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12:18 AM
10 hours later…
10:36 AM
is there a predefined method to get the index of a certain element from an array constructed with int[] (as an example)?
After a quick research I could only find those things for Array, ArrayList and such...
int[] is an Array
epic fail
Array.IndexOf() should do what you want, I think. I believe it uses default equality comparison, that is to say, element.Equals()
What happens when there's more than one of the same value in the array?
11:13 AM
@TomW just tried it, returns the index of the first occurrence
It was a rhetorical question. I meant, what are the consequences of that behaviour for the application; does it do what's intended?
12:02 PM
am i missing something? my VS13 doesn't wanna show Teams in intellisense. (Teams is a enum)
Well all editions of VS apparently have bugs and mess up intellisense for no reason, requiring an application restart
Some people say it's less apparent now, I've only noticed it in 2013
also, why did adding an enum completely break the other totally-not-related parts of my program
apps be buggy yo
12:42 PM
^^^, yea, i still dont understand that
5 hours later…
5:27 PM
@KendallFrey @BradleyDotNET can u help me with an issue.. i have a list of words that are placed inside a text file.. the words are single words listed without double quotes line by line. and i have wrote a function to delete the entire line if these words exists. So what my issue is my text files are of two formats one without double quotes and one with double quotes
Designator MAX PN Footprint Center-X(mm) Center-Y(mm) Layer

ggA1 100-0009 1206 - CAPACITOR 42.164 114.109 top
C1A1 150-0009 1206 - CAPACITOR 42.164 114.109 bottom
C21 100-0009 1206 - CAPACITOR 42.164 114.109 top
CSA1 104-0009 1206 - CAPACITOR 42.164 114.109 bottom
CSA1 107-0009 1206 - CAPACITOR 42.164 114.109 bottom
MAA1 109-0009 1206 - CAPACITOR 42.164 114.109 bottom
next format...
Designator MAX PN Footprint Center-X(mm) Center-Y(mm) Layer

"C10" "100-0009" "1206 - CAPACITOR" "122.492" "69.469" "bottom"
"C100" "100-0009" "1206 - CAPACITOR" "264.211" "12.814" "top"
"C102" "100-0009" "1206 - CAPACITOR" "251.346" "11.201" "bottom"
"C105" "100-0009" "1206 - CAPACITOR" "302.133" "29.527" "bottom"
"C105A" "100-0009" "s" "306.197" "29.909" "bottom"
all my text is tab delimited
so currently i am able to do only one delete fn at a time
see my codes to delete words contained in my list
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
var line = reader.ReadLine();
var value = line.Split('\t');
// here i am able to do words without double quotes
bool deleteLine = value.Any(v => deleteCodeList.Any(w => v.Equals(w)));
if (!deleteLine)
sb.Append(line + Environment.NewLine);
//here i am able to do words with double quotes
var values = line.Split('\t').Select(v => v.Trim(' ', '"'));
bool deleteLines = values.Any(v => deleteCodeList.Any(w => v.Equals(w)));
if (!deleteLines)
sb.Append(line + Environment.NewLine);
@drch can uu help me if you can
6:22 PM
@stacykeb pastebin.com
why is my question on the star list...
People have been going around starring random crap just recently
not sure why
1 hour later…
7:45 PM
my question and
@Meraj99 please see this
8:03 PM
sorry this is the codes
8:31 PM
Hi everyone, I want to draw a function into my bitmap from string such as: f(x) = x^2. I will get the "x^2" from the user as a string, how can I draw it? A link would be helpful, thanks.
2 hours later…
10:23 PM
@TomW I think it is hat hunters

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