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2:01 PM
@Squiggle I never tried it, but session state and such things make me confused
@Mathematics You just said you work with Web Forms. :/
anyone can help in doing pie chart using telerix?
webforms won't work with proxies? that's news to me.
I'm under the impression @Mathematics is just saying words. :-P
2:06 PM
hey, can a Model reference a Model in MVVM?
Well, yes, they can.
models referencing models is all part of the Model
@Amy ... turtles all the way down, right?
@SteffenWinkler what, like a Car model that contains a list of Wheel models?
2:07 PM
until you get to the tortoises
@Squiggle yes
@Amy can help in doing pie chart using telerix?
no @mj
well... unless you want to create properties Car.Wheel1, Car.Wheel2, Car.Wheel3 and a nullable Car.Wheel4...?
you can make the Model as complex as you want
2:08 PM
@Squiggle well, it could've been that Car get's the wheel types directly from the db layer
then it isn't a model
if (Car.Wheels.Count == 2) throw new ThisIsProbablyAMotorbikeException();
@Amy actually (and sadly), I can't. My boss won't allow it :(
@Squiggle lol
what do you mean, your boss won't allow it? your boss doesn't want you to use the proper data structures to model your domain?
2:09 PM
if (Car.Wheels.Count == 0) throw new YouArrivedInLiverpoolException();
@SteffenWinkler "Car get's the wheel types directly from the db layer" > separate your database/domain models and your view models!
the model isn't just a class. its the entire structure used to represent your domain. the Model is composed of models.
but yeah, given any layer, the models should model stuff as accurately as possible. If that means referencing other models, then so be it.
2:11 PM
@Squiggle ? data has to come from somewhere. That's the db layer, in my case it's loaded per MEF.
@SteffenWinkler sorry, I'm confused. Which layer and what sort of models are we talking about, exactly?
/me emerges from his enforced exile. SSL now works, everyone is happy. *blinks at the sudden sunlight*
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan What was the source of the problem?
@Squiggle MVVM: Model -> ViewModel -> View
{db adapter/layer} - {MVVM}
@scheien To configure SSL for WebApi running under OWIN in a self-hosted windows service.
With a self-signed certificate.
2:13 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ah, I meant, what did you do to fix it?
@SteffenWinkler OK. The Model there is, I guess, your domain layer. Which for simple systems is probably also the database model.
CarList is a Model
Car is a datatype that is used inside the MVVM
Wheel is a datatype that is used inside the MVVM
Cars and Wheels are provided by the dbadapter
which is accessed/known by Models
I dont usually do DB stuff, but for those of you who do EF with DB-first, do you manually create all the join tables for many to many relationships?
now, would it be okay if the CarList Model has access to the WheelList Model or should the CarList Model pull the list of wheels directly from the database adapter?
the returned type in both cases is the same. And I'd have a WheelList Model either way
(since I've to be able to add new wheel types)
@RoelvanUden sorry I meant making web forms stateful (if that's the word)
@Amy they do work, it's just the tracking stuff (I don't understand - not saying that they won't work)
2:18 PM
@scheien Figured out exactly how to create the certificate (makecert has very vague documentation), then figured out I don't need to register a urlacl in HTTP.SYS because I'm running as admin, then figured out how to get the WCF client to not validate certificates. Hacky.
okay so yesterday i left work with some angular functionality not working. this morning its working. i didn't change anything.
why computers why
@Amy the cache cleaned out
that's a better explanation than anything i can come up with
@Amy solar flares changing your code on the drive?
2:21 PM
i blame zoidberg.
@Amy cache ?
i dont think its a caching issue. my changes were being reflected in the browser yesterday, they just weren't fixing my problem. i think my computer just needed to sleep on it.
always one way to check out - Network Tab
2:24 PM
@Amy perhaps you just dreamed that you fixed the problem, and in reality your code was broken all along.
i have wondered if my entire life prior to today was a dream.
Always blame caching. I just debugged Razor code that was, apparently, stale and badly linked. In cache, all enums were 0 because it failed to compile them or something crazy funky shit like that
maybe i'm dreaming right now
David Bowie is not dead?
2:27 PM
@RoelvanUden lol that gif! those stupid cats...
shhh. the cats might hear you
Morning everyone.
someone made a codepen using minified javascript
very useful
blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2016/01/13/project-rider-a-csharp-ide for those who haven't seen yet - JetBrains annouced a new cross-platform C# IDE
2:35 PM
jetbrains have good stuff
@Squiggle Let's pin that ;-)
aye. This one is built with ReSharper technology :)
Yeah, that actually might not suck.
The question though for a Windows machine, will it be better than Visual Studio Community Edition?
I very much like the idea of writing .NET on Debian.
2:38 PM
@RoelvanUden what's up with that family picture?
so apparently
you do not need to reinstall windows after swapping the mobo/processor out
its been a while since i upgraded
windows just said "Installing new devices" and boom i was done
i didnt know that
ya, unless there is something it can't access
like the sata drivers when you plug it back in
And graphics cards tend to explode.
The drivers.. oh god.
Boom when you swap card.
@xanderdumaine Where are you trying to access us from?
@xanderdumaine Can you hit this please? http://stackoverflow.com/cdn-cgi/trace Let me know which Colo you're hitting.
@xanderdumaine @wsmelton thanks for the reports - we're tracking down the issue with the CF ATL colo and hope to have you working soon.
wtf feeds
2:42 PM
if you change an nvidia card to another nvidia card it actually works pretty well
ya they don't mind - what version of the x99 board did you get?
changing brands is where it gets complicated
the asus x99-a/usb 3.1
Good answer
the A
man bios screens have really changed
my old board was a gigabyte g99xa-ud3
What did you upgrade from? A msx?!
2:43 PM
i went from a fx8350 to a i7 5820k
Ew amd
to be fair that processor was great
however it was 3 years old
it's still the highest rated processor on newegg
that is good for AMD
and it still works too
my mobo was the thing that was dying
plus it couldn't OC the processor
i might try to put it in a new comp and install redhat or something
how you know the MB was the problem and not the proc?
2:47 PM
turn it into a dev box
ports stopped working
does scream southbridge
cpu fan port stopped working
bios reset battery cage broke
one of the ram slots was broken
i traveled with that comp quite a bit
it help up fairly well after 3 years
but the asus bios though
i can use a mouse
crazy af
ya like that new bios?
its awesome
way more features
gigabyte ga-990xa-ud3*
i made a mistake up top
@Failsafe I'm 99% sure that's the mobo I have
2:53 PM
my friend freaked out, that bios nowadays have LOAD SCREEN
and load time
dude the bios has like
fan speed animations
click and drag
shit got advanced in 3 years
yeah. But bios should be kept simple...
> shit got advanced in 3 30 years
@juanvan what's the difference between x99-a and x99
less thing can brake
and bios should be stable
2:54 PM
BIOS needed an update bad. That shit's been around forever
-a, obviously
I bet you kids don't even remember when we still had to configure PCs via jumpers on the motherboard.
I still have
@Squiggle doesn't the PC get too warm?
@Squiggle I still have a whitebox with 100% ribbon cables from 1995
2:55 PM
@Failsafe the Pro? has more ports think that is what is on there other boards, Sound sometime too
I have reseted bios with jumpers 1 month ago
thats the oldest i got
@TomW arf.
@ntohl reset bios != configure pc
resetting bios is just taking a watch battery out
@Squiggle that looks like eclipse almost and it makes it unattractive
2:59 PM
@Failsafe yeah JetBrains traditionally uses Java-esque UI styles, but their products are honestly really solid. WebStorm and IntelliJ are a pleasure to use, compared to Eclipse.
i use webstorm for angular stuff
its not bad
you can run node straight from webstorm which is pretty cool
i only have so much time before my student acc license runs out
Their products are solid. Their UIs are usually horrible, though. :P
webstorm is okay
bitbucket on windows, or gitlab on linux vm, which would you prefer
@RoelvanUden What UI is good in your opinion? something like VS?
3:04 PM
@Failsafe VS is nice, but so are plenty others. It's just that WebStorm are hideous, with bad fonts and a style that really really really doesn't fit with the system it's running on. I also think their font smoothing is somehow bugged.
Just take any other IDE (non-Java) and you get a much better experience (e.g. Atom)
Hell, even Notepad++ looks 1000^ better.
@RoelvanUden YOu ever change a line in webstorm and then like half of the code on the page gets highlighted
with some gross yellow highlight
I don't use WebStorm. I tried and tried and tried to like the UI; I couldn't.
is atom good?
i might try it
atom is pretty good imo
i tried to use vscode for my angular stuff but i had no idea what i was doing
3:07 PM
vscode, imo, simply tried too hard on reducing mouse activity, the menu items are simply useless
I like VSCode too. It's not ugly. :-)
i used webstorm because they had that integrated terminal and the "quick script" execution or whatever it was called
I have quick JS execution too
it's called a browser console
no not that
i mean like the package.json script exeuction
I don't know how JetBrains managed to make all their products to look horrible on every system, but it's quite a feat. I love how ReSharper is mostly just an integration and not it's own UI system; they can't botch it up at that point ^_^
3:09 PM
i.e. node start
if you ever do that
@Failsafe CTRL+P => Create launcher
Select the node template. F5. Win.
can anyone see this page?
well you saw it, response = "OK"
but if I google it, has a listing and a Title etc..
3:11 PM
@mikeTheLiar this
Got a question for anyone: I'm trying to parse a string into a date time using ParseExact. The Date is european and I'm on an American system, but I would assume that because I'm using an explicit format that shouldn't matter. Here is the code that reproduces my issue:
var rawInput = "28.12.2015 at 14:22:17";
DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact("dd.MM.yyyy 'at' HH:mm:ss", rawInput, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
The second line gives me a "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." What did I do wrong?
(and for the record, I do have a property called DateTime which the second line sends the result to)
I don't know much about ParseExact but I've never seen a string with non-date/time parts being parsed
It's a correct notation, it should work as it's presented there.
@mikeTheLiar it's custom datetime formatting
ya so its't not cached anywhere either so NotMyPRoblem
3:16 PM
it's a thing just not on MSDN
And I don't know if I would recommend having a property named identically to a type. I mean, it works but is it a good idea?
@gunr2171 Oh, wait, you swapped the rawInput and format.
@Failsafe I'm willing to accept that
@RoelvanUden crud, you're right
oh look, it works! Thanks
No problem. :-3
3:18 PM
@mikeTheLiar even if you go to the msdn page for custom time and format options, it doesn't really give a description
typical msft
Guys suggest me a sexy name for my variable, right now its ShowAlreadyDownloadedSchoolReports
its ugly
@Obviously ShowTheSchoolReportsThatHAveAlreadyBeenDownloadedOntoMyComputer
its a bool
3:20 PM
if its a bool, isShowDownloadedSchoolReportsBecauseReasons
guys come on
Hungarian notation ftw
3:21 PM
@Obviously don't worry about it. Make your variable names descriptive and don't worry about how long they are
@Amy at my last job that was actually the pattern that my predecessor used
@mikeTheLiar because reasons
string strSqlCommand = "select * from blah";
I literally came across something like this foreach(string strString in someCollection)
foreach(string strString in StringCol.Strings)
@Amy makes it east to know in a typeless land
Oh fun. I get to debug why the result of this extremely complicated calculation is off by 1/10 of a percentage
3:26 PM
you guys know the gulp minify
does it change your variable names for you
Status: CLOSED WONTFIX REASON: floating point math
to like a,b,c
get an example with the correct decimals and make that one work?
3:46 PM
lol project rider includes resharper
i wonder if its configurable
i pretty much disable 90% of resharper
i like resharpers intellisense
@Failsafe minifiers usually do, idk why it would be different, or why it would matter
@KendallFrey someone on another team minified a cs file because they thought it would run faster
now i have to fix a bug
this went to prod
3:50 PM
@Failsafe ... will this person get fired?
@KendallFrey idk
I struggle to understand the thought process that leads one to think that would be remotely true
i have no idea who this person is.
@mikeTheLiar probably thought "less lines to compile, must run faster"
or something along those lines
I know who this person is
@Failsafe But even then you're just getting to the conclusion that it'll compile faster
@mikeTheLiar dont ask questions, just believe
3:53 PM
@Failsafe Wow. That's... some kind of special.
I guess some people are just fucking stupid
@mikeTheLiar That is most of our industry
but to be fair, we all have our stupid moments.
No I'm...doesn't
3:58 PM
@Amy What? I'm never stupid.
@Amy My stupid moment lasted from 2011-2014.
those were dark times.
and then we split up and the ex renamed the cat
> renamed the cat
That bitch
jesus christ why
3:59 PM
I don't know. I couldn't even.
she's a monster!
Fuck that!! Should have taken the Cat back
i'm getting image not found, @Squiggle
4:01 PM
Hooked and GONE
Image worked for me
i think firewall blocked it
fair enough :)
Want to know h ow that one ended, was someone in that car?
this one happened a few years ago near where I lived
4:05 PM
Ya know when the jbrake is stuck, let alone pushing 2k bls the hard way.
See what happens when you have no tread on the tires, big trucks just push ya around
bow chicka bow wow
@Squiggle Omg almost like carmageddon
oh man, I missed some shit in this chatroom
renaming the cat?
who does that?
monsters, that's who
@ShotgunNinja to be fair she had a habit of renaming things. Changed her own name by deed poll twice before I met her.
4:12 PM
But.. why?
shit. Just waded into some hacky code I wrote 18 months ago which is now causing problems.
@RoelvanUden if you find out, please let me know.
@Squiggle shit just got real, "Shit, really I did that?"
Fucking goddamn it. Hit step out when I meant to hit step into.
Stepped into some shit is what I did
step over?
Drag the cursor back to the previous line and try it again (if there are no bad side-effects of whatever it is you're debugging)
4:17 PM
I love that feature of VS
There's so many debugging features that VS has that I discover and realize just how much time I was wasting before
Jesus man what happened to you around Nov 2
the world would be a better place if we elected all programmers.
we grok the Big O of the nation.
@Amy I... uh... doubt it
We're pretty great, but too many lack the emotional/social intelligence for that.
4:25 PM
that's what would make us so good at it
"penises violate SRP, everyone should be a eunuch"
If everyone in the world was a programmer, we wouldn't have war. Only massive LAN parties where we yell and shout at others.
lol, yeah. instead of war "1v1 me"
@Jeremy He had a serious bowel problem
4:36 PM
@RoelvanUden We'd have Counterstrike and EVE Online. So, yeah, we'd have war.
Programmers would never run for office
even if everyone was a programmer
the office would be deprecated and replaced with some sort of machine learning policy engine
@Failsafe I know one or two developers that have run for public office.
i know one developer who ran. he got 5 votes (from his family, assuming they told the truth)
@Jeremy brave souls thems is
Does south gives mlk day holdiay?
4:41 PM
A friend of mine got 84 votes running for MP in 2010
@Obviously MLK day is a federal holiday
Guys, I'm getting this same error: stackoverflow.com/questions/837073/…
But I am using the correct version of VS2015 theoretically
because the build.txt of my project said to use VS2015
@Failsafe @Obviously This comes to mind: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
...that wasn't even that long ago...
I hate whoever wrote this comment

// Set cursor to hourglass
this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor;
@mikeTheLiar Just delete it
4:48 PM
also delete this.
@Squiggle I'd agree, but that's a style thing for some
and include using System.Windows.Forms.Cursors;
@Jeremy that principle could be applied to the entire repository
also stop using WinForms
also don't listen to me telling you what to do
@Squiggle that's the understatement of the year
Winforms, not don't listen to you
4:50 PM
who can help me with shared preference?
just ask your question. we can't know if we can help you until we know what you need
@Amy I know you told me to use the add-migration <name> & update-database commands. They seem fine to me.

my boss uses an Initializer that he sets to DropCreateDatabaseAlways? is there a difference between the two ways to update the database?
@Amy I assume one difference is the ability to easily roll back changes with migrations
Is that basically the single primary difference?
4:57 PM
migrations are for incremental changes to your db. the initializer is more of a huge red reset button
i have two boolean shared preference
have u seen people use that to just automate the update process though? like im describing
yes, you can use them together.
they aren't alternatives of each other
When doing a join in linq
4:58 PM
and when i click on buttons booleans value must change but this happen just one time what is the problem?
what is the prefered way of doing it
@Amy okay thanks.
Through lambda or the sql like thingy
random but I didn't know we have shared preferences in .net?
@Obviously that's entirely personal preference
4:59 PM
I thought it was only an android thing
@Obviously your preference
Query syntax compiles is converted to method syntax
I prefer method syntax but that's just me
@mahdiazarm, what are you referring to in terms of shared prefs?

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