talked about.
hehe yes
speaking of viruses
I find that +1/-1 vote systems, despite being very imperfect, help to keep quality above a certain level.
seen today's strip btw?
some idiot put a virus on my VM where all my msn contacts got 200 emails sent to them with a url linknig to test.php LOL
@jalf today's was a very nice one
i traced the idiot down, found him to be in Hungary, Geneves
@StackedCrooked didn't Jeff once make a SO blog post about how +1/-1 seemed to work far better than sites that only allow +1?
i have seen it
11 hours ago, by Martinho Fernandes
Fuck cancer.
@StackedCrooked yeah
@MartinhoFernandes Well said.
@jalf I didn't know that.
my friend was diagnosed with cancer 2 days ago :S
its so scary how just out of nowhere someone can be diagnosed with something life threatening
Living is life threatening.
I don't know which lanes make me sadder: the ones that go on, or the ones that just turn right.
i wish good luck to your friend
if your IQ became 5000 you would realize that living is purposeless because everyone is bound to die and everything is made to disintegrate.....so why bother living....ud prolly jump off a roof or a bridge into some cars, giving people with crappy car's the chance to use their insurance policy to shine their bling bling
er, why?
If my IQ became 5000, I would fix everything.
I'm pretty sure the rational response would be to make the most of your life
5000 wud not be enough
Don't ask me how, I don't have IQ 5000.
also, it is spelled "would", not "wud"
@JeffHodge Good luck to your friend. And just because life is intrinsically purposeless doesn't mean you cannot find a personal purpose.
@JeffHodge that sucks... Hope he's on one of the lucky lanes
from what ive heard, scientists are trying to figure out a way to do brain transplants so knowledge is not wasted, not sure how that works but it is the reason why they still keep einstein's brain
my friend is 16
she is still ni highschool
ouch, that's rough
If you have high IQ you might realize that since there is no purpose to anything and have a hell of a good time.
shes always been ranked top #1 in her class so I am unable to predict how this situation will impact her future
Einstiens brain has been split into many parts. We do not even know where half of it is. Brain transplants would not ever be ethical unless you could clone a copy of yourself, and even then it would be questionable.
@JeffHodge Just support her the best you can
Babbage's brain is on the British Museum though.
@Collecter they can clone already but problem is clones have a very short life.
@JeffHodge I know we can make clones. what i meant by could was afford to.
I think Schrödinger's brains are more interesting than Einstein's.
@MartinhoFernandes are you making a quantum joke?
why dont they use the soviet union's cloning vats?
@StackedCrooked You said "brains".
I wouldn't want to work there.
Isn't "brains" always plural in English, like "grafitti"?
Yes, "brains" is always plural.
what do you mean?
You should have said Schrödinger's brain
@StackedCrooked Why would it be?
a person has a brain, multiple people have multiple brains
those people that make grafitti have serious artistic skills
And "brain" is always singular.
Ah, I'm just confused. I remember hearing the phrase "having good brains".
Woa woa woa, something is not making any sense here.
But I'm not native English so...
those grafitti people make are really nice
@StackedCrooked Just an improper phrase. Sure your language has some too.
@DeadMG that sentence is poorly worded
@Collecter no, we don't :)
it can be read as if you have multiple people, each person will have multiple brains
yeah, I thought "brains" was quasi-official in English too.
Language Fight!
@StackedCrooked No slang at all?
Actually, slang means snake in my language.
@MartinhoFernandes LOL
nice try
@CatPlusPlus I'm pretty sure if it says 1988, it's simply a typo. Microsoft didn't have a C++ compiler at all in 1988. Their first C++ compiler was C/C++ 7.0, which was released (if memory serves) in 1991 or 1992. Visual C++ 1.0 came a year or two later.
But, actually it's reality.
Ok so, "brains" being used, but not refering to multiple "brain" means understanding. So you wanted to see Schrödinger's understanding, or intelligence
If you want to know somebody's password, create your own website with a login page and ask them to join your site.
@MartinhoFernandes that thing isnt very realistic....it doesnt necessarily man that my login password will be my favorite password
99% will use the same password on all sites
I don't.
I'm warning you just in case you try that trick on me.
I have a lot of passwords. a unique one for each email. One for random sites I do not care about, and a few for regular sites
my favorite password could be chocolate brownies because I like eating them but my login password could be f*eW4584@r!@#$
In truth, I don't know most of my passwords.
I have no idea what they look like.
So, you can't torture them out of me.
So you have a password manager?
i store mine in a DB XD
a smart thing would be to create an algorithm based on the url for each site to create a password for each login on a website
That would be removing entropy.
what does that mean?
Smart bull.
@JeffHodge In short, it means it's less secure.
@MartinhoFernandes That image is way too distracting.
i agree
It is very distracting
I... need... to... FOCUS
adblock to the resue :)
Just spam the room, and scroll it up.
Or validate the flags (I did.)
And I'm sorry for causing work not to be done.
supamu dewai nai
Oh boy, this went out of control.
I use one password for each thing but they are all variations of 3 passwords :P
WhoTF went crazy on the flags?
@JerryCoffin Of course it's a typo. I'm not that stupid. :]
Q: Game hangs while updating level in Brick Breaker. - Open GL.

virajI've written a simple brick breaker game using OpenGL and OpenGLUT. Everthing works as it should, except, when a level gets over, the game hangs. Any idea why ? I tried telling it to reset all parameters, but nothing works. :( #include <GL/openglut.h> #include <cmath> #include <st...

Everything works as it should, except it doesn't, here's my badly indented wall of code.
Oh, and I'm using the worst IDE ever created and can't use something as basic as the debugger.
Friday night party?
Is that an attempt at revenge?
I always like to one-up people.
@CatPlusPlus how do newbies keep stumbling across that broken POS?
Ease of mind again.
Oh, stop playing with the flags!
@jalf Lots of idiots writing tutorials?
holy shit what's with the flag spam?
@ErrorErrorError Is that you playing with the flags?
Stop playing with the fags?
@CatPlusPlus Oh, okay. I'm probably that stupid... :-)
right, I'm out. I'll be back later, when there isn't spam and flags and idiocy all over the place
i just got up and found out my entire workplace is empty
seems like its early release day
Hey, I have an even better idea. I'll just add that blue thingy to my UserCSS.
.flag-indicator { display: none !important; }
So easy.
what's this. 34 spam
@JohannesSchaublitb Somebody couldn't tell the difference between "cute" and "stupid"
wow @JohannesSchaublitb ur the highest rep person ive seen so far!!
whats the highest rep in SO?
You have to ask? You obviously haven't been here very long.
I'm #175 this month.
n hes only a member from 2 year....
2,345 rep.
We've contracted an idiot, it'd seem.
Someone's been hanging in the wrong rooms.
> Fully used your vote allowance
@Raynos Me too...
my deal is to now do 89 poor pointer answers, to get the pointer gold badge
@FredOverflow They're already computed.
i believe i don't even have to get any score for the answers! haha
> @Cat Plus Plus what IDE do you recommend, then ? I tried using eclipse and netbeans, but they were too impossible to setup. And I just didn't like Code::Blocks for some reason. The multicoloured editor seemed childish
@Xaade > Can you compute the table at compile-time, (...)?
You know.... I thought something along the lines with a flag being modified makes it dirty would be a funny slogan.... however all I can come up with is.... "Touch my flag, I like it dirty." I don't really want a racy comment, so I'm still thinking on it.
@CatPlusPlus linky?
Q: Game hangs while updating level in Brick Breaker. - Open GL.

virajI've written a simple brick breaker game using OpenGL and OpenGLUT. Everthing works as it should, except, when a level gets over, the game hangs. Any idea why ? I tried telling it to reset all parameters, but nothing works. :( #include <GL/openglut.h> #include <cmath> #include <st...

@MartinhoFernandes Yeah, array <> { onelessthanvalue1 + 1, onelessthanvalue2 + 2....
try "touch my falgipop" :P
Don't modify my flag, you'll just get it dirty...
it cant get dirtier than it is :P
in my constexpr solution , it sucks thast you have to do SFINAE to stop the instantiations
It can't get dirtier than it is, unless it was validated.
@FredOverflow array <> { onelessthanvalue1 + 1, onelessthanvalue2 + 2....
There, computed at compile-time
my new goal, write my own language
what's this array<> thing
@Xaade your second value is one too large I think...
@Xaade You know that doesn't even compile, right?
c++has no <> operator
@JohannesSchaublitb shit.... I can't type.
it's not BASIC
@JohannesSchaublitb that was pseudo-code
i waited at least 3 minutes before I reported it to you xD
@Xaade so what's new? :p
@DeadMG You can't parse.
@Xaade Pseudo-code has no compile-time :P
Fine then....
how is int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; not computed
How is NetBeans impossible to setup?
it's no more and no less computed than int a[] = { 0+1, 1+1, 2+1 };
It's just Next > Next > Next.
@JohannesSchaublitb I was thinking you and I should have a race to see who can be the first to get the silver "const" badge (though I'm probably starting a bit behind, since you were the first to get the bronze...)
@Xaade I completely can parse. I just can't, well, actually make an AST of the result
point being, that the compiler computes 0+1
hmm 44 answers
it also computes 1
The problem with coding puzzles is that they completely overlook the fact that you can hardcode the result.
it wasn't a puzzle question
@Xaade No, that's the problem with smartasses.
because there is no objective winner criterion
@JohannesSchaublitb And looking, I have only a measly 25...
@FredOverflow who will be the winner?
@JerryCoffin the minimal-answers thing sucks
it should instead at most take 10 scores from each answer, to avoid having one user get gold from only one answer
@MartinhoFernandes That's why you put in a file size restriction that's smaller than the hard-coded result.

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