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9:02 PM
Hi guys
speaking of perl, can someone help me with basic perl?
Oh, dear, a wild ThreadAbortException has appeared
@KendallFrey - Kill it with fire!
clever code, clever problems
9:08 PM
I don't know how
@Jeremy - I like that
@Jeremy Never heard that one before, might have to steal it xD
, clever solutions! ;)
= expensive solutions
9:11 PM
clever problems? you need consultants!
do it clever and ya never understand it later
and then when those consultants create expensive solutions, make sure to hire more consultants to fix those problems
but make sure not to fire the first consultants
you might need them
9:16 PM
everyone see the Gravity wave news?
so many times
> Good luck debugging this, you bastards
its huge - like Peace in the Middle East
@TomW I have something for this
@juanvan - I was disappointed.
@juanvan and then you have some new dev come along like youtube.com/watch?v=k5Pi7BVGy_8
@KendallFrey don't freak out but I'm following you
on github
@juanvan - I had hoped that gravity waves moved faster than light. However, as the researchers clearly observed the phenomenon and then measured it, the gravity waves clearly took longer than light to reach us.
I'm confused.
I was hoping gravity was instantaneous.
9:19 PM
was too - and why not detect them here - they have to be that loud
@TravisJ If gravitational waves moved faster than the speed of light, it would be verifying a prediction of Einstein's theory while at the same time disproving the whole thing.
@KendallFrey That code is beatutifull
I wonder if my tutor would appreciate that in my next assingment
@KendallFrey - Yes, it would have been a modern confuckery.
how many people have 10 years experience with asp.net mvc?
trick question
9:20 PM
@Confuto From my experience teaching... I'd throw it out lol
@kush - It wasn't released 10 years ago.
asp.net was - but not mvc
Yes. MVC was released in April of 2009
2002 asp.net
@kush i lol when i see claims like that
9:22 PM
I guess it is fair to ask for MVC AND to ask for ASP.NET.
8-10 years of experience in MVC, ASP.NET, C#, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, XSL, HTML5, XML and CSS required
@Jeremy Gah, where's the fun in leaning if you can't make the teacher's life hard?!
some guy the other day tried to convince me he had 15 years EF experience
8-10 years
Is that an actual thing
Really - was he writing the backend then?
@Confuto I can forward the email to you if you like
9:22 PM
sigh, ef has been around even less time
@kush I believe you, that just seems so damn overkill
HTML5 is 2-3 yrs
@TravisJ and anything before ef4 doesn't really count right?
Maybe it is combined. In which case I have like 95 years experience.
@juanvan my response was ... oh really it doesn't say you worked for microsoft on your CV ... would you care to elaborate?
9:23 PM
And ASP.net is 10 years old? I thought ASP.net was newer. I know ASP was around long before...
asp classic is 96
@kush - I don't know, if someone worked on early EF that still counts
@Wardy Rofl
"we're hiring a SDE II - minimum 5 years of experience with react"
yeh this guy was the boss ... he knew all ther ewas to know about the "java back end for .net"
i was like ... uh ... sorry what was that ???
9:25 PM
Ninja Fail
@Wardy what an EXPERT
this is the stories he tells at the bar, and told them so many times they are the truth
@Wardy glassfish server?
to him
9:25 PM
then i was like ... wow noone i ever met knows about that stuff ... must be some serious tech knowledge you got there
@Greg you around?
@Wardy - Maybe he worked on the Java Enterprise database. You know, JQuery.
We need facepalm emojis in here.
yeh he was telling me about this OS he wrote ... you guys might have heard of it ... its called windows
9:27 PM
@TravisJ But we do full java here, not just scripting
@Jeremy yeh dat querying engine man ... its so cool right!!
Who keeps the engine lubricated though?
The cloud
9:30 PM
@juanvan Yeah, was at lunch. What up?
@kush This would probably be a bad time for a yo momma joke
So I couldn't coerce typeof. There is only one thing left to do.
no, Kendall's mum is always welcome here
Manually change the highstock source code.
you guys get the book The Twelve Gifts of Birth
9:31 PM
!!amazon The Twelve Gifts of Birth
@kush That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@juanvan ....?
amazon that should be added to her
its a baby book - we got 2 and well I don't know really anyone else having a baby
@juanvan I would like to get a dog in a few years
Is each step related to the AA process?
9:33 PM
I'm thinking corgi
@juanvan What is the book?
The Twelve Gifts of Birth
Let me rephrase, what is it about?
@kush ohh Heck ya they are Great -
umm did not read it yet - kinda godly from the amazon page
What do you mean?
9:35 PM
@juanvan - Always support the head. Get a fancy changing table. Get a wireless baby monitor. Get a pumping station. Plan times to nap during the day to make up for lost sleep. Take turns at night waking up. Try to get on a scheduled and consistent sleep pattern so you make it through the night more often.
good luck! ;)
The first year is a rough haul
Thanks going to need it - I love sleep
Seems like it goes thru the Parts of being a human
The first gift is Strength
The fifth gift is Hope
and has verses from the Bible
I was looking at a graph of how much higher education cost has gone up in the last ~25 years and the projection for how much it'd cost if it kept going up at the same rate in 19 years...
Start saving for college for your kids
Ya put them Dollars away
College may be expensive. But you should see how expensive it is to have a non science related education.
ya then they want to raise the min wage to 11$ here this year
9:39 PM
Meh, min wage isn't much of an issue. It just causes costs to go up across the board.
it makes ppl think they don't need to be successful, or try because eventually they will get more $
Min wage here is $10.50. At full time that means pre taxed annual income is roughly $22k. I am not sure that is success :)
@juanvan That is pretty cool.
but to a group of kids working and living together - they can feel successful
@juanvan - might want to remove your email (greg can still see it once removed for a short time)
9:46 PM
ya was going to wait on his response - i love emails!!!
haha :)
13.5gb of 18 free right now
got to figure out a way to get rid of some
yes | rm -rfd *
I spent $30 and somehow got 10 years of unlimited email space
ya that would work
9:48 PM
stay on topic please, it's the rules
I think the godaddy site had some sort of mental lapse when I was checking out because it gave me 90% off and so I maxed out the offer.
'be on topic'
@Adan That's a guideline, not a rule.
9:49 PM
Do you have a question @Adan
oh ok
I mean, we are mostly on topic. A small veer as group isn't really much of an issue so long as there aren't a lot of tangents
@juanvan not atm, but thanks for askin
And as a group, veering does happen :P
:) would bring it back to the C# zone
9:50 PM
Ok, opinion based question - do you think Microsoft will pull off conquering the open source web stack world with asp.net core? Discuss
Mostly we talk about random topics if there aren't any topical issues being discussed
@AndySw - I don't think any one entity can monopolize the open source world
@AndySw does asp.net core run on apache or nginx?
They are recommending that Kestral is put behind nginx or apache
@TravisJ I think they can within certain market segments
9:52 PM
Yeah that would be a fair observation
Kestrel reminds me of the event horizon game
I kind of want to play mirror's edge
I guess conquer is the wrong word - build an attractive proposition for those working with open source frameworks
Java, Play Framework, Ruby + Rails, Node & Express etc...
Btw @TravisJ, did you solve your typeof === number problem? I was wondering if you could just overwrite the function you were calling with something custom that solves your problem, turn it on it's head so to speak - I don't get the specifics of your issue though, it just popped into my head
typeof something something, I can't remember :)
@AndySw - I am manually changing the minified source code from highstock to accommodate my needs.
If you can't beat em, modify their source code.
that's the spirit?
Yeah I guess that was what I meant :)
It's Friday night and I'm talking to software developers in an internet chat room \m/ I'm so rock and roll.
10:16 PM
So way back in the day, you could click on "ShowPlanxml" xml results in SSL Management Studio and it would show a graphical query plan. These days it just shows the raw XML, yay.
@MikeAsdf - What about the "ShowPanini" button?
Broken as well?
"Dear Adam,

Thank you for reporting the connect item 652855: valid plan XML fails to automatically produce a graphical plan. I am happy to let you know we are going to implement this requested behavior as part of a ShowPlan improvement project. " --MS rep, 2011.
@MikeAsdf - lol
@MikeAsdf - I guess that beats my 10 month odyssey with Oracle
Apparently no one from the ShowPlan improvement project team survived.
maybe sql server 2016 fixes it who knows
In the meantime the workaround is: click to open xml, save to file, rename file to ".sqlplan", open file.
how is that not automateable ahklasjdfhlaskjdhfwgerdgfa
@juanvan What command did you remove?
Does this seem useless?
    protected void SerializeResponse<TType>(TType content)
        var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        var response = serializer.Serialize(content);
10:28 PM
I don't know why you would need generics for that
hah! me: 1, highstock: 0
whoop whoop!
@AndySw Not sure. That is what I was saying.
it's beautiful
if(p=k[n[j]],typeof p==="number")l[j].push(p);
if(p=k[n[j]],typeof p==="number"||p instanceof Number)l[j].push(p);
that, is fuglllly lmao
10:39 PM
yeah, I had to modify the minimized code
always an interesting endeavor
But the upshot of that one change is massive for me :D
Now instead of injecting values which are only primitive, I can inject Numbers as well which act like primitive values in math, but can have properties like objects can attached to them.
This provides for sending in the metrics required to calculate the value, instead of only sending in the value.
11:04 PM
@SteveG lol, that's nothing
@TravisJ oh that makes sense
but what happens when you re-minify?
minifer y u no use ==
@SteveG - I changed the minified script.
yeah, but the original script is still around to be edited right?
meh, you know what you're doing
i'll just believe you :)
Presumably somewhere. It is their script though.
11:05 PM
you know what it is
I don't maintain or update it
black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow
So I will just be stuck on this version :)
@TravisJ You maintain it now
@KendallFrey - lol yes
I have no clue if they would have accepted my suggested change. However, I can just do it again to another version if they update. The change I made is so minor that it really doesn't effect anything except for the injection I am making.
Apparently the edit crashed VS though =/
@Codeman - I am going to submit an error ticket right meow! :P
I am going to have to reboot
11:14 PM
time to go sit in a hot tub for 3 days straight
working hard
@Codeman - VS is being mean to me :(
or hardly working
@TravisJ stepping out the doooor
I can help on monday :)
trying to avoid Tacoma traffic though
@Codeman - I fixed it :)
11:21 PM
you're a genius
I'm going to miss you :D
Anyone familiar with MVC Templates?
Not really
What is it?
11:36 PM
@kush My question or MVC templates in general?
@CodeMaster both
:D I never had this kind of response.
@CodeMaster no I'm sincere.
Ok, let me share this with you:
Kind of a misnomer though, the razor engine isn't exactly a templating tool. T4 templates are more in line with that.
Although in some ways you can call razor a templating engine so it is at least close.
11:40 PM
Now I get to my question.
Anyway, razor is bad practice for the most part in my opinion. Causes too much bandwidth to be used. Why should the server send a massive string of html to the client when it can merely cache a tool client side that will create most of the required html.
Earlier today I asked the same question and "Wardy" helped me a lot with that but I still have some questions regarding that.
He told me to create object.cshtml inside Views>Shared>DisplayTemplates:

@using System.Text.RegularExpressions
@if (ViewData.TemplateInfo.TemplateDepth < 1)
var meta = ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties.Where(metadata => metadata.ShowForDisplay && !ViewData.TemplateInfo.Visited(metadata));
foreach (var prop in meta)
if (prop.PropertyName != "Id" && !prop.IsComplexType && !prop.IsReadOnly)
<div class="value">
@Html.Display(prop.PropertyName, prop.TemplateHint)
and from my view call it like this:
@Html.EditorFor(m => m)
I'm kind of lost at this position because there are two types of templates, 1)Editor Templates 2)Display Templates
I tried to put that object.cshtml in both folders but yet when I run the application no fields are getting rendered other then titles (label).
What am I missing?

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