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2:07 AM
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5:02 AM
5:38 AM
My application will soon be published officially on Google Play. Success.
does anyone know about generating FedAuth cookies from a SecureToken or SAML assertion from ADFS?
I'm trying to write a small console app to hit an endpoint in my API. If I grab the jquery ajax request made from the site I can get my FedAuth cookie, and adding this to an HttpClient allows me to hit the API as expected. But, when I connect to ADFS I get a SecureToken. I can't find how to turn one into the other.
6:28 AM
I have an interesting discussion at work about choosing asp mvc 4.6 or asp mvc core for our next project. Asp core is quite new, but a few tests a can't find anything what is missing comparing to Asp mvc 4.6. What do you advise?
6:39 AM
gutten morgen
@CitizenSP Havn't read so much regarding core, but I think it's pretty stable to use. I would go YOLO myself :P Kinda risk free though
I'd go for asp.net core and mvc6.
if it's even called mvc6 these days
@scheien I just have a question regarding the asp.net MVC :)
@JakobMillah @scheien thanks! It also feels a lot faster!
@CitizenSP and you have tag-helpers, view components, built in DI and much more
6:51 AM
I want to create the viewing and adding of details in one view. @scheien
So I added the
@scheien the colleagues against asp core are talking about the possible 'limitations' of core. Did not find them myself
@model ProjectName.Models.ModelName @model IEnumerable<ProjectName.Models.ModelName>
But I'm having a problem.
@mark: You can only have one model tied to your view.
Is it possible that I can have IEnumerable and another one model?
@CitizenSP I'd ask for some documentation to back-up those arguments. Seems a bit out there.
6:53 AM
I created a ViewModel with a property of IEnumerable but it doesn't work
@mark yep. You can wrap it in a viewmodel.
@scheien totally agree.
public IEnumerable<ModelName> iEModelName { get; set; }
In WPF, I am trying to control a button's enables state using CanExecute of the button command. Does CanExecute always listen to changes or do I need to change it forcefully?
@scheien but the problem is, when I'm fetching that iEModelName in my view, It shows an error though
6:55 AM
@mark What error do you get?
@scheien it says IEnumerable<ModelName> does not contain a definition
Can you show your viewmodel and models? pastebin.com
@scheien oh sure, wait a secs
Good morning all
morning @Bechi, how are you today?
7:00 AM
Well, somehow shocked. I am a relative newbie in programming, and discovered the beauty of Unit Test driven development yesterday...
One year too late :-P
@scheien sample scenario pastebin.com/cEGySwvA
Can you post the full exception?
@scheien you mean the whole error?
@mark Yes, please
@mark yes.
7:02 AM
@scheien oh sure, wait a secs
@Bechi It's a bliss. (Until someone wrecks your tests asserting true = true, just to have it pass).
another question: is using the repository pattern with unit of work unnecessary in asp mvc?
@scheien Yeah, I tryed very hard to structure my code already before and implementing unit tests would not have been a lot of extra work back then. BUT in fact, thinking about what a class SHALL do BEFORE it is implemented would have saved me a lot of double coding...
So how about you, what's up today?
'IEnumerable<SalesOrderDetails>' does not contain a definition for 'SODetails' and no extension method 'SODetails' accepting a first argument of type 'IEnumerable<SalesOrderDetails>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) @scheien
@Bechi true. A pragmatic attitude. I like. Still you will probably end up refactoring it after a little while.
@mark IEnumerable<SalesOrderDetails> is a collection. Are you trying to access SODetails property from the elements within that collection?
7:10 AM
That's my real code anyway.
@Bechi Not much really. Preparing to publish some minor tweaks.
That error appears on @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.iESalesOrderDetails.SODetails. The Red wavy is at SODetails @scheien
@RoelvanUden Hey Sensai, did you ever build stuff for windows server?
Good morning y'all o/
@MilesA. Yeah I did.
good morning
7:13 AM
@mark You can't reference a property on an element within an collection like that. You either need to specify an index, or iterate through the elements with a loop.
Good morning :)
@RoelvanUden can you tell me why i can't just simply run a "hello world" cmd application
@scheien what should I need to do anyway? :)
Good Morning
@MilesA. Why not? Windows Server is just like a regular Windows.
7:15 AM
You can loop through the elements like this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/6674705/1307748
and use your Viewmodel as model `@Model Project.ViewModels.MyViewModel`.
Hello devs
In CQRS scenario, is it legal to Have Query interfaces in Application layer and implement them in Infrastructure layer, is it application logic leak to infrastructure layer?
i get a uncaught exeption when i try to run it.
As a novice i would gess some .NET Framework stuff is missing, but aperentrly 4.5.2 is installed on the server.
@scheien I just wondering, MVC in index has foreach(var item in Model){...}
a WIN 32 excetption cannot find the file specified
@scheien I just wondering, MVC in index has foreach(var item in Model){...}
I just copied it there on the default mvc controller. But why it doesn't work @scheien
7:18 AM
@MilesA. For which file?
I right click on the project, select build, copy the .exe in the to the server and try to run it
Doesn't it have dependencies?
Okay hang on, i created a new project, tried again and now it works.
@mark You viewmodel should contain the public IEnumerable<SalesOrderDetails> iESalesOrderDetails {get;set;}. Let's call it SalesOrderDetailsViewModel (crappy name, I know). Then in your view, you'll tie it to the viewmodel @model SalesOrderDetailsViewModel. Then when you want to iterate the elements within iESalesOrderDetails, you use the @foreach helper, as you found in the index template. @foreach(var item in @Model.iESalesOrderDetails) {}
<table class="table">
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.iESalesOrderDetails.SODetails.PONumber)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.ItemName)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Description)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Quantity)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.UnitMeasure)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.UnitPrice)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.AmountPrice)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.TaxType)
7:22 AM
any link where i can find some good advice's/info about memory leaks?
In C#?
Holy cow of a horse fucker!
Dependencies are external libraries that i use am i right?
@MilesA. Well, yeah.
@scheien I'm going to try that.
@scheien what do I need to put inside my foreach?
and when i build a programm and have the .dll in the same directory as the .exe, can it happen that it doesn't find the .dll?
7:25 AM
Because I tried <th> @Html.DisplayNameFor(model=>model.iESalesOrderDetails.SO.Details)</th>
I got the same error @scheien I put that inside the foreach that you said. :)
@mark inside your foreach you'll be using @item.SODetailsId (and/or other properties of your SalesOrderDetails class.)
no, c++
@scheien thank you I'm going to try that. :) wait a secs
@Proxy wrong room

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
@scheien I have a problem in @Model.iESalesOrderDetails.
7:34 AM
its was a more of an advice then a question, besides that room is empty
it's empty because people don't ask questions, duh
@RoelvanUden i think you didn't see this b4, thats why i will write it again :)

"and when i build a programm and have the .dll in the same directory as the .exe, can it happen that it doesn't find the .dll?"
@scheien screencast.com/t/Lo3TO2B8AkMd
@MilesA. Uhm, if the dll is in the same folder, that should work.
7:38 AM
@RoelvanUden okay... weird^^
anyone up for a code review?
@StevenLiekens hit me
also good morning, all
@RoelvanUden thanks for you help again anyways :)
I have this interface ITextSource which is similar to TextReader but supports seeking github.com/StevenLiekens/Txt/blob/master/src/Txt.Core/…
and I've written a base class that anyone can inherit from to create new text sources github.com/StevenLiekens/Txt/blob/master/src/Txt.Core/…
I've also added a simple concrete class for string text sources github.com/StevenLiekens/Txt/blob/master/src/Txt.Core/…
but I'm kind of worried about how I buffer characters
feels like my code is going to call Array.Copy way too often github.com/StevenLiekens/Txt/blob/master/src/Txt.Core/…
this might not be the simple review that I thought it would be
for me it looks like next gen shit that i have no idea of
7:49 AM
calling new Func in a base(...) is a little bit too clever for me
morn all
I'll change that
@StevenLiekens /// <summary> comments would be useful ;)
@ntohl changed it
@Squiggle okay
Do I need to have JetBrians
7:52 AM
resharper? yes
hmm. Does notnull annotation do nothing when null is given?
protected TextSource2([NotNull] char[] data)
            if (data == null)
also I kinda like the _blah notation for private class variables.
var diff = Math.Abs(this.offset - offset);
feels ambiguous for me
@ntohl ArgumentNullException perhaps ? ... have you read the docs?
@ntohl [NotNull] doesn't do anything by itself
but at a glance I can't see anything inherently wrong with your implementation.
7:55 AM
@War fight this with Steven. I don't know
(write some unit tests if you're paranoid)
Q: NotNull attribute

Alexey AndrushkevichI'm looking at asp.net vnext engineering guideline and have noticed that they recommend to use NotNull attribute instead of explicit checking of input argument for null and throwing ArgumentNullException. The thing that confused me is that base on this guideline it is just enough to declare this ...

var unread = FillBuffer(count); I hovered my mouse over FillBuffer to check what does it return. Even tried ctrl-k+i, but nothing shows me the return type of FillBuffer... What should I do? (ps: checking the code on github)
I mean it's bool or int
it's int, the number of unread characters in the buffer
ofc. 1 line below it will be clear, when used in Min method. I was ranting about excessive use of var
does github have tooltips like visual studio does?
8:02 AM
and it was not directed to You @StevenLiekens
that would be cool though
I think I had an argument with Scheien, that VS shows us the type with tooltips and stuff, so var is so much better, and my point is invalid, that in these special cases a bool or int would make the code clearer to read
but if You read the code in github... Where is Your var God now?
Literally everything shows return types when you hover over it in VS15
I'm reading the code here and now on github
now I wonder if it would be possible to create an extension that converts all "var" to type names before writing changes to disk
and do the opposite when opening the file in VS
8:13 AM
how does StartRecording called?
@StevenLiekens Why the opposite? Is var so much better?
@StevenLiekens I think You can do it manually with resharper. Opening up the file, set the rule to use var. Fix problems. Than do the same with "not use var" rule, when You close the VS
no my idea was to always use type names in the file on disk, but always use "var" when viewing the file in visual studio
wondering if an extension could do that
I bet you could with roslyn
but it would probably make it slow to open files
@StevenLiekens how does StartRecording called?
it's called by the user and it prevents the reader from clearing characters from the internal buffer
so if you want to call Seek with a smaller offset than the current offset, it throws unless you called StartRecording first
reader.Seek(0); // throws exception
reader.Seek(0); // this is fine
8:30 AM
ohh. I thought there is some observer pattern behind the scene, which cleans up
StartRecording is a promise that whatever the current offset is, you will be able to Seek to that offset
if you have a better name for it then please tell me
actually you would use it in a try..finally
    // read operations
I would name it something like SeekConstraintOff() or something too long like DisableSeekPositionConstraint()
in general I like the code
8:48 AM
I asked before, but had to head home from work. Is anyone here familiar with authenticating with ADFS in a C# console application? It works fine in my asp.net web application, but I want to hit a controller endpoint with a console application.
There's so much confusing and somewhat contradictory information and I can't find a decent answer.
anyway here's the question I posted yesterday, I have progressed a bit since then but not updated the post. stackoverflow.com/questions/39199350/…
@RoelvanUden will have a new name soon sensei, if it works like that :D
Hey, guys, I've published a site on iis and set the physical path to a folder that I created. However when I try to run the site on a browser it gives me 404 not found and the physical path that it says that it cannot find is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\folder-name\ instead of the one I configured.
Why is this happening?
9:09 AM
404 means, doesn't exists
Check if you're using the correct path.
I've configured a path to my website. But when I run the browser and shows me that error, the path that it says that it cannot find is different from the one that I have configured.
How did you configure it?
I created a new website
and in the physical path
i selected the folder where I have my project C:/Apps/my-website
But when I runt it, it says 404 not found and that it cannot find the website on C:\inetpub\wwwroot\my-website\
9:27 AM
You can figure it out. Since the browser is giving you a "404 response error" means to say, the browser can not find your site or path.
Hey-ho, everyone.
Howdy @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
9:36 AM
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°), - My face when I successfully created the code :D
( Í¡° ͜ʖ MAC
10:07 AM
How are you @Squiggle :)
10:29 AM
hi guys
anyone know what is this error
windows form?
it happens when i drag a metro framework control to the winform
are all the tools having the same error or the metrocheckbox only?
just controls of that tab
yes all controls
of that tab
maybe you are missing assemblies or something?
do you have teamviewer?
10:33 AM
see the error
Let me check. what's your connection?
these controls
give me your teamviewer, I'm gonna check it on my own
my id?
10:35 AM
yep id and password
sorry i have not used it before just installed
maybe because there are 2 Metro tabls
108 570 426
thats my id
and pass is
okay man.
thanks in advance
10:36 AM
Thank me when I fix hehe
@RoelvanUden have you heard of Channels github.com/davidfowl/Channels
10:47 AM
@mark thanks i try with that
@HamreenAhmad Sure man. Just create another form if the problem still persist. :) Create a new a fresh form. :)
As far as I see, there are no references missing or something because we were successfully call the metroform .dll. :)
i try to download the framework again
maybe it fixes
Ahm I see. tell me after you download.
I'm gonna connect to you again and reference the tool properly.
Maybe you are missing something that I might help to figure it out :)
Hey, guys could you help me out with this question:
@HamreenAhmad you can use my dll if you want :)
10:49 AM
i like it
Wait a secs, I'm gonna give you the link of my onedrive. :)
iam waiting
Download it first :)
Tell me after you download because I'm going to turn off the sharing. hehe
do you want connect again
Yes man.
10:53 AM
108 570 426
hi anyone know about bundling in mvc5 (asp.net core)
@JoãoPaiva what exactly do you mean? you need to connect to your web site with and url and port if you are running it wit iss... maybe i'm missing the ball but i don't understand what exactly you want to do / or what are you asking
@Proxy I created the website on my server. Then for testing purposes I try to access it in the server through localhost. My problem is that it returns 404 not found and on the details of the error the physical path is different from the one that i configured for the website.
Hi @Proxy... Actually i done the bundling using Gulpfile.js .. But it doesn't load the css and js file in the webpage
How to fix this issue
10:58 AM
:) download that whole folder :) @HamreenAhmad
108 570 426
did you download the 3 files? :)
@JasperManickaraj i have not worked with asp.net that much so i can't help out of my head, but maybe you forgot to include the "render" on your html page
@JasperManickaraj can you run the app from visual studio?
ya.. I forgot to include the render
11:09 AM
keel me
I managed to sneak in on television yesterday for my 5 seconds of fame hah
@JakobMillah haha really?
Yep ^^
That's cool man.
thanks @mark
11:11 AM
Guess who is who hahaha
Sure man. :D @HamreenAhmad Just love C# man. :)
@JakobMillah haha who are you there?
The one that is not the TV guy haha.
HAHA maybe comeback to JAVA FX
@JakobMillah haha let me guess. you're the one with blue hair? :D
@JakobMillah haha
@mark Well, wrong ;)
11:14 AM
MSDN docs lie about StreamReader.Peek
@JakobMillah Haha
@JakobMillah behind them? haha
@JakobMillah I don't know man. Haha
omg you literally don't know......? The tall guy to the left
But people started comparing me with the program leader during the audition :)
@JakobMillah I figured it out. Hehe base on the profile picture man. :D
Who's the program leader there anyway. hehe
...the guy with the microphone?
The one on the left side?
ah on the right side?
11:16 AM
yeah. It's bad quality, but hey
Haha man! I think you are better than that guy. Haha @JakobMillah
Taking photo of a screen is not the way to go... I should probably have recorded using the laptop.. But shiet, don't know macs xD
Haha but man, it's fine. we call it "exposure" public "exposure" haha
Better at singing anyway ^^ But yeah... I saw that episode yesterday and damn... When I was at the audition, there were WAY better singers that applied than what got to sing on TV. Kinda sad
But still man, it's still a privilege and wonderful experienced though. :) There's still another chance.
What's the audition? X Factor?
11:23 AM
@JakobMillah There's two of you! omgomgomg
@StevenLiekens no
We only had X Factor for a year, but it flopped. Idol is what is working here
@scheien 2 too much if you ask some :D
@JakobMillah Oh cool.
@JakobMillah They're wrong.
11:24 AM
We gonna more proud here if we see you in the finalist man. @JakobMillah Keep it up!
@scheien Haha, thanks bro! Just foolin :)
and we are proud of you man even now :) @JakobMillah :)
@mark Dude, I didn't even get to sing for the TV jury ^^ I got past the first, had to go through a second one, but hey...Not that it says much. All the ones I met during that day didn't pass it through and they were all really great musicians... Then you see the ones on TV and they all are pretty bad... Most of them were clowns
@mark your pic is disturbing me man. It feels like 2 stick doing z game ..
11:26 AM
I like z game
@JakobMillah Because it is not truly about talent for singing, after all, it's an amusement program.
That's what it has become, sadly @RoelvanUden
And stupid people are amused when they consider someone talentless is giving it all they have
So, yeah, take the people with an amusement factor. Whatever that factor is.
It be z factor
Channels look interesting
11:30 AM
@JakobMillah Hehe I know. But chanced to be on the first stage of that audition still something to be proud of man. :)
@JakobMillah create a song for us man, the C# room. Show us your luvv
@ElieSaad haha you want me to change my pic?
@mark Yeah :) I am! I might apply for next year as well, just because it was a great experience to meet all the musicians. And this time, actually have a song ready more than 3 days before ^^
@mark hahaha not necessarily, was just pointing it out as a fun thing :P
Sticks have a bad reputation :P
@JakobMillah That's cool. Importantly you enjoy what talent that you have :) and failure is part of something bigger success though. :)
@ElieSaad Haha oh man. something's on your head. resist that man haha
11:34 AM
The struggle is real man .. It's real I tell you.
@ElieSaad haha I'm going to edit my profile picture. Haha just to avoid that thinking. Haha
hold on. :p
**** me... I just got torticollis
I was just going to streatch a bit and my neck just snapped..
Go see your doctor.
11:39 AM
Will probably be gone within a few days.
@JakobMillah no way man. You still have life and success to pursue.
It's over for me.. I won't be able to move
I'm lost
@ElieSaad haha are you ready for the new transformation?
Anyone playing WoW today?
@mark go go go!
11:43 AM
@JakobMillah totally
@JakobMillah man @RoelvanUden is soft on the inside. He cares for you. Who knew ..
@ElieSaad I don't know what I've done to deserve that!
@scheien Cool! Played anything yet or it's after work?
probably tonight, after the kids are asleep
@ElieSaad It's weird. I already updated on my profile. But I still have this image. hehe
one dude got to level 110 within 5 ½ hours. pretty insane
11:45 AM
@scheien they sleep .. that's something.
@JakobMillah Not today, but I do have a 100 dh.
@JakobMillah keep moving. :) There are still a better things ahead. :D
@JakobMillah I'd bet he/she have played the alpha/beta/ptr a lot.
@scheien most definitely. Think he streamed while doing it
So it was all legit
Are you playing?
11:48 AM
@ElieSaad here's my new profile picture imgur.com/a/3JeDa
Haha :D
I just wrote something to avoid misinterpretation. :D I think that's nicer than before.
@mark So deep, you sure you in the right room? :P
Haha @ElieSaad well, man. I like to reflect things. That's all. Thank you :p
@scheien Nah. I think I'm done with WoW. But we'll see. I am pretty sure I'll never go back though
After last expension's disappointment, I felt like I was done
wod was pretty nice imo.
Never liked it, but also didn't play too much during it
11:54 AM
@mark applause Well done my friend. You have passed the test.
@JakobMillah I played at launch, and until the second raid came along.
@JakobMillah why are you asking who's playing WoW today, if you are done with WoW?
@ElieSaad Thank you sir, I appreciate you sir. :D Indeed, I need to past this on the next generation though.
@ElieSaad Still interested who's playing. Also so I can ask how it is :)
@mark Tho is wise, even tho thou is still young and wild.
11:57 AM
@ElieSaad Hahah that's pretty funny man. :D
@JakobMillah You still belong to WoW, don't you?
@mark Humor with some shakesperian style be fun ma man. I try to practice it here and there :P
@ElieSaad Not really no. I don't feel any craving what so ever this time around. They have just completely wrecked the leveling experience
@ElieSaad Haha thanks for that tip. I'd better do the same. Haha :D
@JakobMillah from what level? 1? or 100?
11:59 AM
@JakobMillah even tho I know some people that would pick WoW over any other online game, such as LoL or dota or whatever.
It would be insane if they didn't normalise the experience between the expansions.

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