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12:20 AM
Hey everyone.
12:30 AM
Happy Thanksgiving USA
Hey @Greg
Hey :D
Thank you, how are you?
@CodeMaster CSS/SASS are sisters - CSS is the output of A JS file and a SASS script(s) that is not angular
Doing better if I was not in the office
na waiting on some friends to call to hit the bar
Doing a raw backup of the system to put in a safe
@Greg have you done pluralsight videos for training?
No, why do you ask?
seeing if you had seen any that were worth watching I might have missed
thinking of letting my sub laps this year
12:38 AM
is pluralsight worth its fee?
That has been my question, not sure it is worth it.
depends, it is about the same as one class at my local college
Did you watch any on VNext / Entity Framework?
EF stuff watched it all
4.0 5.0 6.0 7new stuff
Worth it?
12:40 AM
I have learned a lot
the time to watch it is the hard part
time to transfer files 24hrs
But they are better then Youtube
Hm, I might take a look.
ya for 300 it was worth it - thought it was 600
My office has been relatively hesitant to change, but I'm starting to push Entity Framework and Unity, also some other items.
12:44 AM
that is good - do all the tables have ID;s?
Sadly, the data isn't normalized it has a lot of redundancy. Which is why I've asked some odd questions in the past.
that is the hardest part of changing over, when you can't add them
even redundancy is not as bad - as long as you set the contexts all the time to the correct data and save the same all the time
it is more a problem of writing more code b/c your changing 3 tables instead of one
with out ID's EF does not even make the models :(
The videos on Data Context would help in what you have going on
Yeah, I've got a problems with data.
12:51 AM
are there a few tables that have the same address, or similar data?
Like four or five tables have the same "Billing Address". Rather than, have a proper context- They created their own context for each table.
they use a UoW for the calls?
No, I wish. I'm trying to push them towards Repository. Trying to move towards the Unit Of Work.
But to convey it, I need to deeply understand. So I've had to teach myself.
does each page, make a DB call on it's own for what ever that page is doing?
the no pattern; pattern
UoW might be the easiest
but that only moves the problem out one layer
Well, they're currently doing Web-Forms, so there are several calls throughout the day.
12:57 AM
that is how it works, page loads and partials
I meant to say several calls throughout the life cycle of the page.
Because web-forms isn't stateless.
Ya, it is an old app?
Yeah, six years.
The shop is hesitant to change, trying to force it.
hard when the wheels are moving and people are getting paid
did you make some data context areas' and normalized tables?
I'm building a new application, so I'm trying to push them that direction.
Prove the point.
1:05 AM
how it that one going?
Really well, I got an IoC Framework and EF. The code is becoming pretty elegant.
think they will run with it?
I've got our senior developer and senior front-end on board.
that is 2 major stakeholders
when do you get to plan the date migration?
1:20 AM
early morning here lol
Not sure, hopefully soon.
Hehe, about to get some beer
not thinking about sleeping hehe
lucky you ;)
Lucky liver I have here
1:23 AM
one question, I wrote this query to check if any emails in a collection equal the one I just created, ie, SelectedCustomer.Email
and this is the statement
if (!Customers.Any(str => str.Email.Equals(SelectedCustomer.Email)))
but when I debug it seems to return true even if I enter an email unique to Customers collection
does this do what I think it does? doesn't seem so..
You should do it like this:
if(!Customers.Any(str => String.Compare(str.Email, SelectedCustomer.Email, true) == 0)
on the last object it checks through, it always returns true from the Equals method, even if the email is not actually equal
just reading that statement now
is SelectedCustomer.Email a string?
yes it's a string type
trying Gregs statement now
You may need to change it to -1
That way if no match is found.
Pretty sure you'll need a -1
1:30 AM
Guess Equals does not use compare in the background
can't find the msdn on it
Night guys!
Night @juanvan
I know in Java Equals and == are different
night @juanvan
@BrianJ Yeah, because !Customers.Any so if not true, then you want to make sure none are found.
trying to get my head around that, so essentially what was my statement evaluating to?
if any customer record equals the current properties email
and I had a not operator in front of it so
not any customer record equals the current properties email, which would return true, as the not turned the false into true
is that right?
1:34 AM
Well, your statement said if none are found, but it is equal to. However, Equals doesn't always evaluate correctly.
Did my code work as intended?
ok I just picked Equals as I red somewhere it was lest time intensive as Compare. Not that it makes much of a difference at this point
I think so, evaluating again
Well, you're using Linq so you've already chose a lesser speed choice.
would an enumerator be quicker than LINQ in that case?
Potentially, but the difference is minimal.
easier to use LINQ and plus I'm getting some experience with it :)
which is a plus
1:37 AM
Yeah, I got you there.
btw your code works! ;)
Glad it works, at least you chose .Any.
what's the alt to .Any ?
just stole it from an example
Well, .Any as soon as it finds a match to your statement, it will break enumeration.
Rather than iterate through the entire collection.
ok that's kinda cool to know
enumeration seems like a waste then, or does it have an advantage over .Any?
1:49 AM
What do you mean?
well if .Any stops once it reached the statement
oh wait, enumeration comes in handy if you need to assign or load values I guess
Well, it will vary based on implementation.
yeah I guess
just started looking at Signal R as I want to start working with some ASP next project.
looks cool, thinking a chat application following the MVC pattern
been doing mostly WPF and WinRT stuff lately
anyways I'm out, thanks for advice
1:55 AM
No problem, later.
Have a good night.
3 hours later…
4:53 AM
gud morning all anyone used md-autocomplete
3 hours later…
8:10 AM
md means markdown?
matches dropdownlist?
Morning all
it's just me
Morning @StevenLiekens
@StevenLiekens To me, md is markdown, indeed.
8:32 AM
I hate when people use acronyms for things that I don't know
Morning Ladies and Gentlemen
what kind of md could possibly need autocomplete
@StevenLiekens material.angularjs.org/latest/demo/autocomplete I think it's a misnomer.
good morning Shittu
GADDAMN I love the new Angular material design stuff
8:56 AM
I like flat design
Gah... How should I solve the selection of first item in drop down list without having to do selected+1 to make the index fit with my array?
Dis Buggeroni
still need a decent datagrid for material
@DavidDV make one and share it? ;)
too much work :p
anyway this is a nice grid if you need to display a lot of data
Canvas rendering
not as janky as all the other HTML virtual grids
oh and to start the day with some good advice, don't use EF use Linq2Db
its a lot better
offcourse if you prefer complex and intrusive frameworks you can stay with EF
@JakobMillah: What? Got some code to show your issue?
9:08 AM
@scheien I am just trying to work around the bug where I can't do a SelectedIndexChanged event on the first index since it's loaded already. And if I would make a drop down list item like "<Select an item>", I would have to add +1 to:

userList = GetAllUsersByUserToCustomer((int)customerList[DropDownList1.SelectedIndex].Id);
@DavidDV That depends entirely on your goals. I agree that Linq2Db is a great choice, but if you're mostly after the entity tracking, EF is much more suited.
Kinda don't want to do that...
Well yes if you want to waste your time getting entity tracking to work then go with EF
I advised some ppl 4 years ago not to use entity tracking
last month they were like "why didn't we liisten"
@JakobMillah: Why not use SelectedItem and cast it to the appropriate type?
or SelectedValue if it's webforms.
In the end the only thing that matters is that the user gets a decent application, fast + robust
9:11 AM
That my friend... Is true... @scheien
Thanks :)
@DavidDV Exactly, and EF can be a solid choice for that. I personally would choose for Linq2Db too, but for my company, EF is more often the better choice. So your advice should be more along the lines of "Consider using Linq2Db instead of EF" and not "Use it, it's always better" :P
Yeah you got to sell it a bit to MS-developers, otherwise they will always only look at the MS-libraries
for example Web Api <> NancyFx
99% will choose Web Api without looking at NancyFX
9:25 AM
True. "Because it's a Microsoft product"
@scheien I am feeling a bit slow... My drop down list is filled with array objects where customer.name is shown, but I want to get customer.id.. I can't seem to figure out how to
Similarly how none ever thinks about a different DB
@JakobMillah: is it winforms/webforms?
How is the collection bound to the dropdownlist control?
Do you add the items manually, or is it databound?
9:27 AM
    foreach (BizCustomer item in customerList)
if you do it like DropDownList1.Items.Add(new ListItem() { Text = item.Name, Value = item.Id });
ahh cool
or you can use the constructor ListItem(item.Name, item.Id)
then on a postback (if you don't repopulate the control) you can get the the id using SelectedValue
9:30 AM
That is pretty neat! thanks
cool @scheien
why are you using webforms? are you forced? old project?
In my case, old project(s)
<- big angular fanboy :)
9:38 AM
<- likewise
I think I got roped in to do a talk on Angular at the next local JS meetup
Maybe now that microsoft is also working with the angular team more MS developers will look at angular instead of doing asp.net
That's what we're doing here. AngularJS on WebAPI. It's great :D
I can see us switching to TypeScript soon enough.
Do you use a lot of custom routing attributes in WebAPI?
We do use attribute routing. What do you mean by 'custom'?
well not the default routing without attributes
because I'm also a fan of NancyFx :p
trying to sell some nancy
9:47 AM
You guys found anything nice on Black Friday?
oh yes I do like NancyFx.
black friday is today?
@Dess yep.. Your mail havn't been spammed by 1000 companies yet?
9:53 AM
wasn't Black Friday coined to describe a stock market crash or something?
I will find you...
such a classic song :)
I am in poland, there's barely any mention about black friday here
oh ok, there are lots of different events called that
9:54 AM
Also not really a thing in Belgium
Sweden is completely Americanized with this Black friday.
Prices are still pretty sky high
Looking for 144Hz monitors, but they barely go below 250 euro
Yellow Tuesday is the day following happy christmas Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). Since the early 2000s, it has been retarded as the beginning of the Christmas hopping season in the US, and most major le xalexalex al exalex alexalexalexalexalexalexal exalex alexa lexal exalexa alexalex lexalexalexalexalex l exalexalexalexale xalexalexalexalexal alexalexa lexalexale xalexalexalexalexalex lexal of holiday such a s Columbus Day. although news reports, which at that time were inaccurate, have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much...
Reminds me of a presentation with a cover slide of BoingBoing vandalised to say
asdf adf adf adf asdf
9:56 AM
Thanks everyone for assisting my tasks all these 3 years :P
"This kind of thing could REALLY HAPPEN"
Don't go full emotional now
I can't handle it
I dont celebrate thanksgiving but i just ateTurkey meat, is that okay ?
@Squiggle: angular material is pretty nice indeed!
@Squiggle we could give thanks that all those butthole puritans moved out, right?
9:58 AM
...I had four tasks in this backlog
I massively underestimated three of them
and then I completely overestimated the last one
interestingly the overall amount of time needed is correct
@scheien I love the way it feels to interact with it. Just the right amount of subtle animation.
I feel like I'm back in math class, arguing about wether or not how one arrives at a result is important (teacher) or not important (me).
anyone knows - how can i overwrite excel file with sheets in it
Eg. I have excel file 1.xlsx
in that i have sheet -A
Now i have another excel 2.xlsx
in that i have sheet -B
When i overwrite 1.xlsx with 2.xlsx > i should have both sheets in it - A and B
Anybody know how to make this function faster? Its a list thats jumbled. Has no particular ordering. paste.ofcode.org/36wtxWxNvtZQ2LpbQ69LVAB
Compare function is doubles if(A < B) return -1; return 1
10:14 AM
Can't you just concatenate the two lists and then sort it?
@Squiggle: yep. The one thing I really liked is the floating labels.
A short question
if i have a byte array
and i want to insert in some position a int
how could it be done?
is it like inserting 4 bytes toegether?
a int type
@Asheh a.Union(b).Sort((a,b) => a<b)); or something?
someone bring me pizza?
@Squiggle any chance for help? :)
10:30 AM
@Slashy consider big/little endian and whether it's int16 or int32.
@Squiggle i dont want to create a new array for int..
look for example i have this
byte []arr =new byte[10];
and here i want to insert a int
which will take place of 4 bytes
do you want to insert a byte? an Int16? Int32?
Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work in IE?
so arr[3..6] will be replaced by BitConverter.GetBytes(myInt)
10:36 AM
@juanvan exactly, this is what I've been telling him that I need just the CSS and JS files with HTML page in order to reference them inside my current project. Even though Angular Material has dependencies on AngularJS it doesn't mean that I will be writing on AngularJS.
@Slashy use a List<byte> and then you can .InsertRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(myInt))
@Sippy "Object doesn't support property or method 'endsWith'"
I know.
It works on every other browser lol
that's because other browsers support a subset of the new ECMAScript6 which has a string.endsWith method.
I've defined this method.
So it has something to reference.
well done, but you didn't attach the method to the string prototype.
10:42 AM
try endsWith($a, '.pdf') instead?
or use a polyfill
Yeah I get it now, ta.
@Squiggle You're a ballsack.
Saw the youtube link bitch :D
haha worth a try
10:50 AM
Just found out that the project they're replacing this webforms one with is gonna be a PHP project
Abandon ship and abandon hope.
this code base is so bad it keeps making resharper crash
11:14 AM
@Squiggle i've ended using somthing little different.. i'll need your help :(
got 2 minutes for me? :)
haha jakob
Mon Ring
Has anyone here made a game only in C# that I can look at for examples? Trying to make snake.
11:17 AM
I have but you are never gonna see that code
It was cancer 2.0... I did only the visuals though, which turned out well.. But my friend that had never programmed before did the backend...
Ah if I'm not allowed to see the code it doesn't really help
What do you need to see? :P
I'm stuck on when my snake
goes over a square. it 'eats ' it meaning that square dissapears and adds behind the snake
and follows it around, but not in a straight line either
For example this tutorial : http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/24817/c-creating-a-simple-snake-game

I can't follow as I've not seen what he writes, sure I can copy it but I don't understand what I'm copying
Anyone who has a minimum knowledge in networks i'll need help from you too :)
@JakobMillah kek
11:21 AM
Ooh ooh I do @Slashly
I made a game once but it's Unity source and I don't actually have it on me.
And I kinda wanna fix it up and release it cos I think it might be worth $$$
@MaartenWachters it's @slashy lol
alright so actualy i try to create a screen sharing program
We did the game Risk.... X amount of thousand lines of code that my friend copy pasted and changed a number at each line.... Could probably have been broght down to 500 lines...
@Sippy i'm calling dibs on first steam copy (reviewers)
It'd be a mobile game
11:22 AM
@Slashy Okay
Tis a puzzle thing
i use the desktop duplication api for fast screen capture
and in the first time i send a full(1920*1080*3(Red,Green,Blue)) byte array from the server to the client
which after a fast lz4 compression reduce to somthing like 220kb
sreensharing is a bit like VOIP. you want a continuous stream but it doesn't matter if you lose one frame
You using UDP?
each byte represend a component from the pixel: for example if we have 6 length byte array so it would be [181][93][22] , [51] [199][200]
there are 2 pixels here
i use tcp
but i think i shall really move to udp
but that's not the point right now :)
Why tcp
11:26 AM
then, i use a while loop and capture the screen infintely, and send only the differences pixels between the lastest 2 frames
this is a small piece of code for example
     public void Send()
              writer.Position = 0;
              frame = desktopDuplicator.GetLatestFrame();

              for (var i = 0; i < frame._newPixels.Length; i += 4)
                  writer.WriteByte((byte)(frame._newPixels[i+1] - frame._previousPixels[i+1]));
                  writer.WriteByte((byte)(frame._newPixels[i+2] - frame._previousPixels[i+2]));
i could neither use a if condition and write only the differnt pixel literally and not using the minus but then i would need to write their pixel index- i mean where is that change
still here? :P
Tbf, that's more of a programming issue then networking
yeah i know but my problem right now is reducing as much as posibble
the network usage
Well from what I read
UDP does that for you
first of all
FTP is this case is unsafe, sluggish and basically unnessecary
because (i dont even know why) each delta is up to 40kb.. even there's almost no change..
11:34 AM
Well, if you use UDP, you probably don't want to send deltas, or at least not without redundancy.
@KendallFrey so what actualy i would send?
Well yeah; but he is using TCP atm
the pixel index as int type?
im using tcp..
Sorry my mitake
UDP works well for VOIP, since if your network quality drops, your call quality drops but it is not ruined. If you send image deltas (no matter what format) and you drop a frame, the image will be corrupted semi-permanently.
11:40 AM
But for image sharing it's quite important you have close to none buffers
what does that mean
When one packet corrupts > it doesnt have to resend
why is it important

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