Conversation started Jul 31, 2015 at 15:50.
Jul 31, 2015 15:50
@ArtjomB. that seems iffy to me, especially since a mod reopened it once already.
Well with those scores, it isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I don't see how there could be any other answers that would be of value to that question, and it isn't a good example of an on-topic question... so why not close it?
But, it was reopened by shog
I don't completely agree with Shog in this case - so I've closed it
where did the cat go?
@cimmanon It's off-topic and I don't agree with Shog9's assessment that it's not off-topic, because it's hard to find the download link. I've have had problems finding the download link to a library. Should I ask a question? Certainly not.
Jul 31, 2015 15:56
I agree, it is a request for an off-site resource.
@gunr2171 ?
your avatar changed
We were talking about vampires and garlic yesterday.
as in vampire OPs
Jul 31, 2015 15:59
any word on if you can kill a vamp with garlic flowers? I don't have any vamps around here to test with.
We have a code word for that in the Python room website
I like that code word
@TinyGiant err... you might have had half of your flags turned down btw regarding the comment thing
Damn... guess not then
No reason on any of them?
Jul 31, 2015 16:07
I wasn't the mod that handled them... and by the sounds of it, I mis-lead you to a possibly incorrect action of the way to deal with them
so my bad - and apologies :(
@JonClements What are y'all talkin bout?
None of the questions are even close to the amount of views that would hold them back, most of the comments were just asking for clarifications that never came, and all of them are abandoned.
All zero score with no answers...
Jul 31, 2015 16:10
apparently just vote it to -1 works I think
Brad Larson♦ asking about audits made from bounties: Should I be concerned about Featured Questions inflating votes?
Oh... theres nothing about that in the roomba posts I've seen.
@TinyGiant well - I didn't even know that comments could keep a post alive anyway
still new, trying my best to help the community though, sorry! :(
Well, if that is true, it is good to know. Maybe that should be added to
Sorry, I'm not complaining, just wondering :)
Jul 31, 2015 16:12
I know you're not, I just feel bad about it is all
@ArtjomB. That's interesting. All questions about how to make node.js stand-alone windows executables. 2+ years ago I found 7 dups, I bet there are more now. Almost every answer points at a tool. So... are we dealing with "tool" questions that should be closed individually, or just pick one as the grand-daddy?
@TinyGiant "If the question is more than 365 days old, and ...", last condition.
@Deduplicator That doesn't say anything about -1 questions having more than 1 comment
@Mogsdad I have looked for a good target, but haven't really found a good one that combines everything. That's why a chain of duplicates if probably best.
@TinyGiant Sure, it's only the 1y script.
@Deduplicator So is there a better post documenting the roomba scripts?
@durron597 nope - it's gone
@ArtjomB. Will do. Funny, I don't see newer ones. Kinda thought I might.
4 years old, very little views, no other activity... potentially biased answer, and the question is a resource request anyway
That was tool - pob - too broad - not about a specific programming problem. I think it's thoroughly off-topic
Jul 31, 2015 16:18
@durron597 I Looked at it, but there was nothing to be saved.
So sad.
The problem with roomba scripts is that there is a rate limit at what is actually deleted. I know that Shog9 said that users without visible posts are deleted slowly, because there are so many of them (or something like that). I would think the same is true for question deletions.
@TinyGiant No, that's the one and definitive post.
@TinyGiant You can also look at the "How does deletion work" 10K-privilige-help, but for roomba it links there.
@ArtjomB. it's not.
All qualifying questions are deleted whenever the scripts run.
When that is depends on the script
Some only run weekly
Jul 31, 2015 16:26
I think the only system delete-rate-limit is for abandoned accounts. Unless I missed an update there...
Do questions that fit the criteria otherwise for the year-old deletion script, but have comments get deleted if they are scored -1?
@TinyGiant Than they fit the 30d-script.
Ohh... totally missed that.
@Shog9 Thanks for the clarification.
Good to know
Jul 31, 2015 16:29
@JonClements I'd like to hear your rationale here.
@Shog9 sure - here or the blue room?
@JonClements here is fine, since @ArtjomB. may have feelings as well
@JonClements @Shog9 If you don't mind discussing it here I would like that.
I'm entirely emotionless ;)
I have to agree with shog on keeping it open
Jul 31, 2015 16:36
To clarify - are we talking about this
@JonClements yes
I'ts nearly 2 years old... everything is pretty much links to what can be done - it should probably be a wiki at best... it doesn't need more answers
from my reading, it's building nothing but a list of "on this date - see here, on this date see here, on this date see here"
Is there any way to get a list of questions that have delete votes but aren't yet deleted? I'm continuing with the clean-up of source-code, and would rather pile-on than be the first dv.
@Mogsdad not by tag, but in 10k tools is a general list
@Shog9 the most recent answer being "Spring repositories can be downloaded here, the latest being 4.2.0 (release 31-Jul-2015)"
Jul 31, 2015 16:42
@ArtjomB. Thanks - close enough, I guess.
@JonClements yeah, that's a mirror of the link in the top answer (or vice-versa, not sure)
Seems if it's worth keeping, it should be wiki-locked like…
Which is a problem with the answerer not perhaps reading the top answer, or perhaps a rep-grab.
I still see a need for having this information available though.
Search for "spring framework download" - this question is the top result.
@Shog9 imho it's still a give me the link question and all the answers are here's some links
That'd be a problem if, say, the next result was the actual download link
Or maybe the third result was
Or the 4th
but they're not
This isn't simply a case of "the link is hidden" - if you go to the framework page, the only download information provided is for build managers. Which I'm sure is a good way to set it up, but clearly an awful lot of folks have had the need to download this directly; IMHO, the utility here overrides any theoretical concerns.
This isn't a recommendation request (which is how you closed it)
There's no subjectivity
There is a framework
whose maintainers, for whatever reason, strongly encourage the use of build systems as their only distribution mechanism
Jul 31, 2015 16:46
The subjectivity lies in the choice of the download process I guess
@ArtjomB. In which case we're rather actively serving the community by allowing them to be vetted rather than relying on, for instance, some sketchy SEO-gaming host to mirror modified versions of the files...
The proper answer is the official repository, which is linked.
Removing that would be a disservice
A comparison could be made here to similar questions about downloading Flash updates - another scenario where the publisher goes to fairly ridiculous lengths to make them less than obvious
So, the answers make the question on-topic then?
Q: Where to download Flash Player for offline installation?

jakub.gI can't find Flash Player download link which will give me the full EXE/MSI file, not the tiny downloader which downloads data from the internet. What's the proper download site for this?

@ArtjomB. how is the question off-topic?
@ArtjomB. Looking at it again, the question isn't asking where it is asking how
He's not asking, for instance, "Which site would you suggest I download Spring Framework from?"
or, "What's your favorite 3rd-party all-in-one distribution of Spring?"
Jul 31, 2015 16:51
however the title is: "Where can I download Spring Framework jars without using Maven?"
He wants the damn library, the official version, and for whatever reason the maintainers made this simple thing non-obvious
There are similar examples for other libraries / frameworks on SO, BTW
and there's a myriad of answers with different results
@JonClements Thats easy to change especially since the question has
>Does someone know how to get the latest build without Maven/github?
JSTL has had sort of a history of getting shuffled around w/ resulting broken links - so they started maintaining an up-to-date download link in their tag wiki, with a corresponding Q&A to point to it.
As a side-effect, the JSTL tag wiki gets more visits than just about any other tag wiki on the site.
(which is a pretty sad indicator of how useless tag wikis are by default)
I like the Python wiki.
Jul 31, 2015 16:54
There was a lot of effort put into the Python wiki
There are a lot of good wikis, but unless they get linked to from questions they don't get many visitors
Right... I'm not expert in that field.. don't need to be to be a mod... I found the question broad, all the answers ending up being links that can go out of date, so I closed - if there's users that want to keep a CW - I'd be more than happy
@Shog9 If that question is on topic, we've been deleting a lot of on topic questions in the source code cleanup effort recently.
@durron597 example?
Jul 31, 2015 16:56
@durron597 that question kinda sucks.
it's a duplicate of
Q: Where to find Java JDK Source Code?

Martijn CourteauxI would like to see what a method in the Java API does. So I want the JDK Source Code. Before I re-installed Linux I had the package with all the official source code in it. I just had to tell Eclipse where this file is and I could see the code. But now I don't have the file anymore... S...

...which I think is reasonable
@Shog9 What about the second one?
@durron597 seems reasonable
To us, all questions of this sort, including the ones you all have been discussing, are "off site resource requests".
I looked at the Python wiki a long time ago to see if I could improve it. Seems like I couldn't figure out anything to improve it. I should revisit it.
@Shog9 It hasn't even seemed debatable to me according to my understanding of site guidelines, but now it seems I misunderstand that close reason.
Jul 31, 2015 16:59
so ask yourself this: is the question useful? Is it likely to attract bad behavior? Will it encourage others to ask bad questions?
@AaronHall this isn't the place to debate the Python room wiki - there's another room you frequent that is used for that
> Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm stating that the language seems to suggest that these questions you're describing as reasonable are inappropriate.
So is someone going to post opinions or spam in response to a request for Chromium source?
The rule isn't "do you think it will be opinion or spam", the rule is "recommend or find an offsite resource"
I don't care about that particular question, since it seems easy enough to find without it; it's a "lazyweb" question at best.
Jul 31, 2015 17:00
So if it is a request for a specific off-site resource it is on-topic?
At least, that's the way the language reads to me.
sorry, maybe I'll get the source and propose something to the Python room. wasn't intending to argue. Just trying to be a productive member of SOciety.
But if you find a question is useful, if it isn't attracting bad behavior, then why close it?
because it's off-topic now?
If there is wiggle in the rules then it should be clear that there's wiggle in the rules
Jul 31, 2015 17:02
(thinking I might as well put my head in the guillotine and hand shog the rope myself)
The problem with having wiggle in the rules is that bad intentioned people will point to the wiggle and say "hey! I can post this!"
Back to the original question. It seems it does attract bad behavior judging by the number of deleted answers.
I've got to go. I'll be back in an hour or so.
@durron597 the problem with not having wiggle in the rules is that over time we slowly disallow everything because there's nothing that can't be abused by a sufficiently-determined/clueless person.
@durron597 tc
Jul 31, 2015 17:04
So... Use your judgement.
@JonClements it's off-topic if we (the users on Stack Overflow) say it's off-topic. This is determined on a question-by-question basis; it's fine to say "this is useful" and "this is not".
Well, @Shog9: You made an excellent case for keeping that question. But for keeping it open and not wiki-locked, doesn't the number of deleted answers also say something?
The rules, the guidelines, the close reasons... All exist to make life easier for folks here. If we treat them as sacrosanct and immutable, unable to be interpreted or applied differently in different situations... then they stop serving and start being worshiped.
@Deduplicator says it should be protected (which it was based on the answer deletions); perhaps more
I could see a wiki-lock being useful at this point in time
I don't see the need to delete it though.
And when you close a question, that's what you're saying.
I gotta run; will check on this later. Perhaps this should be brought up on meta?
Well, if closing is only a stage to final deletion, wouldn't that mean we need something easier than histo-locks for saying "it's valuable, but really doesn't belong"?
@Shog9 Probably.
I agree that this would be a good meta topic. Too bad you can't migrate chat messages to comments on a question.
@Deduplicator we do. It's called "reopen + edit"
Conversation ended Jul 31, 2015 at 17:11.