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5:03 AM
6:02 AM
posted on November 09, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

7:00 AM
@Abe where's the catch?
the maserati engine was replaced with a lada niva's one
price should rise in that case
I finally got around to making myself a resume
7:05 AM
Is there any way to get inspect element like the way we get source code url? I want to scrape this hackerrank.com/leaderboard but source code is diff frm inspect elements
@SomeGuy let's see (how many bs you wrote onto) it!
Haha, very little bullshit!
@Abe how much*, btw
@Abe So, what do you think?
i think it should be more standard :D
7:09 AM
Fair enough. I just modified my sister's resume, really
Just needed a PDF that had all the details
I'll probably make a proper one when I actually want a job
and add a photo!
Also, what I made was a resume, not a CV
@Abe Hahaha
that's from the actual homer simpson's cv
ever watched the episode :D
7:14 AM
Nope. I've watched only a few seasons of The Simpsons
Here and there, on TV
you haven't lived if you didn't see the first 12-13 seasons of the simps
I've probably watched the first 8, with some gaps
good enough then :D
@SomeGuy didn't know there's a difference between the two
I learned about it some time in high school, and it stuck
I don't think it really matters
But there is a difference, if you want to be pedantic :P
7:21 AM
it's funny they never asked me for a CV on my job interviews (had 4 in 7 years)
Haha really?
I made this to apply for an internship at Google
I got all jobs by recommandation
That's neat
7:24 AM
yeah - well for google I would probably need to send a cv
They even have a "Know someone at Google?" button on the application page
That was amusing :p
well makes sense - I would trust more if one of my trusted employees would recommend someone then reading over a CV
in a CV you can write anything
but I know that I would be 100% against hiring certain people I worked with if our team needed new peeps
@easwee if there it's like here, resume is pretty much useless
in my current job it was all like show me your codes
@easwee In programming jobs, it's got to be that way, hasn't it?
7:27 AM
I support this
fuck bureaucracy and CVs
if I was applying for a hole digging job it would be rather silly to write I can lift 50 shovels of load per hour
Yeah, haha
lol had a relaxing weekend - watched documentaries whole day and drunk wine
Haha, nice! A place nearby had happy hours until 9pm
It was great
7:36 AM
i'm screwed. was working on something 5 weeks back... i forgot everything i was doing :(
totally no clue
He seems to have forgotten about his amnesia again, @easwee
reminds me of a fantastic italian movie i'm sorry for you guys will never hear of
perhaps @easwee ? La leggenda di Al, John e Jack?
@Mr.Alien booooo
@Abe <3
7:42 AM
!!youtube offspring change the world
whats new bitches
we've got a new thong
Such neat assignments
I wish my college did stuff like that
(I'm working on the binary bomb lab right now)
7:59 AM
@SomeGuy it's common for elder italians :D
Is it possible to put only one border/outline side (the left one precisely)? not the 4
outline-left probably, I'm stupid
border yes outline no
oh, ok
@easwee ead russowski
@SomeGuy wtf is bomb lab? something they teach in middle east?
@Abe Hahaha, sounds that way, doesn't it?
it does indeed haha
> A "binary bomb" is a program provided to students as an object code file. When run, it prompts the user to type in 6 different strings. If any of these is incorrect, the bomb explodes,'' printing an error message and logging the event on a grading server. Students must defuse'' their own unique bomb by disassembling and reverse engineering the program to determine what the 6 strings should be.
oh, sounds cool
8:06 AM
It is! Tons of fun
At CMU, they have the bombs grade the students automatically
Some kind of scoring system which tracks every time the bomb exploded
If you're smart enough to disable the scoring system, you probably deserve a good score anyway :p
Disable? "improve"!
8:20 AM
we are finally through the biggest work load for this year
I can get back to active on chat
now it's just bugfixing and support till new year
my elder neighbor to the woman that just came living in our building: m'am, in which cave your savage son grew up? she nearly cry... and i had to run in my apt because i couldn't keep myself from laughing
this will end bad... the other day the "savage son" challenged a friend to a spits contest
and they were throwing beer bottles from the windows, while the mother wasn't at home
i was putting the thrash away, and he said "don't tell my mum that i smoke" like i care. this kid is like 15 and has the brain of an untamed monkey
also for some reason, he doesn't go to school. he's always at home making disasters
italians or immigrants?
8:30 AM
@easwee he also enjoys playing football after midnight -__-
hate kids - specially teenagers
8:49 AM
@easwee Ahem
@SomeGuy you're an android
No, I'm a real boy! cries and runs away
@SomeGuy you aren't a teenager, you are more mature than me
That's true, you're very immature
8:53 AM
or perhaps i'm just an idiot. it's more plausible
just south italian
lal I bought 10$ of bitcoin
So, you either have $100 or $0.01, in a week?
Well hey, everythings a gamble :P
won't change that much
i have 0.02935256 BTC
time to head over to silk road D:
9:07 AM
get updated - silk road is closed
Yes, but I was being child friendly ;)
when I hover an element, how could I put a layer (with low opacity) showing 3 vertical regions? (it's for a drop event, that will be inserted either before, after or inside)
imagine I'd like to show the french flag for example, with opacity 0.2, on a an element when I hover it, is it possible in css?
You could try something like :
a:hover:nth-child(even) {
opacity: 0.2
or change it to a:hover:nth-child(odd) which will change the first and 3rd option in the list
how can I show the 3 regions with that?
@crl what have you tried?
@easwee borders so far, but it's ugly
9:25 AM
show codez
the idea would be to show a whole 'image' on it
could you draw an example in paint or something so we can get the idea? D:
@SomeGuy +1
9:44 AM
output.jsbin.com/kajuza when you drag an element, if you drag it to the right of another element, a border-right appears, same for left (wait, putting % instead of pixels)
well % doesn't work for border :<
ok I hope my example works for you (tested only on Chrome)
ok, how it should work?
ah I see it
you are already drawing the border with javascript (that grey one) - works for me
what is not ok with it?
30px gray
10:00 AM
well, it could be, but I'd prefer a 'transparent' border
border-left-color: transparent
you can style each border size separately
border: is just a shorthand
Also: rgba(125, 125, 125, 0.5) <- transparent
@Cerbrus that is semi-transparent actually
that's what I need, thanks @Cerbrus
!!define transparent
10:03 AM
@Cerbrus [transparent](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=33693) (of a material or object) See-through, clear; having the property that light passes through it almost undisturbed, such that one can see through it clearly.
The waters of the lake were transparent until the factory dumped wastes there.
Hm, you're right
I meant semi-opaque, still want to see that border, else it's useless
other question, isn't there some UI that have generic responsive columns layouts for any number of children (unlike bootstrap where you have to specify manually the class for each case..)?
So, no matter how many columns you add, it's responsive?
Without needing additional attributes?
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div>
    <div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div>
    <div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div>
10:19 AM
angular + ng-repeat
<div class="row">
        <div class="col">col1</div>
        <div class="col">col2</div>
        <div class="col">col3</div>
hmm, avoiding table if possible
@MethodMan nothing to do with angular
@crl Meh
10:22 AM
:c Makes it so easy though.
@crl flexbox
I don't like bootstrap, yes @MadaraUchiha was thinking of that
@MethodMan Not really
Seeing that angular has absolutely nothing to do with layout.
@crl Flexbox can adjust sizes automatically, give some children more weight than others (this element should be twice everyone else, the rest should be equal, FIGURE IT OUT BROWSER)
You can have flex items spill to the next row if needed, you can have different number of columns based on the browser size with media queries
flexbox is great and does all things.
@Cerbrus IE10 with a polyfill
10:27 AM
@crl No tables, no flexbox, works on older browsers
@MadaraUchiha ok, but if you want to reproduce the bootstrap responsiveness (the vertical columns become horizontal ones) with flex box, the best you can do is a wrap? so you can end up with 2 items on the first line, and 1 item on a second line, might not be ideal (without using media queries)
And as you can see, easy to extend
@Cerbrus nice, (not too responsive though :p
@crl No, you don't have to wrap
ah, ok
10:30 AM
@crl It's not responsive because I set the width to 250px. Set it to 100%
@Cerbrus yeah, I meant, the way vertical columns become horizontal under a certain width
Reload the plunker
@crl Eh? wat? I have no idea what you mean
@crl Oh no, my bad, looks like you might have to wrap after all
10:32 AM
Yea, you're gonna have to add a media query for that
Can't expect me to write out a fully functioning responsive table-like page ;-)
yes :( media-queries are necessary, sorry guys, thanks
What's with the sadface?
I don't like media-queries
Media queries are at the core of responsive design
They are what makes a design responsive
@crl Whether you like them or not, media queries are a very important tool to master
It's like being a web developer and saying "I don't like JavaScript"
That's nice honey, but you still have to do it :P
10:36 AM
@MadaraUchiha But first, master water, earth, and fire.
@Cerbrus Done that long ago, along with lightning, yin and yang.
@MadaraUchiha Not sure if you got it
@Cerbrus I got it, responded with Naruto counter.
The yin / yang made me doubt, that's not in there to "master". You out-anime'd me.
ok :)
10:39 AM
@Cerbrus Is the comment made by overexchange in the stars a joke or not?
I sure hope it is
Considering his activity on here, though... Dunno
Doesn't look like it.
Well, here's one less person to be welcomed in this room.
best jokes are often the unintented ones
@Abe Scary AF
I have some divs (contained within another div) all with position:absolute. Now this means that they all start out at coordinates 0,0 and they overlap. Can I use css to make them display in a flow layout (basically next to each other) or do I have to do it with JS ?
10:45 AM
@MadaraUchiha which one?
Nov 3 at 10:40, by overexchange
@BoltClock I see that you are moderator in SO. Shame on you.
@Adrian yes, you can do that with CSS
depending on what exactly you want
wait, unless I misunderstood
How ? I need to keep position:absolute on all of the divs though
need more info
so basically there's #parentDiv that contains a few other divs that have absolute positoining
i dont want them to overlap inside parentdiv
I know that if i just set position relative it will work
but i need absolute position and I was wondering if there's a way to do that without js. If i just set display:inline-block they'll still overlap each other
10:48 AM
hmm, yeah apart from hardcoding some positions, that's not going to work with CSS
get rid of the position: absolute
what do you need that for in the first place?
i need it because I'm using jquery-ui resizable on the inner divs
with position relative it's not pretty because resizing a div will move the others
but resizing now will make them overlap anyway
so what is the effect that you're after?
yes, but that's how i want it to work
ah, ok
they can overlap but when the page is first displayed i want to see them all
10:50 AM
yeah, you could hardcode some positions but that's all afaik
alright, thanks !
or you could wrap each position: absolute thingy in a position: relative wrapper maybe
not sure if that'd work
probably not
i'll just calculate the coordinates in js by hand..
was hoping there'd be a more elegant solution
isn't this kind of what you're looking for?
or better: http://jsfiddle.net/2n78cwdw/1/
resizable elements inheriting size of their parent
no, they don't inherit the size of their parent
that's kind of what i want
except mine are also draggable
11:06 AM
Hi guys

How do I find the html for the datepicker using HTML5 input type='date'?

I'm trying to style the dropdown part but so far not having much luck.
The only things I found were css settings to hide the spinner on the input field itself, not the expanded datepicker widget on click
@Adrian this is just a quick POC, but I guess it can work without JS then
@user2248441 yeah that's going to be a challenge
A: Are there any style options for the HTML5 Date picker?

Anselm UrbanThe following 8 pseudo-elements are made available by WebKit for customizing a date input’s textbox: ::-webkit-datetime-edit ::-webkit-datetime-edit-fields-wrapper ::-webkit-datetime-edit-text ::-webkit-datetime-edit-month-field ::-webkit-datetime-edit-day-field ::-webkit-datetime-edit-year-fiel...

when calling wp_add_dashboard_widget can I use $this->callback_name as the callback property?
nevermind figured it out, I was calling a function which set 2 meta boxes up in admin dashboard and the callback defined needed to be a function within the function that sets up the 2 meta boxes.... word?!
1 hour later…
12:24 PM
@StephanMuller Yeah I've read that article and from what I saw there wasn't much help. I was hoping there would be a more up to date solution but sadly doesnt look that way
12:39 PM
@Abe slow episode is slow
@user2248441 Ive tried using the HTML5 date picker but it doesn't seem to work in firefox so just look out for that if you need cross browser compatibility... I defaulted to the bootstrap datepicker.
I say ban HTC from mobile market #personalRant
@Kitler yo
@easwee :( They look so good though....
they look and work like shiet
:c I really liked my m7 until it was stolen. Root + flash and you have yourself a solid metal phone that works really well
12:50 PM
taht logic does not work in production
you can't expect a user will root their phone
almost noone will do that
so you have to fix all the shiet the factory setup brings
and I have to support 4.2
which wasn't that bad at all
but HTC managed to screw it up
@easwee lol, we had a problem where our app would run on anything except my nexus 5. Which is ironic because its the stock standard :P
blame android :D
:P We did. got it working eventually with some testing. Turns out lollipop was breaking it...
android is a great system
but should not be for every day users
use WP or iOS if you are a commoner
my dad had constant problems with android so I bought him a WP for bday now he's more happy then ever
UX and less features are perfect for him on WP
1:01 PM
some company gave me there SFTP, hostname port and also Server RSA public key fingerprint, if i ping the host then i do not get response. But how do i connect with an RSA key?
i have winscp and putty
but i have they RSA key as just text, do i need to make a .ppk file from this?
I don't know
lol google it there are tons of tutorials
!!google how to connect via RSA
where do i find someone with a us paypal account to test my web application?
1:09 PM
@Dennis Nice try
lol like why not make a test paypal account?
i do not have us bank account or social security number to verify it
you don't need to be US citizen to use paypal
the application works with my paypal account
Someone with a verified account may not want to test it on a site someone's developing
1:14 PM
if you are developing an app that requires paypal you should have a paypal verified account already before begining development
that is like making a design for crappysite.com and not buy that domain name
Or building a car while you can't drive
well the application is running live with a verified german paypal account and we already got payments from germany and us on it. but lately payments from us were not possible anymore. and i do not have the error logs because heroku does only save them like some days.
also in sandbox everything is working with german/us accounts
try to contact paypal support and ask them about it
you can't just go around begging for paypal accounts - that is like nigerian scam mail :D
1:17 PM
yeah i see
D: But I swear Im a king from nigeria! I really feel like donating $50000
do it brag.cash
As we have @media rule in css for responsive layout, Do we still require html meta viewport for responsive design?
have you tried it?
also have you tried googling it?
I can't help but feel you put little thought into your questions here.
1:35 PM
@Dennis I think I've realised what your MC name is.
You'd be MC DJam
That's got a ring to it, stop programming and get on radio immediately.
Hi, could anybody answer my question stackoverflow.com/questions/33609987/… ? I'd be grateful.
@spaffy Opera specific?
How would I keep the sm_footer div always within the parent and 100%
i read the google, but i do not get it. I have an SFTP port and username+pass and an RSA key fingerprint string, but how do i connect i use putty
@Sippy okay
o/ see you when you're famous
1:49 PM
that should help...
step by step tutorial
@MethodMan I need to manually convert key to ppk file
my key is just a string like this
or do i need to have
rsa key file?

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