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8:00 PM
who administrate a town? the sheriffs?
== History == Beginning with the city's first major wave of German immigrants, the 48ers, Milwaukee, Wisconsin has traditionally supported liberal politicians and movements. It was a Republican stronghold during the Civil War and, like most major cities, experienced a period of massive corruption and machine-boss politics. This ended in 1910 when the voters elected its first of three Socialist mayors. Since 1960, Milwaukee has been a stronghold of the Democratic Party both locally and nationally, but the city is largely divided between different factions of Democrats. Such was the case when, during...
The city is led by the Mayor and the Common Council
hmm... republican area
Not really; Milwaukee is remarkably left-leaning for the state of Wisconsin
whereas the Republican Party is a right-leaning political entity
and whats the better?
depends on belief
8:02 PM
republicans or democratics?
that being said, the trend in the US is for populated areas or areas with large college-educated populations to vote Democratic, and for sparser areas of population or those without large colleges to vote Republican
In terms of trends, the current Republican Party tends toward more aggressive antics, whereas the Democratic Party tends more towards weaker policies.
ok so republican = right
and democratic = left
all right?
there are a number of much smaller parties, as well as independent candidates, but it's basically a two-party system divided into the conservative right Republicans (aka the GOP) and the liberal left Democrats.
many of the GOP candidates are portrayed by opposition as crazy, uneducated, and overly aggressive, whereas Democratic candidates are portrayed as frail, directionless, and disorganized.
8:08 PM
almost same thing here
Did regexpal change or am I insane?
actually we dont have any right party
but there is a left party that represent right interests nowadays
that's funky
@JúlioMurta interesting, we have that too
we have a fascist party and a moderate republican party in the US at the moment
whats the name of the fascist party?
8:17 PM
I think he's referring to the democratic party
although I wouldn't personally consider either of the main two parties fascist, there are a lot of wildly differing viewpoints when it comes to US politics.
I also wouldn't consider either party especially moderate, since both are rather firmly within the left or right side
the main two parties here are pt and psdb
I've heard the GOP referred to as fascist, and the Dems referred to as communist, and everything in between
@ShotgunNinja the current frontrunners in the republican party are a bunch of otherizing fascists, from my point of view
pt (party of workers) and psdb (brazilian social democratic party)
pt is left and psdb is right
democrats are moderates at best
8:20 PM
fair enough
but theyre actually almost the same thing. farinha do mesmo saco, we say.
voter disenfranchisemen, gerrymandering, and lobbying has pulled the country farther to the right sinde the 1970's
since we're both educated and live in large college-oriented cities, we both may be biased toward the Democratic side of things. Full disclosure.
@ShotgunNinja I grew up in very heavily republican west michigan
The 2012 United States presidential election in Michigan took place on November 6, 2012 as part of the 2012 General Election in which all 50 states plus The District of Columbia participated. Michigan voters chose 16 electors to represent them in the Electoral College via a popular vote pitting incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama and his running mate, Vice President Joe Biden, against Republican challenger and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and his running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan. Michigan was won by Democratic incumbent Barack Obama by a 9.5% margin of victory. Obama received...
see the dark red in the bottom left? :)
Michigan is a wasp place yet right?
8:23 PM
wasp place?
I grew up in moderate Kenosha, and moved to the liberal stronghold of Milwaukee
there are wasps there... not sure what you mean
im talking about very conservative people
WASP = White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, a demographic which heavily favors conservative voting IIRC
oh, not WASP at all
west michigan is very Dutch and German Christian Reform Church (Calvinists)
!!wiki christian reform church
8:24 PM
@Codeman The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
!!wiki calvinists
Calvinism (also called the Reformed tradition, Reformed Christianity or the Reformed faith) is a major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice of John Calvin and other Reformation-era theologians. Calvinists broke with the Roman Catholic Church but differed with Lutherans on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, theories of worship, and the use of God's law for believers, among other things. Calvinism can be a misleading term because the religious tradition it denotes is and has always been diverse, with a wide range of influences rather...
@Codeman is it strange that 2 counties (lower right) being almost next to one another could be so Left and Right? (think that is Flint harrison twp?)
ah, so it is technically protestant
@juanvan the blue county contains Ann Arbor, where University of Michigan is
8:25 PM
the heavily blue county in the bottom right is Detroit
did I joined c# chat room? ;D
the heavily red one to the right of it is Ypsilanti, also known as Yipsitucky
Ask away!
@DimitarTsonev we're off topic, please feel free to ask anything :)
no, just kidding :) go on ;D
8:26 PM
most of the U.S. presidents have been WASPs, or at least WPs
yeah, I am voting Bernie Sanders regardless
same, unless he croaks before getting into the race
nah, he's perfectly healthy
unfortunately, that's a serious possibility
8:27 PM
hillary is only 6 years younger
just considering his age combined with the stress of the office
the dude's pretty hot-blooded already
can't be good for his heart
that moment when you used css text-transform when you never thought you would...
all right, that's probably enough about politics for now
idk. I see him as the last great hope for the country. Otherwise it's continue down into the death spiral
luckily for me I have skills that are good in any economy :)
^ same
8:29 PM
I can move to SEA or Europe or something if fascism continues to take hold here
programming is pretty valuable
well guys, it was awesome to talk with you
but i need to go now
see you soon
how to convert from IQueryable<model> to model ?
@moji you'll need to provide more detail than that if you want a sensible answer
8:37 PM
okej; i made i query on db as following
                var select = from eventtabel in db.EventTables
                         join behantable in db.BehandlingTables on eventtabel.BehandlingId equals behantable.Id
                         select eventtabel;
and then i want to delete this query as following db.EventTables.Remove(selcted);
@moji did you call SubmitChanges when you were ready for the changes to be deleted?
iam getting an error that i have to convert from IQueryable<EventTable> to EventTable
code is not compiling its complaining that i have to perform converstion first
@moji did you try converting it?
yeah i did like that
var selcted = select.Select(eventtabel => new
                        Id = eventtabel.Id,
                        Start_time = eventtabel.Start_Time,
                        End_time = eventtabel.End_Time,
                        CostumerId = eventtabel.CostumerId,
                        BehandlingId = eventtabel.BehandlingId
is it how to do it?
or is there is another way?
because this is not working
what is the exact error message?
8:46 PM
cant convert iqueryable to EventTable
please give me the exact, copy and pasted error message
ok... inspect your Remove method... what is it expecting?
@moji are you expecting more than one thing from your select?
8:48 PM
wrap it in a (stuff).first() or (yourstuff).firstordefault()
firstordefault is going to get all selected items?
no, it'll get the first
Remove doesn't take more than one
you're passing in a list, it's getting confused
you need to do something like select.ForEach(db.EventTables.Remove) if you want to remove multiples
so i have to have the remove action in a foreach loop
8:50 PM
i think theres a RemoveAll method too
which, might take a collection of some sort
I think there is a RemoveRange that takes an enumerable
there is remove and removeRange
i think this should works
don't forget to call db.SaveChanges() too
8:52 PM
i wont
it works ;)
9:05 PM
Huh, so SQLite can have recursive CTEs, but with restrictions. Only one UNION, and if you use a sub-select to try and get around that restriction, the sub-select cannot reference the recursive table.
@ShotgunNinja really really thanks for the help before
still here?
was afk
working and shit
@ShotgunNinja okay haha
it might sound odd but now the data sent is very very huge
my fps down to 8 :(
are you sending just delta frames?
each delta(without even a change!) is up to 40kb
i'll show you piece of the code so you could understand
9:14 PM
your delta frames when uncompressed should be the same size as your normal frames
writer.Position = 0;
frame = desktopDuplicator.GetLatestFrame();
var n = frame._newPixels;
var p = frame._previousPixels;

for (var i = 0; i < frame._newPixels.Length; i += 4)

writer.WriteByte((byte)(n[i] ^ p[i]));
writer.WriteByte((byte)(n[i + 1] ^ p[i + 1]));
writer.WriteByte((byte)(n[i + 2] ^ p[i + 2]));
int len = Uncompressed.CompressQuick(0, writer.Position, Compressed);
WriteData(Compressed, len);
Console.WriteLine(writer.Position + " Uncompressed length " + len.ToString() + " Compressed");
@ShotgunNinja but i must compress them.. no?
i cant transmit the data like it is
CompressQuick writes out to Compressed?
yeah, you'll need to compress it
yeah it's a simple lz4 comperssion
but you might still end up with a larger compressed frame if you use a bad compression algorithm
      public static int CompressQuick(this byte[] uncompressed, int offset, int count, byte[] compressed)
            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(compressed))
                using (var deflateStream = LZ4Stream.CreateCompressor(memoryStream, LZ4StreamMode.Write, leaveInnerStreamOpen: true))
                    deflateStream.Write(uncompressed, offset, count);

                return (int)memoryStream.Position;

im really confused now lol
9:17 PM
I'm not familiar enough to ensure that the code is correct, but assuming it does what you want it to, that should be fine
@ShotgunNinja look, it's actually 1920x1080 screen
but even where no change!(maybe somthing little like the clock ) the compressed buffer length is up to 35~45kb
if it's that large, you might still be running into issues with caching, bottlenecking and buffer overruns
if the result of xor is zero how well it compresed?
It depends on whether LZ4 does RLE encoding as part of its encoding steps
i mean how does the compression express it?
i dont think so
9:19 PM
that'd be the easiest way to cut data size out of the compressed version of a no-change frame
@ShotgunNinja so you say i should use rle too?
I dunno
if you do, do it before encoding into LZ4 and after decoding from LZ4
so you get the most memory reduction off the bat
@ShotgunNinja alright just last thing-
but you might sacrifice encoding speed that way
again im back to the previous question-should i sacrifise the first solution
9:21 PM
you might just have to play around with it to find something that will work
of passing throught the entire new array and check if the pixels changed and then write the pixel data +4 bytes for the integer
or just simply xor the entire 6million buffers
that's a lot of data to pass over anyway, so you might be limited in how fast you can get that done
but passing 7 bytes for each changed pixel is alot of too..@ShotgunNinja
this is why most video streaming solutions have a built-in delay system so that they wait until a sufficient amount of the stream is downloaded already before starting to play
because it takes a long time to transmit HD video
@ShotgunNinja i didnt mean actually send 7 bytes each time the pixel changes haha
9:25 PM
I know that
i loop thorught the whole changed pixels
i transmit them at once
oh okay
so tired
gotta sleep
sleep tight
thanks:) i will
just in general, the challenge for you to consider is how to reduce the net amount of data being sent, since the network is the biggest bottleneck
sleep on it
9:27 PM
thanks i will
MRW a coworker says "I'd rather have Trump than Hillary" i.imgur.com/PNYRZ.gif
@Codeman honestly though, it would be great fun...
to watch with a bucket of popcorn from Canada
too hot
@CuddleBunny I'm genuinely scared we're turning even more into a fascist state
I mean... I like Seattle, I don't really wanna move to like... Singapore
I wouldn't worry about it, 4 years is much too short to truly wreck everything
it's not that I think Trump would wreck everything
it's the fact that we'd be electing an open fascist
9:36 PM
if he wins, that wouldn't be why though
trump, is a straight up crazy person. If he won, are you seriously telling me, you couldn't picture him trying to start a coup to overthrow the parts of gov't he doesn't like
why would you think?
Trump knows exactly what he's doing, lol
he was a democrat until 2009
He's the one that wanted to fite Canada
he's smart, but he's crazy
he captures our short attention span, that is pretty much the only reason
9:38 PM
i can't keep it work appropriate, my comments about trump, so, i'm leaving
Just watch, Trump is doing a very carefully crafted campaign to take over the country by appealing to the unwashed masses through humor, then once he's elected he'll do a complete 180 and basically be a Democrat.
I'd laugh so hard.
That is true, Trump is a loud mouth but not stupid
I swear he's got aces up his sleeves
He has to say stupid stuff to attract stupid(conservative) crow
like him and hillary are really working together?
9:40 PM
has he said who he'd pick as a VP?
that being said, I still think we should be careful about being excessively political in here
shut up u guyz, Vermin Supreme for president
I want my pony
9:40 PM
hmm, I got a snack sized package of Sour Patch Kids with no sour powder D:
@SteveG thank you ma'am
@CuddleBunny Sweet Patch Kids?
oh, 2 of the kids had powder, just not the others...
they are the supreme
it's like the M&M Selective Breeding process
take 2 M&M's between your fingers, and squeeze until one breaks
repeat, replacing only the broken M&M with a new one, until you have the strongest M&M in the bag.
9:46 PM
that's a brilliant idea
you can build a selection of suitably strong M&Ms by taking more than 2 at a time, and keeping any that don't break
there are a number of elimination strategies for M&M strength
this isn't a new idea either, it's been done plenty of times before
but what purpose does it have
determining M&M pedigree
forge a suit of armor from only the strongest M&Ms?
this is an important science
also, it's a good model for testing out experimental strategy for pedigree on something that doesn't require living candidates being killed off
9:49 PM
@CuddleBunny the struggle is real
@ShotgunNinja wat
I have not
1 message moved to Trash can
yeah i'm done with this
now, instead of having an active community, we have a community too scared to say anything out of fear of being banned, or whatever, this is completely absurd
@SteveG nonono, this is to provide a welcoming community!
I mean... welcoming of people who barely speak english and can't be bothered to Google their damn problems... we definitely want those over the experts, right?
10:05 PM
and with one binning, I fear I've started a holy war
@Codeman I like SVN better myself
@ShotgunNinja not just one
up until now, the only messages I've binned have been my own
let's just... stop talking about it
10:08 PM
If studies show texting / talking on cell phones while driving reduce the reaction time of a 20-year-old to that of a 70-year-old, why isn't there a greater discussion of removing 70-year-olds from the road?
I didn't know 70-year-olds had slow reactions
how old are you when drunk
@Obviously cool story
1 message moved to Trash can
3 messages moved to Trash can
don't feed the trolls
10:11 PM
@KendallFrey mythbusters did a show on that
they found that driving on the phone scored worse than driving drunk
did they?
I'm on a web forms project now and I'm wondering... where the heck are the styles and views setup?
i must've missed it
oh, i did see that
and them talking on the cellphone and doing courses vs drinking and doing courses
10:12 PM
Web forms looks like a WPF project
@KalaJ in the ASP
web forms is garbage
if you have the option, i'd go with mvc
I wish :(
or WebAPI and Angular/React :)
10:13 PM
yeah that ^
I know MVC but I have to make changes to an old web app
which is all web forms!
@KalaJ shit on the floor
while maintaining eye contact
10:14 PM
establishes dominance
I refuse web forms
I've begrudgingly become something of a software archaeologist
Good for my resume, bad for my sanity
it's true though
10:16 PM
@Codeman like a certain kind of pennies?
@KendallFrey haypennies?
!!youtube ass pennies
watch the video :)
10:17 PM
how are views set up in web forms? Like partial views? Is that a thing?
@ShotgunNinja Only if the word is nsfw
fine by me
@KalaJ web forms has no 'views', it has a webpage, where you drag buttons and text boxes to, which you attach event handlers to, but no view in the mvc/mvvm sense
uhhh. nsfw language
10:19 PM
swearing in itself is probably fine
it's kinda descriptive too
@SteveG, ah ok. Thanks Steve
blugh, having to actually be a room owner is hard
like, I don't give a shit about that sort of stuff
but I want to be able to help make the chat better if someone's causing crap
apparently that means enforcing da rulez
reasonably enforcing the rules.
fuck it, I know what I'm doing
10:30 PM
in the marines, if you were inspecting one of your guys rooms for dust, you could always find dust, no matter how much they cleaned it. it all just depended on how much of an asshole you wanted to be. Same thing applies here, we could go to the extreme, and enforce every rule to the T, or we could just use our best judgement and know that sometimes, things we don't find offensive, the mods will, that doesn't mean they're always right, but we should try to find a happy medium
as a side note, how come there are so many people with aperture avatars?
because we rock
it's kind of a strange coincidence
@ShotgunNinja It's not really
Steve copied his from Spencer's I know it, but he failed at it
10:32 PM
lol yeah
all you had to do was invert the colors
i did, i think
this is what came out
it's not bad imho
yeah, but you forgot the alpha channel
if you go into the android room, they all have perfect circles for their avatar, and i stick out like a sore thumb
10:37 PM
that's goofy
10:39 PM
1 hour later…
11:42 PM
Additional information: Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. See go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=472540 for information on understanding and handling optimistic concurrency exceptions.
for starting VS, what's better.. WFA or WPF?
@barlop Never create a new WinForms app in 2015
The only reason to ever use WinForms is if the project exists already and would be too expensive to port to WPF.
@KendallFrey though this guy disagrees loyc-etc.blogspot.com/2011/07/why-wpf-sucks.html
two people disagree, see comments here stackoverflow.com/questions/34010024/…

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