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12:15 AM
Any way to force VS to build all or some projects? Even when it doesn't think they changed
12:26 AM
Right click on the project and choose the Rebuild option. To do them all, right click on the solution.
build order?
What about it?
2 hours later…
3:08 AM
the website which i developed in ASP.Net MVC-5 loads sometimes very fast, and someitmes slow. what may be the issue?
anyone have suggentions?
If the app pool recycles before you make another request, the CLR will have to re-instantiate your types, IIS needs to spin up another worker process, and so on. The application basically reboots.
yeah, your r right, for first time it is slow and it is fast for further visits.
i have tried to explain this to my client.
but he never gets satisfied.
Use a service that does "am I up" checks to prevent the worker process from getting recycled
It'll send a request every so often like 10 minutes or so
3:12 AM
i don't know about this.
can you refer me to some tutorial
ok, thank you, let me study
Sure thing
3:26 AM
ok, i have registered at Uptimereboot
does it visit website every five minutes?
3:38 AM
Those kinds of details depend on the individual service.
UptimeRobot looks at your site header's status codes every five minutes
does looking at headers keeps the website active ?
and the app pool ?
It would have to make a request against your domain to do so, so yes.
Now, that's provided you have given that service your domain.
4:38 AM
aww yeah, friday!
System.IO.File.Exists(string) this is available for me in asp.net
what may be the problem
anyone knows
in intellisense, i there is no File class
but there is File method
ok, now i got it. when i type fully qualified type name it works.
i don't know why it is like this.
4:55 AM
Good Morning Guys
could anyone tell me how I canhook up Javascript events after a $.ajax
you should go to javascript room.
there you will find experts.
BTW, you can do this in success method of ajax.
5:13 AM
Morning all!
Any body knows, how can I get the list of Applications is running in C#(WPF)?
5:39 AM
I don't know
6:02 AM
Woow, friday [/sarcasmmode]
6:17 AM
@Loetn you're not happy it's friday? :(
@BenjaminDiele Yes, I do. Wasn't fully awake apparently... :)
Doing strange things on a friday morning
That's inexcusable! You should be sleepy on monday, and awake on friday!
Sorry, I'm sleepy. Bad night.
So that's an excuse :)
Ah, I know those. Lots of coffee might help. And no meetings too :D
No meetings: check. The coffee: no fan of it
So mission 50% accomplished
6:28 AM
I have the other 50% covered. Lots of coffee, and a meeting in half an hour :(
@BenjaminDiele Wooow
6:44 AM
grr, why can't i uninstall VS 2013. "Configuring your system. This might take a while", still showing after half an hour :(
6:58 AM
It told you it might take a while. It's your fault for being hasty :P
Also, good morning!
Haha, yesterday I installed VS2015 at home. After it was installed and after I clicked login, it showed for more then 30 minutes that it was configuring... After a while I discovered there was a login screen behind that window... :/
hey maybe someone knows what's going on here: I've a RibbonComboBox, in it a RibbonGallery, in that a RibbonGalleryCategory and in there a RibbonGalleryItem. In a test application that works just fine. In my application on the other hand, the Items inside the GalleryCategory are invisible unless I press the left mouse button while hovering over one item.
I already tried setting all Background properties to transparent, but that didn't do anything.
nvm, found it. I guess.
Inside the GalleryItem is a 'PressedStateOverlay', if I set the Background property of that to transparent, everything work's as expected
now I just have to figure out why it's not transparent on default
7:32 AM
is there a tool that can merge two csproj files and update references in depending projects? so that all references to the old csproj are replaced by the new csproj
right now what I'm using is resharper's "Move" tool and "Find Code Dependent on Module" tool to safely move files to the new project
but it's tedious work let me tell you
7:46 AM
You can copy the <ItemGroup><References /> part of the old csproj file? Could probably put them both in a diff tool and merge them from there.
that takes care of the files only
the real problem is that sibling projects still point to the old csproj that I want to delete
oh and they don't have to be siblings, they can be anywhere on the file system
but they're all in the same solution
resharper's Move actually takes care of that problem pretty well
but not always
8:09 AM
 ((VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(combItem, 0) as Grid).Children[1] as Border).Background = null;
sometimes I really hate WPF
I really want to hit the person that thought that making any visual parts of a control private would be a good idea...
I bet those are the same people that make it impossible to change your oil on modern cars...
@SteffenWinkler Modern cars? Electric cars don't need a change of oil?
@RoelvanUden now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I said 'modern cars' not 'future cars'
But they are modern :P
okay...let me adjust the sentence...
"I bet those are the same people that make it impossible to change your oil on current* mainstream cars..." *as of 2015
8:23 AM
so any plans for the weekend?
🍃 🍁 🍃 🍁 🍃 🍁 🍃 🍁
MAN/PERSON/HUMAN WHO DROWNED, (،اﻧـــﺴـــــﺎن ﮐـﻪ ﻏـــــﺮق ﺷــﻮد)
CERTAINLY DIE. (.ﻗــــﻄــﻌـﺎً مــی‌مـــیـرد)
Whether at SEA; (ﭼﻪ در درﯾــــــﺎ؛)
whether at DREAM; (ﭼﻪ در رؤﯾــــــﺎ؛)
whether at LIE; (چه در دروغ؛)
whether at SIN; (ﭼﻪ در ﮔــــــﻨــﺎﻩ؛)
whether at JOY; (چه در خــــــوشـــی؛)
whether at POWER; (چه در قــــــدرت؛)
whether at IGNORANCE; (چه در جـــــهــل؛)
whether at DENIAL; (چه در انـــــکــار؛)
whether at ENVY; (چه در حـــــســد؛)
whether at AVARICE; (چه در بــــــخــل؛)
@SteffenWinkler Try to assemble IKEA furniture. And shopping. Oh my..
@SteffenWinkler Celebrating my girlfriend's birthday. Although she don't want to celebrate it.
@RoelvanUden heh, I've to assemble two Ivas (one large one small)
@Loetn oh, in that case have fun :)
Morning all
8:35 AM
@SteffenWinkler Thanks :)
also I still need a small (stable) box or shelf on which I can put my (small) dishwasher
sadly amazon doesn't allow me to put in measurements when searching for such things.
morning @AlexH
how can i initialize default values to a function parameter?
@MuhammadSohail (int parameter = 135). Like this?
ok, and if i call the function without providing parameter value, will it go for this function or for parameter overloaded ?
for parameter less overloaded ?
@MuhammadSohail Won't that give you a compiler error?
8:41 AM
im confused.
that's why i am asking.
Function() and Function(int parameter = 5), will be the same for the compiler, if I recall correctly.
it means, we must provide the parameter value?
If you have Function(int parameter = 5), you can use Function(). And it will use the default value
Or you can use Function(105).
@SteffenWinkler Sounds like fun :P
aww yeah, survived 2 hour meeting on friday!
8:59 AM
ok, now i got it thanks @Loetn
I just got asked to create a winforms app for something trivial
5 minutes into it and I already made my own binding framework
@SteffenWinkler: most of the electric cars are considered mainstream in Norway. Almost 1/5 of all new cars are electric. Rephrase it again :) (probably add combustion engine or something like that)
visit this link and tell me what is wrong in this?
it is confusing me
I think you forgot to click the save button @MuhammadSohail
9:05 AM
You're accessing a non-static member
I'm an idiot.
@MuhammadSohail Console.WriteLine(new Program().Foo().ToString());
Your methods are not static
ahhh, shit, small mistake
now i remember, static methods cannot accot non static methods
new Program().Foo() works
@MuhammadSohail Aha, I was wrong
It does compile :)
9:07 AM
yes @Loetn it is what i am thinking about
@StevenLiekens when i was graduating, i had studied, static methods cannot access non-static method, but now why we can access with new Program().Foo()
it should not do this
@MuhammadSohail Because you created an instance of Program.
@Loetn and this rul is for all classes? or only for class having Main() method ?
@MuhammadSohail For all classes
ok and we were talking about parameter values..
now it is something else
Static methods belong to the class, not to an instance of that class
9:11 AM
which we were talking
@MuhammadSohail Huh, I'm confused
me too
and this code is calling parameter less method
new Program().Foo()
and if we provide parameter value, then there is no need of parameter default value
this is really confusiing.
@MuhammadSohail google.be/…
They are called optional parameters
9:15 AM
.be :^)
@scheien a) norway is not mainstream (but it should be) b) Even 1/5ths is not mainstream c) aren't their electric cars heavily subsidized?
@RoelvanUden the hardest part will be to figure out where to put them :/
@MuhammadSohail It's not that confusing. Essentially, if you have this:
new apartment and even though it 4 m² smaller, the rooms are much better divided which gives me some space where I previously had none.
public static int Sum(int a = 10, int b = 15) {
  return a * b;
Which is translated by the compiler to:
public static int Sum() {
  return Sum(10);
public static int Sum(int a) {
  return Sum(a, 15);
public static int Sum(int a, int b) {
  return Sum(a, b);
If you reason about it like this, optional parameters are really easy to grasp.
9:17 AM
@MuhammadSohail you can remove the first Foo() method
@SteffenWinkler Ah, cool. But IKEA stuff fits everywhere :P
ohhh @Loetn now i remember. when i was graduating, my teacher taught us , when using optional parameters, we don't need to create multiple overloaded functions. Just one method with optional parameters is enough and it is alternative for all multiple overloaded parameters.
now i got it
@RoelvanUden errh shouldn't the first method return 150?
last time I checked 10*15 = 150
@SteffenWinkler That's optimization build. Not the point for this illustration of how it works.
9:19 AM
errh, it should be Sum(10, b)
(now I got what you did there)
and int b
as parameter
public static int Sum() {
  return Sum(10);
public static int Sum(int a) {
  return Sum(a, 15);
public static int Sum(int a, int b) {
  return a * b;
Fixed. I forgot the last method to actually do the *. And I called it Sum, while it's a multiplication, which is nice too. And that's why, children, we give our methods sensible names.
my brain replaced your 'Sum' with 'Math.Sum'
Your brain is faulty.
yes because Math.Sum doesn't exist
I need some weekend :/
Don't we all :D
9:22 AM
although I'm now scared about how I'll assemble those two Ivas
@SteffenWinkler You follow the manual -_-
And have some spare parts
@Loetn please...
those are for users
@SteffenWinkler What are you then? Overlord?
9:24 AM
@Loetn something like that...
@TravisJ I had a pending close on it, so probably not. I actually haven't checked my account since the morning before last, work blocks it, and I haven't used my home pc since then
10:07 AM
Oh, hello!
Today is progressive trance, bbq and beer day in the office. Not much work is getting done.
Anyone else listen to electronic music to get in to coding? Or do we just have a weird IT team here?
@AlexH sometimes. For me it seems to either be Violin based music or Industrial (which falls into the electronic genre)
so either very calm but 'punctuated' or loud and fast
@SteffenWinkler anything without vocals I find helps
well, sometimes I need a distorted voice angrily shouting into a microphone ;)
Haha fair enough!
10:40 AM
is there a control in winforms that can bind to a List<T>?
seems silly but ListView doesn't have that capability
@StevenLiekens DataGridView?
I dunno it's been a while since the last winforms project but I remember using that a lot
all I can get DataGridView to show is a Length column
I don't even know where that came from
collection length?
Yeah it can be a pain to set up
frick, I can't even do it in code
11:13 AM
the 'whirrr' at the end is what does it for me
(also I want one)
starting to remember why I used to hate on winforms
then come back to WPF - so that you can find out why winforms isn't that bad after all
	public bool GeneralCampaignIsOnlyOnePresent
		get { return (bool)ViewState["generalCampaignIsOnlyOnePresent"]; }
		set { ViewState["generalCampaignIsOnlyOnePresent"] = value; }
11:18 AM
public string GiveRegularlyCallToActionUrl
        var itemLink = MorelloUtils.GetViewableRelatedItemsFromCrefAndItemAsILinks2(RequestItem, "PDF Document")
            .Where(lnk => lnk != null && lnk.ViewName == "Section3").FirstOrDefault();
        if (itemLink != null)
            return itemLink.Path;
            return "/content/imported-docs/p-t/regular-giving-direct-debit-2014.pdf";
more dumb
it doesn't help that lots of controls have the same name in winforms, wpf and webforms
@Sippy how so?
Hi all
	public string GiveRegularlyCallToActionUrl
			return MorelloUtils.GetViewableRelatedItemsFromCrefAndItemAsILinks2(RequestItem, "PDF Document")
				.FirstOrDefault(lnk => lnk != null).Path;
@StevenLiekens ohhh yes, what's even more stupid (IMHO) is that they didn't just put the WPF stuff in a WPF namespace. I always have to do a short google search to figure out which dll I need.
11:20 AM
The dumb part is the section 3 bit.
It's a CMS system where you can put things in sections, but there's no documentation for most of it
The content team asked me why the hell they couldn't change the link to this pdf
So I looked in the code and did some wtf
I should say, you have a main item, which is the request item, then you can relate random shit to it.
I've changed it so the top-most related PDF document to the main content item is the PDF it links to cos that actually makes sense.
ydafaq would you expect people to put it in insert arbitrary section here
hi @Donnelle
This woman was an expensive as fuck day rate contractor as well. I can't wait to be a day rate contractor, I can write whatever the hell I want :D
And never have to maintain it
I still don't get what you are ranting about.
Contractor wrote stupid code that no one could reasonably be expected to understand how to use.
11:24 AM
@SteffenWinkler randall really does like roombas a lot
Heh heh.
I keep finding random stupid snippets
I can beat them all
I'm apparently missing something :/
11:25 AM
I inherited ridiculously awful code which did things like use bool variables for program flow, because they apparently didn't know how to use else if
But the worst...
set { value = ThingID; }
@Donnelle eeuh.
@Donnelle groan
But I'm at least getting to rebuild most of it from scratch, hooray
There must be a ton of people in this industry who are only there because their Mum told them they're 'good at computers'
(i.e. play minecraft all day)
11:28 AM
"wat" was pretty much my face when I found that. And it took me at least three times to actually READ that and see what was wrong with it. Because you don't expect that to be wrong.
I chose my userpic to express precisely that sentiment
@TomW Jep, because the opposite is also true: 'works as a programmer' equals 'for sure he/she can fix all my computer problems'.
and move desks and computers around
@Loetn That's the worst
11:30 AM
When people ask me if I can fix their PC I tell them I know nothing and I hate computers more than they do.
@Loetn Mom, I can't make Apple not suck. That is not within my power. Unless you'll let me put Windows on it
Because you have more reason to, hahaha
It's a lie and a truth, I know a lot, but I fucking hate computers.
@TomW heh heh heh
@TomW Haha
11:31 AM
Can I pick your collective brains on something?
dons colander NOOOOO
Tom is a pastafarian?
I'm partaking of sacrament right now
Is sacramint a flavour of gum?
11:33 AM
Oh yes, W10 gave a critical error: 'Start menu and cortana aren't working'. And I've no idea how to fix it. Can't do anything.
@KendallFrey mixing with gubmint prohibited by the constitution
@Donnelle after that 'interesting' digression; sure
I bought Vimto eliquid
Arrived today cannot wait to try it.
Smells awesome
Had a few years out of web dev with kids, heh, and I'm a bit stumped on this one.

MVC, using Ajax.BeginForm to submit a form which contains user-entered HTML. Property has [AllowHtml], action has [ValidateInput(false)]. It hits breakpoints in the action, does a save (via OData, and stuff does get updated in the DB) - but it always hits the Ajax.BeginForm OnFailure with a 500, "potentially dangerous request" blah blah
Just had someone say "API" as "oppy"
I don't get why it hits the action and THEN throws a 500
when the action has completed successfully
11:36 AM
@Sippy English is not his first language
Is he a Frenadian
I don't work with canadians
@KendallFrey URL, pronounced Earl.
like, exactly 0
11:37 AM
tell him to just say a-p-i
cos it has teh same number of fekin syllables
@Sippy Someone did
good deed for the day
@Sippy learn to fuckin count bruh
I really fucking hate gooey
I use gooey
11:38 AM
@Sippy use a tissue bruh
My dad pronounces WPF as pfft
Heh heh
@KendallFrey must have been the dog
@KendallFrey WeeePeeeeFfffff
11:40 AM
Best acronym pronunciation: HTTP - hot potato
hot potato google dot com
Any ideas of even where to start?
at the beginning
@TomW you spelled 'GNU/Linux' wrong...
@Donnelle umm. Dunno. Don't really do much web dev. It sounds as though you've done the obvious things though
I just don't understand how it hits the action THEN "bad requests" out. Blergh. Anyway, thanks :)
11:46 AM
@Donnelle First port of call is to google the error message and apply every fix under the sun :D
Heh, how do you think AllowHtml and Validate ended up in there ;)
@Donnelle what does the generated form markup look like?
The submitted form?
The content you get in the browser
I tend to do all my ajax JS myself
To avoid problems like this
11:48 AM
Or the markup for it, I mean
The jqXHR is a YSOD
Never seen Ajax.BeginForm to be simple enough for my needz
It's fine on all my other ones - which don't have HTML, heh
stahp with all the acronymz
ma brain
@Donnelle the fact that it's invoking the action method is really mysterious, I'd like to see what the form markup looks like in case it's doing...'something else'...
i.e. making another call or something
11:52 AM
Tried setting the requestvalidation mode in web.config?
It'd be pretty spammy to post it in here
I haven't - but I'd probably go the encode/decode route before I changed that
@Donnelle ohh, another idea: Is there anything in the URL like a query parameter?
Of the page I'm submitting from?
Put it in pastebin or something
requestPathInvalidCharacters specifies a list of chars that can't be used in paths because they're assumed to be an injection risk. You can disable it by setting it to ""
@Donnelle the URL posted to, I guess. Although that also wouldn't explain why the request gets executed THEN barfs
pastebin blocked at work :(
Exactly, it's the order that confuses me
@Donnelle Does your action method need to return a success value?
And it hits
public JsonNetResult SaveDashboardCard(DashboardCardViewModel card)

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