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12:00 PM
which now I am second-guessing myself about, because dear-me, I am totally making this stuff up as I go along, but the JSonNetResult works for all the others with exactly the same code structure
but without html input?
wait what
why would you input html
if you want to allow for some bold text?
or maybe italic or whatever else you want to format your text to.
12:02 PM
Yes - all the others are plain text or whatever
Do it with JS
This is the first one which has HTML tags etc
put a flag in your JSON, don't return html
Or w/e
It's not returning HTML
12:02 PM
It returns JSonSuccess which is this
private static JsonNetResult JsonSuccess()
        return new JsonNetResult(new
            success = true
@Sippy also blocked
What Json lib is that?
That's a helper I've defined
I would set <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" /> and just make a input sanitizer for the html properties.
12:04 PM
Nah the JsonNetResult
It's not something I've seen before.
That encodes the crap out if the input
I don't get why you need to input html
you don't
xss isnt a scary part until you render it
and render it as markup rather than text
It's an internal only site. Like, not even hosted, just run in VS as a tool for our designer to manage slightly different sites for different countries
or you can encode the <> to htmlentities before submitting the form.
12:06 PM
If I have to, I could probably just htmlencode/decode and see if that would fix it, but I would really rather have it straight in the DB
My boss only knows how to use SQL and it's a long story and ugh
I will try the requestValidationMode, gimme a tick.
Though I am irrationally terrified of changing anything in config files, hahaha
Yeah, using an off the shelf CMS designed for this job is a stupid idea and they're all rubbish, we should write our own
implicit insult to your boss, not you
unless it was your idea ;)
OMG do not even start
They moved a deadline from 31 Oct to 31 July
I am the only developer
They got the receptionists to "be the testers"
My boss made it LIVE to some customer WITHOUT ANY TESTING
QA, who needs them anyway? haha
12:12 PM
There was no requirements, no project plan, no sprints, only the business rules in my boss' head
Who, despite the fact that we had THIRTY DAYS to do the whole damn project
Said things like "I'm really busy. Talk to me on Friday."
Busy watching Netflix!
Like a baws!
I made them install a bug tracking system and it was like a fricking revelation to them
A friend of mine works at a place where all the devs are senior devs (except him) and one of them didnt even know what a stacktrace was.
Though I can't stop my boss talking at me, interrupting my chain of thought, every time he finds some tiny little thing
That I immediately tell him to put in the bug tracker
and breeeeathe
Except that I can't because it is go-live tomorrow
@Donnelle You're ok?
12:15 PM
Really tired and have been working 55+ hour weeks on what is supposed to a 26hr/week job
And now that it's past midnight, it's the anniversary of my grandma's death
That's unhealty.
Tell my kids that
You should go find another job
Cos your boss sounds like a fucking moron :)))))
Oh, I plan to
12:16 PM
You should do that now because 55 hour weeks are unhealthy for people who don't have kids.
You are doing yourself damage.
@Donnelle: Why your kids? You should tell your boss that.
But when you've been out of the workforce for five years (kids) you kinda need to stick it out long enough to not look like a flake
It's short term
Jobs like this are an exception.
12:17 PM
I got two kids, and I don't work anything over 40hours a week.
End of next week I am putting my foot down about no more than 30 hours
I miss my tuba
Unless it's super important, and planned a minimum 4 weeks ahead.
And my kids, I suppose ;)
Thanks for letting me vent, I needed that
Heh heh
A job can easily be replaced, kids cannot.
yeah, let it all out :)
Booyah, the config did it
12:19 PM
I'm a good listener through a chatbox -_-
Remember to always sanitize the input. :)
you don't want those nasty <script> tags in there
or to be rendered as markup
Will do
Woo, that's all working now. Thanks all. Catch you later. Sleep now. Sleep good.
12:48 PM
Hi Everyone!
Can someone please help me with this question?
Q: Prevent page screen scrolling up when keyboard is opened (C#-XAML-Windows Store App)

Layale Matta​Generally when TextBox is focused, soft-keyboard will be open, but the problem is that by default the page shift upwards when the keyboard is opened and again shift previous position when user closes the keyboard by tapping on the screen. I need the page to shift to a certain Y. And I need to ...

@LayaleMatta Did you even google it?
Found about Windows phone 7
Your question is going to get closed because it lacks a lot of the things it needs.
You need to put all the things you've tried, your code, what you want and what you achieved.
It currently looks like a "code this for me" request.
Have you read the guide on asking questions?
1:03 PM
Tis teh Friday, ye Bitches.
room topic changed to C#: if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday) Response.Redirect("http://rebecca.blackfriday"); // Read the rules: csharpchat.com [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
SlowCheetah come to VS 15 tinyurl.com/SlowCheetah
I have a problem with my extension - can not debug it. This answer does not help: stackoverflow.com/questions/16422004/…
Any ideas what else can be wrong?
You missed the part where you tell us what the problem is.
can not debug it
1:14 PM
more specific
Tell us exactly what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.
I create extension, run experimental instance of VS 2015 while setting up some breakpoints. They turned into empty circles saying "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.”
Extension is loaded into experimental instance (I see it through Tools -> Extension and Updates), but I can not see it in Debug -> Windows -> Modules.
So I'm trying to think of some of the technologies / tools I learned during my internship. I've got a list but I feel like it should be longer.
hmm is there a shorter way to do this: (((((((ctrl.Parent as Grid).Parent as TabItem).Parent as TabControl).Parent as Grid).Parent as TabItem).Parent as TabControl).Tag?
1:18 PM
That sounds better, but you might need to wait for someone who knows extensions :S
the ctrl is a button inside of a grid inside a tabitem inside a tabcontrol inside a grid inside a tabitem inside a tabcontrol and I just want to get the second tabcontrol
@Skyblade check your bin for the pdb
@SteffenWinkler ctrl.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Tag?
BTW, you're doing something horribly horribly wrong
@KendallFrey for some reason .Parent doesn't know .Parent :/
@juanvan wait a minute
1:20 PM
@SteffenWinkler darn
@KendallFrey Parent is a DependencyObject
@KendallFrey you're right, I am doing it wrong.
Dictionaries ftw.
@juanvan I have .pdb int obj, not bin
there is the problem, are you debugging or publishing?
wait, I will change settings
ok, got it in bin
1:23 PM
and clean & rebuild
ok you should be able to load break points
No, nothing
Wtf does cleaning actually do?
scrubs a bin?
That's it though?
@KendallFrey You have a moment to provide some feedback about something?
1:30 PM
I assume that Clean is when msbuild works out which files it would create during a build, then deletes those files if they already exist
so it should work consistently for dlls and pdbs
Supposedly it just deletes all the already compiled stuff. Couldn't you just rebuild though?
unless maybe you did a full build, then disabled pdb symbols
a clean might not delete pdbs then
so delete all manually?
yeah that's what I would do
ya that too
see if the pdb have the right time stamp too
sometimes I have had to restart for the breakpoints to come back
1:33 PM
Hmm. Breakpoints are red, but not hit...
they loaded - code is unreachable
Damn, second cleanup did not help - still empty circles
I just wanted to be sure :(
restart see if it fixes it
No, empty
Non-empty, but does not hit
ok, my bad
I did not load a project to initiate dll load
So my extension actually loads but does not work :)
However, I can not see it in Modules
Sorry, see it
Thanks, will solve it by step-by-step extension recreation
1:49 PM
Good Luck - Happy Friday!
@Greg kinda
I think I should start reading more...
fluent interfaces are fun
I have an interface that supports method chaining such as:
Branch(_ => _
^ not valid, because the lambda var in the outer scope clashes. I have to define a different var every time. I understand why and it's reasonable, but I'd prefer not to have to. Anyone think of a way to do that more neatly?
I want to make it obvious that the lambda parameter is completely unimportant, which is why I made it _
2:05 PM
can you use __ ?
oh, could do
that's better, I think. Thanks :)
@TomW functional programming :)
@KendallFrey is that 'that looks like fp' or 'you should use fp'?
you wish you could use fp
2:07 PM
it kind of is
I've really wished for partial application on this feature
branch (branch (leaf . leaf) . leaf)
or something like that
no variables
BTW, I wouldn't call _ "completely unimportant", because you're using it
most of the time I try to find a word that will lend itself to the language of the syntax. but I can't tell that from your example. i.e.: Define(map => map.To(tree => tree.ChopDown())
Hi GuysI would assume someone has come across this before. I have a survey form which users fill out. In the form are a number of questions where images need to be uploaded. These images are then going to be stored a blobs in the database. Adding to this the client doesnt want the form to be submited as json til its complete.
so first all is it possible to store the image as a byte array in say local storage?
if not what would people suggest? uploading the server and temp storage?
also I dont like the the big payload of json being sent across to the api once the form is complete and submitted?does anyone see any issues with that am i being paranoid?
@user3545438 Yes
to what all?
2:19 PM
To your question that I replied to
oh don't do that
@user3545438 why you dont load image as binary and hold it in memory?
@almis ok would this work for multiple images?
@KendallFrey all answers are yes?
@user3545438 yes
2:22 PM
@user3545438 I've had a form hold 26 1080p images as base64 strings in an array.
@CuddleBunny do you guys have a link on this?
!!tell user3545438 google c# store image in memory
@user3545438 byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes(filepath);
@CapricaSix dear? you there?
@tweray I wasnt sure if they were referring to javascript or c# tbh
2:24 PM
@user3545438 I had used this: bgrins.github.io/filereader.js and when they dropped the image into the area I set it as the CSS background-image and when the form submitted I just put $('#myimage').css('background-image') in the POST data.
if the string is too big for your liking you can use pieroxy.net/blog/pages/lz-string/index.html to compress it first.
@user3545438 You can just keep them in the browser and submit them as one big JSON. What's so bad about one big JSON anyway? It's convenient, and once it arrives, you've got everything. No need to worry about temporary states and whatnot on your server.
Simplicity == yay.
@RoelvanUden I was just worried about sending that much, that was all really
!!are you alive?
from a practicl point of view it makes sense though
one payload
Yeah, I had 1.6GB worth of raw strings according to IE's profiler lol.
2:26 PM
oh no, cap is gone, i'm going to die
Just show a visual indicator to the user (like a progress bar or something) so they aren't wacking the submit button over and over, and it should be fine, IMHO.
@tweray Cap was dead yesterday when @rlemon was installing Windows 10. Maybe it is down again?
@RoelvanUden something like this stackoverflow.com/questions/12244320/…
It is also a good experiment on how well your browsers compress javascript objects. Both IE and Firefox took the 1.6GB of raw strings down to like 16MB of RAM, but Chrome had used almost 400MB.
but that could be misleading depending on if they had used the swap file or something.
2:29 PM
@user3545438 I would smack things into localStorage. :P
@RoelvanUden @user3545438 localStorage is sweet but I had to make it work in IE8. :(
something like this then @RoelvanUden
i'm not too bothered about ie8 lol
@user3545438 Yeah that is it.
@CuddleBunny @RoelvanUden thanks for the advice
@tweray @rlemon is taking the day off work
Cap will be back tomorrow/whenever rlemon reinstates her :P
2:34 PM
tomorrow xD
that means Monday for me
I'm so ready to go home
@RoelvanUden Hey you live near Nijmegen
I like Nijmegen
2:52 PM
is rpi2 capable enough to be used as a build server?
@StevenLiekens probably, but would be slower than just grabbing an old used PC probably.
I got asp.net 5 to run on mine
but my phone would make a faster build server...
longer build = more slacking
Wow. Power surge just knocked down my company for a few minutes.
but build on another machine means you main box is freed up for gaming...
@Sippy Yeah, it's a 25m drive.
2:56 PM
@RoelvanUden rip
@RoelvanUden our last power surge killed us for 2 days :(
@RoelvanUden only 25 meters? Wow!
holy shit
such enthuse
Wtf is ryujit
Or specifically what is the bug people keep going on about
@ton.yeung I'm not alive.
3:01 PM
zombie population is about half of the room, that's not a secret
Nooo! The power surge re-enabled ReSharper! BUGS EVERYWHERE!
ah well, time to disappear
laters o/
Later o/
i hate u GMT guys who can enjoy weekend 6 hours earlier than me
you dodging the sun ray every 8 mins?
3:03 PM
@tweray Do you also feel that way when you're comfortably sleeping while we work?
i don't feel anything while i'm sleeping, i'm a zombie you know
Do zombies sleep?
that's quite some good question
at least i do, does that means i'm still not that zombie? does that means some zombrex can fix me?
3:50 PM
@KendallFrey using, yes. What that's actually doing is just packaging the inner method chain into a continuation so that I can do a pre- and post-processing step on it. I'll put a demo on github later to show what I mean. It's quite a nifty way to build hierarchical datasets, although I would say that
angular problem?
? the build has all the tests?
have yet to grunt
!!urban grunt
@SteveG I don't think you wanna do that
3:58 PM
an Boom
Cap is down
@TomW :o
@ton.yeung he took a day off
ton.yeung I do look like him
ha -- should have added that
!!are you here
to bad never went into acting, could have been a double
4:05 PM
brendan srsly, come back and kick this kid's butt
@tweray I just saw that guy's face..... where did I just see that guys face?
Ohhh he's the CEO of Mozilla that's where I just saw his face.
D: You can't comment on this, where is the choice in that.
mozilla is srsly fucked up after brendan left
can't comment on anything he posts
I love Firefox, but if the user is upgrading to 10, resetting the default browser to Edge helps them be aware of a new CHOICE and the first time you click a link that opens your default browser you get a "What program do you want to use?" popup where you can pick Firefox again...
4:11 PM
ya how many again till the user just gives up
the fact is, if you install firefox, on the finish window it will have a checkbox says "set firefox as my default browser", and it's checked by default
@tweray That too, I think most people who would get lost in the new default programs settings, which are WAY more visible than in previous versions of Windows now would just download Firefox again.
you know what, maybe he's just inspired by donald trump
whats worse is all the coke, the ice that numbs my throat, if only for the night
@SteveG you have the weekend planned out?
4:18 PM
lol, i've never tried coke
Faygo only
faygo f'n rules
OK, someone help me out here. What does the following code do:
var method = GetType().GetMethods()
.Where(x => x.Name == "OnData")
.Where(x => x.DeclaringType != typeof(Indicator))
.Where(x => x.GetParameters().Length == 1)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof (Slice));
Ya it does, they sell it in around you?
does it return anything?
@juanvan yeah
4:20 PM
ya they do around here too
using more than one .Where in a row is valid?
looks like it's looking for some method like
OnData(Slice something)
method that takes a type of Slice?
OK, so this gets a variable "method" such that its name is OnData(Slice mySlice) in order to check if the method is overridden in a child class?
OK cool. Clever girl.
How can I create asp.net mvc 4 application in VS2015?
4:24 PM
don't know how that find out if the method is overridden
File -> New Project=> C# -> Web
Then have to select the one you want under it
uninstalled 15 atm, can't walk the example
@juanvan The next line is: if (method == null)
so it found the method
Research chimps are not Legal people, glad the courts had to figure that out.
I need a language that easily takes care of exception handling.
That'd be glorious
C# does kinda, you can catch anything and make it disappear or bubble it up at points.
4:41 PM
posted on July 31, 2015 by Visual Studio Blog

On July 28th, we released Roaming Extension Manager, an extension that will help you better manage your Visual Studio extensions across multiple machines. Hold the applause! For those of you who are unfamiliar, the Roaming Extension Manager “roams” your list of extensions, so now when you are setting up a new development environment or simply trying to push a few extensions from one

I have to add method in App_Start/AuthConfig.cs but there isn't class with the same name. I guess it's because of i had to select "ASP.NET Web Application -> Internet application" template when project creating, but it isn't there... so i select ASP.NET Web Application -> MVC. How to add Internet app template or resolve my problem with AuthConfig.cs?
I don't like doing try-catch over everything. And once I catch it I'm kinda just like "well shit I was trying to assign a variable and my return isn't valid. What now.
Once you select Internet App, another screen should come up and ask about hosts and Autho stuff and give you selections on MVC API etc..
Now you figure out how to get that not null or let the user know
@Griffin But, that's the whole point of exception handling.. in the case of exceptions. If you can't assign a variable, then that is not the expected behavior and something must be done.
Shit happened - Life must Go on

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