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12:02 AM
Nvidia 660M
Radeon HD 7700
has anyone of you guys used Picasa before?
Yonks ago
12:18 AM
I've got a 750m, runs most things (even if not well).
12GB RAM is nice though
@Tokencodingnewbie almost finished setting up
it's been "decompressing" for ages
12:39 AM
k, not sure what I think plays like every other mmo ever right now
Makes me want to just resub ffxiv
It's been ages since I got into an MMO
I used to like WoW
and Flyff
I might suggest ffxiv if you don't mind paying for it.
I had one of the FF mmos and it was shockingly shit imo
I spent lie £300 on a bundle of games, and that was one of them
So long as ArcheAge isn't P2W I might end up getting into it
I remember seeing some things I hadn't seen in other MMOs on the advert for it
can't remember what though ha
Are you talking about ffxi?
ffxiv is srsly good wouldnt recommend other wise
No idea
The who series has lost appeal to me now though
12:50 AM
Don't be so closed minded :P
Why would I want ManualResetEventSlim when ManualResetEvent does the job?
Unless something is performance critical, I don't see sufficient reason for it to even exist.
Code that uses multithreading is more likely to be performance critical than the average piece of code.
Mine isn't.
1:13 AM
posted on September 25, 2014 by Scott Hanselman

Sometimes textmode is where it's at. I've long blogged about tools and techniques that will make your Windows console experience better. Perhaps you're a *nix person who is using Windows in your day job, or you wish the Windows PowerShell prompt was more nix-y. Or perhaps you're a PowerShell person who wants to take your command-line to the next level. Well, just as NuGet is how we get .NET l

1:35 AM
so who here knows c#?
I know c#
I know of it.
you know of backgroundmediaplayer?
Never used it
1:47 AM
my problem is applying BackgroundMediaPlayer.Shutdown() when the app is terminated/closed.
I can't figure out a way to check if the app is closed.
Can you use application.exit
Maybe, I dunno.
Just trying to help
@DemCodeLines In WinRT, a user may stop the currently playing music by tapping the volume button and pressing pause. Is the same true in WP? Not that this solves the problem, but the user should have a workaround.
@user1112560 Yes that's true. But that's not an ideal solution.
Definitely not, I do have the same problem with Google Play Music on Android.
2:07 AM
I mean, when the app closes, the music should stop, since the app is playing the music, but no, it doesn't... sigh
2:17 AM
@Tokencodingnewbie liking it so far
Really? I already stopped playing it. Worked on some code.
What you got ? :)
Working on some silly RPG
ZGot some guide too, gonna work along side of it and hopefully learn a few things.
What happened to TicTacToe?
I'll get back to it.
Just wanted to do something different so I don't hang myself.
2:21 AM
Well, that's as good a reason as any
heh, biggest lie in programming
I never get back to it
It's so hard not to jump at something new and exciting all the time.
Don't worry though, it's not like a customer is waiting on it
I'm going to make this the best Tic Tac Toe ever though.
I'll make the AI play itself too.
Then I'll add some machine learning shit.
I did that
2:22 AM
Any good?
why machine learning?
Why the hell not?
@OMGtechy literally flawless
@OMGtechy why learn if you're already perfect?
I plan to get the computer to learn, rather than me tell it how to play well.
If it works it out, I've done something awesome.
Don't tell it how to play well. Tell it the rules and let it think for itself
2:23 AM
Well, I suppose a learning AI is a fun project too
overkill, but fun
I think that also applies to my project
Most things are overkill for Tic Tac Toe ha
Not my UI lol
This is going to be the most over engineered Tic Tac Toe ever.
Particle effects when you make a move man. Fucking epic tac toe.
Are you gonna use DI and mocking? How about an Azure database?
2:25 AM
Is using reflection to modify Boolean.TrueString and Boolean.FalseString going to bite me in the ass later on?
that depends if bool.ToString() uses them
If they're static probably.
I'd assume they are
#define true false
public static readonly string TrueString;
2:26 AM
#define while if
That is the most vile line of code I know of
#define int float
it'll compile and run, but you'll get subtle errors everywhere
while/if won't even give you errors
the error will be more obvious when it runs though
2:27 AM
it will silently refuse to run the loop more than once
how is that obvious?
Just how my mind works
either way, it's hell xD
If you want to just plain confused people you could
#define ; waddle
and use it everywhere
you can do that?
I don't think you can do that
as in you type waddle instead of ;
2:29 AM
oh you mean #define waddle ;
#define if(x) if(rand()<0.0001 && (x))
ah yeah
I always get it the wrong way around
I made a joke language called penguin script using #define
I made a joke language too
you passed fish as arguments, chirped and waddled
Except it's sometimes pretty awesome
2:30 AM
@user1112560 why the brackets around x?
I do want to make a "proper" language sometime
@OMGtechy sigh
but I think learning a few languages fluently will give me more insight into that
You ALWAYS put brackets around macro parameters
because I know zero C++
@KendallFrey no you don't?
This is a basic little thing
2:31 AM
you should
I'm not worried about it expanding
if you don't, bugs
I've not been bitten by it yet, but the use cases I've actually had for macros...it doesn't really apply
If I was doing something where order of operations was important, then I would care
In the above case, it is important
Even though it's designed to give the programmer a hard time?
2:34 AM
true.ToString() == "True" :/
Unless C++ uses different rules than C#
@user1112560 um, yeah
I didn't even think you could use macros in C#
you can't
2:35 AM
Well, there you go then
@user1112560 what else would you expect?
@OMGtechy your point is?
Or am I missing something here?
@KendallFrey you're worry about a macro expanding and causing problems in a macro that's designed to cause problems :P
@user1112560 I guess. That's just what C# does typically though, IME (which is little tbh)
Well I'm going to try and go to bed early tonight
2:37 AM
@Tokencodingnewbie Have you made Skyrim yet?
Try and do a few lines beforehand :P
(code, not cocaine)
Yeah I call it Skyrim II
@OMGtechy If they do it right (wrong?), and it does have the parentheses around it, they might not even notice the issue
@user1112560 why not both?
@KendallFrey hmm...stealthy problems...
@Tokencodingnewbie But isn't Skyrim like V already?
@OMGtechy #define while if
2:38 AM
Don't question me.
Is that a sex scene? I can't see much
#define while if
#define if while
anywho good night, I hope I feel better tomorrow
It's a horse doing coke it looks like.
@OMGtechy the latter is lame
2:39 AM
(not a real horse)
@KendallFrey surely it should never compile?
Hope you feel better soon.
They're there like jeez this is taking a long time
it will run ifs more than once, which is a dead giveaway in a debugger
@OMGtechy maybe not both together, idk
I don't think it would ever compile.
2:40 AM
it won't infinite loop, I'm pretty sure
Unless you're using a klutz of a compiler
You can write programs in C++ that will never compile even though they're technically correct.
Template metaprogramming <3
You can use the preprocessor to perform calculations
I think I've seen it in the IOCCC
Template metaprogramming just takes it one step further
I love it
I'm not that deep into the rabbit hole yet, but I have done a little.
3:02 AM
Window.Current.CoreWindow.Closed is the answer
That's the event to bind to when try to detect when the core app closes.
3:21 AM
Boolean.ToString() doesn't use Boolean.TrueString or Boolean.FalseString. WTF Microsoft?
3:41 AM
hahah @user1112560
4:41 AM
2 hours later…
6:28 AM
morning guys
6:42 AM
select *
from Employees e join employeeSchedules es on e.EmployeeID = es.employeeID
join Schedule s on es.scheduleID = s.ID
join clockins c on c.employeeId = e.employeeID
I want to create linq query for above
I tried like this
var scheduled    = from e in db.Employees
                           join es in db.employeeSchedules
                           on e.EmployeeID equals es.employeeID
                           join s in db.Schedules
                           on es.scheduleID equals s.ID;
but I get scribbly lines on 2nd last line at join
The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect.Type inference failed in the call to join
That is error am getting
where am I going wrong
ignore me
I dint add the select part at the end
7:08 AM
stupid trouble );
if (selectedRes != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prodResCount.value))
int volume = (int)Game.BuildingsWarehouseResources.FindAll(x => x.Resource_Id == selectedRes.Id).Sum(x => x.Quantity);
produceBn.isEnabled = (volume > int.Parse(prodResCount.value));
where is the error?
selectedRes = null
and he go to
@GLeBaTi maybe you should trim selectedRes just to make sure it has no hidden whitespace character that may cause it not to be null
selectedRes is null
selectedRes = null and it jump over "int volume..."
but ground to "produceBn.isEnabled =..."
when your stepping through your sure it skips int volume line and goes to produceBn.isEnabled ?
I dont think it is possible it is taking the execution path your saying @GLeBaTi but maybe I have just never seen that happen.Maybe someone else can help sorry
7:24 AM
7:36 AM
very strange
let me ping someone here @Shell
@GLeBaTi trim selectedRes
then try
8:03 AM
restart visual studio resolve my problem ))
hehehe strangest circumstance
glad u got it sorted @GLeBaTi
hi guys
have an interesting problem with currency that i can't seem to find solution to
my client wishes to translate currency to words like when writing a cheque
but in chinese which is different from english
any libraries out there someone has used?
8:34 AM
Morning all.
8:48 AM
morning @Sippy
Hello everyone
Argh! Ok, this's gonna sound racist. And I'm not racist, BUT (lol)... Why are you even a teacher to begin with? Why are you teaching in a primarily English-speaking country when you can barely pronounce the most basic words? Why are you teaching when I have already (mentally) corrected about 20 things you've said since I started this Diploma 2 weeks ago? Why is it that my friends get all the well-spoken teachers, but I always have to put up with the duds? You're a great guy, but
a crap teacher because we can't really understand you!
@jay_t55 are you speaking to anyone or just venting?
I'm mainly venting, but also kinda passively awaiting somebody's advice or opinions lol
@jay_t55 no dat feel
Had a german lecturer at uni and I could not understand a fucking thing he said.
8:51 AM
I'm sure there's a question on academia.stackexchange.com
IIRC the conclusion from people who lectured was tell him
And you know what gets on my nerves (and also kinda makes me laugh at the same time)??? It's when instead of him saying "Development", he says "Debel'pnt"
In my more recent experience
Telling someone they're hard to understand will usually not end up making any difference
I took to just teaching myself modules where I couldn't understand the lecturers.
Yeah, that's pretty much the only choice I have. I can either tell him or complain to admin but I don't like going behind people's backs and complaining (well except for right now lol) about people but I can't say it to his face either. I'd feel like an asshole. I mean what's he gonna do? Say sorry and know feel bad every time he comes into teach now? Quit his job? Teach a different class? I'd feel like a prick lol
My uni had a number of foreign national lecturers and as much as they know their shit, if they can't come across as legible it doesn't really help anyone. The italians were the hardest to understand. Had an AI lecturer who was probably the smartest guy I've ever met, couldn't listen to him lecture though.
Yeah it's not really worth it. The only thing he could do is to make his presentations better so you can get the jist of what he's saying but there's only so much information you can expect people to read per slide.
From the stuff I've read on S.E. prevailing opinion seems to be that they won't necessarily know there's even a problem
8:55 AM
No, they won't. But it's better that way usually
If they know they're difficult to understand they can't just change their accent.
So as jay said it'd make them feel bad and usually there won't be a lot that can be done, not in lectures anyway.
As I said I'm repeating the opinions of people who actually do this for a living that I've read on SE
jay what I'd suggest you do, is email or speak to the lecturer directly and ask if you can have some extra material, say you're finding it hard to take the lectures in and ask if he can direct you to some relevant information.
If I create a list and add objects to it (myList.add(new myObject());), and then clears that list, how do I make the destructor run on those objects?
Do that for every lecture if you need, or just come to an agreement that he emails you with extra information or just puts it in his lecture slides.
@TomW I literally just graduated. If my opinion is invalidated because I don't do it for a living then I don't really know why I spent all that money ...
But your point was that you're relaying not opinionating, I get that. :D
Thanks Sippy, will do that. Sounds like the best approach I think.
8:57 AM
I'm contrasting your opinion as someone who doesn't lecture in a foreign language with those of people who do, which I'd give more weight, personally.
thanks tom
@jay_t55 try to understand and respect them. they have worked hard to stand there and share what they know. They may not have good communication skills but they try their best to explain. May be go and have a word with him. Ask for the electronic copy of all resources or ask him if he can allow you to record his audio during lectures, etc.

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