Conversation started Sep 18, 2011 at 17:59.
Sep 18, 2011 17:59
for lulz
@TonyTheLion I am gonna take this serious
who the hell flagged it?
@MrAnubis in what way?
@TonyTheLion I didn't flagged , i am very low on reps
oh ok, so some lurker is flagging again, whoever you are, GTFO
C++ I/O streams is very good given "C++ standard library" by jossutis ?
i want to learn about streams in deep
@TonyTheLion Its like everyone is busy in watching the pic? can anyone reply to my above question? , thanks
Sep 18, 2011 18:07
no thx that girl's ugly
@JohannesSchaublitb Have you read "C++ standard library" by jossutis ?
@TonyTheLion yum ha ha
haven't read any of the hero books
@MrAnubis I guess that was the point. LOL
Sep 18, 2011 18:09
next time please put a button for making the towel translucent
perhaps with drop shadow effect
@JohannesSchaublitb :S changing your tune?
she's still ugly
Sep 18, 2011 18:10
He's just thinking of the People's needs
@TonyTheLion you're the same tony the tiger?
for the record, I flagged it
@MrAnubis yes
because it's inappropriate
Sep 18, 2011 18:12
OMG, this is a chat, whatever
we all know the door to
so are you that easily offended ?
no need to be proud that you found a nekkid girl sitting on a tub
i'm just worried about this "sex" thing happening in the channel all these days
wth? are you not a human? Do you not have feelings? Sex is not an unnatural thing
it's not abnormal to talk about it
Sep 18, 2011 18:16
even cleverbot talks about sex :P
or are you just trolling?
Speaking of "this 'sex' thing," the sex tag disappeared :(
FYI, I was pretty stumped on the code thing until I realized I could use Notepad to write things down. But that idea came too late, alas. Maybe it would be a good idea to drink coffee before trying that test.
Sep 18, 2011 18:20
@AlfPSteinbach removed it thanksfully
it's OK to kid sometimes about the act of sex if you want. but it's weird and displaced to continuous talk about it like 5 years olds
@JohannesSchaublitb huh, i counter-flagged, but there are still to votes to flag? on the picture i mean
@JohannesSchaublitb Personally, I think if you think it's weird and displaced to talk about sex, I think that is acting like a 5 year-old.
@AlfPSteinbach not sure
@nil I have to agree with you there
@nil i thought it's just a joke first, but then I noticed he posts real nude pics
Sep 18, 2011 18:24
all this flagging is childish, esp for things like that
@JohannesSchaublitb she ain't nude dude
Well the nice lady up there isn't exactly nude - she's got a towel.
that rhymes, lol
some of us are in this cannel during work. what do you think shall we tell our boss if he finds us "sufing porn sites!"??
... you're not on a porn site?
Sep 18, 2011 18:25
for work?
@TonyTheLion yes she is. she's just protecting herself with a towel...
That said, I don't really agree with posting pictures like that, but that's the inner 5 year-old in me screaming "SHE'S GOT COOTIES!"
@JohannesSchaublitb so you can't see things, so it's not really nude
OMG, I can't believe I'm wasting my time having this conversation with a bunch of children
@JohannesSchaublitb FTR, I flagged that. If four of us join, you idiot will be banned for half an hour.
Sep 18, 2011 18:26
Also, my personal opinion of you being in a chatroom at work is not good.
every chat where the people chatting exchange porn pictures is by definition a porn site IMO
I think you might be confused about what a porn site is. O_o
Sep 18, 2011 18:27
@nil From what I know about him, he might just be trolling. But that would be just as stupid.
@sbi no I wont...
Hey guys, relax. This is just a chat.
@AlfPSteinbach why is the chick nude?
Sep 12 at 21:05, by sbi
This shall be my policy henceforth: If I see a message flagged for stupid reasons, I'm going to ask a mod to step in and block the idiot who did it to prevent him from wasting out attention. So you might want to explain yourself when you flag something.
Sep 18, 2011 18:29
it's blatantly offensive of you, hence I flagged you for moderator attention
@LewsTherin Why not?
@JohannesSchaublitb Tell him/her the definition of porn.
@LewsTherin because of all the sex talk here. and btw. at first i thought they were just kidding, that she's just spinning clockwise. but actually you can switch the direction in your mind, there's no spin direction imposed by the visual data
@AlfPSteinbach Well that test certainly isn't of the same caliber as the first!
Sep 18, 2011 18:32
king kong is really angry?
@sbi acting like that and removing people from the room owners list just because you happen to disagree with them is not constructive at all
if you want to arose yourself, go and watch the full and uncensored list of nude pictures. no need to keep a dirty place in here for your desires, really
@AlfPSteinbach I tried it doesn't work...I'm definitely not creative
@JohannesSchaublitb arouse
@sbi no, I made appropriate use of flagging. his message was inappropriate
he he opposite of me. but i just needed to relax a bit to get counter-clockwise
as is your message. please stop insulting me
Sep 18, 2011 18:34
I can swap the rotation pretty easily, not sure how though
@JohannesSchaublitb I suppose you are trolling. Nobody could be that stupid. I have more kids than some of you had girlfriends. The last thing I need is pix of nude girls.
@AlfPSteinbach xD my Jedi mind tricks aren't working on that for sure
@JohannesSchaublitb Plonk!
Conversation ended Sep 18, 2011 at 18:36.