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6:06 PM
@Pinkey Use parametarized queries.
@Pinkey otherwise your code will work... it's just ugly and super vulnerable to SQL Injection. Also learn the using keyword.
@Pinkey And name your controls, TextBox1, TextBox2, DropDownList1 etc... is super confusing and hard to read. I'd blow my brains out if I got that code from someone. (no offense just tips for better coding practices).
@KendallFrey How so?
Hey guys
i hate to beat a dead horse...but I cannot figure this out. I have a sql select that I was able to take the variables returned within and add them to an existing array. I am able to get iterate a variable everytime the button is clicked but I cannot get the first, next and however many in the middle of my array. I tried the suggestion that @EvanL asked me to try but it only wants to return the last variable.
Here is what I currently have:

foreach (var departments in DepartmentList)
//string[] DeptList = {"\"" + departments.DepartmentName + "\"",};
Array.Resize(ref DeptList, countDeparments);
DeptList[countDeparments - 1] = departments.DepartmentName;

ViewState["count"] = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["count"]) + 1;
txtNAC.Text = ViewState["count"].ToString();
NAC = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["count"]);
Total = NAC - ActiveCount - 1;

txtActiveCount.Text = DeptList[countDeparments];
6:19 PM
@Skullomania, why are you using an array and not a list?
even with countDepartments++; it will only show the last one
@Nathvi its just what I chose to use
So I have an IEnumerable of Tasks. How can I process each of these in sequence using await ?
@Skullomania, I would encourage you to read stackoverflow.com/questions/434761/…
@Nathvi I will restructure using a list.
@Skullomania, why?
6:26 PM
@Nathvi because as explained in the link you asked me to read an array is mostly used for a collection of data that is not considered to change much, in my example the collection size will vary between 1-250. I do not believe this will solve the question I asked but it may help tidy things up a bit.
@Skullomania, glad you understand :)
@Nathvi but getting back to the question...do you know what I can do to fix this?
who knows, perhaps the extra bit of clean code will make things more clear
^ NSFW text. Custom Cards Against Humanity cards I got at PAX this weekend
6:28 PM
@Pheonixblade9, thx for telling me after you posted :p
@Greg CopyTo, of course
@Nathvi also thanks for asking why...it helps to be able to explain...i really do have trouble explaining code
@Skullomania, my method of debugging is. Identify assumptions I make in my code, test each assumption until I find one that is wrong, change it.
np ;)
Also, read your code backwards.
Force yourself to slooooooooooooooow down, and really think about what you are doing
@Nathvi I think I need a for each loop used in conjuction with
ViewState["count"] = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["count"]) + 1;
to force the item in the textbox to change each time the submit is hit
6:34 PM
Test it :)
Guys, I have a List<T> of tasks, and I need to run them async but sequentially, not in parallel. Using foreach with await doesn't seem to work.
@MarkRichman that makes sense, await will run things in parallel used that way, I think. You need to just do Task.Run
but that doesn't make sense
you mean you want a series of tasks to run non-blocking, but sequentially?
nonblocking, but sequential
foreach (var c in Components)
    await c.InstallationCompletion;  //<= that is a Task
but that doesnt block
6:44 PM
have you tried ContinueWith>?
Task<int>[] tasks = new Task<int>[2];
            tasks[0] = new Task<int>(() =>
                // Do some work...
                return 34;

            tasks[1] = new Task<int>(() =>
                // Do some work...
                 return 8;

            var continuation = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(
                            (antecedents) =>
                                int answer = antecedents[0].Result + antecedents[1].Result;
ContinueWith would only help if I knew how many objects in the list ahead of time, no?
it only works if it's an array or a LinkedList
or if you access the list via index
you can do task[i].ContinueWith(task[i+1])
but you need to figure out how to chain it.
I don't think a while loop will work
so I need to flatten that Components(c => c.InstallationCompletion) into a task array?
I just know ContinueWith will do things sequentially
ok i know that too
6:49 PM
well then you should be able to figure it out :)
just add a .ContinueWith call for each of your tasks
it's somewhat recursive
I don't think .ContinueWith actually executes anything - it just says "continue with this task Y when X is completed"
they should have done Task<T>.WaitEach() :)
this is sort of what i'm thinking, but the syntax is wrong:
for (int i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++)
                    await Components[i].InstallationCompletion
                        .ContinueWith(() => Components[i + 1].InstallationCompletion);
.ContinueWith is metadata
you need to add it to the task before you execute it
i can't initialize them because then they will start
they are implemented using Lazy<T> so as soon as I reference them they will start
6:56 PM
Task<int>[] tasks = //initialize a bunch of tasks
int length = tasks.Length;
foreach(int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
something like that?
you'd need to add error checking of course
one sec
i dont think that will work for me because my tasks are Lazy<T>
i suppose i can change that
i love working in a "hurry up and innovate, we're all waiting on you" environment
that's every place
i'm ready to just throw it in a foreach and let it block without async lol
not here :v
fuck it, hourglass.
7:00 PM
well... you don't want to block the UI...
of course not
protected Component(string name, string targetMachine, IProgress<InstallProgress> progress,
            CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
            Debug.Assert(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) == false, "Name can't be null");
            Debug.Assert(string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetMachine) == false, "TargetMachine can't be null");
            Debug.Assert(progress != null, "Progress can't be null");
            Debug.Assert(cancellationTokenSource != null, "CancellationTokenSource can't be null");
that last line is my issue ^^
the task will start as soon as I reference Component.InstallationCompletion:
if you're executing them right away, why do they need to be lazy?
public Task InstallationCompletion
            get { return _task.Value; }
tasks won't run until you execute them anyways
well this starts as soon as I reference InstallationCompletion
7:02 PM
because your Lazy is wrong
you don't need lazy at all
oh :)
tasks are already lazy
do tell :)
someone steered me wrong then
the only reason to use Lazy is if you don't want code to run until a property is accessed
i thought thats what would delay the start of the task
7:03 PM
just do an array or List of tasks. Run them when you need to
no, tasks don't run until you explicitly run them
that's the whole point of a Task
but the task is a property of Component, and I have a List<Component>
what does this do?
Task<int> task = new Task<int>(() => return 5);
it takes a directed acyclic graph, does a topological sort on it, gets the ordered list of Component, and then starts the task on each
no, I'm asking you to describe what the code above does - the code I just wrote
that does nothing until you do Task.WhenAll() or Task.Run() on it
7:04 PM
right, so what does this do?
Lazy<int> lazyInt = new Lazy<int>(() => return 5);
nothing until you call lazyInt.Value
so why do you need to combine the two?
no idea
was someone else's suggestion until i need to combine the two
7:06 PM
I suggest you ask them why they suggested it
Lazy<T> doesn't support asynchronous initialization, it can cause race conditions, etc. - I wouldn't use it unless you have a good reason for using it
if @ReedCopsey is around he can probably provide more detail, though hopefully I've done a decent enough job.
well that would explain why i'm having problems
Reed was the one who suggested it, or at least did in part
i really need to simplify what i'm doing
sounds like removing Lazy is what i need now that my requirements changed
well... Lazy is really used for when you want to delay initialization of an expensive resource until the last moment
I use it often in constructors and class variables
but i can't do this either:
_task = StartTask(_cancellationTokenSource);
this is an abstract base class with the following:
protected abstract Task StartTask(CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource);
so any given implementation of Component will implement StartTask
and i know that part works
7:13 PM
posted on September 02, 2014 by Scott Hanselman

Web Development, specifically front end web development, is fast becoming as complex and sophisticated as traditional back end development. Most projects don't just upload some JS and CSS files via FTP. There's now a front end build process that can include expansion of SASS and LESS, minification of CSS/JS, running JSHint or JSLint, and much more. These build tasks and processes are coordinate

could it be this simple?
for (int i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++)
                    await Components[i].StartTask(cancellationTokenSource);
So I have an issue, I'm trying to be able to send a custom exception (the base class is the .Net Exception type) over WCF. I tried adding the [DataContract] attribute and when I try to generate the service using svcutil I get the error "MyCustomException Cannot be serializable and have DataContractAttribute." So I take off the attribute and I get the error: "MyCustomException cannot be serialized. Consider marking it with the DataContractAttribute." D:
To be clear, you're not signaling a fault state?
@SpencerRuport, I would consider marking it with the DataContractAttribute
@Nathvi - I can't tell if that's a joke.
@KendallFrey - I don't know what that means. All I'm trying to do is get a strongly typed exception across WCF.
7:21 PM
As an error, or just as data?
As an error.
Then you should use FaultException
@SpencerRuport, yes. Yes it is
I think it's the only way of signaling an error over WCF.
its not the only way, but its the preferred way
a regular exception might find its way back, but every WCF service exception should be wrapped in a FaultException
7:24 PM
throw new FaultException<MyCustomException>(new MyCustomException(...));
spencer why not FaultException<MyCustomException> ?
It is. I just copied incorrectly.
well that is the kind of thing you should be throwing
Yes. And I haven't even gotten to that point yet because I can't generate the service client.
God I hate WCF.
I've been dealing with it for 3 years. I've yet to think "That's a nice feature."
There's nothing redeeming about WCF in my experience.
@MarkRichman - So you have a list of tasks you want to await?
7:34 PM
@TravisJ yes, but i think i have it licked
for (var i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++)
                    var c = Components[i];
                    await c.Install(cancellationTokenSource);
If you are using it synchronously in a loop, why is it asynchronous?
because the tasks need to execute in order
I guess my point was, why are they tasks?
same answer :)
Why not have them be actions?
7:35 PM
tasks because they can't block the UI
I see, okay that makes sense
I do a lot of web stuff so sometimes I forget people use tasks for desktop UI :P
Sometimes I forget people use desktop UI.
@MarkRichman - Why not start all the tasks at once, and await them as they finish?
Ah right, in order
K, done with questions then :)
yes, they have dependencies
Travisssss make WCF behave for me.
7:37 PM
the long answer is interesting though :)
@SpencerRuport - Did you try formatting the drive? :P
Not yet. Brb.
WCF isn't nice to me either.
Awesome that worked.
Now re-implement using Katana
7:38 PM
Now I'm on my phone and I don't give a shit about WCF anymore.
@TravisJ Have you had much use with Katana?
i almost dont give a shit about coding anymore
@Greg - I created a simple site with chat once as a demo at a conference. It was kind of insane. Response time was 3ms.
I wasn't presenting, just following the presenter.
@TravisJ Is that fast, or slow?
@Greg - Ridiculously fast
@Greg - SO chat responds in 120ms for example
7:46 PM
ok, but was it local?
well, 3ms can't be far off
It requires so much manual configuration though.
I mean, you really have to put in the work to get speed out.
It will take years before it becomes prevalent at large sites.
@TravisJ Oh, that is crazy.
@TravisJ Is it difficult?
and not local...
7:49 PM
@Greg - It has a lot of new stuff. Basically, you have to hand wire the asp.net pipeline
proof or it didn't happen
It is all on my surface at home, I could set up a demo at some point
Do you have a vps I could borrow to install it on?
@TravisJ Well, where could I go to really learn that?
@TravisJ ASP.NET? Bah, C / TCP FTW
Or node. Node is pretty fast.
@KendallFrey - The point of the removing system.web was to compete with Node's speed. MS claims they have surpassed it.
7:52 PM
After a long session of debugging, I had 10 disabled breakpoints :3
@TravisJ You mean with vNext?
I really need to find time to try it. I hear it's fantastic.
@KendallFrey - vNext is what Katana became.
Presumably Katana is what became vNext?
Katana led to OWIN which is built into ASP vnext
I never know the difference between Katana, Cortana, and everything
The whole goal was removing the dependency to system.web
7:55 PM
@TravisJ OWIN sounds like another MS C++ library from the 90s
Look at the requirements for the base project
Small footprint
@TravisJ What is the difference then? How does it work, if not through the basic web functionality?
OWIN is a pain in the ass
I've been working on a WebAPI project and unit testing is a huge PITA because of OWIN
@KendallFrey - Through middleware
Oh yeah, does vNext run on IIS?
7:56 PM
@Pheonixblade9 - It is a massive pain. Requires tons of manual configuration. Essentially you are rebuilding the asp.net pipeline
@KendallFrey - Yup
@TravisJ Thanks.
@TravisJ yeah if I'm going to rebuild the damn pipeline, why don't I just use Node?
@KendallFrey IIS isn't that bad, it really is better.
You don't know me
7:57 PM
@Pheonixblade9 - c# language features, prebuilt libraries, etc etc.
I like node because it's not a server
You don't know where I've been Lou!!
yeah I get that, but the docs for Node are a lot better right now. There's nothing out there for OWIN, and nobody knows how to use it
I love C#, but only because it is better most of the time. In this case, Node wins
I'm still using OWIN and EF-code first, but damn if it isn't a pain
I like my code simple, not easy.
I like my code like I like my women. In binary.
8:02 PM
@Pheonixblade9 - Jesse Liberty is at the forefront when it comes to OWIN.
@Pheonixblade9 - He offers a course on PluralSight on it, as well as several podcasts and some blog posts.
@TravisJ is Jesse Liberty also a wrestler?
Because, y'know, that name
lol dat name!
He works on the MS Silverlight team
I like my code like I like my women. No comments.
They should have called silverlight bronzelight. It's really not quite as inpressive
8:05 PM
I like my women like I like my source code. Easy to read and under 50k.
full of bugs...
ba dum tsss
come on, mine was pretty damn good
I like my code like I like my women. A couple large dependencies on a small framework.
8:06 PM
I like my women like I like my code. I decide when to use "Console.WriteLine()" and when not to.
and people wonder why IT has a gendered recruitment problem
I like my women like I like my code. The green bits can be ignored.
@TomW we're just joking around. At least, I am..
8:10 PM
@daOnlyBG "Just joking around" is how Ellie came to leave
@TomW - Probably because computer science programs have no women.
@TomW - There are literally no women to hire.
I would love to know the unemployment rate of women with Computer Science degrees. I would wager it is in the 0.1% range.
I would wager it's in the 0% to 100% range
if there are none...
i take it back.
if there is > 0, they must be in jail or something...
@TravisJ yeah, I've read it. Still difficult.
because the women that were in our curriculum, used the neckbeards to pass classes.
8:17 PM
jeebus. days worth of work merged, and only one conflict.
lol this girl at work that is a friend of mine just asked me to try and guess what was on her shirt. "please stare at my chest for an extended period of time to try and guess what this obscure picture is" hahaha
@KendallFrey impressive!
@NETscape Shall I mention Zoe Quinn again?
@Pheonixblade9 make a zipper that has writing on it, replace pants zipper with it, ask her to read zipper
@Kend sure. no idea what that is
A: Create/Consume REST WebService using WCF and Universal Apps

GregOne thing you need to know about Windows Communication Foundation is the ABC's. A : Address B : Binding C : Contract So the theory is incredibly simple, though while your coding it, it is quite odd. A simple tutorial can be found here or here. Several other tutorials can be found at Code Pr...

auuuugh you're grammar!
8:23 PM
oh god. I think I have to remove the stars on that...
@KendallFrey ?
@Pheonixblade9 So... How did it end?
@RodrigoSilva how did what end?
@Pheonixblade9 The chest staring situation
uhhh... she walked away? what do you want me to say, that I went HONK HONK?
8:30 PM
One never knows ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)‎
(ง Í ° Ù„Íœ °)ง the unseen donger is the deadliest (ง Í ° Ù„Íœ °)ง
What if it wasn't unseen?
@KendallFrey I don't know who Ellie is, but I'm sorry she left. For the record, I love to hear men-and-computer jokes just as much as the opposite.
@daOnlyBG ellie was someone who flirted relentlessly with the guys in the room, then got annoyed when they flirted back too much/objectified her (depending on your POV)
8:40 PM
@RodrigoSilva, jesus
I often find the word objectified miss used.
In the context of, slutty women complaining when men treat them like sluts.
@Pheonixblade9 Ah, I see. That's too bad I guess. Kudos to whomever could take a joke, and extra kudos to those who make well-intentioned ones
Well society is full of double standards. Not much we can do about it.
@daOnlyBG people did get a bit obnoxious about it, but the correct response was probably to ask them to stop, not to delete her account and stop using the site.
@Nathvi I wouldn't say she was being slutty. She was being very flirty and it got out of hand and she got upset. It's perfectly understandable. There were mistakes made on both sides.
When it happened, I got a bit annoyed and tried to stop it, but got called out for "white knighting" when I was really just trying to gently moderate the room. It ended up getting out of hand and she left. So I guess I failed in that regard
How about we just not talk about people who aren't here to give their perspective?
8:48 PM
probably not a bad idea either :P
just trying to explain what happened
I know. Wasn't meant towards anyone in particular.
it was kind of upsetting. It caused 2 regulars of the room to stop coming in. Ah well.
That is a good idea, we don't want to hinder or negatively impact the community. Additionally if we had a more respectful boundary in place perhaps we could prevent it in the future.
I don't recall who the other person involved was.
I agree with Greg. I would just encourage everyone with strong feelings about what happened to simply reflect on what they could have done better. Like it or not, male developers have a reputation for scaring off women. If we all took the time to identify ways that we make them uncomfortable I think it would be a good thing for everyone.
She did a pretty good job of identifying them for us.
8:59 PM
Heh, I remember, but there's not much point in talking about it. It did annoy me how much some people in the room were living up to the stereotype of the creepy/horny engineer
So, I'm still tenebrous to what happened?
It is all in the transcript
Read it like a book lol
y wuz i gittin a parsererror when trying to send message
i didn't see that any regulars got angry lately
in trans
9:03 PM
@NETscape this was last year.
oh, heh, yeah. i was one of those
@TravisJ, how far back?
@SpencerRuport Well the technology industry is pretty blatant with bias to a degree, @JLott had a good video about how males belittle woman.
yeah, i definitely went MIA for awhile
27 pages...
9:05 PM
I wonder why there's so few men in the nursing profession. Seems pretty biased there too.
As far as gender
it definitely is.
where is shotgun ninja?!
Are Americans worse for it than [insert other nationality]? Numerically dominant on the English-speaking internet, for sure. But I seriously don't recognise the kind of attitudes and behaviour we're talking about here. And yes, I know I'm not a woman, but I can hear and see. I don't have to be the target of behaviour to notice it.
@TomW I don't think we're worse, but we are more sensitive to it.
9:09 PM
@TomW - I did feel like in general Europeans are a lot better at being social because they're used to being around lots of random people every day.
I do get the impression that your computer nerds really are nerds, apparently seriously maladjusted people work in IT
maybe that's the explanation.
It's really hard to just "go out" here.
there aren't any maladjusted people at my company. Places like AMZN that are total sweatshops definitely have that though
So often the antisocial tendencies don't improve with age. They get worse.
I haven't met any seriously weird/awkward/misogynistic people in my workplaces, I don't think. Not in I.T. professionals, anyway
9:12 PM
@TravisJ Thanks for the tips on checking if a WebException is a 401 unauthorized by casting to a HttpWebResponse. I feel much better about that option.
@TomW, I have
@TomW I can't speak to a woman at a pub without her/them thinking i'm trying to take them home and fornicate. And even if they were "like" that, I'm not welcome to talk because i'm not someone you'd find on a male modeling calendar.
I have had some very weird antisocialistic type people come to some of the Meetups I've hosted.
I'm most likely the weird/awkward one in my company. :P
one guy who went off for 10 minutes when we went around the room for 15 second introductions
9:13 PM
@NETscape, lower your standards
@NETscape being approached by any stranger for unsolicited conversation is generally something most people avoid like the plague, generally
@TomW I talk to random people all the time. I think it scares them.
@Nathvi lower my standards? I'm just trying to have a conversation
Now I don't doubt that some feminist whiner would be outraged at the sort of things some of my colleagues talk about. Tough, it's not hurting anyone, so they can grow up
@NETscape I find it's better to think about as not being your problem. If someone is so snotty they are annoyed at you trying to talk to them, they aren't worth talking to.
9:16 PM
^ what he said
@NETscape, sorry, I mean raise them.
well definitely it's not my problem
@TomW, yes
that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when someone is snotty to you :P
9:29 PM
Any thoughts?

{"Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for myemail@gmail.com"}
you probably have to login to the smtp server
Is anybody aware of a preexisting way to change var names in the following manner:
var NameX to var OtherNameX. Where NameX is updated everywhere in the solution?
@drch I did though...
        public static void SendMail(string message)
            Email email = new Email(message);
            SMTPServer smtp = new SMTPServer();

            using (SmtpClient host = new SmtpClient(smtp.SMTPHost, 25))
                host.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(smtp.SMTPUsername, smtp.SMTPPassword, smtp.SMTPHost);
                if (!email.MailTo.Any())

                foreach (string sendTo in email.MailTo)
                    MailMessage emailToDeliver = new MailMessage(email.MailFrom, sendTo, email.Mail
@Nathvi Replace?
@Greg that third parameter in network credentials looks suspect
try it without
9:42 PM
Q: How do I get next item in array with each button click?

SkullomaniaI have a table in SQL with over 200 different fruit types in it. What I am doing is creating an application that surveys a user about these different fruit types, using the same group of questions. The application will first ask the user to choose from different fruit types. I store the values wh...

I edited my question....im more confused now than earlier
i tried making it clearer....hopefully I can get a resolution or a helpful suggestion
@Skullomania - You should be caching a subset page of your query results. When the user reaches one side or the other of your subset rerun the query to gather results so the user's current location in your new subset is somewhere near the middle.
Don't keep the connection open as they navigate.
@SpencerRuport It wont be open...I am using Using
because I have to ask the same 5 questions the page is basically refreshing but showing a different fruit
and a insert is done each time
This is more of a WebForms question than SQL
And really you should be using MVC AJAX.
It trivializes problems like this.
@SpencerRuport how would you resolve this using webforms
@SpencerRuport I cannot use MVC the system I have is not compatible with it
and I do not know enough about it nor can i by thursday to do this effectively...I am in the process of learning MVC4.0
@drch That worked.
9:49 PM
I have a WinForms app where there's some business logic that'd potential mean we need to exit the app. I can't Application.Exit from that assembly (w/o making a System.Forms reference). Should I add an event that trickled back via the presenter to the UI to shut it down? Or should I use something like Environment.Exit instead? Am I doing it wrong?
string rg = Regex.Replace(item[9], @"[a-zA-Z ]", string.Empty);
if (rg[rg.Length - 1] == '.')
rg += "0";

airport.elevation = Convert.ToInt32(rg);

Does it make sense to get this error? "Input string was not in a correct format."
rg's value is "387.0"
@drch Oddly, if you hover over NetworkCredential it can take the host there.
@Greg host where?
the third parameter is 'domain'
@JeffBridgman probably the event route - allows for a graceful exit
if it feels bad design for that assembly to reference WinForms, then it probably is similarly smelly to exit the app at that point too
True that. Thanks for the input.
@DestinyDawn yes that would be expected
airport.elevation = Convert.ToInt32(rg.Split('.')[0]);
9:56 PM
@drch What I meant.
or convert it first to a double and then truncate/round to an int as you like
@Greg well sure, it can take a domain... but it was suspicious that the domain would be the same as the smtp hostname.
unless you login to your computer with mail.mycompany.com\\greg
@drch - your starred comment is classik

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