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6:09 PM
no, why?
@KendallFrey Doing some research with Betterment. Wasn't sure what others may use-
I'm trying to gauge Betterment VS Vanguard and a couple others.
Vanguard is top notch
I use Fidelity for ETF investment
A "Please read the room rules if you want help" popup box would be awesome for people who are new to the chat.
6:27 PM
you just suggested adding a pop up. GET OUT!!!
@Pheonixblade9 I could make it happen without access to the SO codebase.
@KendallFrey I'm sure you could
hint: feeds can appear in a popup
your mom can appear in a popup
... camper with me in it, cooking her dinner.
6:36 PM
no, we already had breakfast at tiffany's
6:55 PM
As a consumer of a class that utilizes 4 DI services would you rather pass all 4 in the constructor or have a sturct that is an aggregate of the services
@rerun imho it depends on whether those four services represent independent concepts
So if the consumer has a choice of doing four unrelated tasks for which it has four collaborators, keep them separate
you have to ask yourself if you wrap them in a struct, or what I guess I'd call a parameter object, is it really just one service?
they are one is a data provider one is a message subscriber one is a message sender
no its just convenience
they are independent that is
Well parameter objects cut down the amount of typing, but if you're doing DI you wouldn't be typing the instantiation code directly anyway
Usually just noise imho
Makes sense if the constructor arguments are data and the struct is conceptually a kind of document, that's the only case I'd use it
Someone have a moment to help with XML Parsing?
I use that approach for config based items rather then parameters in general as I try to make most classes immutable
7:04 PM
@Greg you want to serialize or no?
@juanvan I'm attempting to deserialize.
@juanvan The model changed drastically, which broke this:
private void ParseToDatabase(CanvasResult model)
    foreach(var submission in model.Submissions)
        var responses = submission.Sections.SelectMany(obj => obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })).ToList();
        var invoices = responses.Where(obj => obj.Label == "Invoice Number(s):").Select(obj => obj.Value).ToList();
        var printed = responses.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Label == "Printed Name:").Value;
        var signature = responses.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Label == "Signature:").Value;
That is the upper fragment, the model that I've got:
/// <remarks/>
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
    public partial class CanvasResult

        private byte totalPagesField;

        private byte currentPageField;

        private CanvasResultSubmission[] submissionsField;

        /// <remarks/>
        public byte TotalPages
                return this.totalPagesField;
@juanvan Any thoughts?
@Pheonixblade9 Hear anything about Betterment?
Can you get a full new xml response, paste it into a class and see what is changed?
@juanvan I know what is changed
This is the old model:
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace="", IsNullable=false)]
public partial class CanvasResult {

    private byte totalPagesField;

    private byte currentPageField;

    private CanvasResultSubmission[] submissionsField;

    /// <remarks/>
    public byte TotalPages {
        get {
            return this.totalPagesField;
        set {
            this.totalPagesField = value;
An extra field, <SubmissionNumber>. I know one of them has more than one invoice numbers but my above code should account for that
@juanvan Shouldn't my Linq above work fine?
They are the same
@juanvan Oh, pasted wrong one
7:13 PM
I just pasted them twice into beyondcompare to make sure
#region Data Model (Public Partial Class):

    /// <remarks/>
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", ElementName = "CanvasResult", IsNullable = false)]
    public partial class CanvasResult
        private byte totalPagesField;
        private byte currentPageField;
        private CanvasResultSubmission[] submissionsField;

        /// <remarks/>
        public byte TotalPages
            get { return this.totalPagesField; }
What is the error when you run the serializer on it?
The model is the what the serialzer returns?
Won't even deserialize now.
TResult IEnumerable issue, null exception
So now it doesn't sync with our model.
well narrows it down
what ever is not Nullable is the problem
public partial class CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreensScreenResponse

public partial class CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreensScreenResponsesResponsesResponse
u change the first to singular
7:23 PM
but then that second one is missing from the new model and runs right into where this partial class starts on the other file
I guess that was removed - the other partial class is now having
private string labelField;
private string valueField;
private string typeField;
I guess with out seeing the xml its kinda hard to guess what the model should be
is it possible to performance profile a windows service over the network with Ants?
@juanvan I have the new xml that is generated.
@Greg still fighting with the XML, eh?
7:27 PM
@Darek No, I had it working.
@Darek Then my boss decided to change the data drastically.
Broke it?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <TotalPages>1</TotalPages><CurrentPage>1</CurrentPage><Submissions><Submission Id="7567191">
  <Form Id="802714">
    <Name>Proof of Delivery</Name>
  <Date>2014.09.02 21:11:13</Date>
  <DeviceDate>2014.09.02 21:08:07</DeviceDate>
@juanvan That is the new XML structure.
I would not callit drastic
7:29 PM
@Darek He added a new field, plus it repeats multiple invoice numbers now.
How can I fix it, because now all that Linq that I struggled with is broken.
@juanvan @Darek Why would it break that Linq, shouldn't it have proper access?
jk, i hope i got somebodys hopes up
var content = submission.Sections.SelectMany(obj => obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type }));
@Darek @juanvan Would it look more like that?
7:34 PM
"Printed Name" not found
lol, celeb leaks? of course
totally seen penny's vag off of the big bang theory
Photo not found - have to add these labels to be found
@juanvan Is that with my code I posted above?
trying ot see why you are looking for them in the model but they are not there
7:37 PM
@juanvan They are, sadly the API sends them as: Label, Value, Type
    <Label>Printed Name:</Label>
    <Value>joe smith</Value>
    <Type>Text Box</Type>
@Darek The good news is I'm getting better with Linq, better than I was.
Computers are soooo general purpose
@Steve you should hop into the JS room, we're I'm talking about you ;P
7:40 PM
I said why
remember the hairy monkey butts?
im here im here
i dont see me being the center of attention
not you specifically
@juanvan Do I just need to add Response?
@juanvan It looks like the model changed, where instead of Responses containing all the data it is Responses.Response.
@Steve well now you are
I am taking a look with the code doing a sample
7:44 PM
@juanvan Well, I just got an error :( Null Exception with that change.
nope. no idea about it
Deserialzed it ok
that class should work
/// <remarks/>
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
    public partial class CanvasResult

        private byte totalPagesField;

        private byte currentPageField;

        private CanvasResultSubmission[] submissionsField;

        /// <remarks/>
        public byte TotalPages
                return this.totalPagesField;
@juanvan What do I need to do to fix it?
My Linq is still off @juanvan
ya taking a look see what might have changed
subs.Sections.SelectMany(t=> t.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response.Select(response =>new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })).ToList();
7:59 PM
@juanvan That is what I had, which failed... Hmm.
yep it all gets filled for me
Let me try it again.
@juanvan Well, it worked twice then on the third record it Value can't be null.
the 3rd xml file or the 3rd Submissions in that test file? - found it
.Response.Select - is null..
on the 3rd obj
8:12 PM
@juanvan How can I fix it?
Can someone explain why _instance is in this example? It doesnt appear to be used, or im just blind. asp.net/signalr/overview/signalr-20/hubs-api/…
So when I updated the test data to Person1 - Person2 in the xmltree - I never get to Person2
NM -
8:31 PM
@juanvan So what should I do to fix it?
<Name>Input Invoice Number</Name>
              <Responses Entry="Invoice Number(s):">
          <Label>Invoice Number(s):</Label>
          <Type>Text Box</Type>
          <Label>Invoice Number(s):</Label>
          <Type>Text Box</Type>
that is the problem code - I replaced that with <screen/> and it worked for person3
stepping into the deserialzer
<Responses Entry="Invoice Number(s):">
tree changed
I can't change the XML.
ya - so whats a work around
do you have to serialze?
can you just use decendants
Well, I was trying to avoid that. I could attempt to delete the other items and try to rebuild a class; see if the tree stay's consistent.
this is a very small sample too
is this all the examples the DTD will be?
8:39 PM
@juanvan ?
Here is a sample:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <TotalPages>1</TotalPages><CurrentPage>1</CurrentPage><Submissions><Submission Id="7584157">
  <Form Id="822864">
    <Name>Proof of Delivery</Name>
  <Date>2014.09.03 18:23:51</Date>
  <DeviceDate>2014.09.03 18:20:57</DeviceDate>
  <UserName>First name.Last Name@Hotmail.com</UserName>
  <FirstName>First name</FirstName>
  <LastName>Last Name</LastName>
ok so its just that one edge case
Yeah, the only difference would be their may be "one invoice" number. Not more than one.
ya so if you want to edge it
    if (subs.Sections.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response != null)
                        var responses = subs.Sections.SelectMany(t => t.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })).ToList();

                        var responses = subs.Sections.SelectMany(t => t.Screens.Screen.Responses.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })).ToList();
You think just add an if to fix it?
so it Response is null - go one more layer of Responses
going to test it now
8:48 PM
@juanvan You can't do that, you'd have to project it different to do that.
ya the select kills it
well have to change 2 things or do decendants
@juanvan ?
catch for null and project your response diffrent
@juanvan Don't like that, got to be a way to test with Linq.
ya no clue how tho - off good luck!
8:58 PM
@juanvan Hm, before you go.
What triggered it to be null. What isn't it reading?
9:18 PM
Is this a bad question?
Q: Anonymous Type and Null

GregOur company utilizes a service, which gives developers access to their application through a Rest Api. So based on the content that this application generates, I built a data model to represent the Extensible Markup Language (XML) for easier modification. However the API generates two separate ...

i evened it up for you
those bastard down-voting nazi's
@RyanTernier Thanks, I thought it was a good question.
Checking for a null in an Anonymous Type is useful.
you need the ?. feature .NEt will have in the future
obj?.obj1?.obj2 et.c
@RyanTernier ?
break out if one is null
9:23 PM
Ugh, this XML is driving me crazy!
@RyanTernier I'm like at a loss, all because my boss decided to change model :(
@RyanTernier Well, the problem is clear. The 3rd party API when there is more than one response for an area it automatically adds responses pluralizing. Ugh-
@TravisJ I love you.
@TravisJ Was my question at least good?
9:39 PM
yo dawg, we heard you like responses
@drch hahaha
@Greg - I thought it was a fine question. Showed the issue, what you tried, and had a solution.
Although the null coallescer is cleaner =/
i would just use XDocument and take the child elements
but thats just me
9:54 PM
And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou let the thread sleep between the XYZ
and the ExitWindow methods in the test. Thou shalt count to one thousand milliseconds, no more, no less. One thousand milliseconds shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be one thousand milliseconds. Five milliseconds is right out. Once the number one thousand milliseconds, being the first integer, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of UI Testing towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
wtf.... groupon are trolls
@RyanTernier buyin' the girl some ice?
@TravisJ Well that is good.
wiggle wiggle wiggle
10:05 PM
any of you dudes using Azure?
holy fuck azure redis is expensive
azure redis?
they made the normal distributed cache obsolete and replaced it with redis
well if you're running VM's, you could just deploy your own Distributed cache on those machines and link them up (NoSQL)
but im not 100% sure if its just normal redis or something special
i need a normal redis service
i think its just a normal managed redis service. but damn, 80 euro per month for standard is kinda ridiculous
figured it would be based on data usage not uptime
i only need like 200kB of storage for now
10:15 PM
@drch is it? that stinks. I was planning on using it.
ill just take a free plan from redislabs for now
I have a read-only DB that is gonna be doing a lot of full text searching
I mean... how do people usually do auto-complete super fast type search bars?
like 'foo%' should be relatively fast ;)
like '%foo%' not so much
elasticsearch is the go-to these days for full-text search
we use the old go-to lucene
10:17 PM
redis is less for search more for cache
well it's a database of birds
I want people able to search by english and scientific name
so... relatively simple use case
is it something that is relatively easy to drop-in for Azure?
any of these full-text solutions.
sql server yes, the others not so much
but srsly as long as you search with the wildcard only on the right hand side, sql will do ok
where name like 'something%'
10:19 PM
I think I need both
but... it will work for now
get it out first, then find ways to make it crazy fast if necessary
sql server supports full-text search as well
yeah I know about that.
we use it here at work a lot
elastic search is really easy to get started with too
it gets slow eventually. This is under 100k records though, so it might not be too bad.
the whole thing is in self-contained .jar
java -jar elasticsearch.jar and bobs your uncle
10:20 PM
So, @Pheonixblade9 what do you think is the best way to build wealth?
man - some really wierd shit gets starred in the mornings here
Betterment automates alot, but several people speak nicely about other items.
Such as Vanguard.
9 hours ago, by Sippy
this.Group = group.Name
starred... da fuq
@drch idk
@Greg cheating, stealing, and lying are the most reliable ways to attain wealth.
@Greg what's the expense ratio % on Betterment?
Vanguard invented the unmanaged index fund. They do a pretty good job.
minimum $5k-$10k share for most of them though
@drch eww java...
10:26 PM
@Pheonixblade9 you dont have to code it, you just run it
@Pheonixblade9 It does get lower are you have more money in their system.
Found out that one of our managers is doing a marathon. ...lol
it could be written in lua for all i care
its nice that you don't have to install anything
@drch yeah but I'm 100% C# in my solution
and I'm trying to avoid running my own VM
@Greg that is true of any fund. and 0.35% is way too fucking high
10:27 PM
@Pheonixblade9 website or web role?
you can install shit in a web-role
@drch I'm using an Azure deployment website
not a full VM
According to Vanguard, for the 10 years leading up to 2007, the majority of actively-managed U.S. stock funds underperformed the index they were seeking to outperform. For instance, 84% of actively-managed U.S. large blend funds underperformed their index, and 68% of actively-managed U.S. small value funds underperformed, as well.
alternatively, run an XS linux VM just for elastic search
The case is even worse for actively-managed bond funds. In that case, almost 95% of actively-managed bond funds underperformed their indexes for the 10 years leading up to 2007.
yeah, that's possible
10:28 PM
10 euro per month or so
but like i said - sql server will probably do ok for a while anyways
i mean - i only know of like 5 species of birds. how many could there be
I think there are a few tens of thousands in the DB I'm using.
crow pigeon duck turkey chicken
@Pheonixblade9 But they don't charge you any ETF fees.
oh and barbeque chicken
@Greg taking a % off the top is much more expensive than a flat $7 per trade
10:31 PM
@Pheonixblade9 a pure .net implementation would be lucene.net
@Pheonixblade9 Perhaps, I don't have to know what I'm doing and it basically is like cruise control.
the same is true of vanguard and they have 0.05% fee funds.
@Pheonixblade9 So you think Vanguard may be better?
I am almost positive that it is
if you're looking for a hands-off "throw my money in and forget about it for 30 years" fund, use Vanguard
Well, I want to be able to see my portfolio growth.
10:37 PM
if you're trying to get rich quick, be prepared to lose all of the money you invest
of course. But honestly, just put the maximum amount in an IRA each year
When I set a datacontext do I always have to use the new keyword?
I put the max amount ($6000 this year I believe) in my fidelity IRA and use that.
public ProduceShop(Game game)
            DataContext = new GameViewModel(game);
I think I do, now that I'm thinking about it.
@Pheonixblade9 I want to build wealth.
@Pheonixblade9 ....
@Greg ok. cut your expenses and increase your pay
it's very simple. it's just not easy
I've been doing that
example: I got a roommate to cut my expenses.
example: I got consulting work on the side to get more $
10:46 PM
Hrm, can someone point me in the direction as to why nothing is showing up in my listbox?
<ListBox x:Name ="produceListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding ShopList}" DisplayMemberPath ="Name" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="270" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="142" SelectionChanged="produceListBox_SelectionChanged" />
@Pheonixblade9 True, but I also want to build a nice portfolio to redistribute the money. While increasing through investments.
My stocks went down today.
@Greg what do you mean a nice portfolio to redistribute the money?
@Pheonixblade9 Well, to invest in IRA, Stocks, Bonds, etc.
Where they go up, as long as over the course of the next ten years it increases then awesome.
an IRA is used to invest in stocks/bonds/ETFs/etc.
do you understand the difference between things like 401ks, IRAs, cash accounts, etc.?
10:52 PM
@Pheonixblade9 Nope, got to research it.
This is a comparison between 401(k), Roth 401(k), and Traditional Individual Retirement Account and Roth Individual Retirement Account accounts, four different types of retirement savings vehicles that are common in the United States. == Comparison == == References == ^ a b c d "Publication 4530: Designated Roth Accounts Under a 401(k) or 403(b) Plan" (pdf). Internal Revenue Service. August 2009. ^ a b c d "Designated Roth Accounts in 401(k) or 403(b) Plans". Internal Revenue Service. October 16, 2009. ^ a b c d "Comparison of Roth 401(k), Roth IRA, and Traditional 401(k) Retirement Accounts...
if you don't know what you're doing, spend the couple hundred bucks and go talk to a finance person
a good accountant is like a good lawyer - they are expensive, but they save you more money than they cost. If they don't, they're not doing their job.
@Pheonixblade9 Okay.
Anyways, thanks for the advice. I'll talk to you about this tomorrow.
sure. Just don't get the idea of a get rich quick scheme in
investing takes time and it is hard.
11:08 PM
If anyone wouldn't mind helping me I'd be super appreciated. All this data binding stuff sure is a struggle to learn.
have you asked an SO question for it?
No. I just been using the chat rooms.
I ask a lot of questions.
How I learn ;_;
11:33 PM
I'm doing a query using Linq to Entities, when testing performance on the query the first run is 2500ms, later runs are under 10ms. I've tried pre generating the views for my .edmx files and turning off tracking since this is just a read query, nothing seems to help much.
is that just how it's going to be?
@IrkenInvader thats just sql server loading stuff into memory from disk the first time.
I'm loading a different ID for each query and .ToList()ing them to pull into memory, is there some higher level info that needs to be loaded for the first query()?
query?* heh

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