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7:00 PM
@Pheonixblade9 Yes I am quite sure, my DLL focuses on beginning developers, simplifying the use of TCP sockets. Also this works with large amounts of data as well.
@Pheonixblade9 Also it allows the serialization of objects to be sent over a TCP stream and then received and deserialized.
@TomW Property for the Client?
Ugh every time I use a dynamic language it feels like my codebase is held together only by hopes and prayers.
@ton.yeung that wiki, you mean?
@JoshVarty thou shalt comprehensively cover thine code with thine unit tests
@TomW Where do I find the Property, all I see.
7:03 PM
@TomW I'm trying to make that better... we still have 100 failing unit tests :/
Haha yeah I should get on that.
It's just tough because no one else uses them.
+ Address {mss.mypinkunit.com/CustomerRegistration.svc} System.ServiceMo‌​del.EndpointAddress
In that case I'm pretty stumped
which path is coming back which you think looks wrong, and what should it be?
@Skullomania wow...that should have worked. I am stumped!
7:06 PM
This is where it fails.
    if (!(Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(root, templateName))))
        throw new Exception("Unable To Locate Template: " + Environment.NewLine
            + "Please contact our office; it appears that our system is unable to locate our template. Our "
            + " Administrator will reconfigure the template. We apologize for this inconvenience.");
@Greg what's the exception?
The root is defined as: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
@Pheonixblade9 The Exception I wrote, it can't find the template.
so what does it evaluate to?
@TomW true because it throws the exception.
I mean, what's the path?
The only reasons I can see that it'd be different between client and server is that if the OSes are different, My Documents might live in a different place, and it ought to be the My Documents folder of the user account running the application pool on the server, unless you're using impersonation
7:11 PM
@TomW I can't tell, it doesn't reach my breakpoint on it when I consume through Client.
@TomW The Server is running Windows Server 2012, I'm running Windows 7.
hang on
the service claims that path is not present, and you think that's wrong, even though you don't know for sure what the path it's searching for is?
@Greg make your Path a variable so you can see it more easily. Like, what does Path.Combine() get?
@TomW It should be getting the document folder to the server for parent.
That folder is on the server, I know it is there cause I manually put it there.
I wonder whether the service is defaulting to using impersonation, so the path being searched for is your user account, not the service account
definitely get it to print out the actual path it's using somewhere
@TomW That could be, it may be trying to impersonate.
Your more then able to try yourself. mss.mypinkunit.com should allow you to see the service.
I'm clearly doing something wrong.
The first service method, IsUrlDuplicate runs without any problems.
7:16 PM
going to another career fair tomorrow, whoo
Lucky you.
Bah, this service is annoying me.
yeah... this one is at Seattle U
@TomW Does it look like my code is wrong?
@Greg my first question is, why are you checking if the directory exists?
@ton.yeung find people to hire. Interns/employees
resume hunting basically
I haven't spotted anything wrong with the actual code, or I've had said so
7:18 PM
Directory.Exists is usually a code smell for me
really? how is that?
@Pheonixblade9 Because I don't want someone to move or delete our template; that template is designed to be copied and used to deploy our Content Management Systems.
Because most of the time, it is the following:

if(Directory.Exists(myPath)) Directory.Delete()


if(File.Exists(myPath)) File.Delete()
colleges run an annual contest to see which of them can operate with the most outdated system possible
which is completely unnecessary.
there are definitely correct uses for it - this may be one - but it is more common for me to see incorrect usages
7:21 PM
@Greg what's in the config file on the server? I'd like to see whether there's anything on the bindings that suggests impersonation is kicking in
@Pheonixblade9 Or....
-Load this file()
-does file exist? no? ok show nice message. otherwise load it.

load this file()
Throw an exception batman (these are expensive)
@RyanTernier that would be fine
it's the delete case that is wrong
@Pheonixblade9 Oh, I don't want it to start building iis objects just to not have the proper template to build the physical web-site / content management system.
@Greg sure, that sounds fine then. Just wanted to check :)
@TomW Basic http, wildcard for IP, port 80, and hostname.
@Pheonixblade9 For a second I was like, I better have not done something so novice.
7:23 PM
@ton.yeung not yet... still waffling
hmm, basichttpbinding defaults to no security, so I don't suspect any defaulting happening
just trying to consume that service myself
@RyanTernier does my example/reasoning make sense to you?
@TomW Yeah, I'm curious to see what happens when you.
@Pheonixblade9 About the deletes? an if check is relatively cheap, versus an exception being thrown while trying to delete
what I'd rather see is someone wrap that into a single method
@RyanTernier File.Delete doesn't throw an exception if the file isn't there
7:26 PM
so you only see "Delete(string")
oh? hrm... if the user did the file delete, then how would you inform them that the file they thought they were deleting never got dleeted?
Specify a file name with any relative or absolute path information for the path parameter. Wildcard characters cannot be included. Relative path information is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. To obtain the current working directory, see GetCurrentDirectory.
If the file to be deleted does not exist, no exception is thrown.
For a list of common I/O tasks, see Common I/O Tasks.
Windows NT 4.0 Platform Note: Delete does not delete a file that is open for normal I/O or a file that is memory mapped.
that'd be a special case :)
it just takes credit for deleting it :)
special cases are what bites us in the ass, with razor sharp barbed teeth with lemon on them
> Of course I deleted it. Do you see it there? Do you?
@RyanTernier Teeth with @rlemon on them?
7:29 PM
well, I get the same response
would really help to know what the path it can't find is, though
If I knew how to check for it, I would.
write it into the exception text?
Holy f'n fail
I'm doing that now.
7:31 PM
How did this derail into lemons?
and justin plastic surgery
@ton.yeung RIGHT?
If I have a formview that only has labels in its item template, what mode is it in when it launches?
and it only has an item template
is there a way for me to tell?
@RyanTernier Fail
is that you kendall?
Uh... -_-
@Greg ooo-kay. I just tinkered with some credentials settings, basically guessing, and I got something quite different out of it
7:35 PM
I just updated a new detail
my internet is so slow i can't even use fb chat :/
still null
@TomW Well, when I add root and Parent I get this:
Unable To Locate Template:
Please contact our office; it appears that our system is unable to locate our template. Our Administrator will reconfigure the template. We apologize for this inconvenience.Parent
Doesn't look like it is even pulling the root path
do you guys care if I post some code here...i have been stuck on this all day and have tried everything
here is my formview databound event
protected void FormView1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (FormView1.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.ReadOnly)
                Label txtPostingSite = FormView1.FindControl("Posting_SiteLabel") as Label;
                Label Job_TitleLabel = FormView1.FindControl("Job_TitleLabel") as Label;
                Label Job_IDLabel = FormView1.FindControl("Job_IDLabel") as Label;
                Label Closing_DateLabel = FormView1.FindControl("Closing_DateLabel") as Label;
sweet jesus
7:39 PM
it returns blank
@Greg which account is the service meant to be running under?
@Pheonixblade9 sour jesus
some built in windows accounts don't have My Documents
the labels return blank
@Skullomania fixed-font code please
7:39 PM
@KendallFrey chicken jesus
I have it running under Default Application Pool identity.
guys: never complain about how bad your code behind is:
and where is the template folder you're expecting to find?
@KendallFrey fixed
@Pheonixblade9 It may be overly verbose, but at least it's understandable.
7:40 PM
The Document Folder root; C:\Users\Administrator\Documents
it makes no sense why it returns null
@Pheonixblade9 that looks like all the code at my ex-company lol
So weird.
trying to remember your password for your colleges online system after 7 years is a PITA
its in the correct event, i find the control and the labels are still null
7:42 PM
@Greg ApplicationPoolIdentity isn't Administrator.
LOL... and just after I typed that I figured it out
The Data Center said they placed it for control over that location.
@CharlieBrown It is "pita"?
close, "flatbread". who knew
7:44 PM
@TomW Which location should the default Application Pool be utilizing?
@TravisJ you around?
@Greg default app pool goes to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot by... default
passwords should be like jeopardy, exact answers not always required
there will be a microsoft best practices document about that somewhere. Whichever account it is probably doesn't have My Documents
7:45 PM
@dirt Yeah, which had issues that is why I allowed the default pool to access other areas.
If you're having issues with access in the default location, I doubt the solution is to move it to an even more secured folder ;)
brb, lunch time.
@TravisJ Check out this lovely stock: Wi-Lan (cantechletter.com/2013/10/…)
To get true issue you should use ProcMon and monitor for 'Access Denied' but sounds like you dont have access to server
8:08 PM
> public static class Global
I just realized
I wonder whose idea this was
@Johan - ish, whats up?
@TravisJ I was asked web questions but think it is sorted now
@KendallFrey a PHP programmer
We have none.
yeah they are losers...
8:17 PM
to those that have been following my frantic comments all day I finally fixed it!
i ended up taking the hyperlink out of the formview and using request.querystrings to fill it
PostSharp works now!
8:32 PM
Develop and implement its algorithm input is a series of integers, and its output is a number that repeated most often braid all the numbers together. Apply the solution by defining actions
What does that mean O.o
Is that an educational assignment?
Get a professor who speaks English.
Yes, Computer science basics in C#
8:38 PM
"braid all the numbers together":
Whale attempt to found solution, begin by solving the inputs for each output problem.
The problem is, it's the translated version, cause I dont understand it.
Google translator fails sometimes.
8:40 PM
translated from what?
Well, you're right, the English translation is nonsense
Hebrew & It's not my main language, so I prefer either in russian or english.
But both failed
Hebrew to Russian to English, I'm sure it'll translate well
8:41 PM
ill try in japanese
@TomW I think I found the reason it is currently failing.
Public education?
It is failing because of the Application Pool Identity.
@Nathvi It's just a computer science homework I have to complete & i don't even understand the question.
8:43 PM
I thought we established that about two hours ago
I'm just kidding. @JonyKale :v
@TomW I don't know, I went to lunch. Did we?
really hard to tshoot this w/o box access @Greg
@dirt Troubleshoot the service?
8:44 PM
the permission problem
You said the first part of the path seemed to be nothing, which makes sense, because ApplicationPoolIdentity probably doesn't have a My Documents folder. You were expecting it to resolve to Administrator's My Documents, which I'm sure I mentioned wasn't right
Yeah, I have to constantly consult with the data center.
Need to know IIS config, NTFS ACL, would run ProcMon while problem occurs to eval I/O requests and see where its being Denied and what User/File it is
@dirt I submitted a ticket to temporarily get access to ProcMon to help with the issue.
The problem is that you're expecting Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments to resolve to some completely random folder elsewhere on the machine, which it doesn't, and even if it did, the service wouldn't have access to it.
8:47 PM
What should I use then? When I use the root IIS it has permission errors.
What do you need to be able to do, write to x folder?
I don't know, but I did say at the time there will be some microsoft guideline somewhere that says what you should use for manipulating files
It shouldn't have permission problem in root IIS (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot) if the appPoolIdentity has RXW permissions
What is the Website Root path in IIS?
8:49 PM
It isn't an ASP.NET Application so the pool should have a valid identity. So I trade one problem for the other; no solution still.
doesn't the application have an App_Data folder or something?
(Is it the only website in IIS / Using the DefaultWebsite?)
@dirt Nope, custom Pool / Bindings were created due to the amount of sites I'm creating.
wait, what do you mean it's not an ASP.NET App?
It shouldn't need the ASP.NET user
8:53 PM
well, the request hits the site, the site uses the appPool identity to process the request, what do you mean by ASP.NET user?
Do you have remote powershell or remote IIS access to the box or nothing at all?
I have a little bit of remote access.
no powershell/iis?
I mean, you have just FTP or what
Can you enable Failed Request Tracing?
@dirt why is any of this needed?
Trying to get some sort of information from the server?
isn't the solution to just use a folder that the service can access, and resolve it correctly?
8:59 PM
Trying to guide him to that
my vote is for App_Data
And you should be able to use any folder you want if done properly
under the service's own vdir
Right, obviously it depends on how it is set up, as if his new site doesnt have access to write to its own folder under inetpub then something isn't right or the default settings aren't what he needs
I can get 100x more information from a single powershell cmd than vague answers from someone with no remote access
Did you try turning it off.. and then back on again?
9:03 PM
@TravisJ I bet he turned it off, then left it off ;)
I do that a lot
i hate generic job descriptions like "Architect and develop software and system concepts that satisfy the customer's requirements".
something suddenly stops working, and I scroll up my cmd history until I inevitably see iisreset /stop
as if only some companies need that and not others
9:05 PM
I have the proper translated version
Ex. 49 - the mode digit. Develop and implement an algorithm whose input is a sequence of integers and whose output is the digit in those numbers that appeared most often in all numbers combined.
Can I do that without LINQ?
still not 100% clear
what does 'combined' mean?
@JonyKale easily, yeah
Basically, they want me to write an array of digits into the console, and then output what digit repeated itself the most
well, that sounds easy
int blah = 124675716498697123;
string blahString = blah.ToString();
char[] chars = blahString.ToCharArray();
does that get you part of the way there?
I mean, the LINQ one liner is:
input.GroupBy(x => x).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).First().Key
that doesn't necessarily work if you have "aaabbb" though, it will only return one
9:11 PM
string[] input = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine().Split(" "));
these are the ints
from 0 to 9
9 indexses
oh it wont compile
anyway, I want to split it instead of entering 9 digits.
c# is such a confusing language, unlike Java
...oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.
@TomW Yeah lol, I have to learn it though
It's not confusing at all if you use it correctly
"c# is such a confusing language, unlike Java" - must be opposite day
Why can't all languages look like Python
9:18 PM
Why wont Python die
why can't i program with a brain computer interface
Is const in c# the same as final in java?
Well, since Java has nothing but the absolute basics of the basics, I can imagine feeling overwhelmed looking at ... well, any other language.
@JonyKale No. It's either readonly or sealed depending on context
I think I remember reading the Java language team being described as 'deletionist'
@JonyKale To elaborate further, a const in C# is the equivalent of a #define in C/C++, whereas in Java they behave as values initialized once at run-time. Therefore, a constant is even more efficient.
9:36 PM
in Lounge<C++>, 49 secs ago, by Johan Larsson
in C#, 23 mins ago, by Jony Kale
c# is such a confusing language, unlike Java
@RoelvanUden Compiler can optimze variables to const if they are initialized with constant expressions and if it knows they won’t be changed later.
in Java Sucks, 9 secs ago, by Johan Larsson
in C#, 25 mins ago, by Jony Kale
c# is such a confusing language, unlike Java
Got it right the second time :)
@Greg If you can get your DataCenter to run this PowerShell script on your server and send the C:\Info_Site.xml, C:\Info_App.xml, C:\Info_ACL.xml I might be able to help you further: gist.github.com/dirte/caa6a601b184d66fc38f It just exports IIS information and ACL for the site folder (need to change the $siteName variable)
The only language that is confusing is PHP.
I don't know if I agree with that
BF is always a bit confusing, at least to decipher en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck
9:40 PM
I'd vote perl.
Perl is actually pretty easy and consistent.
Though Ook! is even better - and has some of the best goals of any language out there (dangermouse.net/esoteric/ook.html)
Confusing? Define confusing. Your lack of understanding?
"A programming language should be writable and readable by orang-utans."
Steep learning curve?
9:41 PM
@dirt having weird rules that make no sense at all and are totally inconsistent with eachother.
I didn't realize that was possible in a programming language.
Cause i'm pretty sure everythings 'confusing' at first until you get the hang of it
and I'd argue that PHP can be less confusing than C#
Reading .asm is kind of..interesting
@not-rightfold Can being the keyword. There is no guarantee.
I haven't written an assembly program for a while and I looked a few recently. Definitely would have required some review to figure out what was going on in the nitty gritty parts.
9:44 PM
Don’t use assembly.
After 34 years of experience, women are still confusing to me.
now thats a statement I can agree on. with a star
Always use a high-level language.
You're a big fan dismissing languages @not-rightfold. Writing assembly also has its place in the world.
@CharlieBrown only thing I know (about women) is that random chocolate surprises are never a bad idea
9:46 PM
Yeah: already-solved problems. :v
@not-rightfold what do you think C# ends up as? unicorn farts?
tastes like rainbow
C# ends up as a beautiful language with one wart called nullability. :D
@dirt so thats whats the kids are calling it these days ;)
null is amazing, also unicorns
9:48 PM
null is the single thing that keeps me from using C#.
You're way too picky. Languages are tools. Just use them.
ur just too cool for null
@RoelvanUden And some tools are better than others. :D
Why would I use A instead of B if B is better than A?
Yeah, golden magical bullet solving the worlds problems! Haskell to the rescue!
9:49 PM
Cause 789
omg haskell <3
... I give up on you.
you ... null me?
@not-rightfold What do you use, then?
for your day to day development?
9:51 PM
In spare time I use C++, Haskell and Erlang.
At work I use PHP but it’s terrible.
when your async method calls an async method that uses async under the covers... punch yourself
then why are you hanging out in a C# room? Just to cause problems?
puch yourself before or after the task returns????
9:52 PM
Johan posted a link to here.
@CharlieBrown That's how a lot of async methods work ;)
note i use the term async loosely, there not actually using the new async stuff
i feel like ive somehow managed to design a virtual jenga game into this application and i have to unscrew it
I like to call abortions being unscrewed.
...I have a bad sense of humor
Is there a good dialog to use when asking for a directory to save stuff in? (From wpf)
Q: How do I show a Save As dialog in WPF?

Jim BeamI have a requirement in WPF/C# to click on a button, gather some data and then put it in a text file that the user can download to their machine. I can get the first half of this, but how do you prompt a user with a "Save As" dialog box? The file itself will be a simple text file.

9:56 PM
// Prompt for dir location
            var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();
            if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; }
            string folder = dialog.SelectedPath;
@ton.yeung well, we mostly all agree (except for @Greg and @RyanTernier, damn conservatives!) so it's fairly safe :P
@JohanLarsson Not in the framework :(
@dirt that is winforms right? Still ty of course
@Pheonixblade9 wtf?
9:56 PM
@JohanLarsson This project provides a good, pure WPF folder dialog: ookii.org/software/dialogs
@Greg hahaha
System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog() yeah its native windows but w/e
never mind, I'm just being an idiot.
@ReedCopsey ty sir
@dirt Would changing the pool to the default pool for 4.5 work; since it does have a document folder?
9:57 PM
@ton.yeung ya, it's a personal choice. I can respect that
@Pheonixblade9 I hate all equally.
@Greg it's okay. We <3 you
Depends on your app but it shouldn't hurt it
@Pheonixblade9 I know.
@JohanLarsson It also provides nicer file dialogs ;) You can get the Vista+ style dialogs using it
@ton.yeung Do you ski?
you'd be close to crystal mountain
9:58 PM
@ton.yeung check out Westlake Center. It's so christmassy your head will explode
which is prettynice
@dirt I'll try that, they said "No" to your script. They did say I could get access to ProMon; so yay for a small victory.
if you haven't been to seattle - all of the classic seattle stuff is good
@ton.yeung skiing is easy; Pizza.. French Fries... Pizza... French Fries...
pike's place, the seattle center, pioneer square, etc
9:58 PM
@Greg how are you going to access ProcMon? Through RDP?
@ton.yeung Take one lesson, and you will ;)
They are retards if they won't run a simple get-* script
@ton.yeung yeah, I can understand that. It's just very pretty. Lots of bright lights, etc.
Tier 1 support probably just automatically told to deny scripts
@dirt Yeah.
9:59 PM
/\ - pizza ( you make that shape with your skis to slow down and turn )
| | - french fries ( you make that position with your skis to speed up or maintain speed )

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