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6:04 PM
@juanvan Properties don't necessarily have backing fields
true, was in the question
@Joe Do what makes sense. If you can tell me more about what you're doing with that, I can tell you what makes sense to me.
@TomW - Still in that stock?
@TravisJ mndi? Nah, cashed it. In on ARM now. Shat a brick on oil today
@ton.yeung business outsourcing, for another week and a half
Hobbies. Don't have time for those. I have a somewhat dilapidated apartment to fix up
Is that a hobby?
Sometimes VS gets so laggy I have to restart it
I don't know what gets wrong in its head, but it just cannot do anything even when not running at rare times.
6:17 PM
@ton.yeung no, perm to perm. I have given notice though
@KendallFrey i am just pulling a string out of the database...just trying to decide what makes the most sense for handling the value...either way is on-demand and i don't really need to store the value on the object so i suppose just having a method to return the string will work best
@ton.yeung kind of similar, but more directly technology consulting
@ton.yeung - He isn't investing with anything more than you would spend on dinner though :P It is mostly for learning
@ton.yeung I can't fathom why my own company is considered worth anything, but it is, supposedly.
Actually my largest asset by several times is shares in my own employer, because it's tax-free
That's not part of my dicking-about fund though
6:18 PM
US stock is way too complicated for me, i prefer hong kong or nikkei
I like the US stock market. It makes sense to me I feel.
@ton.yeung Why not?
I don't 'trade' them as such. I pay a monthly salary deduction into a company share scheme.
The tax relief alone is more than worth it
I, on the whole, don't like the stock market. I like derivatives.
too many players, and, everything happens during my office hours
6:20 PM
commodities and forex are where its at.
@JGrindal - Requires a lot more money and you take a lot more risk.
I think you meant that to go to Tom @ton
Nikkei start at 8pm and Hong Kong start a 9pm, perfect time table
@TravisJ depends on what you're trading, but the risk statement is, on the whole true.
Personally, I'd rather trade 2 contracts of oil requiring $10K of margin than I would trading $10K of stocks.
@ton.yeung Insider trading is rare unless you're an officer of a company, or in a position to have extremely privileged information. I've always been of the opinion "trade what you know"
But I do like the "nvesting your time and effort into the company, invest in something else" sentiment.
@ton.yeung my colleague used to work in support for the trading office of RWE
@ton.yeung They also use derivatives to hedge risk on future production.
the same way that farm coops would use futures to ensure that they don't get screwed with a low price come corn-harvest time.
6:25 PM
I need to sleep. Pleaseeeeee
@ton.yeung would you have liked the work, and would it have been rewarding (financially)?
Pay matters. You can in fact buy happiness.
@Griffin You can buy happiness, but not time to enjoy it...
@ton.yeung Really?! My brother is in charge of their marketing department hahaha.
@CuddleBunny Sure you can. More money you make the faster you can retire.
6:27 PM
@Griffin Higher pay doesn't make you happier, it just makes happiness more expensive
@ton.yeung Small world.
is this you
@KendallFrey one can only do so much coke
OK, rebooted, still that SQL issue
6:28 PM
@TomW But you can afford better coke.
totally confused
@TomW used linq
I am confused about why my code is making VS almost unusable.
@ton.yeung Yeah, big city with small town feel.
@Griffin but if I like my job then I am already retired but obligated to practice my hobby 40 hours a week.
6:29 PM
I think it must be the third or fourth nested selectmany that its intellisense just can't handle
@TravisJ It's not your code
@KendallFrey - It is.
@CuddleBunny Retirement is the act of losing that obligation.
@KendallFrey - It is specifically one method that is causing it to trigger the lag.
get rid of your 10k lines of css, it will get fixed
6:30 PM
@KendallFrey - I think it causes Intellisense to fail in some way.
@TravisJ nope, lag is built in to VS
@ton.yeung that they missed an S
@KendallFrey - lol
My co-workers watch youtube videos all day. I mean it's not much better than you guys but still.
, no what they missing?
6:32 PM
@ton.yeung "A dyslexic man walks into a bra..."
@ton.yeung I was joking.... mostly.
@ton.yeung Sounds like the name of a control where you type in a filter query or something
Hello, C# programmers. I'm a Ruby programmer, but thought it'd be appropriate to hang out here while I learn a little C#, if that's alright with you. I read the room rules, and I'll help myself as much as I can.
Can we light him on fire? <3
> I'm a Ruby programmer
Not looking good.
> I read the room rules, and I'll help myself as much as I can.
OK, you can stay.
6:35 PM
What's so bad about Ruby? I heard you can put it on rails and stuff.
@JGrindal Except here in software development land we don't build trains.
had an ex named Ruby, bad memories.
@WayneConrad I like you read the rules
@LazyCoder I can imagine. She sounds like a stripper.
@Griffin of course not, we drive them. We're engineers.
6:36 PM
@WayneConrad As you may notice, the mickey-taking culture here is pretty raw. Welcome to the fleapit though :)
@KendallFrey HAHAHA a friend of a friend drives trains for a living (the get paid too damn much for it too). My friend bought him train simulator for his birthday.
like a video game?
hehehe puns everywhere
Favorite quote "Do you know how many fucking hours I spend sitting there driving a train? And you think I want to come home and drive more fucking trains"
@KendallFrey Yes.
6:38 PM
men its been a while since I been here.
Thanks, everyone!
@Gotalove It was better that way.
haha Griffin did you miss me
ton no
@Gotalove I have no clue who you are. So I'll go with no.
@Griffin Do you know how many hours I spend writing fucking code? Me neither, probably about half, because I'm always waiting on VS or tests or checkins, which probably explains why I can still write code in my spare time
6:40 PM
am not online often at this hours
my point exactly Griffin but I have seen you in this room before
@KendallFrey Yeah I think you need help.
@Gotalove Should I be scared right now? That was oddly creepy.
@JGrindal honestly, i spend like 30 second read that article somewhere, but still didn't get what's the point
depends on how paranoid you are
6:41 PM
@Gotalove You gonna steal my peanuts?
I love peanuts
@tweray Rampant sexism exists in technical fields due to low female population, leading people to say things to women like "You don't look like an engineer".
and coz you dont see many hot chic engineers Jgrindal
My wife has dealt with it quite a bit, being a mechanical engineer in the oilfield - one of the only industries with lower female STEM population than software development.
um... ok that's it. i initially thought that it's about some girls twitter photo get stolen for commercial
6:43 PM
@JGrindal To be fair there are plenty of males who I'd look at and go "You don't look like a ballerina
@JGrindal What's worse is there's a pretty high percentage of men in ballet.
+10 ton
@ton.yeung *and any of the them are hot.
@ton.yeung "You don't look like a receptionist"
@ton.yeung slash. On Soylent guy here and I are going to give it a try
i used to join a yoga class, and all the girls there are starring at me for that whole 30 minutes as if i have my underwear out
i mean, since it's a yoga class, maybe i really did, but you get my point
6:46 PM
@tweray Probably did. That or they thought you were perverted.
@Griffin Well that would be a fairly sexist assumption of them, wouldn't it
ya that on preorder too?
Then again, given regulars in C#...
@tweray Don't worry I went to volunteer at a place that does therapeutic riding for kids with disabilities. Were amazed I was a male. Thought I was gay. Got talked about a lot behind my back (good things though).
I felt like a spy.
The reality is, we live in a sexist culture. That doesn't make it right, it just means thats the status quo right now.
6:48 PM
also i thought that "You don't look like an engineer" some times translate to "you are hot babe"
@tweray This is very true. "You can't be attractive and an engineer. Follow the rules woman"
Hi @WayneConrad
He helped me when I got stuck in Rails world for a client, I can vouch for him.
@tweray Remember the #distractinglysexy hashtag?
Must protect self from butthurt.
@ton.yeung shouldn't we be telling them to stick it up their bollocks?
6:51 PM
I'm reading conflicting advice on how to name properties. I read on one msdn page to UseCapitalizedCamelCase, but I see another msdn page with properties x and y. Is there a canonical reference for C# style?
@CuddleBunny Client wasn't worth it.
anyways, i am against sexism, but i don't like over-sensitive self defensive as well
@CuddleBunny Hello, thanks! It's good to see you here.
@ton.yeung maybe I showed him the light.
@Griffin I've already told them I'm doing their next project in C#.
6:52 PM
@WayneConrad What makes sense? Use that.
@WayneConrad Yes, and the short answer is use UpperCamelCase for properties
always make me recall the intern that i kicked away that claims we are sexism
@ton.yeung I disagree with #2
I use i a lot.
they're great variable names for cartesian coordinates
6:53 PM
@tweray Today is not your day for the English bro. What's going on?
i is also a good variable name in a loop
AlrightThanks :)
@Griffin it's not just today i promise you
@KendallFrey Always gotta have an exception.
@ton.yeung i is at least 3 times more productive D:
but sometimes I use count too
6:54 PM
use count for what?
@tweray Usually I can't tell. Today though I can.
@ton.yeung all of those should be self explanatory
@ton.yeung count1 count2 count3
Either way, @WayneConrad most C# peeps don't seem as OCD about conventions as the Ruby guys I know.
i is an iterator variable
j is a secondary iterator
x is an x coordinate
y "
z "
6:55 PM
@KendallFrey What about u
If I have nested loops I name things.
@Griffin What about me?
@KendallFrey Well played.
usually nested loops for me means x and y
I actually never consider case for naming I use just one standard if its upperCamelCase althrough
6:56 PM
i y z
@WayneConrad for properties, I would say always PascalCase. Usually should be nouns, imho
@TomW not always
Just use whatever Resharper says.
IsVisible > Visibility
@ton.yeung Do[Thing]Action
@KendallFrey aha ok, fair enough
6:57 PM
@KendallFrey HAHAHAHA this reminded me of the guy who came in here with the storing race problem.
@TomW I agree with nouns for properties. And methods that change no state and have a return value are also nouns; methods that change state have no return value are verbs. I think that'll work in any OOP language.
In our legacy code, this is a common for-loop pattern:
for (var foo = db.GoFirst(); foo; foo = db.GoNext())
come up with a good name for that
for loop sucks, .ForEach() is more oo
@KendallFrey lol
@tweray no, it's FP
but since FP is shite in C# anyway, there's no reason to use ForEach IMO
6:59 PM
in TFS is a Main has a branchFoo and the Main had another branchBar merged, how do you get those changes from Bar to Foo?
ForEach is the shit. Don't you be talking bad on it.

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