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12:14 PM
@Ffisegydd There's something pretty close to that in locale: "magic" arrays of names that adapt to the current locale. Here's a demo:
import locale
import calendar

calnames = (

for loc in 'C', 'fr_FR.utf8', 'de_DE.utf8', 'hu_HU.utf8':
    print('\n' + loc)
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, loc)
    for u in calnames:
        print(' '.join(u))
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
 January February March April May June July August September October November December
 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche
lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. dim.
 janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre
 janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
 Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember
 Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez

hétfő kedd szerda csütörtök péntek szombat vasárnap
h k sze cs p szo v
 január február március április május június július augusztus szeptember október november december
 jan febr márc ápr máj jún júl aug szept okt nov dec
and they are not even unicode objects!
@MartijnPieters Good point. I wasn't sure what they look like in Python 3; in Python 2 they're UTF-8 bytestrings.
They are str objects (unicode) in Python 3.
decoded from the locale codec.
Internally the module just uses datetime.strftime() for this, by the way.
12:22 PM
@MartijnPieters That makes sense. And in Py2 it's easy enough to do (s.decode('utf8') for s in u), where u is as in my code above.
@MartijnPieters Ok. FWIW, I wrote my own localised day and month name demo using datetime before I discovered those array in the calendar module. But it's a bit hacky.
print '%2d: %s' % (i, datetime.date(2001, i, 1).strftime('%B'))
print '"%s", ' % (d.strftime('%A').lower())
Have you seen how those sequences are implemented? :-D
@MartijnPieters No. But I bet it's scary. :)
And Antti would have some choice words to describe it. :D
They store a list of bound date.strftime methods, then call them as needed in __getitem__ with a stored formatting string.
So basically, datetime.date(2001, i, 1).strftime('%B'), slightly deferred.
hrm, hg.python.org is being slow. See hg.python.org/cpython/file/3.5/Lib/calendar.py when it loads again.
What I'm wondering is if it's possible with standard modules to get the full language name & other info, like I can do with
LANG='fr_FR.utf8' locale -k LC_IDENTIFICATION | grep -E '^(title|language|territory)'
12:27 PM
@MartijnPieters I guess that's reasonable...
I return, full of chicken.
You eat cowards?
Surely you don't want to gain their bravery for yourself.
@RobertGrant Indeed. Taste of yellow.
@PM2Ring Ah nice. I might look into that and see if there's any additional features I could add myself and then combine them.
@MartijnPieters Ha! So basically the same hacky trick I used with "January 1, 2001, was a Monday".
Not sure what other time-based naming conventions are necessary that wouldn't already be covered by calendar or just strftime.
I'd also like to implement something that yields "1am, 2am, 3am...1pm, 2pm, ..." with various different formats (12 vs 24 clock, for e.g.).
Possibly also supplying time ranges, so "get me all the hour times between midday and midnight".
FWIW, a couple of months ago, I answered a question from a guy who wanted a Unix epoch time to Gregorian date algorithm without using standard libraries (it's for an embedded system). stackoverflow.com/a/35840555/4014959
My original use case is that doing groupby in pandas returns things as integers.
So 1-12 for the months, 0-23 for the hours of the day.
I am plotting the results and would prefer "proper" names.
Those month name arrays from calendar use 1-12 for months, the zero index yields an empty string.
That is...confusing...sort of...I don't know...
No I definitely don't like that.
12:39 PM
Doing calendar stuff by hand in this day and age is crazy, but once upon a time you didn't have much choice. So it was a reasonable way to show you knew how to handle irregular data structures and not screw up the corner cases. :)
Any font buffs around? Very good article on fonts and image processing: erikbern.com/2016/01/21/…
@Ffisegydd Interesting! It's a shame he had to convert the font data to bitmaps, it'd be nice to see what he'd get using vector fonts. But I suppose that could have made unifying the data a nightmare.
I currently have a font buff due to my Ring of Kerning +2
@PM2Ring Yeah to work with arrays you presumably can't use vectors. It's an interesting little project though. Fonts are one of the few things have an extreme amount of variety but are also comparable in that manner (in that they are meant to represent the same thing).
12:56 PM
Knuth wouldn't disagree. :) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metafont Also, Hofstadter wrote on the topic of font interpolation years ago, when doing the stuff that Erik Bernhardsson did would've taken a significant chunk of the planet's computing power and a very long time.
Morning cabbage.
Here we go: "Metafont, Metamathematics, and Metaphysics. Comments on Donald Knuth's Article “The Concept. of a Meta—Font“" by Douglas R. Hofstadter. cs.indiana.edu/pub/techreports/TR136.pdf Beware: it's a scanned PDF of a 43 page typewritten document.
If you're interested in font design, check out
Carol Twombly (born 1959) is an American artist. She is best known for her calligraphy and typeface design. She worked as a type designer at Adobe Systems from 1988 through 1999, during which time she designed, or contributed to the design of, many typefaces, including Trajan, Myriad and Adobe Caslon. Twombly retired from Adobe and from type design in early 1999, to focus on her other design interests, involving textiles and jewelry. == Education == Twombly attended and graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) where she first studied sculpture, and later changed her major to graphic...
1:22 PM
What is the actual point of factory functions?
Keep programmers in a job.
I've used them a couple times when I needed objects that are 90% the same except for a key difference or two.
It just gives a nice centralized location for the object creation.
A classic example in core Python: namedtuple.
the thing about the tories is that they always try to walk it in
1:29 PM
But why not just extend a class and override something and call super?
@corvid Because you have to do that for every variation.
Plus, it's just nice to have everything centralized. The rest of my program shouldn't care if it's a FooWibber, or a BarWibber. So I just call get_wibber(foo) and get back the right wibber.
Where's Kevin when we have an Arsenal reference?
Brief morning cabbage for all.
Things I've just discovered: I don't think I've ever used classmethod in my own code.
I've used it a bit. Mostly for alternative construction methods of a class.
Fizzy.from_foo, Fizzy.from_bar, etc
My class hierarchies tend to be such that staticmethod suffices.
Oh, yeah. I might have used that. Who knows?
No wait I'd generally use classmethod.
Always amusing when you search for something and you find a Q you've already upvoted stackoverflow.com/a/1669524/3005188
or something you've answered yourself :)
Yeah I sometimes start reading something, think "wow I really like the way this guy thinks" and then realise I wrote it.
An echochamber of 1.
It can be a little embarrassing if you think "Hey, that's cool, it deserves an upvote" and then you discover you can't upvote it because you wrote it. :)
@PM2Ring I've done that a few times, heh
1:49 PM
Grrr. 3 people claiming that list.append doesn't return anything, although one of them then contradicts themselves and says it returns None. stackoverflow.com/questions/37073643/…
Back in the days of [pre-internet technology which would date me redacted] I would sometimes download SF stories people had written. Once going through a short story I found on an old [redacted storage technology], I realized (1) it was awesome, (2) it was annoyingly incomplete, and (3) I was the author
@PM2Ring yet no downvotes?
@PM2Ring: ehh, I'm okay with treating "returns None" and "doesn't return anything" as synonyms in a Python context, unless I'm going out of my way to discuss return behaviour itself as a thing.
@DSM I think the soda protesters might have abducted him...
@enderland I was giving them time to edit their answers...
1:51 PM
people don't edit without downvotes
or comments, generally
@DSM Hmmm. I see your point, but it can be confusing.
It's not possible to return nothing though.
@enderland I was hoping they'd see my comment on the question... the OP did. :)
You literally cannot have a Python function that returns nothing as far as I know.
I commented on the answers themselves.
1:53 PM
@Ffisegydd True. But newbies may not realise that.
@Ffisegydd the one that always raises an exception?
No I agree, but it muddles the water somewhat :P
Oooh, interesting corner case.
@bereal yeah fair play. Rephrase: "you literally cannot have a Python function that completes without raising an exception that returns nothing..."
And I get the feeling that the guys who wrote those answers may not realise that, either. Eg, they may think that .append doesn't return anything and that somehow gets represented by None when you try to print it. Or something.
1:54 PM
"The only way to [return nothing from a function] is [not to call it]"
def f(): raise Exception()
  1           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (Exception)
              3 CALL_FUNCTION            0 (0 positional, 0 keyword pair)
              6 RAISE_VARARGS            1
              9 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             12 RETURN_VALUE
still returns None, technically
def foo():
    raise Exception()

    x = foo()


    NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-177-40aed0fa4c8d> in <module>()
          7     pass
    ----> 9 print(x)

    NameError: name 'x' is not defined
In effect, it does not though.
But yeah it's a nice edge case.
well I downvoted for you guys who won't spare your precious rep :P
oh someone else just did too
And here's a fun one: even though both if branches have an explicit return the compiler still feels obliged to add an extra one
from dis import dis
def f():
    if True:
        return 42
 20           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (True)
              3 JUMP_IF_FALSE            5 (to 11)
              6 POP_TOP

 21           7 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             10 RETURN_VALUE
        >>   11 POP_TOP

 23          12 LOAD_CONST               1 (42)
             15 RETURN_VALUE
             16 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             19 RETURN_VALUE
When there is no return statement in a function, I think it's legitimate to say that the function doesn't return anything — Ni. 35 secs ago
They even have an example they created in the comments of how a function without return still returns a value.
1:59 PM
Because zero is nothing, division by zero does nothing.
Do people actually realise, that nothing is not a thing?
Hey, at least the other answerer fixed their answer.
it's called nothing for a reason.
I called dis on myself, pls help
TBH I'm surprised people are getting worked up about this. If someone asked me "how do I not return anything from a function?" I'd say "just don't put a return in there", and if someone then replied "but won't that implicitly return None?" I'd say "yeah, and that's considered returning nothing. All functions have that as their "default" return value", and I wouldn't think I'd contradicted myself at any point.
@MorganThrapp The knight who says "Ni." just won't give up. But maybe when he notices that Leva7's downvotes have been reversed he might change his tune.
2:03 PM
Maybe it's just semantics, but returns nothing would make me assume that if I do x = [].append(1);print(x) I would get an access violation or something similar.
^ Same (meaning what the good doctor DSM said). implicit return of None when Python says "i did the thing, i'm done" vs explicit return of None. i kind of fee like we're splitting on semantics here
@PM2Ring That's my hope.
I would explain .append(x) as returning None and I swear to god we can dance it out on the streets if you were to "well-actually..." me about that in person
@tristan I will get all sorts of Bad with you.
From your tone I think you mean "fight", not "dance". #wellactually
2:06 PM
@DSM Don't rule out romance.
@DSM I said what I mean. I will get all Gene Kelly up in this piece!!!
I'll have you know I took 3 years of tap class.
Don't start shit you can't win.
@MorganThrapp youtube.com/watch?v=w40ushYAaYA&t=31s here's a video of me demonstrating all the fucks i give before doing my moves
@DSM Maybe we're being overly pedantic. OTOH, we often see questions where people get unexpected None, so I think it's a reasonable thing to be pedantic about, especially when answering newbie questions. In informal discussions between Python veterans I guess it's reasonable to say a function without an explicit return returns nothing... but I still don't like it. :)
i imagine someone is lurking and thinking "wow these guys are really serious about dancing and None values"
2:09 PM
Uh, duh, it's Friday.
time to write some php. back later :)
@tristan :) Gene Kelly could certainly dance, but so could Donald O'Connor. youtube.com/watch?v=SND3v0i9uhE
@tristan Doing PHP? I hope you're wearing protection.
2:18 PM
I often try something out in the i?python REPL, this often starts with initializing a few variables and maybe importing a few common libraries, does anyone have a technique for doing this automatically, or is there something build for this point maybe "from foovars import *"?
Where foovars initialises a list, a few numerics of various types, a pretty empty class, etc.
Write a script that does what you need, run it with ipython initenv.py -i.
the -i says "keep the interpreter open after running the script"
Yeah cool. I just wondered if I'd be reinventing the wheel. Not that this is quite as significant an invention as the wheel.
And FWIW, in the standard Python REPL you can put a script name in the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable, and that script will run before the interactive prompt is printed. That's handy for doing stuff like setting up tab completion and importing common libraries.
You can configure the default and other profiles to do whatever you want at startup: ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/…
@Andrew I'm pretty sure there are ways that you can run scripts on initialisation automatically too.
2:23 PM
I would want to make sure there was a way to make it not run, @davidism 's suggestion certainly has that.
from foovars import * can be handy in a REPL, but I don't know if I'd like that to happen automatically whenever I open a REPL, due to the namespace clutter it creates.
Then I'll make my own little foovars module and install it to my env with setuptools (or is it buildtools?)
Err, melon.
I don't like violinplots...
Do you hear that? That's the sound of the smallest violinplot, playing for you.
Actually, it doesn't sound that good.
I...you...but...SHUT UP.
2:31 PM
How do you feel about accordion tabs?
And JS fiddles?
2:45 PM
Hi. I am trying to scrape flashscore.com. I wanto get the list of games under the "Live games" tab. I am using BeautifulSoup to find the tags but when I inspect the "Live Games" link, I don't see any href link at all. Can someone help me
Have you gotten their permission to scrape their site?
If not, make sure this isn't going to be run too much.
Rule of thumb: if a site doesn't provide an API - they probably don't want you to scrape it :)
Nope. Haven't got their permission. Anyway I am scraping to make an app that I will use once a week.
So I don't think they would mind that :)
Always polite to ask though
And the app will scrape their site only once. So I guess that is too weak for them to bother I guess
Sure. Will do.
2:49 PM
After all, you're making an app that uses their site - surely you should ask permission for that in general first anyway?
Lots of guessing.
All the data is loaded through JavaScript. requests and bs4 only make on request, they don't execute js.
Lol. More like a figure of speech.
So you would need to inspect what requests their site is making and make those requests instead. But like we've all said: if they don't provide a public api, move on.
So how do you want me to extract the JS stuff? I read about selenium but opening a browser to do such a small activity seems overkill
You don't. You watch the site with dev tools, reverse engineer the xhr calls they make, and make them yourself. Good luck.
Looks like they might be using websockets too. There are Python libraries for using websockets, but reverse engineering the messages is even more of a pain.
2:53 PM
Hah. Sounds tough. Will give it a try though. Thanks.
good luck!
I feel like my js is starting to look a lot like python...
♫ my js is starting to look a lot like python ♫
import {Component} from 'react';
import baseTheme from '../theme';
import ThemeManager from 'material-ui/lib/styles/theme-manager';

class App extends Component {
♫ everywhere I code ♫
3:00 PM
stahp. please. it's may.
♫ silver bells, silver bell curves ♫
♫ another instrument term to annoy Fizzy ♫
/me sings softly to Fizzy
That's the only acceptable christmas music.
ergh freakin' java install ashgjasjgh "would you like to set yahoo blah blah"...grrrr
3:12 PM
Use your words.
@idjaw you in a bad mood just because I popped in and nicked some biscuits again? :p
I was really looking forward to those biscuits
oh umm... well... looks innocent
no one can resist these cute puppy dog looks - gimme more biscuits woof!
We're getting pizza for lunch, I'll ship you some, idjaw. Make up for how mean Jon was. ;)
\o/ pizza!!
3:22 PM
It's beer night tonight in the office.
It's drinking night tonight at my house.
same here. friday end-of-sprint, therefore beer.
@MorganThrapp Isn't that every night?
I've got 6 bottles coming in today to restock the bar, so yeah, we drinking.
@Ffisegydd Uhhhhhh, no comment.
@MorganThrapp I'm not mean! :(
3:26 PM
have a biscuit pup....oh wait...I have none left!
3:38 PM
So I am just learning how to use Tkinter and am wondering how to implement it in my other functions and not just in the Window class
That way when the user picks a choice each will have a different gui
3:53 PM
And if no one is well versed in tKinter is there a better module to use?
I like wxPython. Having said that, I've only ever used wxPython.
The docs were fairly easy to understand, and I could find lots of good example.
I ran into some issues with threads, but I got those fixed up thanks to JRS.
Lemme check that out
where is the python for windows extensions documentation? It seems to have vanished
does wxpython not have a download for python 3+?
4:01 PM
@Dominico909 It does, it's just sort of in beta.
It's stable and works fine as far as I can tell, but they're still calling it beta.
@Funkyguy Do you mean the docs for pywin32? If so, googling "pywin32 docs" brings up Tim Golden's site where they live as the first result.
So do I have to install an earlier version of python if I wanted to use the stable release?
@JRichardSnape Oh thanks! I was looking for the wrong thing. you rock
4:03 PM
Phoenix is stable.
It's just a fork.
ah gotcha
well thanks :D
Yeah, I've used Phoenix. I thought they merged it back into master, though last time I looked on github caveat - I don't use it in anger, just to answer SO questions ;)
Looks x10 easier than Tkinter
@JRichardSnape Oh, maybe. I hadn't heard that, but it's about time.
@Dominico909 I think so.
4:05 PM
Hmm - apparently not.
My memory is failing me - sure sign of aging. I think I should go and get beer.
That'll definitely help
It always works for me.
Quick question: I downloaded the whl and tried to pip install but it says it's not a supported wheel
How do I install it?
You probably downloaded the wrong version.
4:09 PM
[ ] wxPython_Phoenix-3.0.3.dev1979+a1cf723-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl 2016-05-05 03:17 13M
What's the dupe for x == y or z is always true?
this is most current I think?
Right, but are you using Python 3.5 on Windows x64?
but I like this one better
@Dominico909 And is your python 64 bit?
@direprobs nice. That article hilariously misses the point, though. It's not bad to copy code because you might get "caught copying", it's bad to copy not adapt it as necessary, if it's necessary.
just re installed and it worked
I don't even know
4:17 PM
Thanks @MorganThrapp for the help appreciate it
Yeah, no problem.
Mmmm - beer o'clock...
4:33 PM
I have too much meows
I'll take some.
I have zero meows. Therefore, I will take one.
Sorry about that and thanks :)
I have some=list and other=[], why are they not the same?
Just push uparrow to edit
4:44 PM
And hover the second one to see a menu option on the left of the text where you can delete the line
>>> type([])
<class 'list'>
>>> type(list)
<class 'type'>
so "some" is not a list at all then
"other" is an actual data structure that accepts adding new data
some is the type, yeah
so this question is more for the best practices of how to instantiate a list. Is this still the best way to instantiate the list:
my_list = []
Yeah I think so
I think it goes through some shortcut that list() can't
Probably because list() is a function or something
Unless you're really into millisecond timings, you probably won't notice the difference anyway
>>> a = list()
>>> b = []
>>> a == b
>>> c = list
>>> c == b
cool, thanks robert, that answers my question
4:49 PM
Sure :)
Right. Time to drive home.
@RobertGrant The guy copied and pasted the code without even removing the motto!
this still talking about Nissan? :-D
5:11 PM
@MartijnPieters haha
I just came across it as I was reading the news
5:23 PM
You guys. I did it. I made everything work.
Universe Solved. Well done corvid, achievment unlocked.
But now that you're done, you're taking a break, right? So you're not working anymore.
never working again, because I finally figured out how to into reactive state
I'm tempted to close this with "variable variables": stackoverflow.com/q/37077545/400617
Over 255 variables passed to render_template
5:39 PM
what is even on that template?
Q: Any way to bypass namedtuple 255 arguments limitation?

valorienI'm using a namedtuple to hold sets of strings and their corresponding values. I'm not using a dictionary, because I want the strings accessible as attributes. Here's my code: from collections import namedtuple # Shortened for readability :-) strings = namedtuple("strings", ['a0', 'a1', 'a2',...

@MartijnPieters to the rescue
that's wild.
6:02 PM
@Kevin you're alive!
Should stackoverflow.com/questions/37078696/… get a cv-pls before the 10 minutes?
only 2 more minutes, but it's kind of garbage
I bet that is a side-effect of namedtuple execing a code string
unpacking *args should not have the 255 limit
6:20 PM
It's not specific to namedtuple, the limitation is with (C)Python: bugs.python.org/issue12844
You can unpack more than 255 arguments, just not pass them in individually.
I'm not convinced, it's the interface of namedtuple that is the fault here
Regardless, it's an insane use-case of namedtuple, and Martijn shouldn't be encouraging workarounds. They should just use a dict and write the code for custom attribute access if they really needed it
The question wasn't about named tuples, I was just using that because it explained the issue and suggested the right solution, finding the right data structure.
And the issue is with Python, not with namedtuple. You can't pass more than 255 arguments to callables.
@direprobs totally get that. I'm saying the article gives the wrong reason for why you shouldn't do that: not getting caught, but you need to know exactly what it's doing.
6:35 PM
I don't get these people really, why copying? It seems like we're in an era where everyone wants to pretend to be a programmer, not to mention, schools are pushing programming for no reasons.
Sad world...
I'm talking about a developer from Nissan
I know, I saw the article.
It's just fashionable because there's VC money so everyone gets very excited (or acts it to attract developers)
What I was shocked at was your sentence "It seems like we're in an era where everyone wants to pretend to be a programmer, not to mention, schools are pushing programming for no reasons."
6:37 PM
Also some cool stuff is happening right now
@RobertGrant Well, that's my new favorite reaction gif.
Weirdly I just googled cat gif, and that was the top hit
Google knows.
Turns out my semantic analysis plugin is working well
Lies, you've got one ready for every occasion.
6:47 PM
A lie for every occasion?
That too.
No I don't! (Or do I?)
Incidentally, I think this is what dp was trying to articulate.
not a big loss i'd say
7:00 PM
@ThiefMaster let the knives and the gifs do their work
All about the gifs.
7:15 PM
trolol. That's fantastic
7:41 PM
Hey guys. I want to check if a file exists at a specific url before attempting to download it. Is this a viable implementation of that check or do you see a pitfall to this approach? gist.github.com/dehowell/884204 (I did not write this)
First half of walking dead season 5: take it or leave it. Second half: brilliant.
@HEADLESS_0NE seems fine
Can you explain what request.get_method = lambda : 'HEAD' does?
returns 'HEAD' as the method, always
Gotcha. Had to brush up on what HTTP HEAD was (w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html, section 9.4). Makes sense to use instead of GET
Thanks @WayneWerner @davidism
7:54 PM
Now you can change your username to HEADLESS_OFF
Finally, I can be an online store coupon!
8:24 PM
@RobertGrant It does. I've got it. It is.
Oh, cool!
Is it multiplayer?
Oooo, that sounds like exactly my type of game.
I love RTS games, but I hate the combat. I just want to do the economy/technology development part.
And it was created by the lead designer of Civ 4. I might have to torrent buy it.
And it's 25% off on Steam!
Good conversation, Me.
Thanks, Me.
I might get it if it's 25% off
Yeah, it's $30 now.
Man I'm such a skinflint. Even that sounds too much.
8:39 PM
No, I understand.
It's hard when you don't play too many games :P
Yeah, most of my gaming is done on my phone these days.
Hm, 2 keys for £30.
@MorganThrapp if I get that, do you want a key?
@RobertGrant I mean, in theory. I just don't actually have time to play.
Ah okay :) Very honest of you!
8:46 PM
I appreciate the offer, though!
Honest was the wrong word
Whatever the right word is - that!
I dunno, honest sort of works.
Stand-up? Mensch?
9:02 PM
Man I can't resist games like that
Definitely not my cup o' tea
I seriously dislike resource management
When I build my Red Alert 2 maps I dumped tons of crystals and mines everywhere. And split up the bases by water/rivers. Mainly so we could ally and destroy the AI
because I found building massive bases with loads of nuclear silos and airstrips to be way more fun than trying to maintain the 20-30 troops I could even afford
Funniest thing ever was when my brother built 100 Tanya's and went over to the AI base. Where they were promptly run over by a Mammoth Tank :D
Amazing :)
Did you play Ground Control or Dawn of War 2?
9:40 PM
DoW III is coming in 2017

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