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@jalf have you recieved outspoken badge?
can't remember. What's it for?
10 stars by 10 different members
Ten starred messages, I think.
10 times
oh sry
only 10 starred messages
I'd assume so then
It's a very easy one.
ah yeah
Got it
Just make two or three slightly original jabs at something and bam! Shiny.
I didn't read that close. I thought it said 10 starred 10 stars messages
by 10 different users
I got it on my first day. It's not ten 10-star messages, for sure.
Publicist seems to be the hardest one
The hardest one is Beta.
Jon Skeet gets paid of google for "different things". Star me baby, everyone agrees on this"
Publicist "Shared a link to a question that was visited by 1000 unique IP addresses in 5 days."
only 11 people got this one
Beta: "Sucker."
I will soon get my precious tenacious
Is that one of those for 0-score accepted answers?
As sure as the rain, martinho
That one is very hard to get for someone that is not starting now.
I'm trying to get "fanatic". Basically it just means "You're slacking off all day long, everyday, even on weekends." I don't know if it's really something of an accomplishment.
@kbok There's no "all day long" implication.
You just need to ping the site.
@MartinhoFernandes No, there is not, I just wanted to make it more dramatic.
Fanatic is easy, errbody can do it
Oh, scratch that. Precognitive is the hardest one.
Good luck getting that one on SO.
Though one
Tough one
If you go back in time, does that count as precognition?
That would be cheating.
And most of all: Lame
As if precognition is not a form of cheating by itself.
We should ask on meta
It's not Friday.
And I'm not in Iceland.
@kbok It's self-contained enough for me (and I was the one who came up with that guideline).
@MartinhoFernandes I'm no idea what "Beta" refers to, but to me it seems around here meta is wuite hard to take.
morning all
wondered, can you init base class members in the ctor of the derived class?
You're about two hours late @Tony.
lol, sorry :(
1 hour ago, by DeadMG
why don't you just say SEX and get over it?
Seems like it's just one.
Meta Police!! Run!!! :P
@MartinhoFernandes ohhh sex... what did I miss?
@TonyTheTiger You can call the base class ctor.
@TonyTheTiger No. You can assign to them if they're accessible, but by then they are already initialized.
@MartinhoFernandes and init through that?
@sbi oh I see... so maybe my base ctor should init them standardly and then the derived will just have to assign them their values for that derived object
oh hai
did you get DeadMG scared away from Hg yesterday, btw? I had to leave halfway through :)
Talking to me?
@TonyTheTiger The reason for this is that, when the derived class' ctor executes, all the base classes' ctors have already executed, and the base class sub-objects are already fully constructed. (Otherwise you'd have a partly-constructed sub-object. Trust me, you don't want that in your backyard.)
you and everyone else involved, I guess ;)
From what I heard, he's still using it.
Seems he's still ranty about it, but I guess that's normal.
@TonyTheTiger Better yet, if derived classes should have a say in their values, put a (potentially protected) ctor into the base class to which derived classes can pass the values of those variables and call that from the derived classes' ctors.
@ManOfOneWay give this message a star if it's time for lunch (pizza ur buying)
1 hour ago, by DeadMG
why do some of my files in my repo have giant red exclamation marks on them?
Seems he's still fighting it.
how do you quote old messages btw?
no, I'm not, they went away on their own
@TonyTheTiger That reminds me of that joke about that old couple, where she falls asleep halfway through, and the next morning asks him whether she's missed anything...
@jalf Just type the link.
@sbi hmmm that seems like a good idea
Jun 25 at 20:43, by sbi
Links to specific web pages (questions, answers, and user pages on the SE sites, Wikipedia articles, Twitter messages,...) will inline an excerpt of the page, when they are the only text in a message. The same goes for links to images. There's also an "upload" button next to the input pane, that will upload images to imgur.com, putting the link into the input pane.
@sbi lol hahah
That's from the newbie hints, @jalf. You might want to go and actually read them. :)
It appears many of the regulars never read those.
Ok, let me put it another way then. How do you get the url of an old message? ;)
I certainly didn't
Well, I just realized that text doesn't mention chat messages. <sigh/>
just interrupted when he tried to paste them :P
oh, never mind, just discovered the 'permalink' link
The arrow left of it (the one that gives the popup for the permalink) also works as a link.
Jun 25 at 20:43, by sbi
Reply to specific messages by clicking on the down-and-right arrow that appears at the right of all messages when you hover over them (or by clicking the v arrow as mentioned above and picking "reply to this message" from its menu). This will start the message with :NNNNNN, where NNNNNN is the message's ID. (You can also manually type the colon, followed by the ID. You can find any message's ID in the permalink to the message.)
See the last sentence.
@MartinhoFernandes Indeed. I only discovered this a while ago. It's a nice shortcut.
And most browsers will let you drag it into a textbox and automatically drop the URL there.
but that doesn't explain where you can find the permalink ;)
which was where i was stuck
Q: What is the easiest way to copy a nested vector in c++

YotamIn my code I have a struct named bead. and I have a vector which is defined as vector< vector< vector <vector <bead*> > > > boxes Sometimes, I need to make some changes to the boxes and I might need to revert those changes. What happen if I do the following: vector<...

Don't look.
Put your safety goggles first.
@sbi but you couldn't pass those value from base into derived through initalization syntax, could you?
Inconsistent spacing makes me so angry.
@LucDanton That only causes eye damage. Looking at the four-deep nested vectors without protection may cause brain damage.
@jalf Ok, I added that, too, to the hints. Next time I'll update them, they'll explain that.
I don't understand anything that goes on in the question so I assume it tripped some of my brain's defenses. Or broke it.
@TonyTheTiger ??
Maybe you should explain what your problem is, rather than asking about the dead end you ran into trying to solve it?
@LucDanton I warned.
@sbi I just need to initialize my base member variables to different values in the derived classes
the variables are all protected
so I can access them from the derived class
@TonyTheTiger Then why do you want to pass the values from base to derived??
@sbi well I don't, that was my confusion
I need to merely init them
Derived() : age(15) {}
however that doesn't seem to work, where age is a base member
and it's public inheritance
The constructors are called from the less to the most derived. That means that when your derived class constructor runs, they've already been initialized. You can reassign them, but that's not always possible.
@TonyTheTiger Ah, Ok. So, assuming you were asking about passing values from derived to base members: no, as I said, it's not possible.
A class, even a base class, should be a full abstraction, with ideally nobody, not even derived classes, knowing anything about its implementation. Actually protected is a code smell, although only a slight one.
@sbi huh? really a code smell, how so?
You can add a ctor to base: Base(int age) : age(age) {} and call that in the derived class: Derived() : Base(15) {}.
@TonyTheTiger It exposes implementation details.
@TonyTheTiger Because protected breaks encapsulation.
@sbi hmmm, but then the age old problem how to do it without breaking encapsulation?
just make my members public... cause I'm not sure what kind of an abstraction to make of this... hmmm
@TonyTheTiger Why would your derive3d class need to know about a base class' data? Why would it want to manipulate that directly? That seems like the base class isn't fully abstracting some concept.
Anyway, got work to do, brb
@sbi well this is a crappy school excercise I'm helping sb with
and they want to re-init all base variables in the derived objects
You can't change the base class? And it has no ctors that set those variables?
@MartinhoFernandes now it does
So what's the problem?
@TonyTheTiger Then "they" are a moron, tell them so, and move on
@DeadMG This is not the real world. This is school.
You can't just move on, because you'll flunk and not move on at all.
Sad but true.
I feel sick
Still that stomach thing?
@DeadMG hahah :P
Btw, the unordered_vector data structure you mention in your blog as a "bucket full of stuff" is called a bag.
I much prefer "bucket full of stuff"
Sometimes also referred to as a multiset.
But multiset is already taken in the stdlib.
multisets are ordered
The stdlib ones are?
they're sets, that allow duplicates
that's their definition
it's still associative, I'm pretty sure
Well, you have unordered_multiset in TR1.
same principle, just with a hash as a lookup
Yes, and it is equivalent to unordered_vector.
how, it's an associative container
bucket full of stuff is most assuredly not associative
Because it doesn't provide efficient retrieval?
what do you mean?
What does it mean for a container to be "associative"?
That it associates keys with values.
well, it maintains complex internal data structures which enable cheaper-than-linear lookups
which is definitely not true of "bucket full of stuff"
That's what I meant, efficient retrieval.
You can do "bucket full of stuff" with unordered_multiset.
Except with fast retrieval.
you can do, but it would totally violate the point
things like contiguous memory, for example, memory and time efficiency in constructing and iterating
@wilx That's maps and Co.
@Martinho: unordered works the same way, they just associate using hash instead of binary search
The sets don't have values (the value is the key).
just because they don't explicitly associate to anything else
does not mean that they are not associative
bucket full of stuff offers much greater memory efficiency and much faster iteration time, cache coherency, etc
So, it's a data structure optimized for iteration and removal?
well, it's just like a vector but it offers O(1) erase by swapping to the end
How do you find the element to remove? :)
well I assumed that you already had an iterator to it
still better than vector, which is O(n) even if you have an iterator
I'd offer that it looks like a fixed-size allocator with an unconventional interface but I'd actually have to read your post before commenting.
A: Why reimplement strlen as loop+subtraction?

UlteriorBecause strlen is considered slow and unreliable in all standart implementations, therefore everyone rewrites it. This implementation is a bit trivial, but leaves no questions

Anybody can recommend a good class/lib to handle TCP/ip connections?
Boost.Asio but it's quite the investment.
Cue Boost.Asio in -1... -2... -3...
On the other hand... what are the alternatives?
hmmm, boost is bit huge library just for the networking
I don't know any other non-native APIs.
worth of installing still?
There are several libraries.
@k00pa Why would you want to use boost just for the networking? ;)
@k00pa boost is a collection of libraries. Use the ones you want, leave the other ones alone
oh cool
any other choices?
Here, there are several links to various C++ sockets libraries: shell.sh.cvut.cz/~cxxwiki/moin.fcg/Networking
every C++ developer should have boost installed and available though
There are a lot of other Boost libs you could benefit from using in any nontrivial C++ app
I'd use it just for boost::optional.
last time I tried boost I failed to install it :/
but yeah maybe I should look at it again
boost::noncopyable is probably the killer feature for me ;)
and yeah, you should
@jalf Yeah, that's nice too.
I personally don't use it that much
Amazing how something so simple is so loved.
but I do use it when I need it
@DeadMG Is that because of the crappy exercise? :)
@k00pa It's available on my distro and I don't really bother building it myself, the latest features are always nice but I manage without.
@sbi nah, I probably ate something funny
Speaking of which, I'll have to check what's new in 1.47.
@MartinhoFernandes Phoenix v3!
All those oddly named Boost libs are really annoying me
makes it unnecessarily hard to figure out what they're for
boost::optional is a bit more descriptive than boost::phoenix or boost::spirit
optional, it's pretty fuckin' clear what optional is and does
Well, the fact that Phoenix is a fully-fledged library is more of an accident that went horribly right, isn't it?
@LucDanton I don't know. You tell me. I still don't know what it is
Functors everywhere!
Right. IIRC it was a demonstration of what Spirit was capable of.
@DeadMG yeah, exactly. or boost::thread, or boost::shared_ptr. All those have names that actually say what they do
And it grew from that (it migratated to Proto though).
an accident that went horribly right
> ...To Joel's dear daughter, Phoenix
Phoenix and Spirit and Proto and a couple others just make me go wtf
So it used to be deep inside Phoenix, i.e. boost::spirit::phoenix, much like there is boost::spirit::qi.
no, that's not true. I know what Spirit is, but not because it has a good name
Let's start naming libraries after people.
they could have just called it boost::expression_template_parser
@DeadMG Here. Warning, tvtropes link.
@jalf I don't like that one. Reminds me of Microsoft Bob.
@LucDanton Thank you for being polite.
So let's be fair: outside of Proto and Spirit (and let's give a pass for Phoenix because it used to be inside Spirit), what names make you go wtf?
I don't care what it used to be inside. It doesn't get a pass
@LucDanton What names are we talking about, C++ identifiers or general software-related names?
6 mins ago, by jalf
All those oddly named Boost libs are really annoying me
but those are the main ones I can think of, yeah
Right, most of them have sensible names.
(Also I don't really mind Proto.)
Like "Meta State Machine"
Weird, but descriptive.
On debian6, apt-get install libboost-all-dev should do the trick?
Wave, Fusion too, I guess
@LucDanton Oh, shame. I don't mind Boost so much. Open Source projects on the other hand...
@k00pa You get 1.46.1 in unstable btw
just bugs me because they're all relatively recent, and seem to break the tradition of just using boost::what_your_library_is
looks like other packets are 1.42
so I think this is 1.42
@KerrekSB Boost is open source (also free).
@KerrekSB You can't just name everything generically.
"Boost" is actually a cool name. It has "OO" and sort of sounds like "STL", too...
Like: Desktop Manager. PDF Viewer. Browser.
boost::some_word_my_first_girlfriends_uncles_friend_came_up_with is just stupid
@jalf So it's okay for Wave because there's nothing inside the boost namespace at all!
but think about "joomla", "django", openmoko", "openwengo"...
@LucDanton Not really, no
You can name boost libraries generically because they're a part of boost.
@KerrekSB Or all those words related to coffee.
@KerrekSB What about them? Boost is supposed to be a collection of high-quality generic libraries. Joomla isn't
And Boost has (had?) a tradition of very clearly named libs
Meh, who cares, it's a name. I like silly names.
@jalf FWIW, some tentative/proposed additions to Boost: Unicode, Locale, Process, Fiber, Move, TypeErasure
@CatPlusPlus I do, if I am reading code, or a blog post, referencing some library I'm not familiar, and where I have no clue what it is
Boost.Phoenix is a library that lets you periodically resurrect deleted objects.
And when you delete them, they burn down.
@jalf I just heard this once in a discussion about the public adoption of open source alternatives, and the fact that their sometimes ridiculous names aren't helping. That was of course a very subjective and possibly tongue-in-cheek comment, and I didn't make much of it at the time, but every now and then a name really makes you cringe. This isn't Boost-related, of course.
@KerrekSB yeah, that's probably true
Btw in .NET there is a concept named resurrection: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
A: When should a virtual method be pure?

roadrunnerWe should use pure virtual function if we do not want to instantiate a class but make it act as a base class for all the classes that derive from it. An important thing to note about pure virtual functions is that these functions must be overridden in all the derived classes otherwise the...

Using ugly indentation in the answers should be punishable.
@MartinhoFernandes and in C++ we might one day see resurrection of concepts. ;)
My pile of bugs is getting bigger, and bigger.
Maintenance sucks.
you need to maintain harder!
Type with more fury!
After all programming is just typing stuff on a keyboard.
FredOverflow calls it strong typing.
You know what's worse than C/C++? C\C++.
@MartinhoFernandes Maybe \C means something?
well, \ is usually used to escape something. So C escape C++?
I'd rather escape C though
Once you get used to it, it's quite pleasant to type: stackoverflow.com/questions/6843364/…
I don't see what the question has to do with either C or C++
if he had a native binary compiled in D or Haskell or anything like that, he'd be in the same situation
Q: Modify log class to accept variables in string - C++

Publeus GrantI am trying to modify my log class to accept variables in my string. For example, if I wanted to output that there are 7 players in an area. Here is my write to log function: void Log::writeSuccess(string text) { // Write the sucessfull operation to the logfile logfile << "<---...

@jalf "DeadMG++" has concepts! :)
btw, you guys got google+ ?
I have an invite pending acceptance.
it's Google-branded Facebook, and I never wanted to be on Facebook either
Does that count?
Depends on your opinions about Jon Skeet's salary...
@MartinhoFernandes I guess =)
@DeadMG I don't like facebook either
@DeadMG But I would like to try Google+ just because
just because what?
just because it's universally accepted to be identical to something that you don't like?
I hear it is significantly different in many aspects. Only the general idea is the same.
YEah, like less people in it.
@DeadMG just because to see what they have come up with
I tried google+, it sucks. Don't bother trying it.
Of course it sucks, it's a social network.
what is wrong with social networks?
do they make you depressed?
Q: Why reimplement strlen as loop+subtraction?

sharptooth Possible Duplicate: Why use “strlen30()”? Inspired by this question about the following code from SQLite3: static int strlen30(const char *z){ const char *z2 = z; while( *z2 ){ z2++; } return 0x3fffffff & (int)(z2 - z); } that is accompanied by a commit...

Keyup events make me depressed.
@hexa they require you to have a network to socialize with
and Perl
@jalf well yes, but that doesn't make them suck
@hexa it does if you don't have one ;)
@0A0D Hey
Is there a function to check if an exception is active?
my lifestyle doesn't exactly promote socialising, and I'm an introvert and don't really need it
@CatPlusPlus Aren't keydown events more depressing than keyup events? (It took me a while to decipher that statement, BTW.)
@LucDanton no
uncaught_exception returns true before a handler is found.
Oh well nevermind me.
@sbi Could be.
It's too bad it's not specified, try { throw; } catch(...) { return true; } return false; would do, wouldn't it?
if you use throw; and there isn't an existing exception, you get Undefined Behaviour
@DeadMG Plus you dislike FP.
@sbi I don't mind FP at all, I just don't think it's practical to engineer whole programs functionally
in fact, if you see my lexer code, it's very hard to say that that's not functional
well, actually, I'm completely not sure wtf style that is, I kind of made it up as I went along
@ManofOneWay yo
Parsec is cool.
I implemented try/catch but forgot throw
i swear, why do people have to look directly in my office when they walk by
thats why my PC does not face the door
because there might be something interesting there
they walk by and stare right into my office, so annoying. Cracked the door. Might as well say hi or something
Close the door then?
Open door are inviting the look.
@0A0D haha
Damn Amazon. "Only 3 in stock - order soon" And so I did. And they forgot to ship soon.
Amazon has disappointed me lately... I ordered a book and didn't get the notice that it shipped until I received it :(
Oh, then maybe that's what happened.
I hope.
This usually happens if I choose super saver shipping.
Which is the case.
Damn you europeans
But I've ordered with SSS before (well, I always do) and they acted like clockwork.
@hexa What?
@MartinhoFernandes Yea, it has only been lately for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with them dropping a lot of their affiliates?
Oh boy. I can forgive people not being able to articulate themselves in English.
But in a pseudo-codish programming language?
@MartinhoFernandes Well, the question shows total lack of research.
regardless of the poor sentence formatting
Dammit, it was closed as not a real question.
@MartinhoFernandes well maybe the OP will see your link
@MartinhoFernandes I ordered 2 books yesterday and since they are imported, they only say "maximum deliver time: 8 weeks", so anything is game
The last time it took 3 weeks
Oh fuck. And here I am complaining about a two day delay.
And I'm not paying for the shipping.

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