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03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@thecoshman that problem seems increasingly common. I get the feeling there was a time at work were we had time to do the important projects and some less important one. Nowadays it is choosing which are critical and hope we have time to do some important one...
I have worked out though I only need to get an average of 45% on what is left to get a 2.1 and If I can get 65% on average, I get me a first :D my second year was alight and modules I completed so far, so it pulls my grade up
hey, I'm at the high school right now.. may I know what does your timetable look like?
@BlackBear mine? lol, about an hour and a bit lecture on Monday Thursday and Friday. With about 2 hour lab session after each. We did have a second lecture on Mondays, but that module is awesome win and has taught us all we need for it already, so just left us to do that trivial course works.
@thecoshman so you're still at uni? i heard a guy who said uni is a waste of time because IT world is changing too fast nowadays. his opinion isn't this important to me but i was wondering if he's right..
@BlackBear I would say it's more of a reason to go to uni. Whilst you are not going to know the cutting edge stuff, it really accelerates you through it all. I am doing computer games technology, and we have been taught in a very evolutionary sort of way
we started of doing things in a basic method, and been introduce to new and more advanced technology. But even still, what we are learning is out of date
but I would rather be a year or two behind then a decade or two behind
@thecoshman and going to uni means a better work place i guess?
@BlackBear If you can show you have a decent portfolio of demo's then it may not matter much. But if you have 100 CVs in front of you, your just going to look at the 1st class degrees first. their the smartest right?
It's crude way of doing it, but thins down the numbers fairly well
@thecoshman probably yes :) would you suggest working first for a couple of year then going with uni or going directly there?
@BlackBear I figured just get it over and done with. Depends what your cash flow is going to be like. I am down to about £4 a day, and my girl friend has basically moved back to her parents and is sending me money.
Sure I spent a fair bit in the first year, but even if I hand't my loan only really covers my rent and bills, and I live in a pretty cheap place
@thecoshman that's the problem.. well, thank you very much! :)
i'm doing a simple game too :)
We have had a few talks from guys who worked at sony liverool. The thing that seems best to do, is work out what it is you want to do, be AI, Audio or whatever, and make cool tech demos
lol cool!
Make a little interactive water surface simulation for example, a sort of sandbox environment that really shows of your work. With a game you can sort of miss the trees for the forest... or the forest for the trees
I assume your into game programming then :P
yeah but i'm not that good (at the moment) :)
@BlackBear Its more about how well you can learn. which in theory is what a degree shows
i'm quite good at that.. :) i like learning new things..
@BlackBear One trick that the Sony guys told us was that if you do manage to get to the interview stage, try and get them to slip you a challenge or some sort of advice. Try to say your working on a project of some sorts, but having this issue, hopefully they will suggest a way of fixing it. then when you get home, by god make sure you make their suggestion work, and email the fellow and show him your work.
This will show that even in a stressful interview, you can listen and take on board what they say. Shows that you really can learn. It also means you will be fresh in their mind.
@thecoshman lool xD
Are you guys having the logout option being displayed on SO?
me no..
@Mahesh I've one on my page (click on your name to go there)
@AProgrammer do you know a decent profiler for a .net app?
@BlackBear me, for .NET? You must be thinking about someone else. I've never developed for any MS system.
@AProgrammer sorry, i asked the first person i saw.. :)
@BlackBear There is no arm. You simply must be aware that anything I can write on MS technologies is at best second hand.
@AProgrammer That's what you get for cutting off your first hand.
@Xaade ?
Self explanatory
@Xaade I see now. I was looking at "arm", leaving out the rest of the sentence, and no relations I found where meaningful.
8 hours ago, by sbi
@AlfPSteinbach Yeah, I can see that the logout option missing makes it really hard to switch between sockpuppet accounts. (IOW, I miss the problem with that.)
@sbi, you should have it here: stackoverflow.com/users/140719/sbi just next "Registered User". after "edit" and "add open id".
@AProgrammer Maybe. But my point is, why do you even care?
@sbi public computer?
there's the 'stay logged in' option
@AProgram huh, you don't use a phone?
@AProgrammer Ah. Having a laptop for work (which I carry between work and home), I tend to forget this.
Hey guys!
hey :)
I need some advice. :)
tell us
Would you implement parsing in an object or as a free function?
i would go for a free function, but i'm a C guy =p
Object. A parser has to maintain state. Making it global would usually be unwise, passing it around explicitly would be unconveniant.
@wilhelmtell The choice between a class and an algorithm is: if it has state that is to be kept between invocations (of the same or different algorithms), then it's an object. If you put data in, and get data out each time (where one of them or both could be void), and one invocation doesn't influence the following ones, then it's a function.
It's a recursive descent parsing operation. At first I was thinking as a free function, and so that's what I'm having now. Because just the term "parser" as a class name gives me the shivers. So silly. It's an operation! But now while implementing the first rule I see that some rules need the scanner, while others don't. And I think it's silly to pass the scanner to some functions even though they don't themselves need it; just the functions they call need it.
@sbi yes, it's the state, that's what i was asking myself. and i was thinking, no, recursive descent has no state.
@sbi but then, some recursive calls need the scanner (the terminal parses), while others don't.
@sbi so i'd either need to pass the scanner through all calls so the terminals can reach it, or have it otherwise accessible.
oh wait. i'm stupid.
never mind.
@wilhelmtell That's a high-level view which I presented. That is, a user of your parser might or might not be want a single function. of your parser might see a single function which he invokes. That doesn't necessarily mean that the parser doesn't need many functions, possibly with state to pass between them, in a form where
it should be ok if the scanner is a free function.
i won :)
(Sorry for writing so confused. I'm here with only one eye, the other one is trying to explain a teenager how to use amazon...)
"should parsing be an object or a free function" is also a teenager question of sorts. :-S
(can't delete me questions. fuck i'm looking stupid now)
@sbi Try with an 8 years old on your knees and speaking in a language while writing in another...
@AProgrammer what language do you speak?
@AProgrammer my dad did so.. that's why i'm a "programmer".. :)
@wilhelmtell My scanners usually had some state (say different sets of keywords depending on the language version), my parser as well (are we in error recovery phase?).
@wilhelmtell French, English. I also used to speak Dutch but I lack practice.
I speak southern, northern, western, and a little bit of chinese....
@AProgrammer What you might not know: I have more kids than some of the users here have had girlfriends. That teenager is just one of them. Another one turns on Sunday. There's more than one in between.
I used to speak English, but I stopped having a use for it anymore.
@sbi I've three and they are all at home. If you have more, you have all my sympathy.
@sbi .... It's stack overflow.... that's pretty easy to accomplish.
Anyway, some of them are looking forward to watch the second (in production order) Star Wars movie with me now. So I'll be off for the rest of the evening.
See you.
Last time I checked, asking whether a parser should be an object, didn't make the cut for a great icebreaker in college.
2 hours later…
Who is the fastest: give me the code to get the substring of a filename stored in a string by the name 'moduleName', such that you only get the filename without the path. Thank you.
I'll sip on some coke whilst you put your brains to work.
I'm too tired to look it up.
13hrs behind and I got maybe another two to go.
Normal friday
@72con And apparently too tired to even ask clearly...
srry about that.
I want the name.extension part of a full path.
You may expect a windows format path separator.
Okay -- for that, you'd normally use something like filename=string(path, path.find_last("\\")+1);
sweet.. thanks.
@AProgrammer You say this as if you were not at home. Kids are fun! Three kids are triple fun! Many kids are more than triple fun! :)
Kids are nice. It's a little weird how you make them, though.
@72con Actually not. It's fun to make them, too. You should try one day!
@sbi Only the first 15 minutes or so. The rest of it kind of sucks.
@PigBen Then you did something wrong. For me, it always got better towards the end.
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing.
@PigBen We were talking about the fun you have when making kids. And you?
Pregnancy is not so fun. Or so I hear.
@PigBen That's what comes after making them, though! :) Besides, if you pay attention to a pregnant woman near you, you will notice that, after the first three months (where you don't see anything anyway) women are usually rather happy and healthy. (When did you last meet a pregnant woman who caught a cold?)
Anyway, it's bedtime here. Good night!
template specialization issues. :)
I want to say if( s.pending<double_quotes>() ) ... where s is the scanner and double_quotes is a token.
The issue is that template functions can't specialize.
On second thought, that's a dumb thing to do. It's not a compile-time check by nature.
So how would you go around this classical issue of testing for a type?
03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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