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What I'm asking is, if the functions expects an unsigned long, and I pass a signed long with the value -1337, the result will be undefined? or can i assume the MSB is the sign bit and it will be evaluated to a very big int? or something else?
@hexa It should rollover/overflow to a really high UINT
it may even go to 0
@hexa see here - ideone.com/FFx2H
yeah that's what i thought but i don't know if this is standard
Interesting... didn't realize MSDN Search had a 'refine by stack overflow' checkbox
@Rob wow, neat
Yea :p
A: Do you think that moderators from MSDN forums should use our answers word for word?

Won'tThis is nothing new. I called MS for support once on some very obscure issue, and while they were researching they sent me an email with "some things to try." While I was reading it, I was thinking, "damn, this is familiar." The tech had copied one of my blog posts detailing my issue and what ...

this is already happening :)
Heh, well at least users can now search SO content from MSDN instead of having to wait for it to be copy-pasted ;)
coffee, without it we would still be using windows 98 or linux 2.2
@Rob oh wow...
It's this friday.
Programmer's Day is Sept 13th
256th day of year
@0A0D A Friday, too, no doubt?
(Disclaimer: C#); Does this sound like a reasonable approach to organizing my logic & data access, or am I going crazy with patterns?
I have a UnitOfWork that encapsulates an IObjectContext (abstract so I can swap out contexts for testing), and exposes a repository of IQueryable<TEnity>. I intend to write MyService classes that create a UnitOfWork object for each method, obtain the repository, and make changes to the repository within a using(TransactionScope) block.
Maybe I should write up a SO question with code samples.
Yeah, that would be a good idea
I'll have to do that later when I get home from work :/
@sbi nope
@0A0D What date is it on a leap year?
@0A0D Makes sense
@EtiennedeMartel Haven't written up a question yet, but was thinking something along these lines:
edit: Nvm, formatting fail. I'll just post it.
> Convenient proxy factory bean superclass for proxy factory beans that create only singletons.
@StackedCrooked This is... a work of art.
@StackedCrooked Brillant!
@EtiennedeMartel are true hors d'oeuvre
This summarizes Java for me.
I am wrong or am I right? He says assign both fields at once.. but uses a ternary operator. Maybe I am just crazy, I don't know but that statement is misleading: stackoverflow.com/questions/6848922/…
@sbi my former company preferred junior programmers because they can still be "molded"
@StackedCrooked Yep, seen an article on the Fog Creek blog about that yesterday.
Anything that makes software development less of a sausage fest is fine in my book.
The first programmers were indeed women and they did know their stuff.
I saw an interview with Jean Bartik recently. It was amazing.
@EtiennedeMartel I think women are better analyzers than men anyways, it makes sense that they were the first programmers
Q: Is this a reasonable approach to organizing my business logic & data access?

RobI've been researching various patterns for structuring my business logic & data access, particular in the context of C# and the Entity Framework. I've come up with a basic idea of how I think I'd like to do it, based on several SO answers: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1169188/ef-objec...

@StackedCrooked The first programmer was Ada Lovelace, IIRC.
@EtiennedeMartel yes
ugh I hate cyclic includes and I hate OOP hierarchies and shitty school exercises that make you do them, wtf??!!
cyclic includes suck balls
oh yes they do and so do overused OOP principles
that stink like shit
I think boost does some trickery with cyclic includes.
Why are some people obsessed about things that they normally shouldn't be obsessed about? Sigh :(
@ArmenTsirunyan like what?
@TonyTheTiger I mean SO things... For example, although writing a thanks in advance after a question isn't encourages, some people are obsessed with it and take it as their personal resposibility to rid all questions of the courtesy thank you, starting rollback battles and moderator debates. Yes, it's not encouraged, but why be obsessed about it?
@ArmenTsirunyan cause they have no life and are sad
The rollback battles have usually more noise than the thank you itself
@TonyTheTiger I guessed so too :(
probably the reason they do it, so they can get attention and make a noise
about something trivial
why get rid of a thank you in advance? They should still accept an answer
argh, fuck you Bison
can't get it to support wide strings
failcakes :(
@DeadMG Who's Bison?
oh I see frustration...
@DeadMG failcakes??? can you eat it?
I hope so
@DeadMG I've always wondered what MG stands for. Is it a secret?
but I was 12 at the time so forgive me for not remembering
Oh, it's like when I thought the code for life was XBB5L - I was 7 :)
Dead Minuscule Grasshoppers? :)
Damn, I hate when Visual Studio throws an exception.
@EtiennedeMartel Does visual studio throw it or the program you've written ? :)
@ArmenTsirunyan It crashes while I'm editing some XAML.
@EtiennedeMartel I've invented a small code snippet that makes VS2008 and VS 2010 crash when you try to compile it :)
@ArmenTsirunyan I assume only the compiler crashes, and not the whole IDE?
@StackedCrooked Only the compiler :)
Here it is:
template<template<class> class> class Y{};
namespace N
template<class> class X{
Y< ::X> m;

int main()
@EtiennedeMartel Well what? :)
Is that even valid C++?
That's not a well-formed program because there is no global X
No, but only because there is no X in the global namespace.
but if you change ::X to N::X then yes, it's a well-formed valid C++ program
In any case the compiler should give an error, not crash :)
Also if it were Y<::X> it would certainly be invalid :)
@LucDanton I have deliberately put a space :)
@ArmenTsirunyan I don't doubt that.
how is int dummy::* legal? What is filled in on the right side after the :: by the compiler?

foo& operator=(int dummy::*) { return *this; }
@0A0D Usually there's a parameter name.
However it's not used in the body here so it's an anonymous parameter here.
FWIW data members can be used for pointers to member, not just function members.
struct dummy { int member; }; &dummy::member;
(Of course the type int dummy::* is valid even if there is no int member at all.)
writing a parser is hard
@MartinhoFernandes Damn, beat me to it
If you were a bad programmer and intended to have a variable indicating sex of type bool, which sex would you choose as true and why? xD
@ArmenTsirunyan women
I'd probably name it is_male and pick male for true.
I wouldn't, because then how are you going to include transsexual genders?
true would be male because it evaluates to 1, and that looks like a penis. and 0 looks like something that can fit a 1
cause they're awesome, though sometimes hard to understand
Shorter to type.
it should, at least, be an enumeration
@DeadMG yea, that's probably a good idea
@DeadMG Transsexual female goes with female, only one guess for transsexual male.
@DeadMG Don't forget you're a bad programmer and don't know about enums :)
@DeadMG What part of "bad programmer" didn't you understand? ;)
pretty sure that there's "in between" too
in that case, I'd pick women as true, because I prefer women?
@MartinhoFernandes create an class hierarchy with singletons
@TonyTheTiger Lots of 'em
@TonyTheTiger and factories
and name the base "Chuck Norris"
@DeadMG yes
You missed the proxy.
And if the Transsexual subclass calls GetGender virtual function, it will throw an exception :)
And don't you forget that std stands for sexually transmitted diseases "_
Uncaught Exception: Instance of std::bad_sex at 0x0BADF00D
Abandon hope all ye who enter here, is that like a phrase that could be used when entering marriage?
@TonyTheTiger The main cause of divorce is marriage.
I am not married to the chat
@DeadMG But you're in a committed relationship
@ArmenTsirunyan you'd think it would use a template
there is no commitment, I can pull out whenever I want
she thought you could to
@DeadMG but you've obviously, as the rest of us in here, abandoned hope already :P
Guys what do you write about programming language knowledge in ur CV? For example I don't want to just write "I know C++", because when it comes to C++0x my knowledge goes to zero.
that I am an Officially Stack-Exchange Certified C++ Expert™
@DeadMG So you explicitly mention SO?
Programming: Just like planning a dinner.
no, I was being sarcastic
I've never even written a CV
@Nils Then write that you know C++ and that you are aware there is C++0x. That's already a lot :)
but don't worry about C++0x
@DeadMG So u get jobs w/o writing one?
@ArmenTsirunyan hahaha
nobody implements the Standard
I don't have a job
@Nils he doesn't need jobs...
I'm a student
@TonyTheTiger He feeds on SO rep :)
but internships maybe?
@ArmenTsirunyan most likely
I think puppies feed on dog food.
not yet
@DeadMG I'm a student, too, but I gave a job as well - keeps you on a safe distance from too much math, you know :)
but I still wouldn't worry about C++0x, it's not unreasonable to not know that much about it
@MartinhoFernandes you mean puppy food?
I wouldn't expect C++0x to make much headway for a good number of years
i don't worry about things i cannot control
@0A0D no those things worry about controlling you, Big Brother :P
@nil I don't think you're right. Only lambdas are so f-ing awesome that everybody wants to use them right away
and rvalue references
@TonyTheTiger I am big brother
And variadic templates :)_
And auto
and decltype
@0A0D so you're Chuck Norris?
And everything in it pretty much :)
and static_assert
They might be awesome, but you try to convince a company that it's worth the risk of taking on a new version of a language
@0A0D You're a figment of our collective imagination?
@nil Which happens to be almost a superset ? :)
@MartinhoFernandes This is all the matrix. We will wake up soon in a pile of goo.
@0A0D I hope it's nice goo
@0A0D With a nonexistent spoon stuck in our anus?
@ArmenTsirunyan I don't know what you are into o_0
I found this one pretty good
@ArmenTsirunyan Problem is your logic follows common sense, their logic follows something that came from an old book bound in the flesh of human faces
@Nils What the hell does "Abstract Thinker" means?
@EtiennedeMartel It's when you can't define an instance of your brain :)
I'm an abstract thinker - I am completely capable of imagining a 4D object sodomizing a tree.
Means "Random HR-pleasing bullshit you can put in your CV because it's hard to assess"
@nil Or maybe you meant 4 spatial dimensions, which is more exotic!
@EtiennedeMartel Abstraction is common in sw development
Yo momma? Shrug
@MartinhoFernandes Today I was interviewing a guy who had "Expert in Computational Geomerty" in his CV. I asked him to write a program that would determine if two rectangles with sides parallel to the axes intersect. He said he hadn't had much sleep and whether he could repeat the interview in a week :))))
Something's wrong right now, I'm clearly not playing Batman. This is going to be fixed.
@ArmenTsirunyan Can I get the job?
@ArmenTsirunyan fail!
@MartinhoFernandes I guess so :)
@ArmenTsirunyan can I get the job?
@TonyTheTiger No I promised it to Martinho :)
@ArmenTsirunyan oh you! Curse you!
@TonyTheTiger I am already cursed. Gotta be... I mean, come on!
Is "Abstract Thinker" a good thing?
Most jobs probably want someone that can think in terms of concrete stuff.
@ArmenTsirunyan yea, you came to this chat
@MartinhoFernandes if you want abstractions yea
@MartinhoFernandes It sure "sounds" cool
What about "Concrete Thinker"?
I'd rather hire someone with both.
@MartinhoFernandes Sounds solid.
@MartinhoFernandes Sounds like someone who thinks about construction materials.
Anyone else is... a bit handicapped.
@LucDanton Ba-doum-tish
Concrete Doing and Abstract Thinking are good
Concrete thinking but Abstract Doing... not so
if you can't abstract think, keep drinking more beer
Beer doesn't make you think more abstract. Doing other stuff does though :)
But real beer.
Not that piss-in-a-bottle most Americans call "beer".
americans can't make beer or coffee
We get Coors Light here in Canada, and damn, it tastes like diluted urine.
damn typos
@hexa, lies
Try Bells Oberon
Is that coffee?
Belgians make good beer :)
When I see American coffee, I see huge cups of coffee.
No, it started as a microbrewery here in Kalamazoo Mi
If that was coffee like ours, you would probably have a cafein overdose or something.
ok this is fail
obvious troll is obvious
Silly cats.
But the guy must have really good aim.
Unless the cat was close.
/me looks at @CatPlusPlus
This has some Unfortunate Implications™
hahahafh LOL
I like "Additional details: no seriously"
yea rofl.

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