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that guy
he's back
hahaha he was talking about himself
!!zalgo Congratulations
@C4u C̴͕͓̋ͫ̔̃ͩô̼̟͙͙̈́̎n̺͓̫̤ͧͨ̒̉̑͒ͯͅg̹̻͖͍͍̞̦͍͛̉̌̃̎̌̓ͧ͠͡r̨̤̭̺̅ͩ̀̾͢a̖͙͉̜͊̾̋ţ̷͎ͨͮů̎ͥͬ̐͡‌​̗̮̫͇̥̯͝l̴̮̮͙̝͔ͮ͋͛͆ͥ̆̾̏͝a̙͙̳͙ͣ̔̉ͣ̽ͨ͆͟͠ͅt̤̹͐̽̀͝ȉ̧̳͙͓̥͇̮̹̩̄̄̑́͝o̮̭̣̜͎͇ͭ͗͋ͭ̓ͭͧ̾͠ͅn̾̎‌​̣͉̲̘̳̱ͯs̶͍͎̯͙̩̬̯̖̈͌̐̃͘
4:06 PM
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName You are the man
thank you thank you (blush)
!!wiki Big ball of mud
A big ball of mud is a software system that lacks a perceivable architecture. Although undesirable from a software engineering point of view, such systems are common in practice due to business pressures, developer turnover and code entropy. They are a type of design anti-pattern. == In computer programs == The term was popularized in Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder's 1997 paper of the same name, which defines the term: A Big Ball of Mud is a haphazardly structured, sprawling, sloppy, duct-tape-and-baling-wire, spaghetti-code jungle. These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth, and...
Hah seriously works. Nice.
4:11 PM
!!wiki disciclopedia
Uncyclopedia is a satirical website that parodies Wikipedia. Its logo, a hollow "puzzle potato", parodies Wikipedia's globe puzzle logo, and it styles itself "the content-free encyclopedia", which is a parody of Wikipedia's slogan, "the free encyclopedia". Originally founded in 2005 as an English-language wiki, the project currently spans over 75 languages. The English version has approximately 30,000 pages of content, second only to the Portuguese. Various styles of humour are used as a vehicle for parody, from sophisticated satire to simple sarcasm, along with structured in-jokes and frequent...
i wouldn't say that to anyone.
hmm ok make it cuter then
"I can't hear you over the non beautiful words that come out of your mouth "
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName I can't hear you over the sound of clicking "Ignore this user (everywhere)" on your user page.
4:18 PM
@mikeTheLiar awwwwn that's cute :)
4:42 PM
1:20h to go.
yay finally they made EF lightweight
I got minesweeper goty edition
with the sea mines expansion dlc
thought I would never get it damn
can't wait to go home and play the crap out of it
O.o goty edition?
game of the year
4:49 PM
What kind of expansion should be there?
Why do I live in a world where MINESWEEPER HAS DLC
Isnt minesweeper a quite finished game?
damn I also think the bundle came with the 4K textures as well
Who da hell is playing minesweeper in fullscreen on a 4k screen?
Idk I think it was for celebrating something
4:50 PM
!!google minsweeper game of the year
but I got it, it was only 6$
still a pretty classic windows game
Even our bot refuses to google for that...
you paid six dollars for minesweeper...
Yeah lol.
I do wonder what the hell the dlc does
4:51 PM
!!youtube minesweeper dlc
@VeronicaDeane nope a friend got me a copy, so I actually didn't payed anything for it
@C4u Something went on fire; status 403
ok I'm trolling you, there's no such thing as minesweeper DLC
!!meme fuu
Yep. Nice @CapricaSix.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@C4u Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
4:53 PM
!!wiki image not found
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
but but I've sacrificed a goat
poor Goaty McGoatface
Sometimes it takes a while.
Trying something advenced
!!convert 15ETH to EUR
@C4u Unit ETH not recognized. Did you mean:
* pressure: ATM
* energy: BTU
Hmm okay.
4:54 PM
ok it was actually funny that you were believing in the minesweeper thing HAHAHAHA
I was just juming onto that troll-train.
!!define troll
@C4u troll (fantasy) A supernatural being of varying size, now especially a grotesque humanoid creature living in caves or hills or under bridges. [from early 17th c.]
@VeronicaDeane I'm also distrubed by that
!!define trolling
@C4u trolling present participle of troll
4:56 PM
oh da hell
can you do that in another room please? its flooding the room
!!hang @C4u
@Darth_Wardy hahahahahaha get the "Air mines DLC" now for free
@JABFreeware I will only accept alpha characters
Amy not on the humor-train
4:58 PM
Amy rarely is
but isn't she a pony?
ponies are not know for their great moods....
@Amy whaaaaat?
4:59 PM
Looks like hanging isnt possible in trash can. Nice troll amy.
Are you suggesting I'm in a bad mood because I asked someone not to flood the room?
Not to play hangman.
Then trolled him by moving into a room where its not possible :(.
I don't care about your hangman game. Play it in any room but this one
@Amy he mentioned ponies... I am not suggesting anything about you, I don't like flooding either.
@C4u You cant play in the trashcan? :(
Dont mess with ponies on mondays hm?
Nope. :/ unmotivated as hell now.
5:04 PM
hey guys am able to get items bound in a listview but not those outside in textblocks.The listview is bound to a list of class Services while the other textblocks are bound to properties of a class Expert
how I try to get the items in expert sample
<TextBlock Text="Full Name" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding name}" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
how I get items in listview sample:
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Services}"
                      Margin="10,10,10,0" TabIndex="1" Header="Service Request">
I pass into the view
public ExpertItem Expert { get; set; }
public List<ServiceItem> Services { get; set; }
and then I populate the expert and serviceitem
now my question is how do I target the binding to just Expert
when you do {Binding Services} it is binding to the Services property of your viewmodel.
when you do {Binding Name} is is trying to bind to the Name property of your viewmodel.
your viewmodel doesn't have a Name property. it has an Expert property.
So you need to bind to, e.g. {Binding Expert.Name}
5:22 PM
Expert has Name property @MichaelEdenfield
In my listview am able to get my list of services
sample data used
this.Expert = new ExpertItem()
NativeId = 1,
name ="Marto Ule Mse",
id_number ="232765263",
time ="6 seconds",
profession = "medical dr",
badge ="37623",
age = 25
this.Services = new List<ServiceItem>();
new ServiceItem()
NativeId = 1,
Name = "Jose",
Cost = 22.44M,
new ServiceItem()
NativeId = 2,
Name = "Setveo",
Cost = 5002.44M,
@GotaloveCode What are you specifying as the data context for your view?
an Expert?
am passing in summarypageviewmodel
does SummaryPageViewModel have a Name property?
which has list of service and a single Expert item
no it does not
then {Binding Name} is not going to work.
{Binding Expert.Name} will work
SummaryPageViewModel has an Expert property, and that has a Name property, so the binding path is valid
5:27 PM
doesn't seem to work
let me check case
snap thats it
i hate myself so much right now
@MichaelEdenfield typically knows what he's talking about except when it comes to ponies.
I know my ponies.
but I didnt know if I could bind down on properties like that
5:29 PM
lol @MichaelEdenfield
you can, as long as the whole path works. if any part of it's misspelled or whatever, you just get nothing.
thanks @MichaelEdenfield am still trying to learn my way through MVVM so this mistakes end up a good lesson
you can also go into Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Output Window -> WPF Trace Settings
and enable Data Binding error logging.... I set mine to Warning.
then you will get warnings in your output window if your bindings are broken
great already have mine on warning
One more curious question
when I have Path=Expert is it the same as {Binding Expert}?
the Binding object has a number of propertys, Path, StringFormat, etc.
if you just give it one "parameter" it's assigned to Path
5:35 PM
rename IsKinky to IsGiggity
{Binding Expert} is basically XAML shorthand for something like <Binding Path="Expert" /> (it's not exactly that but that's the idea.)
i was just sitting at my desk wondering why there was a tractor trailer idling outside my window for the past hour.
turns out, it's my PC
Now in my viewmodel above Binding Path=Name,RelativeSource= ? What should it it be DataContext.Expert or how would it be?
I tried this mode while trying to figure it out but must have gotten the relativesource wrong
RelativeSource doesn't work like that.
it basically lets you pick something other than the current data context to bind to.
its mostly used when you want to bind to other things in your UI
5:41 PM
like binding the Color of a Textbox to the IsEnabled of that TextBox
you can also use it when you need to get some other data context..
cool, one of my questions just went over 10,000 views.
you can do things like Path=DataContext.Something, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor ...}
that lets you find the data context of some parent control and bind to that
that makes sense now
any mvvm beginner books you recommend. I have read Programming Windows Store Apps with C# but still need to go deeper on mvvm & xaml itself
find some wpf books
But skip the wtf books
5:55 PM
get the rtfm books.
(but dont read them)
Get the really heavy books and lift them until you can scare people into teaching WPF.
get WPF 4.5 Unleashed, put it on your bookshelf, and look smart while you google "how do i mvvm"
if you want to get stronger by lifting weights, heavy books is the wrong way to go about it. what you want instead is small children. starting out they're light, but as you get stronger they will age and grow bigger.
Madame Zeroni wants you to carry a pig up a mountain every day and sing to it.
5:59 PM
Now there's a reference I didn't expect to see today.
that reference was scripted for tomorrow
now we gotta film it all over again
I was actually reading WPF 4.5 Unleashed and it reminded me that XAML 2009 exists.
which reminded me of one of my favorite MS quotes, possibly of all time:
> In WPF, you can use XAML 2009 features, but only for XAML that is not WPF markup-compiled.
> In WPF, you can use XAML 2009 features, but only for absolutely none of it
6:03 PM
Closing time...
am gonna get me a copy of that
hey fellow coders
there are now two people both named Codeman in this room.
@Amy one's a synth
We should make them fight.
6:11 PM
I am on a mission to convert a vb.net to c# project, but when I use sharp develop 4.4 I get about 300 some complier issues. when I tried to convert each method of the code and finally I get 235 errors is there any perfect converters out there :)
i come in peace no fighting please
Can I ping both at once?
no, there are no perfect converters.
Sippy's profile lists him as "L'homme du Code".
Which means "Codeman"
you will have to do some of the conversion by hand.
6:12 PM
This is clearly a conspiracy
man i hate vb.net soooo fugly language
@CodeMan No because vb is shit.
@mikeTheLiar my profile does nothing of the sort, dear chap
has anyone had to convert a project that was created by another guy that no longer works here even more painful
i'm sure most of us have.
And they call me a liar.
6:16 PM
anyways thanks dudes i have 235 complier f'in issues to fix, will catch you guys later
and i am the only codeman sippy
In a less statically-checkable language, you'd have zero compiler issues, which would be worse.
cough javascript cough
is it possible to set a breakpoint on a vb asp page?
and actually hit it?
asp.net or asp?
6:21 PM
i dont think so
oi vey
AFAIK the best you can do is logging lines.
i knew there was a reason i avoided vb like the plague
@mikeTheLiar what the fawk
6:25 PM
@Sippy don't look at me, it's your profile
any reason why when I try to overwrite my list of items nothing appears
@Bardicer need to use response.write to debug
sorry need to use pastie
I can't seem to get items from the db to bind to the view
yet adding a static list works
In web.config, you can break the appsettings out into a different file, but you can't do that with other sections of the config file?
@GotaloveCode do you need to notify the view when the list is done populating?
6:35 PM
I need the view to show loaded items so does that mean I need to notify the view once the list has loaded
thanks @juanvan
apparently vb doesn't support ==
VB doesn't support equality? Racist.
lol nope
because I am using async methods I guess that means I should right @CuddleBunny?
lmao @mikeTheLiar
6:37 PM
@Bardicer I think it uses equals instead
so... sane languages' assignment operator == vb's equality operator?
no... that can't be right
nah, = should be equality
i see Dim variable : otherVariable
just like in math
that's assignment :P
6:38 PM
@CuddleBunny so do you suggest I use an observablecollection instead?
Some languages do := for assignment and = for equality.
so much of programming languages is derived from math, and = got mistranslated
@GrantHill much better
of course, assignment is kind of a kludge
... ok = is equality comparison in vb
just a normal if var = ""
6:39 PM
better off without it entirely
whoever created this language needs to be committed...
Very much Committed
@GotaloveCode not necessary, I'm not familiar with the MVVM framework you're using, but I assume it uses INotifyPropertyChanged somewhere, dispatch that.
to the sanitarium repo
yea I have that hooked on
6:40 PM
once the data is done loading, if you send that out it should update the view
Haskell is love
although it still has == for equality
<script>console.log(<%=result("id") = 1234 %>)</script> results in "Uncaught ReferenceError: False is not defined"
at least it doesn't have assignment
6:42 PM
@Bardicer there are crazier assignment operators: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assignment_(computer_science)#Notation
I kinda like the arrow.
@CuddleBunny my head hurts enough with just vb right now
@Bardicer <script>console.log("<%=result("id") = 1234 %>")</script>
>R has three or four different assignment operators
Make up your mind.
Haskell is best of all
writeIORef x 1
6:47 PM
We have several webservice servers that sites can alternatively point to for testing, live, etc... If we're using the Configuration Manager to switch between them, what is the best way to make that change? How should the Configuration Manager be affecting the project?
What we've been doing in the past is having alternate config files in a separate folder and set up a pre-build event to copy the correct one into the root folder based on the Config Manager setting.
I'm wondering if there's a better way.
7:03 PM
Anyone know how to obtain the publish/version number of an Asp.Net MVC web application?
@Michael You can download the publish Information on azure
@MatthiasHerrmann I dont think we are using azure. I'm not even sure what comes by default? is it still called ClickOnce? It doesnt seem like thats what it is
@Michael in web.config
the binary files might have a date, but I think you need to manually increment any version numbers that are included
7:14 PM
One dollar a month
> ASPHostPortal.com is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States.
this concerns me
You can't afford not to trust them
Plus, it's got this scary lady.
in my experience any time someone uses that kind of self promotion, they are terrible people
@GrantHill Is she Asp?
she kinda cute tho
The other girls in the slideshow are cuter.
Check out the full picture. She got freak eyes.
7:16 PM
what slideshow
freak eyes
I bet she knows a lot about servers
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Apparently, they manage Canadian Tire's website.
None of their servers are located in international waters.
If I can't host my site on a raft in the exact center of the Pacific Garbage Patch then count me out.
good point
7:18 PM

Read the first paragraph there, though.
Success for us is something that is continually experienced, not something that is reached. For us it is all about the experience – more than the journey. Life is a continual experience. We see the Internet as being an incredible amplifier to the experience of life for all of us. It can help humanity come together to explode in knowledge exploration and discussion. It is continual enlightenment of new ideas, experiences, and passions.
listen to the video though
they obviously used a trial version of something
audio jungle?
"We are Windows hosting provider"
>30 dyas guarantee
*Insert marketing filter*
*Exit marketing filter*
Why did you post an empty message @GrantHill?
They're very slick, but doesn't something seem off about them?
Like that whole paragraph of nonsense?
> ASPHostPortal.com is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to ASPHostPortal.com for ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2012, .NET 4.5.1/ASP.NET 4.5, ASP.NET MVC 5.0/4.0, Silverlight 5 and Visual Studio Lightswitch.
7:26 PM
They keep saying that, but saying something doesn't make it true.
They were also awarded the 2nd place prize in "Saying something over and over again until it you're too exhausted to question it", narrowly edged out by Donald Trump.
They're also gunning for "suspiciously tenuous grasp of the English language"
> We are prepared to do the needful
> am doing a host
7:29 PM
these guys are also recommended #1
Those guys are both liars. Everyone knows I'm Microsoft Recommended No. #1 Host
The second guys have a nicer logo.
no, I am
Trust them.
i'm gonna look for unrecommended hosting options
We are all Microsoft's #1 Recommended Host on this glorious day.
7:31 PM
and make sure they get proper recommendation
including a logo
Je suis Microsoft Recommended Host #1
Microsoft Recommended Host #1, c'est moi
Eiffel tower: Microsoft #1 Recommended Asp.NET host.
Hon hon hon
@StevenLiekens I am also a #1 recommended ASP.NET host
7:33 PM
Does Microsoft even recommend hosts?
Yeah. Azure.
I guess it's something
7:35 PM
Their customer service pisses on you?
Staffed by R. Kelly
Our bytes have nine bits, since you're such a good customer.
There's no reason we can't have 9-bit bytes
7:37 PM
@VeronicaDeane What.
If they died, they'd be a #1 recommended ghost
Well, yeah. The 8-bit byte is a relatively recent standardization.
@RoelvanUden they wouldn't be octets, but they'd be bytes
In fact, due to our base-10 numeral system, 10-bit bytes would probably be more useful than 8 bits.
Then again, we could also have trits instead of bits.
@GrantHill That gets significantly more complex
Why stop there? Let's go all the way to quits.
7:39 PM
Let's call it quits on quits.
Of course we could always fall back to Brits.
You ain't fallin back 'ere, f off
They did this whole exit thing to get rid of people falling into them.
Does anyone know with EF if I add a new property to a class (that i presume changes the DB structure) I heard that whether it is (non-nullable vs nullable) makes a difference in whether the DB structure DB model needs to be rebuilt

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