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8:01 PM
@someone And is what class3.gettheworkdone does something that dispatches out to other objects?
Newer sure, but C# has much, much, much more learning resources available.
Choose wisely before putting all your eggs in one basket.
Or that.
Yeah I give up again for today. F# makes little sense so far. :-)
@TetsujinnoOni not it independent needs nothing.
@ton.yeung Yeah those tutorials suck. Sorry if anyone is offended by that.
Does not compute.
It doesn't tell me about anything I care to learn about. It's all a purely F# world which is pretty simple.
I don't want a purely F# world; I am heavy on interop with C#. And that shit is magic.
As magic as being stoned and seeing flying ponies fart rainbows.
8:06 PM
@TetsujinnoOni they are just common functionality that's needed by both classes. for example string manipulation methods.
@someone they should go in a static string extensions class then
@someone so the question then becomes whether they are coincidentally similar or if they are actually similar, and if the strings they are passed to manipulate things which are object state. If they can only be called in the context of code in this type, they may be "static-looking" but actually reflect the requirements of the object they're currently private static methods of.
i.e. someone got a little resharper happy with allowing it to go ahead and "this method may be made static"'d something that was giving a particular string manipulation a representative name.
Guys can't remember. Is it threadsafe to have different objects lock on shared data?
Which blue is better, top or bottom?
thread 1 grabs obj1 as a lock. thread 2 grabs obj2 as a lock. thread 1 and thread 2 gleefully manipulate the shared state, creating an indeterminable shared state.
8:10 PM
@TetsujinnoOni That's what I imagined
@travisJ: the one on the overexposed picture of a dress?
No this is just me trying to decide between two colors
@travisj I was joking to get at "what do you mean by better". What palette are they being used with, presenting text? background? foreground?
8:12 PM
Essentially the same as the strip shown
foreground #000000?
or foreground headed for #ffffff?
@TetsujinnoOni - It wont have any text on it
@travisj top looks like the default mvc template's header blue, fwiw.
@TetsujinnoOni - Two users also liked top. It is currently bottom.
@CharlieBrown you mean declare the class as static helper and use it's methods in the two classes ?. @TetsujinnoOni the functionality is actually similar they are not to manipulate strings but for example pass something manipulate it and return it to the caller that's it.
8:14 PM
generally i prefer top but depends heavily on the rest of the design.
I am changing colors to be more pastel-y
@someone not a helper, an extension
@someone so it's a service class, where you could be doing service.DoMyWorkWith(instance)?
@someone or a builder where builder.ConfigureMeMore(instance)?
yes doMyWorkWith will return the manipulated instance
So it's a mutator of instances? Why isn't it a method of Instance if it manipulates the state of Instance?
8:20 PM
@TetsujinnoOni this is not possible i can't control the code of the instances so i can't add methods to them
Another potential problem with multiple lock objects:
thread 1 locks on object A, thread 2 locks on object B,
thread 1 then wants to also lock on object B, and thread 2 wants to also lock on object A
(depends on implementation and lock use of course)
@CharlieBrown by extension you mean this msdn.microsoft.com/en-us//library/bb383977.aspx ? because i'm new to C# i do things in C and PHP usually :)
@someone as @CharlieBrown says, that's the time for a static extension method
But that would be a full-halt deadlock.
@someone Jup.
8:21 PM
@someone yes that's the ticket.
Aight. :-)
Though I'm not a huge fan of mutator extensions
good :) thank you for your help is highly appreciated.
@MikeAsdf That assumes a nested lock usage of some kind? Or locking on the objects before releasing previously acquired lock right?
8:23 PM
@someone yes
@TetsujinnoOni - There is some next near the pastel blue though, what do you think a good foreground color would be for a link near it?
@TetsujinnoOni agreed, but @someone hasn't said what the functions do so no idea
@CharlieBrown he said "returns the manipulated instance", so i've been trying to use specific language to invite his clarification.....
@MikeAsdf Yeah it is certainly a possibility. I will look at it tomorrow to see if I can make it better.
I can't see another way though unless the user calls locks on the method call
@TravisJ depends on context so much it hurts to try and guess. :)
8:26 PM
@CharlieBrown they just give a value based on an object for example i give a string it will return a long int hash code for the string just for illustration.
Hi All
I once dealt with a three-way deadlock issue that would only appear in production.
Anyone still out for help?
or they cut a string and return it
@ton.yeung Lol -_-
@MikeAsdf Ouch. Hate those kind of bugs
@ton.yeung The problem (perhaps not really) is I refactored a lock piece of code into a method.
8:28 PM
I had some code that would get a read lock from a ReaderWriterLockSlim, and then have a possibility of calling a helper method that would read more data. That helper method got a read lock on the same ReaderWriterLockSlim with the recursive option, which basically means it does no additional locking.
The code block really manipulates a list. This is now extracted into a new class to be used by all.
Then once in a while a thread would come in and get a write lock and update the data. That all should work fine EXCEPT...
So I'm guessing now:
The code was changed at some point to use parallel extensions, so the helper method getting the "recursive" lock was a different thread.
@TetsujinnoOni - jsfiddle.net/ehefaxfb
8:30 PM
So the top reader thread was waiting for its spawned child to finish, which was waiting for the write lock to finish, and the writer thread was waiting for the top reader thread.
@MikeAsdf lol ouch
A bit of help in iTextSharp ?
@MikeAsdf Did it take you long to root it out?
I mean if you couldn't reproduce...
It plagued us for months
It was baffling because the entire back-end process hung with 0 CPU%
and so we spent countless hours investigating DB issues
(which we also found)
@travisj take a look at the color rule options on color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/…
8:32 PM
Eventually it happened once in a QA environment we had remote desktop access to and Visual Studio
so my method signature is Method(ushort number) and when I call a third party API, its method signature is APIMethod(ushort value)... when I call APIMethod(number) obviously there is no problem. when I call APIMethod(1), it compiles and works. when I change my method signature to Method(Int32 number) and try to call APIMethod(number) I have to cast (ushort)number... why?
@nezam only if you're using one of the non-Afreo versions.
So I attached a debugger and checked all the thread stack traces
1 is an int, but I don't have to cast it... compiler automatically do it since it will be a runtime constant?
@netscape it's a potentially lossy cast so it has to be explicit.
8:33 PM
@TetsujinnoOni I am using the LGPL one
@NETscape Yes but int is bigger
After all the dead ends I was strongly suspecting a threading deadlock at that point though
@nezam ok, then I'm willing to talk about it.
@MikeAsdf Oh man. Sounds painful -_-
right APIMethod(1) compiles though.
even though 1 is int
8:33 PM
@NETscape with the int32 signature?
@NETscape Implicit cast
At that point 1 is "typeless" and the compiler can infer based on method sig
@TetsujinnoOni I am using the <itext> tags to create a view which will be later rendered as pdf.The issue is that in a table.. the first cell takes most of the space.. how to stop this?
@LewsTherin thought so... i rather have consistency of compiler error
@Nezam forcing layout geometry isn't something I let iText do for me last time I was working with it...
@ton.yeung Amazing piece of energy waste :P
I know. It's cool. I just had to be negative.
8:37 PM
when i pair program on mvc/asp.net, i get annoyed with the devs who constantly rerun the project with f5 after every change. kills me
@CharlieBrown In views?
int x;
Well, you do need to build new binaries if you change controllers etc...
8:39 PM
just build, then hit f5 in your browser
Exactly. But if you wanted to have the debugger attached, you gotta press F5!
stop writing bugs
I never write bugs. They tend to creep in unannounced.
But no job then
8:41 PM
no, mostly for html changes it kills me, esp js and angular changes
the lack of understanding of how tech works before using it kills me too
Yeah.. that is a bit silly. Although I was fighting with MVC bundling/optimization of CSS today! My god! The configuration was absolutely awful and rigorously cached everything at the start of the server. H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E!
Just the time VS takes to spin up debug and open IE is forever for a small change
I fucking hate VS now
people I work with do it on css changes for gosh sake
The idiot who wrote it used the wrong statement that didn't enable debug mode.
(I wrote it ahahahaha)
8:43 PM
I used to think it was better than Eclipse now VS SUCKS
That is a bit sad @CharlieBrown
@LewsTherin Eclipse.. considered better than VS? What did you smoke? That's powerful stuff man!
@RoelvanUden - I implement a cachebreaker on top of Url.Content
I just had to use @Scripts.Render to print the individual nonbundled files :P
public static string CacheBreak(
            this UrlHelper url, string contentPath)
        { return url.Content(contentPath + contentVersion); }
@RoelvanUden I can't do anything in VS these days without it freezing every 5 mins. Unless it is just my host.
8:44 PM
@LewsTherin It's your host.
Just not as lightweight as before :(
It is basically as above, with some modification to create the contentVersion
I filled mine with shit and it's still running like a breeze :-)
@TravisJ Yeah :-)
@RoelvanUden Except I have 32gb RAM, i7 2something and a crappy hard disk
and when is vs releasing a version for mac?
8:45 PM
Seems like decent specs.
@Nezam Never I suppose?
@LewsTherin Reinstall VS perhaps? Or your OS? I have lesser stats and runs smoooth
The Microsoft way. When all else fails, Reinstall(tm)
@RoelvanUden How many projects do you have in a soln?
@RoelvanUden hehe yeah
@ton.yeung lulz. This is work PC so I probably shouldn't
@LewsTherin Hmm anywhere between 1 to 20. Usually around 4~5
@RoelvanUden even that now .NET is opensource?.. should not we be expecting something?
@RoelvanUden Ah no wonder :)
8:47 PM
Smacked VS2013 with ReSharper9, Node tools, typescript tools, bunch of SDKS for phones etc, web essentials, code contracts and god knows what else I have installed
@Nezam OmniSharp
hope they make wpf open source fast
they should have made it so years ago imo
You can also try VS online
@ton.yeung but it is slow is it not? on a macbook pro. Is using Bootcamp a better option?
@RoelvanUden whats that ?
Long live search engines eh
@TetsujinnoOni - That color wheel is horribly deceiving with a black background to compare the colors against.
8:52 PM
I cannot compromise on the fast paced development experience i get on vs
someone should be funding a vs opensource development
@Nezam It's called MonoDevelop
@RoelvanUden attach to process is your friend.... (the current system is three orchestrated sites, F5 to launch is a pain in that context)
@RoelvanUden ThumbsDown. Its sh*t
@Nezam Can't expect the world without paying. ;-)
VS Community is pretty much the rare exception in devworld imho
@ton.yeung it's two external facing sites with a firewall-piercing webapi service.
@ton.yeung it's pretty canonical seeming
8:59 PM
Hm. I swore I had 18 hours of work 6 hours ago.
Now I'm bored.
fix the github MvcReportViewer pull request that almost implements Local Report viewing. ;)
... bright guy who contributed it failed to actually include a mechanism for marshalling data from the controller into the ASPX-in-an-iframe.
9:12 PM
Why would you want to use an iframe?
<marquee><iframe src="http://stackoverflow.com"/></marquee> ftw
wont load
cross origin violation
9:28 PM
hey anyone come across these errors when using the profiler in VS before?
i wish there was a
@BrianJ i see no errors
yeah I don't see any errors but each time I try to run the profiler it hangs and says:
Analysis failed
Profiling complete.
which I assumed is due to the previous warnings before hand.
Look in your output window
9:31 PM
@BrianJ what VS version/OS/language are you profiling?
that was my output window , the hastebin I posted.
@ReedCopsey VS13 Pro/Windows 8/WPF .Net 4.5
nvm, I'm slow today, it did generate the report :D
what should i have for dinner
BBQ'd horse.
now I'm hungry, damm you
@RyanTernier id try it
9:40 PM
Last night I had slow cooked BBQ baby back ribs... which is what i had for lunch... tonight a hot dog!
oh that sounds amazing
maybe i should stop by outback
people used to eat horse a lot more than they do now-a-days
but maybe theres a reason they stopped
Hot Dog: All Beef Weiner, mustard, relish, tomatoes (fuck ketchup), sauted onions in butter.
get the girls.
win the lottery.
dammmmn that sounds gooood
okay time to put on the oven :)
@LewsTherin why doesn't it do implicit cast on
ushort value = TeyGetValue();
ushort num = IsValid ? value : 0; //need to cast (ushort)0
9:44 PM
idk what to make
or buy
Steak sambo from any good chipper ;)
with home made chips
i eat out too much, going to die
Have no fear, we all will.
So I was looking at a question and saw this:
Write a method that takes an int[] arr and an int k, and returns the kth largest element of arr. The method should run in O(n) time, where n is the length of arr.
Isn't O(n) going to be impossible as k approaches n?
I don't think so
not from an enumeration perspective anyways
I'd make a fixed size queue of (k) elements
@BradleyDotNET - How do you get away from the fact that you must essentially order the entire set if n = k
9:57 PM
and push the next largest element onto it constantly
At which point, O(n) is not possible.
@BradleyDotNET - That isn't O(n)
wait, my approach has a flaw...
Ok, what if you kept a K queue as before
and kept track of the lowest number in it
every time you find a larger number, you put it in the queue
once it fills up, you have to go find the new smallest number to push a new one in
Obviously it would be trivial if you had some setup. But the idea is that you have nothing prior to this and all you accept is the int array.
As k approaches n, it certainly would get ugly though
for small k, I think it would approximate O(n)
@BradleyDotNET - I think for small k it is O(n) approx sure.
But I don't think it is possible as k approaches n.
It definitely can't be less than O(n)
10:01 PM
@travisj embedding the ASPX Microsoft ReportViewer control in a razor-views MVC site.
Yeah, I can't think of an approach for large k
@TetsujinnoOni - oof :(
I take it that since it is all legacy, there is no changing that.
@travisj it's new dev, if there's a better way to get an equivalent experience for report designers that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, my client would love to hear about it - RDLC seems to be the cleanest way to go for their desires, despite the need for the iframe/aspx trick.
they're running away from Crystal at high speed, and throughlinking to a full SSRS instance doesn't seem like a good answer.
MvcReportViewer is still only remote reports (there's a pull request that would require extension to actually support localreports that render data...)
i have small question
10:05 PM
just ask
but not one still reply to it
Wooo, mandatory 3 hour Privacy meeting
@RashedDIP follow top link on the righthand bar (Please read this.... )
5 messages moved to Trash can
@RashedDIP people have replied to it; it appears you don't understand how localdb connection strings work.
10:08 PM
maybe yes
@TetsujinnoOni - So what problem are you solving with the rdlc? Is the client creating xml for the form? Or is it just that it is nice to have the excel, word, etc. on click ?
please give code for creat connection string
what code do u use?
!!google localdb connection string
Try those links, rashed.
10:09 PM
WTF microsoft. They introduced a bug in SQL Azure that prevents schema upgrade deployments on old servers on Feb 13. They claim they'll fix it week of the 23rd. They claim they'll fix it on the 28th. They Claim it got fixed today. It's still broken.
really thankx
i try to see it now
They claim that it should work if you install the latest DacFx. They claim that you need to install both the x64 and x86 msi's if you're on an x64 machine. Still not working.
@travisj They would like designer-based reporting. They are using SSRS reports internally so my inclination is to give them a working RDLC-based implementation for their external-facing report design experience.
@travisj and I'd like to not write custom reporting code for my last two weeks on this contract ;)
damn you script_deployment_databases table type, damn you and your metadata insisting you are both a system-defined type and a user-defined type, ruining everything
@TetsujinnoOni - I haven't used that type of template reporting. Seems like there are plenty available though. I do custom reports but I can understand the desire not to do that if you aren't going to be there long.
@MikeAsdf - did you try turning it of, and then back on again?
10:14 PM
@TravisJ It lets them leverage their business analysts that're growing into junior devs skillsets.
@TravisJ Yeah I should just ninja myself into the cloud center and start flipping switches
@TetsujinnoOni - By creating the reports in the VS editor?
New databases are exempt from having this errant data type magically appear in their bowels. But migrating all our environments would currently be a bit of a hassle. (But becoming a more attractive option day by day)
Is is possible that downloading huge file from webhandler will hang entire IIS?
files comes from ashx file
@Teomanshipahi "Is is possible that ____ will hang entire IIS?" Yes.
@Teomanshipahi Do you have async/Task code involved? I've seen that cause hangs depending on how you use .Result instead of await.
Otherwise I'd inspect the event log for clues.
10:22 PM
nope, it simply reads from a text file and response the content
it can take some it it is ok to me but, some other pages in website becomes unavailable
to other users
A: IIS7 - how to configure server to serve large (GBs) files?

Mathias R. JessenConfigure the maxRequestEntityAllowed property in the asp limits sections of the web configuration: http://www.iis.net/configreference/system.webserver/asp/limits If you have the Request Filtering feature installed and enabled, you should also set the "Maximum allows content length" value in II...

possibly relevant
@travisj yeah, they're that far along (the vs report editor is... well, it's a report editor)
@TravisJ There's a limit to how much I want to push their culture away from ASPX with SQL in the code behind in six months....
10:47 PM
Is anybody able to make sense of this answer?
> Create the following element in “Fakes\MSBErrorTestClass.fakes” file under 'Fakes' node:
I have no "fakes" file.
@SpencerRuport - Then you are not using the Fakes Framework
So after singing the joys of portable class libraries I take it all back.
This has been a huge pain in the ass.
@SpencerRuport - If it helps any, I am making a massively nested dynamic UI that is kicking my ass :)
<3 we suffer together
11:04 PM
@TravisJ CLRS, Ch. 9
It's finding the k-th order statistic
@Teomanshipahi .... is there code which accesses Session involved, for notionally the same session? (Session doesn't multithread well for simultaneous requests)
11:24 PM
Okay this is weird.
Someone tell me what I'm missing here.
Look at the parameter, type IBuffer. IBuffer: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/…
So how is the hash being created if IBuffer only provides Length and Capacity?
Good question
Buffer (which may be the only thing in the fx that implements IBuffer) obviously implements more things, which that method knows about. (Somewhere Buffer knows about a backing byte array based on clicking through the msdn pages).

That's some ugly as sin documentation
This gives a clue: "Represents a referenced array of bytes "
thats in IBuffer
so they might know/cast more than is obvious
11:46 PM
@BradleyDotNET - I'm curious why they wouldn't just use Buffer then.
Since clearly it's not possible to roll your own IBuffer implementation.
@Jeremy Any particular reason for the link?
@SpencerRuport I agree with you
You were talking about finding k-th order statistics in (worst case) linear time
its weird
There's a nice write up there
so... its possible?
in a completely unintuitive way?
11:57 PM
@SpencerRuport I stumbled on this source code: github.com/ermau/WinRT.NET/blob/master/WinRT.NET/Security/…
WindowsRuntimeBuffer buffer = (WindowsRuntimeBuffer)Data;
about that github: "What's here is incomplete and was based a preview build of Windows 8. "

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