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12:00 AM
I think the underlying problem with any reflection is the tokenizer
to reflect something in a type, the class has to be tokenized first
as a property belongs to a class, even if there is lazy loading happening, a tokenizer still has to parse the class, and then the property
I've worked out my routing problem, I'm inheriting from RouteBase instead of Route, that allows me to define constructors that require an IRouteDataProvider, which implies that the route data is populated from outside the route
5 hours later…
5:13 AM
5:42 AM
morning @BenjaminDiele
6:20 AM
Good morning!
6:52 AM
So like, I have a decade of experience with web dev. But in recent years I've been unable to find any work. No idea why. They say I'm either "too experienced" or "do not currently have what they're looking for" (even though my skills and experience matches their job ad skills list). So I thought, hey! Maybe I should get a Diploma or something to PROVE to them that I can do it, since a lot of ads do ask for diploma type certs. So now I'm more than half way through the course, and my teacher
... tells me that qualifications aren't very important - experience is more important. Well yeah, I knew that, but it's not working. I called an employer today, and they said the same. So now I'm just sitting here thinking - "Did I just waste 27 thousand dollars on a diploma in web development?" and "Have I just wasted another year?" and "Well, if experience matters most - then WTF won't they hire me?"
@Jase Perhaps the most obvious (and perhaps offensive) question, but is your code good?
and it might be helpful if you know if it's always in the same stage you get told to bugger off. After screening? Technical test? etc etc
7:30 AM
@BenjaminDiele Well, I think my code is good. Probably no code I was writing years ago... I never even make it to a phone interview. They all tell you to apply online these days, so I just do that, and I either get an auto-generated email saying "We'll get back to you" or an email saying "Unfortunately ..." So I don't even make it to any interviews.
I've shown my teacher my resume, and she said she wouldn't change it. So not sure where exactly I am going wrong.
Oh, those online thingies. Does suck balls.
How old are you?
Yeah, they really do. I am 29 now.
oh ok, old enough for a decade of experience.
Barely lol. A year before I first began learning my first language I got headaches while trying.
Omg. Omg Omg Omg. Good news! (unrelated to previous messages): Project Spartan (MS's new browser) has been released! As part of Win 10 Tech Prev. Build 10049! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
7:46 AM
Do you mean you have been coding competently for 10 years?
The problem with being too experienced for the posts you apply for is confidence.
If they hire you for less than you think you're worth, you will get bored quickly and leave.
That's their mindset.
So maybe you should apply for harder jobs, or maybe you should vet your CV so that it accurately represents the experience level they'd be looking for.
@Jase :P
@Sippy I don't think I can answer that. But I know I can code competently now. And have been able to for atleast 5 or 6 years. I honestly don't know what to do with my resume. I have tried leaving out the cover letter, leaving it in, adding my skills, removing skills, I've even tried adding screenshots and links to projects I've completed to show them what I have done. Something isn't right though. I'm screwing up somewhere...
@Jase How long is it?
And no, don't include the cover letter in it.
My CV? Um, usually it's 1 page long. But at times it has been 2 to 3 pages (depending on what info they asked for in the job ad - some of them ask a lot)
I'd tend towards not making it job specific.
@Sippy No cover letter? That's a relief! I never liked writing those anyway.
7:54 AM
Your CV is just a description of your career, imo you shouldn't tailor it to certain jobs.
And when I say you don't need the cover letter, obviously provide one if asked.
But not in your CV, do it separately, unless they ask for them in the same file.
Well yeah :) If asked, of course.
What exp do you have?
Really? So basically just a generic resume that I can use for multiple positions? Hmm, ok. Over here we're told (usually) that tailoring to the job being applied for is best.
If you're in a stable career and looking for a dream job, yes.
If you're smashing out 20 applications a day trying to find something, just use a normal one.
IMO, a CV (mostly) stays the same for different jobs. Your cover letter on the other hand, that one you rewrite for each and every position.
7:58 AM
I have built ecommerce sites, implemented PayPal and Stripe payment systems, portfolio websites, inventory management systems. All of my sites have been responsive websites (except for maybe a few of my very first websites). I built a link exchange service (a really good one) as a personal project a few years ago. None of these things though are online, because I couldn't possibly afford to keep paying the hosting and domain fees for them. But I do have many many screenshots and the actual
code to show if they wanted to see it.
@Jase That should be enough I think. Have you tried calling companies? Perhaps try a recruiter / selection office?
Basically, what I have been doing is (since I haven't been able to find a web dev role) making things as personal projects (as hobby) that are likely to be made for a real client. That way I can actually say that I have experience, because I have done it.
@Jase But you've never done this as a career?
A recruiter is a great idea. I am intimidated by them though. I walked into a recruiter's office one day years ago to seek their help and they looked at me like I was trash and they denied me service - I haven't tried a recruiter since.
@Sippy no :(
That's your barrier.
What jobs are you applying for?
What level/salary?
8:03 AM
Ow, if you haven't done this professionally, then people won't take you serious if you say you have 10 years exp. They mostly / only look at professional experience, sadly enough
My teacher tells me that personal (real world projects) are equal to actual work experience since you are still doing what you'd be doing at work. But, I usually apply for things like "Junior Web Dev" "Junior .NET Developer" "Backend C# Web Developer" roles. I really want the back end stuff. It's the most fun for me.
@Jase Yeah, that's ok for junior roles (perhaps even medior). But doing it as a hobby is different from doing it professionally though. Lots of stuff only pops up when you're working in a team
@Jase Your teacher is wrong
Pay/level is usually along the lines of 50 to 75k per year and the ads (that I apply for) never mention anythinga bout qualifications or years of experience. They usually only mention skills they look for like "ASP.NET, C#, NHibernate, HTML CSS, JavaScript, etc etc"
50-75 is high for no professional experience.
8:05 AM
@Sippy Oh
You are looking at more like 40
Or less.
Although that depends what city you work in
If you work in Seattle 50+ is probably right
Hmmmm, maybe I should refine my search. Oh ok 40k or less. I'll try that and see how it goes. Atleast it'll be better than nothing which is what I get now. Well where I live, I would have to travel into the "City", I live in south west so travel would be a pain (about 2 hours) but by no means a deal breaker.
2 hours to work every day?
4 hours travelling per day won't end well lol
Okay so in your cv have you mentioned that your experience is all in side projects?
8:08 AM
@Sippy after a week i'd drive off a cliff if it was me
And have you mentioned that you're an avid hobbyist looking to make a career out of what you enjoy?
You need to be completely honest about what your skills and experience are tailored to and what you want to do with them
It sounds like your teacher may have convinced you to tell people that you make these systems for commercial clients which is completely different
You have to deal with deadlines, budgets, scoping issues, clients being fucking morons, bosses being fucking morons, workplace stress
There's a huge amount more to being a developer than just building cool shit :D
@Sippy I have to travel 1hr 30mins every day for college at the moment. Just to get there. And there is only 1 direct train every 40 minutes. So if my bus is late, and I miss the train by 1 minute, I have to wait another 40 minutes for the next train, which bumps my travel time up by an extra 40 minutes. I've learned to be kinda ok about travelling for so long. I don't like it - even 20 minutes is a bit annoying sometimes but I can deal with it so long as I don't have to get on multiple
buses and trains just to get there.
I'd move close to your job if you get one.
Cos fuck travelling that much.
@Sippy or getting a car. Cars be faster yo
@Sippy Yeah, lol. Good idea.
@BenjaminDiele lol. Or a Boeing 747
8:11 AM
If you lived 2 hours out in a car and I lived 5 minutes away on foot I would still win the race to work.
planes be faster
They might get antsy if you land that in the carpark.
Plus I hear they only get like a mile to the gallon.
Lol. Or I could be like all inconspicuous and land on top of the building lol
Like Donald trump and is copter
@Sippy So I should say in my CV that I do not have formal work experience, and that my experience is limited only to personal projects?
I used to cite personal projects. Best to link to your github account or something if you want to use them as examples though.
also good morning, all
morning squiggle. hmm, github is a good idea I think. but I really do dislike handing out so much code for free :/ I feel like i'm being robbed of new work lol
8:19 AM
@Squiggle moin
8:37 AM
@Jase it's a no-brainer. You increase your reputation, improve your skills and it's more likely to get you employed.
Unless you're actually building a commercial product, there's little reason not to share.
Besides, most money is to be made in services and not in applications.
@Squiggle yeah that was my main issue. I always eventually wanted to make them commercial eventually, but I had to get work first to save money to start up. I do already share code and stuff though on places like codeproject, I've written articles before.
top man.
TBH I would never build for-sale consumer apps. The margins are just too slim
yeah, everything seems to be about services and hording peoples data these days. It's kind of a bummer.
Shit, 2 hour drive to work is brutal.
I used to commute 2 hours each way for my first job. Walk to the bus stop, bus into the city centre, wait for bus, bus out to the other side of town, walk 2 miles.
8:44 AM
That's a lot of wasted time
isn't it?
Hi all! 2 hours commute is killer!
It would be ok if you could do it by train, and get some work done, and come in late / leave early.
Still, it got me the experience I need to get a better job closer to home.
That's great.
I drive approx. 40mins each to/from work, and I feel that is a lot.
8:46 AM
<paramsmappingxmltag>&lt;parameters&gt;&lt;param direction=&quot;in&quot; ...
XML-encoded XML!
Like a baws!
@scheien You're not alone in thinking that 40 minutes is a lot. I do 15 - 20 now each way, and that's the sweet spot. Short enough to be able to enjoy the rest of the day, and long enough to leave work behind
I have the world's best commute here during the summer.
It's not a lot in general, it's just that it can be problematic due to children in kindergarden (is that what it is called?).
Sometimes if the weather is right I swim home down the river :D
8:50 AM
That's is pretty sweet
but with flexible working hours everything can be manageable.
@scheien kindergarTen for some strange reason
kindergarten. It's German. Literally translates as "child garden"
Ich verstehe nicht.
What's the english term? Daycare?
@scheien yeah, but kindergarten works as well
9:02 AM
or is it just a preference?
no idea, i don't really talk about children all that much :D
I'd call it a Nursery.
I feel like my vocabulary is ever expanding just by hanging out in this chat.
One of my hobbies is to make up words when talking to non-native speakers.
I guess you would have fooled me
multiple times
9:08 AM
that's what makes it so fun :)
I'm a bit of a brantish slingo, tbh.
@scheien just talking a lot to people does that yeah :D
Would love to talk more english just to get the pronunciation correct, and be able to speak it more fluently.
@scheien same here. Reading / writing / listening is no problem. But when I talk, it's like I have 20 hot potatoes in my mouth and i'm drunk as hell
And the awkward silence when trying to remember a word
Find English-speaking drinking buddies :)
I'm learning German, but I'm totally picking up a Swiss accent. If I ever visit Germany I'm going to sound like a right yokel.
9:26 AM
@Squiggle I'm learning irish right now, but it's hard to find people who speak it here in the neighbourhood
Irish? Interesting. Whyfor?
honeymoon to ireland, i'd like to be able to speak a few words
Everyone speaks English there
@Squiggle still, it's a nice exercise to learn something new
9:32 AM
I'd probably suggest learning English in Dublin. You'd pick up a wonderful accent.
English is for chumps!
9:48 AM
@Squiggle He'd pick up a completely alien dialect known as "Belrish"
English sucks for me, I can't pronounce the R right.
Q: Why are Pirates called "Pirates"?
A: Because they just Arrrr
10:27 AM
"Introducing Project Spartan: The New Browser Built for Windows 10" ^ that link, btw
How's it going?Raining here :)
@Sippy key combos from a recorded macro?
@JAVEDIQBAL raining everywhere
Good :)
Speak for yourselves.
Blue sky here
10:29 AM
hmmm enjoy
What's issue here:
string str = "select med_name,stock from  tbl_mdcnentry where med_name LIKE  "+ '%'+ txtsearchmdcn.Text.ToString()+'%';
            command.Connection = connection;
            command.CommandText = str;
            SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            while (reader.Read())
                label1.Text = "Available stock of " + reader.GetValue(0).ToString() + " is " + reader.GetValue(1
It gives Null Exception by assigning null to reader
Based on textbox text i have to search medicine name and stock out of database
@JAVEDIQBAL for a start you're using string concatenation to build your SQL query. That's a big no-no.
The query when i executed in SSMS worked :

select med_name from tbl_mdcnentry where med_name LIKE '%syr%'

results in:
@Squiggle Then what should i do?
Indeed, but the user could type something like
'; DROP TABLE tbl_mdcnentry;
Wait, why is string-char concatenation legal...
@Squiggle and assigning UI stuff where you're doing DB stuff
10:38 AM
@BenjaminDiele That i would manage later ,for now i am trying to get it workable
I know the feeling :)
So ,you're habitual of it
Hi @Roel :)
@Sippy Mornng
@Sippy Or wait, good afternoon.
Almost :P
10:41 AM
@Squiggle How can this be avoided......i think its SqlInjection
@JAVEDIQBAL two things you can do to improve your SQL queries.
1. Use SqlParameter for inserting values into your WHERE clauses.
2. Read up on how the `using` keyword to ensure your connection is created and disposed cleanly
But what's the potential problem other than 'improvements' in:

string str = "select med_name,stock from tbl_mdcnentry where med_name LIKE "+ '%'+ txtsearchmdcn.Text.ToString()+'%'
is as good as any
@RoelvanUden almost time to go home!
The null exception you're getting... I'm not sure. Looks like it should work to me. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9kcbe65k%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
@JAVEDIQBAL Debug and step into it. Check against the MSDN examples to see if you're doing it right. If it still doesn't make sense, search SO for the exception you're getting - I'm sure someone else has had the same problem :)
@Squiggle Thankyou I am looking into it.........
10:59 AM
I just stuck with some C# code. I want to get the current gameObject tag, than when the user pressed E by the gameObject, it should change an animation and after that update his tag. How should I do this?
To see my current working code, please go to: stackoverflow.com/questions/29345812/…
are there any windows developers here??
define "Windows developers"
windows apps developer
@user3747923 If you have a question, just ask it.
@Caspert Hint: include the actual exception, including line number. Also I don't think your example code is sufficient to diagnose the issue.
A NullReferenceException probably just means your program's logic is broken, which isn't really a great question for StackOverflow.
11:09 AM
I want to display videos from youtube channel so I gave my youtube api key and channel name for displaying videos in windows appstudio,it is showing only 20 videos but i need all the videos from youtube channel,How can i get that using appstudio
channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/Windows-Phone/… ,i followed this link for making videos
Your right @Squiggle. The NULL reference pops out when the if statements runs for the second time. What I want is this. I have a campfire, with the gameTag "Campfire0", that is off. When the player presses E, the animation should be update to "Campfire25", but also change the tag of this game object. After that it should loop again through the proces. I think I should use a array to store the values of the game object tags that i defined in the start function, because this will fire one time.
@Caspert do whatever you think best. Figure out why it breaks, and change your code to make sure that can never happen. Programming 101.
@Squiggle Look it works when done like this way:

string medvalue=txtsearchmdcn.Text.ToString();
SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand("Select med_name ,stock from tbl_mdcnentry where med_name LIKE  @medname" ,connection);
@Squiggle Someone tell our contractors that
SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand("Select med_name ,stock from tbl_mdcnentry where med_name LIKE " + '%' +@medname + ' %' ,connection);

but not when done like above

In the first case i have to give %name_of_med%
11:23 AM
@Sippy "If you aren't part of the solution, there's good money to be made in prolonging the problem"
Just spent literally a week debugging a null reference in a third party DLL
Only for us to upload it to the server and it all work
"You must have installed your dev environment wrong."
I'm the user don't tell me I did something wrong bitch!
And the guy who put me in this job won't stop fucking calling me
11:36 AM
"Select med_name ,stock from tbl_mdcnentry where med_name LIKE '%' + @medname + '%'"
also your SQL has a rogue space: ' %' which might cause problems
@Sippy your recruiter won't stop calling?
@Squiggle Mhm
5 times yesterday
3 times today
If it was important he'd have left a message saying so.
He's just being a tosser.
with other job offers, or what?
that sounds a bit excessive
No he just wants to poach me cos I'm an easy target apparently
He knows my contract is ending but he jilted me to get me in here in the first place lol
Can anyone help me with this question?stackoverflow.com/questions/29299928/…
11:41 AM
You're coming up to end of contract and rejecting an approach for a new contract?
What do you want to do next?
No idea.
This place is apparently going to interview me for a senior dev position
If they ever get around to it
Would you move for work?
I don't know, I was going to move to Birmingham for this job
But my relationship is on the rocks and I don't know if I wanna move alone.
11:43 AM
I am developing a game, and in that game everyone has a rank. Instead of using LINQ Where(o => Math.Abs(o.Rank - myRank) <= threshHold) or other linear methods, I'm looking for a faster way to get the answer. Is there any data structure that you can suggest me?
@ErwinOkken the only thing I can think of right away is a sparse array, where each each item is stored in a position dependent on its rank
it's not great, but for large collections, it will be faster
Insert/update will be slower, but querying is fast.
so unless you have a severe performance bottleneck, stick with Where
@Sippy relationship problems suck
@BenjaminDiele Yep.
11:46 AM
It's for a game. And games require performance boosting data structures :P
I've been really torn over what to do for like 2 weeks.
@ErwinOkken no
I don't think the relationship is worth continuing but I don't wanna hurt her.
@ErwinOkken You could cache the ordered Linq result, if it doesn't change often?
Feel guilty for not being in love with her lol
As dumb as that sounds
11:47 AM
@Sippy You should never feel guilty for being in a relationship. Shit's not healthy.
my armchair-expert advice: get out
@Sippy if not in love, end relationship quick and honorably.
@Squiggle @KendallFrey How about a log N type of datastructure?
@ErwinOkken for example...?
@Squiggle Guess so.
I'm seeing her next monday, she's coming to stay down here for a few days
@Squiggle with sudoku?
11:48 AM
I'll make a decision based on that.
@Squiggle Oh god, Im gonna have to paint it for you :P
@ErwinOkken heh don't bother.
@ErwinOkken Do you have a known performance problem, and have you pinpointed it to this LINQ query?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
11:51 AM
@Squiggly Lets say you have a few layers, but ill just explain 1 layer. The layer is a dictionary with keys and values, but only 10% of all of them. So I search in the highest layer (where the difference between the values are the highest). Then, when I have not found a good rank yet, I search deeper. So 1000 players in total. maybe the first layer had like 10 players. And the second layer 100. And so you keep going deeper. That a log N like data structure.
@KendallFrey Well with gaming it works a bit different imo :-P
@ErwinOkken why?
@ErwinOkken yeah I get that... but I'm just thinking from a different perspective. What problem are you trying to solve?
I think I have done some rubber duck debugging in this chat :P
11:54 AM
How important is the ability to add custom equality/comparison handlers for a set or map collection?
@JustGreg 2.7
Really, though. Is it extremely important, or is it something you could do without?
12:09 PM
Really, though. That's not something I can meaningfully answer, it's subjective.
I would say "important".
Thanks. Anyone else care to venture an opinion?
"Relatively Important"
I've implemented custom equality handlers loads of times
Yeah, but you could always just wrap the type instead.
is it Friday yet?
12:18 PM
Okay, let me explain my problem. I'm working on a library of collections as I'm sure I've mentioned many times before. Some of the collections are sets/maps. They have specialized algorithms for doing things like union and intersection. The idea is so guarantee that performance for such algorithms always scales according to the size of the smaller set.
The problem is that those algorithms don't work if the sets have different comparison handlers. Or rather, they do work, but the result is corrupted.
can you not have a wrapper that you can inject both classes to, and that performs what it needs to bridge the gap?
@JustGreg if your goal is optimisation, then I guess you can reduce the feature set. It's a compromise, isn't it?
Actually, I guess it's not that big of an issue, when I think about it. If the user wants to have both custom comparison/equality and performance guarantees, he can implement Equals(object) on his comparison handlers.
@Squiggle I don't want to remove important features.
12:33 PM
I think I'll use a factory pattern for creating the collections. Then it becomes easier to make sure you use the same comparer for all your collections. E.g. you create a collection factory initialized with a handler, and then it creates your empty collections.
I go to the PHP chatroom and feel intelligent, then come here and feel stupid again lol
I just feel bad when I try and do PHP
any advice for/against joining a C# start up straight out of college?
How well do you rate yourself? How far are you down the line in college? Any internship experience, and if so, what 'type' of company was it with? Does the start up interest you, and do you think you'll be able to make a good contribution?
12:43 PM
@BrianJ could be fun. Just make sure you don't get taken advantage of :)
Well I'd consider myself competent, finishing an honors degree, no internship exp, just projects from college and one or two personal apps, yes it interests me, only job I've came across using C# and they use Unity too..I think I can make a contribution definitely yeah, but I don't want them to expect too much of me either, like I'm just finished college
@BrianJ I would be reluctant without some real business experience.
I'd agree with Roel
You're probably still naive at this point. One or two years will fix that.
the position is a graduate role
12:44 PM
You wanna try and find a place that does stuff properly where you can learn and progress.
A startup is not necessarily that environment.
@Sippy that depends on the folks working there. Startups could be the place for that, bigger companies could be too. You only know it after working there for a month
The enterprise world is hugely different to the academic world in my experience.
@BenjaminDiele Startups are hugely less likely to have proper procedures regarding source control and coding practices.
I'd argue.
Less budget = hack some shit and make it work!
But then again departments in big companies do that too, so
The other way around is also possible. An enterprise could have too much paperwork to be able to work efficiently
@BrianJ Just make sure it's a job where you can advance your career.
You need to spend the first few years learning every in and out of enterprise development, and if they have you writing little noddy applications for 2 years you may struggle to learn a lot.
the positions are core C#, Unity back end, front end UI and back end Azure stuff
hard to know
12:49 PM
ah you should be ok
if you have any problems just look for another job
I like the lead dev, but he is based in another country, and afaik the guy on my side isn't techy
@BrianJ That sounds like a red flag
@BrianJ if it's your first job, you'll NEED a senior person in the same room as you
otherwise you could just go wank somewhere and learn as much
in the interview, he mentioned if I'm not available, will you be able to find solutions your self which put me off a bit
after all I'm a fresh grad
would be great to have another senior dev there to consult with stuff, skype doesn't really cut it
As a presumption, you'll want a point of contact to go to for mentoring/advice. That's a very useful part of your first job if you're not absolutely confident in your skill level. I'd honestly say you should hold out for something different.
12:52 PM
we talked about my abilities and the projects I've done and it seems I am up to the skill level
seems a bit daunting
@BrianJ Meh
If you can C#, you can C#.
They will account for your learning time if they're not dumb
@BrianJ I'm in a grad job atm and I learned to find my own solutions.
Or well, they hired me as a grad for a non grad position.
yeah but do you have a senior dev near you?
As long as you have a keen eye for code that looks like shit, you'll be aight.
Yes, but you come to find that they will end up saying "Dunno, Google it." a lot.
Cos questions get annoying :D
There's very little you can't solve with Google.
yeah I'll have to mull on it, my plan was to travel for two months, now that plan is changed considering the interview
Do that instead
There's other jobs.
12:59 PM
I think most bosses just want the work doing

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