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9:02 PM
Well, as long as you're know what you are doing with either, I'm sure you'll be fine.
We're at around 300 tests now running against some of the most tedious testing.
There are around 3000 tests total. They're all manual.
What in the actual fuck. Why?
You are trying to move them to be automated right?
so much anger on the interwebs
login via post to rest endpoint, obtain auth token
@Nathvi That's what the 300 tests are right now :D
for all future requests, send auth token
9:13 PM
This company has been building this software suite for two decades. They precede automated testing tools.
thats pretty much it
Recently they've determined that hiring more people to click buttons is unsustainable.
Unfortunately they have not really gotten that real programmers are supposed to be writing the test framework.
So they have me, a 'real programmer'
and my coworker, who has some college somewhat related to webs something or other
and she is not a programmer
So it's been fun.
so its a girl thing then. so sexist. typical
Oh no, I have another coworker who leads the dev team on a different product. She's brilliant.
9:16 PM
The one I'm working with believes in crystal energy. >.>
i believe that hard work pays off... sometimes i feel like crystal energy might be a better bet
yeah, jswot bearer or whatever the cool kids are calling it these days
in one app, we still use cookie auth, b/.c its simple enough
Trying to figure out a clever way of getting an attribute on a property in a class through an extension method..
chaining shit together in angular can be so annoying
If I have this: $('#IndicatorImg' + type).text("~/Content/images/reddot.png"); in my js file, how do I update the image based on this url in my view?
the image source that is
9:32 PM
not sure if this works $('#IndicatorImg' + type).attr("src", "@Url.Content("~/Content/images/reddot.png")")
it could work and on the view side/html side, I would have <img id="IndicatorImgA">
how do I indicate the source in this case?
$('#IndicatorImgA').attr('src', 'new/img/path.jpg')
could anyone help me with some questions? im a beginner and I suck at programming
we can try :)
9:40 PM
Okay, I got an error in this line of my code: "public void CollisionWith(ISprite s) { }"
Rovak, what would I need to do in the html to grab the img value from js?
Does the image need a src ?
@goedkoop What's the error?
First rule of errors: Read the error. Second rule, if you are going to ask someone else about the error, include what the error is
9:41 PM
How do I specify the src to the js?
I use this in a member of a interface, but in the other members of the interface I use the exact same code, and it works
the error is: "Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type 'WindowsGame1.ISprite' is less accessible than method 'WindowsGame1.Character.CollisionWith(WindowsGame1.ISprite)'"
Then ISprite needs to be marked as public
in its interface decleration
@goedkoop That's an easy one. look at your class declaration and then your member declaration
make sure they're both public
@KalaJ yes it requires a valid src value to show an image
or the method internal, but they have to match
9:42 PM
Or CollisionWith needs to be marked as whatever the visibility of ISprite is.
@KalaJ if you want to read the value then use $('#element').attr('src')
I mean what do I do with the img tag in html?
<img id="blah" src=???/>
If I want to make it public in my interface it tells me "the modifier 'public' is not valid for this item"
what would be src in this case
You have to make the interface public
9:44 PM
interfaces don't need those modifiers
I make the interface public
ow fack, youre right, im stupid
The last one is my attempt at explaining why these errors occur
Ye i saw, thanks for the help
9:45 PM
@KalaJ keep it empty? or do not insert the image before you have valid src value
well it says it requires a value
<img id="IndicatorImgA" src="" />
Star Wars 7 trailer comes out friday...http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/star-wars-the-force-awakens-trailer-to-screen-friday-in-2-canada-theatres-1.2849308

... friday can't come soon enough now
@Rovak, in this case, the source should be dynamic
@RyanTernier At least that's better than coming too soon
based on the value computed in the js
I'm just not sure how to set up the img source to be dynamic
in the html that is
9:48 PM
@KalaJ like i said before $('#element').attr('src', 'newvalue')
but that's in the js?
Do I put that for img src?
yes, the newvalue defines the new source of the image
keep it as src="src"?
9:50 PM
@KendallFrey My girlfriend begged me for one of these for xmas. I didn't realize how much women loved these things; foreverlazy.com/adult-footed-onesie-pajamas/onesies.html
haha funny pyajamas
@KalaJ just keep it empty
I can't
I get an error
it has to be not null
@KalaJ Saying you get an error is not helpful at all
or empty
9:53 PM
@KalaJ then do it as follows: $('divwhichcontainstheimage').append($('<img />').attr('src', 'newvalue')) and remove the <img src=""> from html
"this attribute requires a value. If the value enclosed is in quotation marks, the quotomation marks must match"
this wil append an image element the first time you want to change the url
I actually got 2 more errors they seem very easy. One of them is "Cannot modify the return value of 'WindowsGame1.Character.position' because it is not a variable" In the line of code: "position.Y = 20f;" Above this I got declared: "public Vector2 position { get; set; }"
It would be cool if string.Format supported implicitly numbered arguments
<mumbles something about .net being open source and that you should do it to get your name in the credits... such a young kid it'd do wonders for his resume...>
9:57 PM
mumbles something about breaking changes
also, .NET isn't fully open yet, afaict
All I could find is a few random useless bits
Doing some crazy reflection stuff. Need to get an attribute off of a property in an object. I'd liiiiike to do it through an extension method as modifying the the original object isn't feasible.
Thoughts on this syntax:

derp.property.ExistsOn(derp, d => d.property)
the syntax is fine, semantics are a little unclear with no context
why do you have to pass derp again?
WHy pass in derp? Unless you really want to insult the poor fellow
Type inference.
Otherwise the alternative is

derp.property.ExistsOn<typeof(derp)>(d => d.property)
10:00 PM
and how are you getting the attribute using that example
Getting the attribute happens within the ExistsOn extension method.
I'm realizing I'm asking you guys an X Y problem.
@MrDoom that actually makes more sense
@goedkoop I'm not sure re-asking the question you asked earlier on chat is fair... did you read the links?
I need to get an attribute off of a property in a class, preferably by extension method on the type of the property.
no idea if this is possible: object.GetAttribute<AttributeType>(d => d.property)
10:02 PM
Hey is anyone familiar with HttpClient?
Anyways, C# doesn't like mutating Vector2/3 like that
you have to create a new one to mutate it.
There's an IOException being through when I perform an HttpClient.PostAsync call
Anyone had this same issue before?
@BradleyDotNET thats bc its a struct
@Rovak, I don't want to append because every time I click on the button, it keeps adding a new image
and the image display is broken too
@JamieLester More details
10:05 PM
@KalaJ then check if the element exists before appending?
I know its because its a struct
Which one is better? throwing exception on purpose or try catch and finally return error message?
So a little more context, ExistsOn determines if an element is present on a webpage. In order to do this it needs information in the attribute on the property that corresponds to the element inside the page object.
I'm making multiple parallel calls to an web API (300+ calls) with PostAsync. In the request message is XML to create a user account, and in the response is XML with the ID of the new user plus some other stuff.
class page{
    [FindsBy(CssSelector = "#whatever")]
    IWebElement button {get; set;}
10:07 PM
@Teomanshipahi Hard to compare the two, I don't think they are the same
Throwing a new exception is a very different activity than handling someone elses
@BradleyDotNET Yes I did read those links, but I just can't find the problem, gets me so frustrating, sorry for reasking
Of the 300 calls, one will throw an IOException with the message: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.
Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.
Just can't think of a good way to get an extension method on IWebElement and then get the attribute information off of the class' property as well.
You may want to consider asking about your confusion after reasearch
Perhaps: "Why are structs immutable in C#"
Which probably has already been asked/answered
It makes us feel better that you have at least thought about the problem though :)
And most error messages are very self-explanatory
Okay I understand that, do you know any documentation which I can read?
10:10 PM
So you need to mention what confuses you about them.
which explains everything a bit better
@Rovak, the img link is broken
For immutability of struct?
So I don't know what would be causing that one exception
yes, or just c# in total
10:11 PM
@KalaJ how should i know which src you are setting?
@KalaJ and if the image even exists?
For C# in general I would always start with MSDN
ok nvm, I think I will figure it out
It definitely exists
For example, this article talks about immutablity in structs: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229031%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
and it worked when I did this purely in client side
in the view itself I mean
the image was displayed when I set the source in the view
did you use developer tools in chrome to debug the problem?
10:12 PM
but when I set the source in js, it is broken
I will debug
Btw, that was the second result of Googling "MSDN Struct immutable C#"
Just as an example of how to take stuff you hear about and turn into research items
@BradleyDotNET youre right, I should research and read more
Don't get me wrong, its a hard skill to learn
But if you can do it well you learn the content a lot better, and find that all your questions are already answered! (well almost all)
@BradleyDotNET I know, but I should do much more for it
Good plan :)
10:16 PM
@BradleyDotNET Do you maybe know a good book or pdf to read?
Have you seen this before @KendallFrey?
For general C#, a good reference is the C# series by Apress
Not really a good book for learning
But an excellent reference
@BradleyDotNET have you had any experience with HttpClient by any chance?
I believe I have used it exactly once
A long time ago
10:19 PM
(in a galaxy far, far away)
@JamieLester yeah, all the time. what's the prob
I'm getting an IOException on PostAsync when I make multiple (300+) parallel calls to a Web API
"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.
Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream."
@BradleyDotNET Thanks I downloaded it, im going to start reading it tomorrow (im full with positive spririt). Now im going to bed, thanks for helping me out
@BradleyDotNET Have a nice day
The exception only gets thrown on 1 of the multiple calls
No problem, hope it helps!
10:22 PM
I am completely and utterly baffled - I don't know if it's something on my side or their side
@Pheonixblade9 ever seen this before?
@Rovak, how do I debug why an img link is broken? I mean it is called and it is displayed?
@JamieLester maybe their server cannot handle 300 parallel connections from 1 host without going unstable? or they are throttling stuff
@KalaJ you check developer console and check what is the value of the src attribute
That's what I was thinking, but I tried with 50 and same thing was happening
@Rovak, ok thanks
So it
And I think even with 10 is was happening occasionally
10:29 PM
when working with network connections stuff may fail, servers go down, clouds crash, etc.. and you should handle the error and retry, log or skip the request
And in all cases, it was only one that would throw an error
i never expect a webrequest to work 100% of the time
You're right
@JamieLester is it on call 300 of those 300 calls, or a random one, or some other number?
If it's a fixed sequence number it implies you're hitting some kind of limit
It tends to be around the 5-10th call
10:33 PM
and fine thereafter?
Do you have access to the host?
I don't believe so - I can access the management console
@JamieLester The IIS failed request log should give you something, if you can enable that
10:35 PM
@Rovak, I feel so stupid but I'm not sure how I can tell what the value of attr src is in firebug?
It's probably not anything wrong with the caller, basically.
Hi @Patxiku
I see my own code and it is pointing to the path I specified
@KalaJ rightclick on the image and click "inspect element with firebug"
what is the path?
Does any body know if for in loops do exist in c#
10:38 PM
@Rovak, it says, img src="~/Content/images/yellowdot.png"
do you think the ~ is breaking it?
@TomW The API call I make is to create an account on the server. The call that throws the IOException, does in fact create the account - it's the response containing the account ID that seems not to work
And I was just informed that it is a linux horror show the server that it lives on
How do I correct it but keep the url short
@KalaJ the ~/path is only being replaced serverside by the razor view engine, when using it on the javascript you have to manually create the absolute or relative url pointing to the image
@KalaJ why does it matter that the url is short?
10:40 PM
for in loops?
like foreach?
I mean to say, I don't want to specify the full path
because it'll break if access from somewhere besides my desktop
I want to direct the path from Contents folder
Does that make sense?
@KalaJ so you want a relative url, is the website located in a subfolder? if not then try using the url /Content/images/yellowdot.png
@BradleyDotNET no, I saw them in a actionscrip code, I'm trying to translate it but still don't understand how they work: pastebin.com/QKwRL1eC
Its probably a range-based for;
@Rovak, in my content folder, I have an images folder
10:42 PM
@JamieLester wait, no, what am I saying. When I actually read the question properly, I'm not sure. I think I imagined a fragment of memory from ages ago about someone else having trouble with 400 bad request into your issue
which would become a foreach in C#
in my images folder, I have the images I want to display
for (x in Math.min(x1, x2)) =
foreach (var x in Enumerable.Range(x1, x2))
Possibly with Enumerable.Range or similar
So how can I use ~/Content/Images/yellowdot without it breaking?
10:42 PM
@JamieLester ohh ok, interesting. That's getting the synapses firing.
@Rovak I'll try this, thanks
might be something in the serialization of the response throwing an exception that's unhandled, which just closes the connection
Yeah it's really strange
@KalaJ you can't use ~/Content/Images/yellowdot because the ~ is being replaced on the server side. You have to make the url relative, try using /Content/Images/yellowdot.png
@KalaJ what is the full url of the website that you are testing on?
10:44 PM
I was thinking that maybe the stream gets overwritten by one of the other responses, before I can read from it
@JamieLester is the response just an account ID? What's the format of the ID?
@Rovak, THANK YOU!
without the ~ it works
Anyway, I need to go to bed, @JamieLester if you show up here tomorrow I'll assume it's not fixed and give it another think :)
Now I just need to check if the img already exists, so it doesn't append multiple times
It's an XML response containing all the details of the account including the ID
I only parse out the ID from it though
@TomW Here is the link to the my quest on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/26914208/…
I highly doubt it will be solved by tomorrow lol
10:51 PM
pff I hate translating from ActionScript to c#
@JamieLester I'm gonna need more info than that
@Pheonixblade9 I created a room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/65655/…
I gotta run, thanks for the help everyone
11:23 PM
Does anyoe here know of any best practices for linq2db ?
I don't think thats a tech
do you mean LINQ to SQL
or LINQ to Entities?
another StackOverflow awesome invention
Ah, then no
It rocks, dude.
I've gone full groupie
That is certainly interesting

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