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@RMartinhoFernandes there is a new version of the RC so maybe it will is just a bug that has now been fixed... <wishful thinking>
I can't find anything in the OpenGL documentation that implies you can't have a buffer bound while using VAOs. I found the opposite actually :)
@RMartinhoFernandes well, it is JOGL that is throwing this error...
Is JOGL still being developed? Wasn't it replaced by LWJGL or something?
A Google Code Search turns up lots of results with code (that I suppose is functional) that looks exactly like yours when it throws. Except not Java.
@FredOverflow JOGL is like a direct port of opgnGL (wrapper really) I think it might have been left idle for a while, but is currently under development for a serious modification, currently RC4. LWJGL is more like DirectX in that it is a lot more then the just 3D graphics
How goes it?
Good goes it.
@RMartinhoFernandes bad link for me :(
goes it well
Good. To whom who is having JOGL issues, try libgdx, you can switch between JOGL and LWJGL by just calling a different runner
@ÓlafurWaage yeah, but I would still have to rewrite almost all of my library calls to accommodate the wrapper
@thecoshman Dammit, chat ate a backslash. You need to add it manually before the (.
Ok, didn't know you were so deep into coding.
@ÓlafurWaage well, I'm not epically deep. Thanks for the suggestion though
Alrighty :)
this is the search query it is linking to glgenvertexarrays(1 lang:java
Yeah, but should be glgenvertexarrays\\(1 lang:java.
Dammit, chat did it again. FFUUUUUCK.
It's just one \ . I won't fight Markdown to get it there.
yeah I got it :P
If you remove the lang:java part, you'll see a bunch of examples with code similar to yours.
So, I can only guess it's some silly validation done in JOGL.
You're using 3.x or 4.x?
@RMartinhoFernandes erm... version 2rc3 (working on upgrading to rc4)
Oh, I meant the OpenGL version.
oh right... for the most part v4... but thanks to the way the wrapper works, it is hard to tell in places as it sort of separates out the different versions
Apparently, nuwen MinGW is gone :(
> I removed the distro from my website.
lame... upgrading to RC4 didn't solve anything :( was a long shot I know
@thecoshman Does it work without VAOs?
@RMartinhoFernandes er... :\ don't think so...
I think I am just doing something stupid with the VBO
No, I'm now pretty certain that you're not doing anything wrong (in your original code).
It's a JOGL bug.
@FredOverflow what's so good about it?

But I'm not in the helping open source sort of mood ¬_¬
@rubenvb It was incredibly easy to install, and it already included Boost.
And GL stuff.
@FredOverflow OK, the boost thing was easy :) There's good toolchains on the MinGW-w64 site too ;-)
maybe I should look into building and uploading Boost as well...
Anyone of you like to work with Ableton? I'd like to get that trip to NY. :)
> Skills & Requirements: We work in small teams with agile development methods (especially SCRUM), emphasizing good design, high code quality and esthetics.
What kind of requirements are these?
@RMartinhoFernandes fluffy managerial ones ¬_¬
@FredOverflow DO you by chance know how he built and included Boost?
@rubenvb I'm not sure if full Boost was included or just the header-only part (that is, no regex and no filesystem, right?).
> "How to explain? How to describe? Even the omniscient viewpoint quails" - Vernor Vinge, A Fire Upon The Deep
Have hard drive prices increased lately? I thought you could buy 1TB for 100 Euro?
STL has good taste in books :)
@FredOverflow Last January, I bought 1.5 TB for 80€.
1 TB is now 120-130 Euro?!?
You're being robbed!
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, TBH, I used to work next door to them, and the most I know about them are two young guys who would be down at the door having a cigarette when I came or went so often that we started to greet each other. Especially I remember them being there when I worked late, so I suspect they're working long hours a lot.
@FredOverflow overclockers.co.uk I think it works out cheaper depending on postage
Oh wait, only the 7200 rpm models are so expensive. I can get 5400 rpm 2TB for 110 Euro.
@FredOverflow and yes, they have... floods in Taiwan ring any bells?
5400 rpm is really slow.
I'm not gonna order hard drives online :)
Mine is 7200 rpm.
@FredOverflow ¬_¬ I don't follow...
@thecoshman Hard drives are really sensitive to shock, aren't they?
@thecoshman They come through the mail, and they're not something to be juggled around.
@FredOverflow dude... I have dropped many a HDD, even kicked a laptop or too. yet to brake one
@thecoshman Oh, typing "festplattenpreise" (hard drive prices) into Google is quite revealing. Apparently, the prices should reach "pre-flood" levels soon.
nah, HDD's are fine in the post
@thecoshman "brake" or "break"? :)
@FredOverflow "festplattenpreise"?
@FredOverflow latter :(
@thecoshman hard drive prices, as I noted in the parenthesis
dam I am shit at Englsih... the one that means they stop working :(
@FredOverflow you have a word for "hard drive prices"... wow, what a nation :O
That's "to break". "a brake" is what you have in the car, next to the gas pedal.
@thecoshman We don't separate multiple words as the English do :)
@FredOverflow I know the two words, I know the two meanings, what I fail to know is the mapping of word to meaning
For example, "computer expert" is "Computerexperte".
@FredOverflow well, hard drive may be, but why would concatenate "Harddrive" and "prices"
Because that's what Germans do.
You can either say "Festplatten-Preise" or "Festplattenpreise".
oh you crazy Europeans :P
Another example: "income tax increase" is "Einkommenssteuererhöhung" :)
@thecoshman That's only the silly Germans!
so... "removespacefromallthewords"
And Dutch, I guess.
@thecoshman If it were that simple.
@RMartinhoFernandes let me save you time, Europeans :P
German is like CamelCase, but without the humps :)
How do you define "data structure" to someone new learning them. (I couldn't explain to a junior , ended-up messing his head :D )
hiiiiiiii..is there anyone who is c or c++ developer.???
@FreakEnum Perhaps you should teach him the usage of common data structures. Later you can define the abstract term.
@FreakEnum ¬_¬ shouldn't he already know this...
@RanaS Lots of people here are C++ developers.
@StackedCrooked seems good Idea, I'll surely try that , Thanks
i want to know about main( int argc, char **argv ).... i have a .pcm file. i want to process it. with c code. i have less knowledge of c or c++
thanks for replay Mr./Mss R.
@RanaS what about it?
it is a file that is recorded from the magnatic strip.
it is the function that is used as the entry point to your program, ie this is where your program will start
i want to process it and want to get information from the sound file . i have a library.
but i m java developer... and confused to pass the .pcm file in function.
I see... well, do you have knowledge of any other programming language that you are able to use and has a library that supports this file format?
@RanaS I propose you start by reading a good C++ book. (And I am dead serious about it.)
yes , java.
then why not stick with Java?
can i give u a link.... please solve my issue..... i wil happy to study .c++...but i dont have enough time.
@RanaS I refer you to my previous post
i m not able to get library in java that do this work....
@RanaS As a Java developer, you will have next to no chance to get this up or running in C++, and you have no chance to deliver anything professional C++ developers wouldn't cringe about when looking at it.
@RanaS If you do not have the time to study a programming language before you start to program in it, then this is a serious problem for any language you attempt to dabble in. C++, however, is very different. And I mean the you-don't-have-the-slightest-chance kind of different.
@thecoshman Um, isn't Ireland European, too?
@RanaS Learning C++ for the sole purpose of processing a single .pcm file seems too big of an endeavor to me.
@sbi shhh... we don't need to bring up this point
dear i studied .. c and c++....
1 message moved to Sandbox
@thecoshman You're Irish? "Europeans"?
@sbi 404
but... my job is in java.......and i am not working in c or c++
well... .PCM looks like a very unspecific file format
@RanaS Then you won't be able to write a C++ program. (And why would we do it for you?)
i appriciate c or c++ developer.........whenever i got a chance to study..obviously i wlll do...........
@thecoshman Huh?
@RanaS And after you have done, you might be able to write a C++ program.
i m able.. dear....... i m working on android development.. and there is also native code run.
@sbi I clicked the link, 404 error... but then sandboxed it
If you're able, then what is your problem?
and i m not have much experience.. this is the begining of my developer journey
> Mary's "Virgin" Explanation Made Joseph Suspect Upstairs Neighbor
@StackedCrooked lol
@thecoshman You mean he didn't even take the time to try to post a proper link? Oh dear...
@RanaS Then expect a long way to go.
1 message moved to Sandbox
the project is in github. u can search as mslib.
this is c library....
And is that what you wrote so far?
@thecoshman PCM is mostly an array of shorts, as far as I can tell.
ok fredover
Do you want to analyze the metadata or the actual audio data?
Oh wait, does PCM even have metadata? Do you have a WAV file or raw PCM?
i have pcm file
that i download from a blog.
So is the file extension .pcm or what do you mean?
Do you know the format? Is it mono, stereo, 8 bit, 16 bit...
Do you know the sampling rate and bit depth?
its extention is pcm...
no .. i dont have idea
@FredOverflow well, PCM is normally Pulse Code Modulation
ok ..the cosh..thanks............i read it on google
Anyway, gotta go. Good luck.
i have implemented the code in my java project.
And why do you want to do it in C++?
only i am confusing......... how can i assign the pcm file to ..the main function.
Like Fred alluded to, you will need to know the format of the data. otherwise you will not be able to read it
@RanaS you mean, how can you pass it into the main function?
yes the cosh
actually there is . ..write it may come from .commandline.
@RanaS If you invoke myprogram.exe whatever.pcm then argv[1] will point to the w of whatever.pcm. But you probably don't know what that means, so pick up a C++ book, study, and come back in 2-3 weeks.
you never call main from your code, it is effectively called from the command line
so that i m in confusion
@FredOverflow make that argv[1]
@rubenvb right, corrected
FredOVerflow till then my boss will fire me
the two parameters of main are for passing your program from the command line
Then you will have to open the file and read the bytes. You may want to look into the <fstream> header or something to do that.
But now I really gotta go. Bye.
@FredOverflow he/she knows Java so I think sticking to that
So you mean your boss hired you to write C++, and you don't know a thing about it? And now you want the Internet people to do your job?
the cosh..by the way..i m he..
my means not to say that...dear R>
i m there just for help..... but i think lots of guys here for criticise...
From what I can tell @Rana PCM data is very 'raw' the file it self does not specify things such as mono or stereo, sampling rate etc.
i m beginner in java android development.
we are not criticising you, it is just you have come here with a rather vague problem that is clearly well above your current skill set
ok thecosh.
we are willing to help, but right now the best help we can offer is probably going to be that you need learn C++, find a Java library that supports this file format or learn more about this file format and write your own reader/writer for it
We still have no idea of what you have, what you need to have, and why you're not able to get there.
It's very hard to help you without knowing what your problem is.
did u visit link that i provide
Yes, what is it?
everything is clear at there....
@RanaS gave me a 404 error
the cosh ..visit github...
do u know github........there u can search mslib
> This is a library for reading magnetic stripes through PCM audio data.
Is this the code you're working on?
no offence, but I consider it fairly obvious that you are well out of your depth with this problem. Perhaps you should talk to your boss and find out exactly what it is he is wanting from you
@thecoshman I think he just wants to use the existing library
i want to use existing library.
Have you read the documentation? blog.tehinterweb.com/?p=117
only in confusion how to pass .pcm file... actually ..when i will call a function through my code...where i will set .pcm file .. for processing.
are you wanting to access it through Java? perhaps you should look into JNI or perhaps just port this code to Java
yes i read.
on this post i got a .pcm file...
yes i made it...i implemented jni
@RanaS so you have compiled this code into a native...
code is compiled well...when i compile it in netbeans. c++ development..
only confused to set ... c++ functionality........jni has set....... i checked.. it with demo
do you mind trying a write more complete sentences, it is rather hard to follow you at times
sir., if u will compile this library......where u will pass pcm file..
pardon thecosh
how you guys will implement this code in c++ project.... is .pcm file address pass from command line.
you know in Java, you might have an object called PCMdata and you would want to call something like PCMData.pass(pcmDataFile) well... this is C code, so the notion of objects is... complicated. That is why a lot of these functions take an msData structure
yes R. i see this example... this example code i have implemented.
I don't understand. What is it that you're not able to do then?
I think porting to Java is best bet to be fair
Dear R. when main function will call... what value i have to pass
rather then trying to use JNI
I see no reason to use JNI
there is two arguments ... one in args and second **argv ???
You don't call the main function. The main function is where the program starts.
You just invoke the program normally on the command line and pass it the arguments.
In your case, I guess it's just the name of the PCM file.
@Rana is your JNI dll the mslib.c or is it a program that has a main function?
R.Marthinho... in my case. i have to change main function that it mentioned in mstest.c.
But change it to do what? You haven't told us what you want to do yet!
i have changed the code according to my requirement...
@RanaS mstest.c is NOT the file to compile for JNI
It's just not possible to help you if you don't tell us what you need help with.
the function that i will call will to the main function operation...... it will take the .pcm file and compile..it
@RMartinhoFernandes from what I can tell, he is trying to use this library in Java through JNI so that he can decode data from an magnetic strip that is stored in a audio file
@Rana Listen, you do not need to call the main function from your Java code through JNI
if that is what you are trying to do, you are doing about it the wrong way
ok so , what i have to do ....
so that i m asking...how can i pass pcm file to the open function.. fd = open( argv[1], O_RDONLY );
if( fd == -1 ) {
perror( "Failed to open audio file" );
return -1;
well, the simplest answer is to just port the C code to Java. It may seem like more work but JNI will add an awkward layer of abstraction that will make you code very unmaintainable
Given a pathname for a file, open() returns a file descriptor, a small, nonnegative integer for use in subsequent system calls (read(2), write(2), lseek(2), fcntl(2), etc.). The file descriptor returned by a successful call will be the lowest-numbered file descriptor not currently open for the process. By default, the new file descriptor is set to remain open across an execve(2) (i.e., the FD_CLOEXEC file descriptor flag described in fcntl(2) is initially disabled; the Linux-specific O_CLOEXEC flag, described below, can be used to change this default). The file offset is set to the beginning of the file (see lseek(2)). A call to open() creates a new open file description, an entry in the system-wide table of open files. This entry records the file offset and the file status flags (modifiable via the fcntl(2) F_SETFL operation). A file descript
i m stuck... in ur answer.. dear R.Marthinho.
to be fair... so too am I... not sure what your getting at there...
I'm answering "how can i pass pcm file to the open function".
That's the documentation of the open function.
@Rana I would port this Java if I where you. it is not that complex a task. The one thing to bare in mind is the way this C code does not have a 'this'
i will try to implement it... but its really hard for me .. i have disussed this issue with a senior objective c/I phone developer ...but he is also in confusion...
Thanks thecosh..
the cosh how,,,u wll give me reply.... .. my id is [email protected]... i requested u. . please .. do something needful...
I am right at this: template<typename Base, Base> struct D{}; and I instantiate D with D<Base, Derived_from_Base> foo; >> there will implicit conversion from Derived_from_Base to Base at point of instantiation , right?
@RanaS Your boss has hired you knowing you are a Java developer, but would fire you if you cannot write C++? If that is true, you do need a new employer. Soon.
@thecoshman That, and pointers, and file descriptors, and memory-mapped files. I think @Rana has zero chance of converting that code to Java on his own.
sir , i m in a small organization. my basic job is in android.. there is nobody who works in c or c++.. boss will not fire me.. but everytime when he asked me about job.. i have only one answer ..sir ,,i am trying.. ..i got fed up with this answer.
for this task i have done too much R&D .after all i got this library... so that i m trying to stuck it
@FreakEnum You can't have a Base template parameter unless it's an integral type, or an enum or something else I don't remember.
@RMartinhoFernandes but Base is type parameter previously declared
@FreakEnum Right, but it cannot be struct foo {}, for example.
Thanks for your help guys... hope for the good times...
@RMartinhoFernandes It's non type parameter
It can only be int, or enum foo {};, or char*.
@RMartinhoFernandes aah right , but I can use pointers type as non-type parameter (forgot the theory from book )
And to use pointers there's also some linkage restrictions. I don't remember what, but I remember they make using string template parameters (char const*) incredibly painful.
@RMartinhoFernandes static_cast<const char*>("Thanks");
@RMartinhoFernandes yes they have to have external linkage with cstring
Right. That forbids using them directly, like foo<"blah">.
I don't know about other pointer types.
foo<'b', 'l', 'a', 'h'>
might work...
@StackedCrooked You're a anti-template fella :D
@Lounge<C++> what is you I'net download speed?
2 hours later…
you guyz alive?
@refp haha caught a zombie :D
@FreakEnum We're all @Dead.
Maths puzzle : There is a bacteria which has the probability of die 1/3 of its total number or it may tripled. Find out the probability.
As it stands, this is more of a language-puzzle - I have no idea how to interpret that.
@FreakEnum syntax error. Does not compute
@jalf get the Bacteria library?
I haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about
@jalf pardon me , Those were just random words
@jalf Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I hate when people down-vote answers for no apparent reason; stackoverflow.com/a/8547700/1090079
A: Select a random hash key

refpGet random value from %hash Store the keys of your %hash in @hash_keys. generate a random number between 0 and the length of @hash_keys get the random entry from @hash_keys use the acquired key to get your random value from %hash Example snippet: my %hash = ( 'stack' => 'overflow',...

@StackedCrooked What? Did you roll a dice to construct that sentence? :)
@sbi you have some funny dice in Germany :O
Q: Error when trying to use VBO "array vertex_buffer_object must be disabled to call this method"

thecoshmanEDIT I have effectivley re-wrote this question in order to greatly imrpove its quality - see revision logs if you must I have narrowed down my problem to the initialisation phase of my program, when I am trying to create my vertex buffer. The code that I am currently using is... vaoID = new in...

no last minute ninjas?
@sbi I said it before and I'll say it again :O
though... who is Ready?
wait a minute ¬_¬
I see what's going on there :O
@StackedCrooked That's old.
@thecoshman 1 minute is a bit tight
like I said, last minute :P
well... I still have 24 hours to aware bounty :P
Still fighting with the silly Java?
You'd write this thing in JNI, using working GL bindings, by now.
@CatPlusPlus say what? This is JNI ¬_¬
it is just 'done' for me already
I mean using JNI directly, and writing GL code in C++.

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